Confessions of Workaholics: Part 5 (KkuChaen ft. OT10)

365 with ZOZI [HIATUS]

It was day two in Jeju. Eunbi was the first to be sober that she got up and cleaned the area. She made rounds, checking the maknaes, the unconscious adults – with an extra kiss on the forehead for Hyewon – and their bosses on the other room. She opened the room slowly, gasping at the scattered clothes that led to two bodies sleeping together.

“…” Eunbi cussed before closing the door and leaning onto it.

She couldn’t believe it. Sakura was never an expert in love yet here she was, sleeping beside Chaeyeon. Chaeyeon was the opposite but scary when provoked negatively yet here she was, sleeping with the woman of her dreams. The shock turned into a face-palm and a little laugh.

I guess our allegiance and friendship remain after all.

She returned to the previous room and saw the adults waking up. The maknaes returned from the mini theater.

“You guys drunk too much, huh?” Yujin asked.

“That was hard liquor and we emptied four bottles. Of course, we’d be very drunk,” said Chaewon.

“Where’s Jjaeyeon and Boss Kkura?” Yena asked. “Y’all witnessed what happened despite being drunk, right?”

They all nodded. The maknaes wondered as Chaewon gave the details, joining their unnies in shock. They felt bad for Chaeyeon and a bit pissed towards Sakura. Chaeyeon was a ball of sunshine; an important asset in work and in their friendship. Seeing Sakura reject Chaeyeon’s huge feelings with a simple no made them as hurt as Chaeyeon.

“I went to the other room earlier. You’ll never believe the aftermath.” Eunbi spoke and did a familiar gesture.

The adults had their mouths agape as Hyewon lets the maknaes close their eyes and cover their ears. The EA firm couldn’t believe their boss did that. The AL firm couldn’t believe their boss had gotten laid as an apology.

“We should freshen up and rest. That should give them the time to talk it out without disrupting our itinerary for today.” Eunbi spoke and everyone agreed. “I’ll shower first.” She then smirked. “Want to join me, Kwangbae?”

Hyewon looked away and prayed for her sanity, leaving everyone to react and slump on the beds in pairs. Hyewon remained frozen as Eunbi got to the showers, doing a come-hither towards her.

Hyewon hiccupped and used this opportunity to follow her. 


Chaeyeon felt her head was hit by a rock. Despite the headache, her mind was hit with the epiphany of what happened last night, making her bury her face on her palms. She rubbed her face and temples and froze of what she saw.

Next to her was a sleeping Sakura, . Chaeyeon looked down on herself and screamed, causing Sakura to jolt up.

“Jjaeyeon!” She held her arms. “What’s wrong?”

“This! This is wrong!” Chaeyeon spat, hands gesturing on this whole mess. “What – how the did this happen?!”

Chaeyeon and Sakura may have been drunk but they remembered everything last night. They remembered the same memory but had different perceptions with it. Sakura did it for forgiveness; that she was an idiot to lie in her face about her true feelings. Chaeyeon went with it out of impulse; she was hurt, after all, and her inner desire took over just to cherish the last moment before she completely moves on.

But with this situation, will it even happen?

“Boss Kkura, cover yourself.” Chaeyeon spoke as she covered herself with the blanket and looked away.

Sakura felt hurt and heavy. Chaeyeon was talking to her coldly, like the ball of sunshine she once had vanished inside the void of her emotions. She didn’t want that.

“Jjaeyeon…” Sakura reached for her. “About last night – “

“Why?” Chaeyeon looked back, crying. “Wh - How could you…?”

“Jjaeyeon…” Sakura reached for her again but Chaeyeon shoved her hand away. 

Chaeyeon’s sobbing continued from last night. Sakura felt guiltier and preoccupied her state of panic by picking their clothes up and folding them neatly on the edge of the bed. Sakura got to put on her undergarments and pants before drawing closer to Chaeyeon again.

“Jjaeyeon…” Sakura called. “…please don’t hate me…”

“You’ll never do that to me again, Boss Kkura.” Chaeyeon spoke through her sobs. “You don’t like me, anyway. It’s why you said no immediately, right?”

“Jjaeyeon, you’re everything that I want.” Sakura got to Chaeyeon’s side and knelt to meet her level. “I was wrong to say that; to say no to you.”

“They why did you say it?” Chaeyeon asked, looking angry.

“I…I didn’t know what to react. I was too scared and shocked to know you’d like someone like me.” Sakura held her hands tight. “You have to believe me, Jjaeyeon…”

Chaeyeon drove her hands away. She didn’t lash out to push Sakura away this time and decided to face her the right away.

“Boss Kkura…I need you to leave the room.”

“Not like this, Jjaeyeon…please…”

Please.” Chaeyeon begged harder.

Sakura gulped as Chaeyeon continued to cry; a face to which Sakura never wanted to see in her. Sakura persuaded again but Chaeyeon continued to beg. Sakura didn’t force herself and grabbed her shirt, putting it on before she left.

Sakura stayed by the door and felt weak. Her little mistake created a big impact on both of them. For the first in her driven life, Sakura was lost. She didn’t know how to fix this.

“What happened, Kkura?” Eunbi got out of the room with arms crossed.

“I screwed up.” Sakura sighed, rubbing her temples. “She’s disappointed and mad at me.”

“Who wouldn’t be mad after you forced yourself on her and you two ed out of drunkenness?” Eunbi raised. “Look, I know you lied because you were unsure of your feelings towards Chaeyeon but are you just going to give up?”

Sakura looked up as Eunbi maintained her crossed look. Eunbi was angry that Chaeyeon got hurt because of her best friend, all the while she wanted to cut her best friend some slack because she was a noob in love.

“You wouldn’t give up this easily, Kkura.” Eunbi spoke. “Now let me ask you. Do you like Chaeyeon?”

Sakura thought long and hard about her feelings for Chaeyeon, especially on how she always looked at her and how she treated her. Sakura explained to Eunbi as concrete as she could, making her best friend say, “Then win her back like a real woman.”

“What if she won’t accept it?” Sakura asked. “She hates me to the bone now.”

“Then be accountable for it. Try at the right timing and withdraw when she feels uncomfortable. Don’t be the boss she always sees, Kkura. Let her see that hidden you; that inner you who deeply cares for her.”

The door was opened like it was pushed by Mr. Incredible. Sakura winced of the impact but seeing Chaeyeon come out made her greet to the accountant.

Chaeyeon just looked at her before talking to Eunbi. “How are the others?”

“Still resting. Kwangbae’s already up playing video games.”

“Okay. Have everyone prepare before lunch. The itinerary will resume this afternoon.”

“Noted.” Eunbi raised a thumb up. “Chae, mind if I talk to you alone?”

“Eun – 

“Go and join Kwangbae. She’s playing by herself and could use someone to play with her.” Eunbi instructed Sakura.

Sakura didn’t become the boss this time and obeyed Eunbi. She got inside the other room and Eunbi shuts the door behind.

“Chae, I know what happened between you and Kkura last night.”

“You what?!” Chaeyeon spat. 

“I was the first to wake up. I saw you and Sakura sleeping on your bed, your clothes sprawled on the floor.” Eunbi went to comfort her. “Did she…”

“I don’t know.” Chaeyeon sniffled.

Eunbi hugged her. Chaeyeon hugged back and lets her tears weep out. 

“She hurt me with her no but not in that…” Chaeyeon confessed. “I am so confused and angry, Eun. Even if she said no, my feelings still stayed. I’m angry because she forced her apology rather than talk nicely about it.”

“I’ll scold her for that. What was she thinking?” Eunbi spat. “But Chae…can I ask a favor?”

Chaeyeon looked at Eunbi. She felt her hands wipe her tears and asked what.

“Will you cut Sakura some slack?” 

“Eun…” Chaeyeon sighed. “I know one no shouldn’t be a basis for me to react like this but I don’t think I want to cut her some slack. She hurt me, Eun.”

“She didn’t mean to. That wasn’t her. It was her fear rejecting you.” Eunbi spoke. “I speak of this because she’s still a vulnerable human beneath her iron persona. She didn’t mean to say it and is regretful for doing so. She wanted to come out of her shell so bad but she doesn’t know how. She wanted to be more approachable to our friends and wanted to reciprocate your feelings because she cares about you, Chae.”

“If she meant that, why are you the one saying that to me?” Chaeyeon asked.

“Can you do that favor? Please?” Eunbi pleaded again.

Chaeyeon could never deny that Eunbi was always right. As her right-hand in the firm and of her dying love life, she couldn’t say no to her. She sighed and said, “I won’t guarantee that it’ll go back to the way it used to.”

“It doesn’t need to be, Chae. Try to make an effort for it, please?” Eunbi asked again. “You won’t regret it. I promise.”

Chaeyeon finally agreed and Eunbi comforted her. Sakura got out this time and Eunbi did a major scolding before taking her place to play with Hyewon. Instead of an innocent smile, Sakura greeted Chaeyeon’s nervousness. 

Sakura hated seeing that. She wanted to see Chaeyeon smile again. With that in mind, she was eager to correct her wrong.

“Boss Kkura.” Chaeyeon spoke first. “Shall we make preparations for the itinerary?”

Sakura shook her head. “Can we talk about us first?”

Chaeyeon didn’t want it. But as Eunbi’s favor rang in her head, she was stuck in a dilemma. “I don’t think we should. Let’s not ruin this vacation for the others.”

“Then let me ask you something before we discuss about it.” Sakura spoke, not wanting to just let Chaeyeon leave.

“What is it?”

For the first time since the incident, Sakura became meek. Her strong gaze became soft, her pale face became red, and her straight mouth quivered. Chaeyeon’s deep conscience was having a battle whether to find it cute or shocking.

“Will you let me court you?”

Chaeyeon wanted to slap her face. Surely, Sakura shouldn’t have the audacity to ask that after doing that to her.

“Why are you bringing it up?” Chaeyeon asked back.

“I want to do it as a token of my forgiveness for hurting you yesterday. And it’s because…” Sakura drew closer and held Chaeyeon’s hand. “...I like you, Jjaeyeon...”

Chaeyeon was frozen yet her face was starting to heat up. Not only that, Sakura looked into her eyes for an approval. The intense gaze and the intense confession made Chaeyeon’s soul turn to jelly.


“N-No?” Sakura asked.

Chaeyeon saw Sakura’s eyes turn watery. She also felt Sakura let go and lower her head. She was too shocked to see the sudden change, as if the night activity tweaked Sakura’s brain to change her personality.

But for whatever it’s worth, an ounce of Chaeyeon’s conscience wanted to give her a chance.

“No…” Chaeyeon spoke. “…I don’t want you to not make it up for yesterday.”

“Really?” Sakura perked up.

“A single no shouldn’t be a basis for me to sulk and reject your redemption altogether, Boss Kkura.” Chaeyeon spoke. “However, don’t expect for it to be the way it used to be.”

Sakura watched as Chaeyeon walked away. The tables turned so quickly and she no receives the bad end. But then, Chaeyeon looked back and waited for her to follow.

Sakura didn’t focus on her desire to instantly pounce in and demand for forgiveness. She had to follow the world’s destined pace for her in order to be forgiven. For now, she caught up to Sakura and they walked together. 

Little did they know, ten heads peeked at that moment.

“B-Boss Kkura is opening up~” Yena adored the sight as she and Yujin consoled each other.

“What she did to our boss was VERY wrong.” Yuri harrumphed as Wonyoung comforted her. “Forcing is wrong. Period.”

“Wanna bet, Ssamu?” Nako asked as Chaewon bet a thousand dollars that Chaeyeon and Sakura will end up together.

“No bets.” Hitomi and Minju stopped them.

They went back to prepare. Hyewon and Eunbi stayed a bit and Hyewon held Eunbi’s hand before she went in.

“Can I also court you, Eun?”

Eunbi blushed lightly. She smiled and faced Hyewon. “How could I say no to you?”

Hyewon was shocked but her grin was really evident. Eunbi ended up wrapping her arms around Hyewon’s neck while the latter welcomed her in her embrace.

“I figured it out even when we first met.” Eunbi whispered. “I was in love with you at first sight.”

Hyewon looked at Eunbi with another shocked expression. Eunbi giggled and just cupped her face.

“And for a moment I thought you wouldn’t like that kiss,” said Hyewon.

“I loved it.” Eunbi inched closer. “Shall  we do it again?”

A cough disrupted them. Nako and Hitomi peeked and had smirks on their faces. 

“You ruined the moment!” The two huffed.


The itinerary for the second day has started. They hitched up a barge towards Udo Island and decided to have a bike ride around the island. The twelve girls paired up for each bike. Ten of them made sure to pair up first and drove away like motorists.

“Do you mind riding?” Sakura asked.

“I do.” Chaeyeon crossed her arms. “I don’t know how.”

Sakura nodded and volunteered to drive. Chaeyeon got on the back seat and Sakura started at a good pace. Chaeyeon would’ve felt awkward but the air kissing her skin was a wonderful experience. Sakura cycled quicker and Chaeyeon couldn’t help but raise her hands up and cheer. Usually, Sakura would reprimand her to keep quiet but Sakura couldn’t help plaster a smile.

It was a smile she hadn’t plastered in years and Chaeyeon made it possible for her. Sakura couldn’t help but be happy hearing and seeing Chaeyeon happy.

“Boss Kkura! A truck!!”

Sakura returned to reality and was face to face with a truck. She quickly skidded to the right, almost dropping Chaeyeon. Luckily, her reflexes were quicker as she grabbed Chaeyeon and lets her arms wrap around her waist.

The contact made Chaeyeon’s heart pound. She would’ve let go but Sakura held them in place.

“It’s okay, Jjaeyeon.”

Chaeyeon still felt Sakura’s hand hpld her arms. She slowly held Sakura’s waist. What made it more special was that Chaeyeon leaned her head on Sakura’s shoulder, making Sakura smile and drive faster, catching up to the other five and leading them. The ten were shocked to see Sakura smile but they couldn’t help their happiness.

They followed the boss couple and enjoyed their bike riding and probably their future days in Jeju. 

They hope and pray that their bosses have a bigger chance of being together.

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Hello, everyone. How have y'all been? I hope wherever you are, you're okay.

I just wanna pass by and thank everyone for still anticipating to this collection. I also want to share that Our Love was a favourite prompt to write. The recent chapter made me cry while writing. How about y'all?


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rynrkz #1
Chapter 78: ❤️
mycoral #2
Chapter 197: Love it so much <3
1761 streak #3
Chapter 197: oh this is so wholesome!!!!!!!
Chapter 197: baby yul🥺
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 85: hot hot
1761 streak #6
Chapter 196: i love love love this!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 196: aaaaaa my request! finally! thank you😭 and looking forward for the next chapters
Chapter 196: My Ssamyul heart❤️
Finally there is a Ssamyul story
reigngrey #9
Chapter 196: Kangbi…. What fate lies ahead. Im excited
hhhhhhhhh #10
Chapter 194: OMG. THIS STORY HAS FINISHED?! I am happy for four of them. I don't know what to comment, I just love this story. I like how you potray the characters, + the storyline is not cliche and I love the drama. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM FOR THE STORY. Stay safe and stay healthy.