Beautiful Color (KkuChaen and KangBi)

365 with ZOZI [HIATUS]

If you see colors, then you’ve found your soulmate. It was the case for the grey-eyed duo by the name of Lee Chaeyeon and Kang Hyewon.

They’ve known each other since elementary. And in every day they face their lives, they grow smarter and their views become less saturated. It was a matter of time when they learn to see the beauty of beautiful colors and if they wanted to reach that objective, they had to find their significant other. They need to outsmart the blacks and whites to see the reds, oranges, yellows, greens, blues, indigos, violets, and every color in between.

“You ready for this, Chaeyeon?” Hyewon asked as she readied her mask.

“I’m always ready, Hyewon.” Chaeyeon added while wearing her gloves. “What’s that in your hand?”

Hyewon had a tissue and Chaeyeon used it to wipe her nose before wearing her mask. The duo went down the operation room and met with the other surgeons.

“This is gonna be your first major surgery. Are you two ready for this?”

“We are, Kaeun-nim.” The duo spoke.

“Alright. Send in the patient.”

Chaeyeon and Hyewon rushed to the ER and were shocked to see a tall young woman with a very bloody head but they continued to focus and follow procedures. They sent the patient to the operation room and Kaeun checked on her while holding a document. Hyewon prepared the equipment and Chaeyeon sat up the monitor.

“Jang Wonyoung. Age 14. Extreme development of a brain tumor. How long was she in the ER?”

“A couple hours, Kaeun-nim.”

“Jesus, Yunjin! Why didn’t you inform us earlier?!” Kaeun spat.

“You were in a meeting plus Hyewon and Chaeyeon were dealing with an old couple that had a poop explosion.”

Fast beeps surrounded the OR and Hyewon went to get the defibrillator. She shocked the patient thrice – almost forgetting to say “Clear!” in every shock.

“Hyewon, that’s enough. You’re gonna kill her,” said Chaeyeon.

“Initiating neuroendoport technique. Give me a scalpel.” 

Chaeyeon hands a larger blade, shocking Kaeun and Yunjin. “It’s the only scalpel here. Who does inventory anyway?”

“I’mma kick Sian’s for this.” Kaeun mumbled as Yunjin shaved the patient’s head. “We’ll try to make use of this. Now what do we say if this fails?”

“She was dead on arrival,” said Yunjin.

“Wait, what?!” Chaeyeon and Hyewon were shocked.

How could the two giraffe surgeons forget that Hyewon and Chaeyeon were new? It was more of a dank joke spoken on a regular basis by the experienced surgeons but of course – with a life on the line and their alignment as medical professionals – what decent mind would say that in times of a dying patient’s jeopardy?

“Whatever. Just stick to the procedures and we’ll get this tumor out.”

Kaeun makes an incision on the scalp. Yunjin almost gagged because of the blood but Chaeyeon got some tissues and wiped them off, leaving Kaeun impressed.

It was no time for dillydallying as they need to save the patient.


A week passed and the patient was much awake. Not only that, two nurses were already facing her, with one checking the watch. “And we have 7:35 AM. What’s your time, Hyewon?”

“I got 8 AM, Chaeyeon.”

Chaeyeon sighed and gave Hyewon a hundred dollars. Hyewon thanked her and spoke to the patient. “Congratulations, Miss Jang. You’ve survived the surgery.”

Despite her baldness, Wonyoung had a great smile on her face and thanked them. The duo became flattered and nudged each other.

“Where are my guardians?” Wonyoung asked. “Where are my unnies, Sakura and Eunbi?”

“They might be talking to your other two surgeons, Dr. Lee Kaeun and Dr. Heo Yunjin. We’re just here to watch over you.” Hyewon answered.

“You flatterer.” Chaeyeon nudged her.

“You two are so funny. May I know my saviors?”

“Lee Chaeyeon. Kang Hyewon.” Kaeun and Yunjin arrived with the latter introducing them to Wonyoung. “Crackhead novice surgeons who are not weakened by the presence of guts, bodily fluids, and other disgusting substances.”

Kaeun went to check on Wonyoung while asking about her feeling. The duo and the little giraffe just watched and talked to each other.

“For novice surgeons, you didn’t gross out on your first surgery. I got grossed out before – even up to this day. To think I have six months of experience!” Yunjin wowed. “How do you guys do that?”

“It’s not just that, Yunjin. They don’t gross out in touching gross fluids.” Kaeun added. “As if they can’t perceive what everything looks likes. Hence, they can’t react like others normally would.”

Chaeyeon and Hyewon just looked at each other. No wonder Kaeun was the head of their hospital. She was a true genius.

“You three, you’ll be assigned to be Wonyoung’s caretakers for the next three weeks of recovery. Yunjin will start today. As for you two…” Kaeun pointed at the duo. “Please proceed to the ER and help Miss Sakura and Miss Eunbi with the arrangements for Miss Wonyoung’s stay.”

Kaeun tossed her document to Chaeyeon and Hyewon caught up with her to the ER. They went towards the information area and talked with  the clerk. “Miss Gyuri?”

“Oh, Chaeyeon and Hyewon~” She greeted while taking a call. “What can I do for you?”

“A settlement of transactions for Miss Miyawaki Sakura and Miss Kwon Eunbi with regards to patient Jang Wonyoung.” Chaeyeon handed the document.

Gyuri read the papers and made a call to the two clients. The said clients drew closer to the information desk after signing papers about Wonyoung’s operation. Chaeyeon and Hyewon looked at them and suddenly, their monochromatic view had more color.

Chaeyeon saw the white walls turn ivory. She saw Gyuri’s yellow shirt underneath her white lab coat and saw one of the clients having red hair and nice skin. For Hyewon, she saw the grey railings turn brown, her green uniform with a hint of red blood, and the other client’s pink short hair and pink shirt.

It was a matter of time when they learn to see the beauty of beautiful colors and if they wanted to reach that objective, they had to find their significant other. They need to outsmart the blacks and whites to see the reds, oranges, yellows, greens, blues, indigos, violets, and every color in between.

Was this the moment they’ve been waiting for all of their lives?

“Hello~” Gyuri snapped them off of their trance. “Everything’s settled. Submit this to Kaeun-nim.”

Hyewon got the signed document. For Chaeyeon, she was face to face with the clients bowing at them. “Thank you for saving our little sister!”

Chaeyeon took time to look at them and as she looked at one of them, the colors became vibrant. She rubbed her eyes, much to the clients’ confusion. Even Hyewon was copying her movements.

“Sorry. I had a bit of dust in my eye.” Chaeyeon snapped out again as she faced the clients. “It was our pleasure.”

“I’m Kwon Eunbi.” The red-haired girl shook hands with her. “This is Miyawaki Sakura.”

“L-Lee Chaeyeon.” She answered and pulled her partner closer. “This is Kang Hyewon. She’s also a surgeon.”

“We know. Thank you both again.” Sakura said before bowing again.

Hyewon just nodded and bowed back. The sisters had to excuse themselves to see Wonyoung but with the document, they also went where they were heading. Now, the four of them walked in pairs. Chaeyeon and Eunbi were up front while Hyewon and Sakura were on their tails.

“Unnies!” Wonyoung waved.

Eunbi and Sakura went inside and hugged their dongsaeng. The surgeons adored them – with Hyewon giving the document to Kaeun.

“If you’ll excuse me, ladies. I have another surgery to get to.” Kaeun spoke. 

Everyone greeted Kaeun the best of luck and gratitude. Yunjin checked Wonyoung’s vitals one last time before she also left to check on more patients. Hyewon and Chaeyeon excused themselves last but Wonyoung wanted them to stay. And in the case of Eunbi and Sakura, they didn’t mind.

“Will it be alright?” Sakura asked. “We might disturb your work.”

“It’s okay. We’re pretty new here. We work on-call.” Chaeyeon said. “But don’t fret. Dr. Lee assigned us to do runs in checking on Wonyoung for the rest of the month.”

Eunbi and Sakura thanked them again and Wonyoung gave compliments about Hyewon and Chaeyeon for their work in helping her. The duo were flattered and the older sisters agreed with their dongsaeng.

A buzz resonated in the duo’s devices and they were called to work on the ER because another patient was coming. 

“Ladies, if you’ll excuse us…” Chaeyeon bowed. “…we’re on-call at the ER.”

“We’ll check on Wonyoung later. I’ll do the second run.” Hyewon added.

The sisters had to bid them farewell and the duo went out of the room and ran to the ER, shock plastered on their faces.

They couldn’t believe what happened. Their gray views now had color. And who would’ve thought it had to do with the patient’s sisters?

As they got to the ER, they realize that their perception has been changed forever.


It was another day and Chaeyeon did  the first run in checking Wonyoung’s vitals. She checked her IV drip, her temperature, and her blood pressure. 

“Is if okay if I call you unnie?” Wonyoung asked.

“Sure.” Chaeyeon nodded. “120/80. It’s a normal reading.”

On cue, Eunbi and Sakura arrived with food. They greeted Chaeyeon and Chaeyeon greeted back as she wrote something on her file.

“Thank you for checking on our sister, Chaeyeon.”

“No sweat, Miss Eunbi – “

“Please. Just Eunbi.” Eunbi grinned and gave something. “Here. For you and Hyewon.”

“And just Sakura.” Sakura spoke while crossing her arms. “Give more fruits, Eunbi.”

Chaeyeon was really flattered. Both sides understood that giving isn’t practiced in the hospital but knowing that the duo were part of Wonyoung’s surgery, Eunbi and Sakura really wanted to thank them whenever they can.

“If you’re worried about Dr. Lee and Dr. Heo, we’ll also give them.” Eunbi added. “May you have a good lunch later.”

“Thanks so much, Eunbi. Really.” Chaeyeon spoke. “I need to go now.”

Wonyoung waved cutely as she ate an orange. Eunbi and Sakura waved before Chaeyeon exited. She had to sneak the food towards their station and made sure no one noticed them. It was successful and she placed one pack on Hyewon’s desk, watching her getting busy with sorting out papers of their recent patient.

“How’s Wonyoung?” Hyewon asked, eyes still glued onto the paperwork.

“She’s fine.” Chaeyeon answered then whispered. “Her sisters gave us free lunch.”

Hyewon stopped what she was doing and looked back at her best friend with wide eyes. They looked around and luckily, they were the only ones inside their station so Chaeyeon sat by Hyewon’s side and spared the details.

“Is this the time we’ve been waiting for, buddy?” Chaeyeon asked. “I’m seeing colors now.”

“Me too. It was so shocking that I almost puked after cleaning pee and poop.” Hyewon added. “It was thanks to them that we’re feeling like this.”

“Feeling what?” They almost flipped but luckily, it was Yunjin. 

“Nothing!” They both said.

“By the way, these sandwiches are delicious~” Yunjin spoke and ate. “We owe the ladies a lot.”

“Same.” They added and showed their paper bags and fruits. “They’re the kindest clients we’ve had so far.”

“And the richest too.” Yunjin spoke and joined them in spilling teas. “Kwon Eunbi’s a well-known choreographer while Miyawaki Sakura’s a CEO of an IT company. No wonder their dongsaeng was operated almost immediately.”

Yunjin continued to eat as Chaeyeon and Hyewon decided to join her. They also got sandwiches and as they had a bite, they reacted together.

“This is delicious~” Hyewon spoke and ate the whole thing with another bite.

“Heol…what an appetite.” Yunjin commented and they laughed.

Hyewon saved her apple for later and threw her trash. As she threw the paper bag, she saw a note inside. She picked it up and she went wide-eyed again.

It had the contact numbers of Sakura, Eunbi, and Wonyoung. 

One thump then another. It went on for a while until Hyewon accepted their epiphanies of seeing colors.

Finally. Her soulmate was found.

“What’s that in your hand?” Chaeyeon asked.

Hyewon hid it in her lab coat and Chaeyeon didn’t insist on taking it as she showed the same paper with the the same contact numbers on it.

“Destiny played us a lot, buddy. We’re gonna have soulmates now!” Hyewon reacted as she shook Chaeyeon’s shoulders.

“I think so too!” Chaeyeon shook Hyewon’s shoulders back. “We can’t turn our back against this because ! I love the world in color! And I know you love it too!”

Hyewon nodded and they hugged each other. Yunjin just watched out of weird interests. “This is some gay . Are you two dating?”

The duo looked each other and laughed until they answered. “No.”


It was the middle of the night and Chaeyeon was up and calling someone. She looked back and smiled as Hyewon was snoring in her bed. Their lives proved their lifelong friendship to the point that they played together, went to school together, worked together, and lived in one apartment together.

Chaeyeon became nervous as she looked at her phone. She and Hyewon got contact numbers of the sisters and tried to call one of them at random. Here she was by her bed, biting her nails lightly as she waited. 


“Uhhh…hey, Sakura.”

“I never thought you’d answer.” Chaeyeon laughed awkwardly. “How are you?”

Very much alive. I’m surprised that you’re awake as I am.

“Okay…is Eunbi with you?”

A click of a tongue was heard. Chaeyeon gulped and would’ve ended the call but one, it was disrespectful and two, Sakura’s tone gave her quite a fright.

She’s already asleep. You can talk to her tomorrow since she’ll watch over Wonyoung in the morning.

“Okay. You should go to sleep now.” Chaeyeon spoke. “Goodnight.”

Sakura hummed back and hung up. Chaeyeon grinned and decided to sleep as well.

As she closed her eyes, her heart couldn’t help but beat quickly.


Wonyoung was giggling as Eunbi was feeding her. Just then, a knock on the door was heard and Eunbi rushed to open it, almost bumping into –

“Hyewon-unnie~” Wonyoung cheered.

Hyewon waved at the young patient as Eunbi apologized for her clumsiness. Hyewon remained frozen and suddenly rubbed her eyes.

Was is just her or that the colors became vibrant?

“Sorry. Did I hit you too hard?”

“It’s okay. You didn’t mean to.” Hyewon said and went closer to Wonyoung. “I need to change her IV drip since it’s running out.”

Wonyoung watched in awe as Hyewon replaced an empty packet of dextrose with a new one. She adjusted the tube and Wonyoung winced. Eunbi got closer as she and Hyewon massaged her hands.

“It’s normal. Sugars can sting when it flows directly in your bloodstream but you need it to have energy.” Hyewon spoke. “Tell me if it hurts next time, okay?”

Wonyoung nodded. Eunbi couldn’t help but admire the bond a patient and a nurse was having. Hyewon looked back and she was intrigued the way Eunbi was looking at her.

“Uhh…Hyewon. Is Chaeyeon around?”

The question was sudden for Hyewon but luckily, she remained composed. “She’s on laboratory duty. She’ll do the second run later.”

Eunbi and Wonyoung thanked Hyewon for her service and the latter had to go to check on another patient when Eunbi went out to stop her. “Wait!”

Hyewon turned back and Eunbi handed two paper bags. “For you and Chaeyeon.”

“Thanks.” Hyewon accepted them and went on her way.

Just like Chaeyeon, Hyewon sneaked the food in their station to avoid any suspicion. But on this day where Yunjin was the only one left, Hyewon reverted back to exposing the bags, putting one on Chaeyeon’s desk.

“What did the ladies serve this time?” Yunjin asked as she got from her own bag. “I got tuna melt!”

“Where do you even get your share on this, Yunjin-nim?”

“From them but it’s sent by Sian. Never thought that she and Eunbi were friends. She sends them over to Dr. Lee’s office and we get our shares.” Yunjin spoke before eating her sandwich.

Hyewon couldn’t wait to eat. She also got tuna melt but it had more lettuce and tomatoes. Being the giddy food connoisseur, she ate hers wholeheartedly.

But then, she stopped as she saw a note on the side of the bag. She picked it up and read it.

Can we meet after your work? It’s something important. – Sakura

For the first time in her life, Hyewon had no appetite to finish her food. She kept the note, placed her half-bitten sandwich in the bag, and decided to save it for later. Just then, Chaeyeon arrived and slumped on her seat. She was tired and there were remnants of blood on her suit.

“Was the operation bad?”

“Awful.” Chaeyeon mumbled. “There was so much blood…”

Hyewon felt bad about their visions. Ever since Eunbi and Sakura came to their lives, it became beautifully difficult for them to do their job. Blood was a scary red, fluids had disgusting yellows and browns, and their hearts were always beating fast since they see people with color, especially when they see Eunbi and Sakura.

Hyewon remembered the note. She wanted to tell Chaeyeon but she thought it was better to keep it a secret. “Hey. Another sandwich from the sisters.”

Chaeyeon was quick to eat it and was happy about the taste. She took a lot of big bites and saw a note again. Just like Hyewon, she read it.

I heard you called Sakura and wondered where I was. We should have dinner together after your shift so that we can talk. – Eunbi

Unlike Hyewon, Chaeyeon had the appetite to eat the whole sandwich and kept her note in her pocket, leaving Hyewon speechless. “You were down a while ago but now, you’re up for another decent time to work. What gives?”

And just like Hyewon, Chaeyeon decided to keep her inner thoughts a secret. “It’s nothing~”

The phone on Yunjin’s desk rang and she answered it. “Y’hello?”

The duo listened to their senior and they were worried as Yunjin reacted. Yunjin hung up immediately. “Guys, we have an emergency surgery.”

That was enough for Chaeyeon and Hyewon to follow their senior giraffe towards the ER.


“Unnie? Where’s Eunbi-unnie?”

“She’s having a meeting with her fellow dancers soon.” Sakura said and patted her head. “It’s late. You should go to sleep.”

Wonyoung nodded and rested. As soon as she fell asleep, Sakura went out of the room, leaning by the wall and facing someone. “Thank goodness your got the note.”

“Yeah. And thanks for the sandwiches. They were delicious. Now…” The other person spoke. “…what are Chaeyeon and Eunbi up to?”


Chaeyeon was at the meeting place and got herself changed from nursing duty. She looked around to find a particular person and she smiled that she found her.

“Hi.” Eunbi greeted and waved, just like Chaeyeon did.

“Shall we get inside?” Chaeyeon asked.

Eunbi agreed and both got inside a restaurant. Chaeyeon offered to order for the both of them and Eunbi was delighted for this moment. While waiting, the two decided to get to know each other.

For Chaeyeon, she finally knows the world-renowned choreographer Kwon Eunbi. She was also a little familiar with her since she danced back in her days before deciding to become a surgeon with her best friend. Plus, she now knows that the three aren’t real sisters but best friends like her and Hyewon.

“You did it for friendship too?” Eunbi asked just as the food was served.

“Yeah. It was like that at first but I grew up loving it, maybe because Hyewon and I were always together.” Chaeyeon spoke as they ate. “We’ve been friends since we were kids. We’re sisters of different blood.”

“Same with Sakura, Wonyoung, and me.” Eunbi spoke and Chaeyeon wowed. “Sakura and I had that bond. Wonyoung’s like our baby.”

For Eunbi, she finally knew the novice surgeon Lee Chaeyeon. She was really thankful that Chaeyeon was part of the surgical team that saved Wonyoung’s life. Sandwiches may be simple for her and Sakura to thank the surgeons but it was the effort that counts. 

“It’s our job, Eunbi. Besides, Wonyoung really loved being with us and vice-versa.” Chaeyeon spoke. “Dr. Lee is always busy and sometimes drags Dr. Heo with her. Since we’re new and do jobs on-call, we’re happy to have a major job as Wonyoung’s caretakers.”

“I’m glad.” Eunbi added as she drank Sprite.

The talk went on for so long. Despite meeting each other a week ago, Eunbi and Chaeyeon instantly have a connection. They had the same hobbies, the same interests…

…and the same secret.

“No. Way.” Chaeyeon was shocked to hear it from Eunbi. “I see monochromes as well.”

“I went like that for so long. That’s why I don’t get to feel that much, like getting frightened easily…but you know something, Chaeyeon?”

“What?” Chaeyeon copied Eunbi’s movements and met in the middle.

“I’m starting to see colors…and it really started when you came.”

Chaeyeon would’ve spat her Coke but she gulped it and her heart pumped. Eunbi felt the same but she was smiling. And with that, they have one question.

Have they finally met their soulmates?


Hyewon yawned and sat by her desk when the apartment door opened and a skipping Chaeyeon came inside. Hyewon sighed and closed the door for her. “Someone’s giddy. Where did you go, anyway?”

“I had an important affair to get to.” Chaeyeon said as she hugged Hyewon. “Sorry for leaving you alone tonight.”

“It’s cool. I get to play Fortnite in peace.”

“Hey! Why did you play without me?” Chaeyeon pouted. “Did you rank up?”

“Of course not. I only rank up when you do.”

Chaeyeon cooed and hugged Hyewon tight. “You hungry loaf. Let’s rank up now!”

Hyewon’s worry faded and she joined Chaeyeon in their living room to play video games.


Days came quickly and a lot of things happened.

Wonyoung was getting better everyday. Sakura and Eunbi were always by her side, much as Chaeyeon and Hyewon were there to check her up. For the pairs of best friends, their bond and monochromatic visions improved with more color but their old friendship was slowly fading.

The reason? Chaeyeon and Eunbi had been going out most of the time, leaving Hyewon and Sakura on their own.

“Sakura!” A cheerful Eunbi got inside their apartment.

“Hey.” Sakura greeted, eyes and hands focused in playing her game. “How’s your date with Chaeyeon?”

“Wonderful!” Eunbi sprawled on their sofa. “She always looked at me with those cute eyes~”

“More like cheeky eyes.” Sakura mumbled.

“Cheeky? They’re raw. Her gazes are raw.” Eunbi spoke as she hugged a cushion. “True romance can tell. She may be a dork on the outside but on the inside – “

“She’s obnoxious.” Sakura spoke.

“I meant under that, Sakura.”

“Also, she smells like ethyl alcohol that it triggers my sinuses.”

A cushion hits Sakura’s head, making her lose her game. She stopped and faced Eunbi. “What was that for?”

“I can smell past through my nose. Deep down, deep DEEP down, WAY DOWN…” Eunbi held Sakura’s shirt collar. “It’s her being my soulmate.”

“Wait…you’re seeing colors like I do now?”

Eunbi nodded. “And it’s thanks to our knights in hospital attire.”

Sakura was at her zone. Even if she was happy to see colors, it wasn’t enough. The colors weren’t vibrant unlike when –

“It’s been two weeks. I should confess  to Chaeyeon.”

Sakura remained in her zone. It seemed her heart felt heavy. “Yeah…you should.”

“Please help me with this!”

“No.” Sakura went to her desk. “I at that.”

“Aish – come on~” Eunbi whined and pinched her cheeks. “Please~”

“I’ll try. I’ll try.” Sakura spat. 

Eunbi thanked Sakura through a hug. Sakura patted her back, saying. “One word of advice. Prepare a spicy tuna melt and some yoghurt ice cream.”

Eunbi nodded and decided to prep the meals. Sakura sighed and slumped on the couch as she mumbled. “You fell for the wrong girl…”


It really worked, Sakura! Chaeyeon said it was the best meal because all of those were her favorites. 

“Yeah.” Sakura nodded as she watched over a sleeping Wonyoung. “And when you confess to her, don’t make it too obvious.”

Eunbi nodded and thanked Sakura before hanging up. She placed her phone in her pocket and felt angry.

She wasn’t angry at Eunbi. She would never get angry at Eunbi. She was angry at herself for being incompetent to say her true feelings.

“Someone’s cranky.” Hyewon arrived with a blood pressure pump and a heat scanner. “Last run for Wonyoung before her release tomorrow.”

Sakura lets Hyewon do her work without waking Wonyoung up. Hyewon finished quickly and smiled. “Your dongsaeng’s precious.”

“She is.” Sakura said. “Let’s cut to the chase, Hyewon.”

Hyewon knew what it meant and went out with Sakura. They say by the waiting area, facing each other.

It was never new. They did this most of the time to be honest with their feelings ever since their old best friends left them to do stuff themselves. It was also a moment of witness wherein the two decided to talk about their main objective.

“Your best friend fell for the wrong girl,” said Sakura.

“Yours too.” Hyewon spoke. “It’s why we see faded colors. You see true colors when it’s truly your soulmate but it deteriorates when you don’t see them.”

“They’re gonna confess tonight. What do we do?”

“Nothing. Maybe they’re soulmates after all.”

“Preposterous.” Sakura snapped. “We both know that’s not true. Chaeyeon is MY soulmate while Eunbi is YOUR soulmate.”

“And what’s the point?” Hyewon spat back. “I fear rejection while you fear to be true to your heart. And besides, they love each other. We shouldn’t meddle.”

“How are we even sure if we don’t try?” Sakura stood up and held Hyewon’s wrist. “Let us keep our fears and worries out of the door and let true love in.”

Hyewon gulped but something in her made herself follow Sakura. Hyewon called Yunjin to watch over Wonyoung whereas Sakura called Eunbi to where they are. They were outside and hitched a taxi when –

Turn around.

Hyewon and Sakura did and they say Chaeyeon and Eunbi. It was then Sakura pulled Chaeyeon away and they walked away, leaving Eunbi with Hyewon.

“Do you have something to tell me, Hyewon?” Eunbi asked.

Hyewon was frozen. The fear of rejection was consuming her. Despite seeing the faded colors turn vibrant, she was afraid that it was a lie.

“I do.” Hyewon spoke and took a breath while saying it. “I like you!”

Eunbi was shocked but her vibrant didn’t deceive her. “Hyewon…”

“I like you. My gray world turned vibrant because of you. I liked the time we bumped into each other and we had that contact when you gave me those sandwiches. I felt jealous when Chaeyeon got your attention and I was afraid that if I confess, I get rejected by you and I lose my best friend.”

Eunbi was silent but Hyewon was getting nervous. Her hands were shaking and her face was red. It was then that Eunbi held her hands and said, “I like you too.”

Hyewon looked at Eunbi and the smile plucked strings in her heart but stirred confusion in her head. “B-But…I thought Chaeyeon confessed – “

“She didn’t. We didn’t because we’re not soulmates. You’re my soulmate, Hyewon.” Eunbi spoke. “I was afraid to be rejected too. I also thought Chaeyeon was the one but I don’t see vibrant colors when I’m with her. I only see them in you, Hyewon...and I’m so happy that I can finally hear those words from you.”

Hyewon couldn’t believe what was happening. All she could do was ask. “So you planned this out?”

Eunbi nodded and Hyewon was shocked that she had her hands on her head. “B-But…”

“If we didn’t, you wouldn’t confess to me. I wanted us to take courage.” Eunbi said and held her hand. “Come on. Have dinner with me.”

Hyewon held back and followed Eunbi with a surprised Pikachu face.


Chaeyeon was shocked as a plate of spicy foods and yoghurt ice cream were served to her and Sakura was willing to pay them. 

“Eat.” Sakura crossed her arms. “Those are your favorites. I picked them just for you.”

Chaeyeon thanked for the meal and ate. She loved the food and ate a lot. Sakura couldn’t help her smile seeing Chaeyeon happy.

“Here.” Chaeyeon gave her a plate of food. “You need to eat too.”

Sakura clicked her tongue but ate with Chaeyeon nonetheless. Even if the food burned her tonsils, Sakura ate for Chaeyeon’s sake.

It’s the reason why she fell for her.

“Do you like me, Sakura?”

Sakura gulped a piece of spicy beef down and felt turn to hell. But with the events falling into place, she had to be true to herself.

“Chaeyeon…I like you so much.” Sakura began. “I dream of you every night ever since we met at the hospital. When my vision of colors became vibrant, I realize you were the one. The only nightmare I had was that you fell for Eunbi instead.”

“And it’s still a nightmare, Sakura…” Chaeyeon spoke and met her in the middle. “…because I’ve liked you too…ever since.”

“Alright! That went well.” Eunbi spoke as Chaeyeon sat next to Sakura, with Hyewon taking her place.

“Wait! What’s going on?” Sakura asked with the sudden presences.

“This was all a plan to get us to confess.” Hyewon spoke as she pigged out. “Eunbi and Chaeyeon were just playing with us.”

“It worked. It made you true to your feelings.” Chaeyeon smiled and held Sakura’s hand. “We’re aware of this color and soulmate thing that – “

“Okay. No need to say it. I get it now.” Sakura added and joined Hyewon in eating. “You may have given us a heart attack but I loved how destiny chose us to be with each other.”

Chaeyeon and Sakura leaned on each other as Hyewon and Eunbi held hands. They decided to start this double date to be each other’s one and only in a world full of beautiful colors.

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Hello, everyone. How have y'all been? I hope wherever you are, you're okay.

I just wanna pass by and thank everyone for still anticipating to this collection. I also want to share that Our Love was a favourite prompt to write. The recent chapter made me cry while writing. How about y'all?


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rynrkz #1
Chapter 78: ❤️
mycoral #2
Chapter 197: Love it so much <3
1761 streak #3
Chapter 197: oh this is so wholesome!!!!!!!
Chapter 197: baby yul🥺
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 85: hot hot
1761 streak #6
Chapter 196: i love love love this!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 196: aaaaaa my request! finally! thank you😭 and looking forward for the next chapters
Chapter 196: My Ssamyul heart❤️
Finally there is a Ssamyul story
reigngrey #9
Chapter 196: Kangbi…. What fate lies ahead. Im excited
hhhhhhhhh #10
Chapter 194: OMG. THIS STORY HAS FINISHED?! I am happy for four of them. I don't know what to comment, I just love this story. I like how you potray the characters, + the storyline is not cliche and I love the drama. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM FOR THE STORY. Stay safe and stay healthy.