Magical Friendship (Kkuchaen ft. 2Kim)

365 with ZOZI [HIATUS]

Chaeyeon was still as she was eating her lunch. The cause? It was the picture she was looking on her cellphone for God knows how long.

“Kkura…” She mumbled as she caressed the left side of the picture. “Why do you drive yourself away from me?”

“Jjaeyeon?” She stopped her trance when a familiar call was heard.

Seeing the person, her gloomy expression turned into a happy one. She waved at her and offered a spot at her table. The other girl didn’t react and joined her.

“How’s your day, Kkura?” Chaeyeon asked.

“The usual.” She answered without batting an eye towards her.

Chaeyeon could only nod and continue eating, her eyes glued to the latter’s ID.

Miyawaki Sakura was her name. She was an IT student in IZ University, a contradict to herself being a Performing Arts student, majoring in Dance. Despite their differences in their aspirations, they shared a bond.

They used to share a bond.

“Thank you for the meal.” Sakura mumbled and held her tray. “I’ll get going now, Jjaeyeon.”

Chaeyeon wanted her to stop. She wanted to join her and spend a day together, even if it’ll only last for a few minutes. But with Sakura’s expressions, she had to respect her space.

Now, Chaeyeon was all alone again. She went back to eating her lunch and look at their picture filled with smiles and corndogs that they loved the most.

If only those things continued to happen like they used to.

A cough was heard this time. Chaeyeon would’ve hoped that it was Sakura again but it was another classmate eating her favorite mint choco ice cream.

“Sorry to dissatisfy your day, Chaeyeon.” She spoke and pointed at her phone. “Still sad about Sakura not noticing you at all?”

Chaeyeon just rubbed her temples and nodded. “What am I gonna do, Chaewon?”

“Give her some time again or talk it out together. Those are the options, Chae.” Chaewon spoke. “You can really do either but it’ll be hard to do both.”

Chaeyeon knew that Chaewon was right. She decided not to dwell onto it and eat her lunch.


“I want her gone!” Sakura yelled across a studio in front of eleven people. 

It was the university’s journalism club called the Magical Friendship Broadcasting Club; a club that was in charge in delivering entertainment and news around the campus. They were also responsible for creating informatics every week, for becoming official press in all school-related events, and becoming the news outlet for the campus 24/7 through radio and live broadcasts. They were composed of twelve members from different courses but their resilience and skill fitted them in the craft of journalism.

Today’s broadcast however, was a messy one thanks to their production assistant who caused a mishap with  the lighting and the props.

“Kkura –“

“No!” Sakura interjected Chaeyeon. “We’ve worked so hard for this and I’m not going to let a duck ruin it for us!!”

Sakura had to control her temper as everyone had scared looks. She sat between Chaewon and Chaeyeon and had her back patted by Chaeyeon.
She wouldn’t have wanted it but Chaeyeon always calmed her down.

“That broadcast was horrible!” Their chief spat. “How did those props fall off?!”

“It was a mishandling of tasks, Eunbi.” Chaeyeon spoke. “If only you were here to help Nako with the cameras and helped Yena in managing the set, we would’ve been fine!”

“I was in a meeting with the administration, you idiot!”

Sakura lashed on Eunbi to not talk to Chaeyeon that way. Chaeyeon comforted her and pulled her to sit down again. Sakura felt Chaeyeon’s hands shake and she would’ve held back when another member patted her back.

“None of this would’ve happened if you taught Yena well.” 

“Okay, Minju! I messed up!” Eunbi raised her hands and voice. “But you know we had to do this because the admin’s demands have skyrocketed. Yena should’ve put more effort in her training.”

“I’m still here!” Yena sniffled as another member comforted her. “I was pressured!”

“It’s the admin’s fault for being to demanding.”

“Yuri has a point.” Chaewon said.

“Alright. We’ll make up for in the next broadcast and I’ll make sure to be there.” Eunbi spoke.

The school bell rung and all of them had to return to their classes. Sakura was the first to leave when Chaeyeon followed her. With Sakura’s anger, Chaeyeon didn’t want her to leave that way.

“Kkura, wait!” She stopped and held her hand. “Kkura, let’s calm ourselves down.”

“I can do it alone.” Sakura got her hand away. “I’m the one with the problem and I don’t want you to be part of it.”

“Why not, Kkura?” Chaeyeon got in front of her. “I’m worried about you. You’re my best friend and I don’t want anything bad to happen to you.”

Best friend, huh?

“I don’t need that now, Jjaeyeon. I can’t trust your judgment.” Sakura spoke.

“Chaeyeon.” Minju waved at a distance. “Let’s go.”
Sakura walked away and Chaeyeon sighed. She went to Minju and went to their class.


It was another day and Chaeyeon was getting ready for school. But on this day, she wad rooted in her place, looking at her sad face in the mirror.

The reason? Sakura.

She and Sakura go way back, back when the cold cherry blossom was just a tiny bud with a smile on her face. On those old times when life doesn’t you up, she wasn’t just a bundle of joy.

She was her bundle of joy.


It was a sunny day in a playground. It would’ve been a sanctuary for kids to play and be happy…
…but not for Chaeyeon’s case.

She was building her Lego project when a trio of bullies wrecked it by grabbing it and smashing it into concrete. Chaeyeon didn’t cry like the other weak kids but she raged and demanded them to apologize and fix her project. But those bullies were bullies and threw the remaining blocks at her.

“Hey! Leave her alone!”

A cherry blossom came and beats the out of those bullies. They ran for their lives and she picked up the blocks and spoke. “You okay, Jjaeyeon?”

Chaeyeon just nodded while she sniffled. “Thanks, Kkura…but they broke it.”

“It’s okay. We can fix it again.” Sakura smiled, showing her toothy grin. “Let’s go to the benches and build it again.”

Chaeyeon stopped being sad and joined Kkura in rebuilding the project.


Chaeyeon was having a wonderful dinner at Sakura’s house. Sakura was happy that Chaeyeon was smiling but then, her parents started to erupt.

“Thank you for the dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Miyawaki.”

“We’re glad you liked it, Chaeyeon – even if this was microwaved.” Mrs. Miyawaki spoke then pointed a fork at her husband. “He didn’t fix our stove so we had to eat microwaved food for the past two weeks.”

“You wanted us to save hassle from our work so I had no time to fix it!” He yelled and slammed the table. 

The tension grew bigger as Sakura’s parents argued – almost killing themselves with the utensils. Sakura had to pull Chaeyeon away and they left. They sought refuge at the same playground and say by the benches.

“I’m sorry about them, Jjaeyeon.” Sakura sighed. “I think they drank before they got home because they became too honest with each other.”

“It’s okay. I’m sorry if your parents are like that.” Chaeyeon spoke and managed to bring their drinks along. “Here.”

Chaeyeon gave her a strawberry-flavored juice since it was Sakura’s favorite. Sakura cheered their bottles together and drank.

“Thank you for saving me from two bad situations today.” Chaeyeon spoke after she drank.

“You’re very welcome. Just remember that I’ll always be here for you, Jjaeyeon.” Sakura spoke then showed her pinky.

Chaeyeon grinned and linked their pinkies together.


That’s a promise.

Chaeyeon didn’t realize that her tears dropped. The times have changed in an intense matter to the point that friendships drifted apart. The thought of it made her clueless and hurt.

She wiped them away and had to go to school. As she got outside her home, she was shocked to whom her mother was talking to.

“Here she is now.” Her mother pulled her out. “Take care now, you two.”

Nonetheless, Chaeyeon bids her mother farewell and walked with – 

“What brought you to our neighborhood, Kkura?”

“I pass by here…and it happened that your mom saw me and we talked.” Sakura spoke.

Chaeyeon just nodded and walked with her. She never thought it was just because of that. For some reason, she hoped it was a moment of reconciliation.

“It’s our broadcast today.” Sakura initiated the conversation again with a reminder. “Have you made the script?”

“Yeah. Minju and I finished it after our dance practice.” Chaeyeon answered.

They arrived at the bus station and in an impeccable timing, they rushed to the last bus for the morning. Sakura paid their fares much to Chaeyeon’s shock and got their seats by the back.

Chaeyeon gave her the hard copy and Sakura read them. As always, Chaeyeon does a great job.

“That might be the last script I’ll do. In fact, today might be the last broadcast I’ll be in.” Chaeyeon spoke, shocking Sakura. “I’m committing myself to the dance club this time.”

Sakura couldn’t believe what she was hearing. This club was one of her passions. They shared that passion together in high school up to college. She may not care but with this, her heart was broken.

She never thought that someone she understood her whole life would act so unexpectedly.



“I’m sorry, Lee Chaeyeon…but this skill won’t make you into the cut.”

Those were words Chaeyeon heard which pierced right through her passion in wanting to become a journalist. Sadly, her skills weren’t enough for her to be part of the broadcasting club.

A bottle was thrown at her and she faced at the culprit, saying. “You could’ve thrown an empty one.”

“You , Lee Chaeyeon. No wonder you didn’t make it to the cut.”

“Please. As if you’re better.” Chaeyeon faced her. “You can’t even write properly, you idiot.” She scoffed. “You , my . Well you’re the one who !”

Chaeyeon would’ve gotten a punch but her assaulter got it instead. She looked to see her again. “Kkura…”

“Wait, Jjaeyeon.” Sakura held her hand. “I heard what happened during the screening for the broadcasting club.”

“My skills weren’t good enough, Kkura.” Chaeyeon sighed. “But I bet you joined and got chosen.”

Sakura nodded with a shrug. Chaeyeon thanked her and left when Sakura stopped her again. 

“I was picked and was offered an assistant from the other selected ones but I interjected, wanting to choose my assistant.” She held her hands. “And I choose you, Jjaeyeon. Would you be interested?”

 Chaeyeon couldn’t say her gratitude and happiness that she ended up hugging Sakura. Sakura smiled and hugged back.

“I’d love to, Kkura.” Chaeyeon spoke and retained the hug. “Thank you for saving me from two bad situations today.”

“You’re very welcome. Just remember that I’ll always be here for you, Jjaeyeon.”


Sakura couldn’t hold her tears. Luckily, Chaeyeon was looking at the window, giving her the time to wipe her tears. Chaeyeon pressed the button and went out first, leaving Sakura to follow her.

The two arrived at the studio. Given the privilege to be part of the MFBC, they were excused from their classes to prepare for this day’s news. 

“Only you two?” Chaeyeon asked Minju and Chaewon. 

“For now. Eunbi is having a meeting with the student council, Yena and Yuri are practicing for the recital, and – “

“ – we need to practice too, Chae.” Minju got up and pulled her out. “We only have seven hours until the performance.”

“Wait! So you won’t be part of the broadcast tonight?” Sakura stopped them. 

“Kkura, we submitted our excuse letters to Eunbi. And I’m sure you already have the script so y’all can continue the broadcast without us.” 

Sakura didn’t like it and pulled Chaeyeon out. They stopped by the comfort room, with Sakura locking it.

“What the junk, Kkura?!” Chaeyeon lost her cool and exploded.

“Hey! Why didn’t you tell me your recital was today?!” Sakura spat. 

“I would’ve told you but you wouldn’t care, anyway.” Chaeyeon spat and crossed her arms. “It’s why you constantly avoid me, right?”

Sakura was caught off guard. Chaeyeon couldn’t hold it in anymore and decided that it’s about time they talked about their friendship.

“Jjaeyeon…I – “

“You what, Kkura? Do you care now that I want to quit the broadcasting club?!” Chaeyeon faced her with tears running down. “Did the time really change for us to the point that you ignored me?”

Chaeyeon’s tears kept on running down. Sakura would’ve hugged her tight and said her sorry but instead, she just stood there watching her…

…because there was something that’s holding her back.

“I thought we had a bond when we were kids, Kkura. You protected me, you shared the same passion with me, and you made a promise with me. But why, Kkura?” Chaeyeon asked. “Why are you ignoring me now?”


“You don’t eat with me at lunch anymore. You don’t let me comfort you at your darkest days. You don’t even notice me when I say hi to you and you don’t want me to assist you during our broadcasts.” Chaeyeon said. “Despite the ignorance you gave me, I continued to reach out to you. I continue to reach out to you because you mean a lot to me.”

Knocks and shouts were heard. Chaeyeon and Sakura looked back for they heard Minju and Chaewon calling them.

“I stuck to your promise. I always had, Kkura...” Chaeyeon continued nonetheless. “But now, how am I going to stick to your promise knowing that you’ve broken it yourself?”

That was the last hitting point. Sakura lowered her head, the door was open, and a pair of arms comforted Chaeyeon.

“Hey…it’s okay.” Minju patted her back and faced Sakura. “I can’t believe you’re that dense.”

The sight disgusted Sakura. She returned to her ego and left when Chaewon stopped her. 

“I talked to Eunbi about the broadcast. It’ll be moved during the recital. That way, we can watch it and make it as our content for today.” Chaewon then whispered. “It’ll also give you some time to talk to Chaeyeon on how you truly feel about her.”

Sakura drove herself away and ran away. She stopped by the lobby and cried. 

For the first time in her life, her heart felt torn in two ways. Her envy and pride got the best of her, to the point where the most important person in her life got hurt.


The recital was under way. Minju and Chaeyeon helped each other in preparing their outfits and their makeup.

“All set?” Minju asked.

Chaeyeon gave a thumbs-up. Minju realized that look and eased her shoulders. “Hey…she didn’t mean to do it.”

“But as her best friend, she should tell me.” Chaeyeon sighed. “I care and worry about her all the time and her ignorance worries me even more.”

“I know. All of us at MFBC understand that. Give it some more time, okay?” Minju spoke again.

Chaeyeon knew she was right. She thanked Minju for the comfort and got ready for the performance – all the while they waved at Yuri and Yena on the other side.

For MFBC, two members were seated up front - Nako readied her camera and Chaewon readied her laptop to type the details. The rest were in their positions. Sakura was by the veranda as Yujin was ready to film her.

Ready, MFBC?

“Ready, Eunbi.” All of them spoke through their earpieces.

Eunbi does a countdown as their camerawomen readied their devices. As Eunbi ended the countdown, the assigned reporters started the news.

It was a time of giving entertainment and information, a union being created between cast and crew. The recital went really well and special coverage for their members as part of the recital were given. The crew delivered their news pretty well that they ended their live broadcast and got in front to watch the rest of the recital, shifting to radio broadcasting while showing footage of the recital.

The dance club was the highlight and Chaeyeon and Minju shone with their moves. Everyone cheered, especially MFBC. After the dance came the last performance will all the performers. Chaeyeon, Minju, Yena, and Yuri were at the center and waved at MFBC while performing. As it ended, they gave a big bow and the audience did a standing ovation.

For Chaeyeon, looking to see a smiling Sakura cheering for her was a confusing feeling. It got so confusing that Chaeyeon walked away when the performance was over. MFBC were worried that they ended their broadcast and went out of the auditorium.

Sakura ran the fastest and went outside. Chaewon and Minju blocked the others and decided to leave them. Sakura looked around for Chaeyeon but she wasn’t in the campus anymore.

She reached for her phone and dialed her. “Come on, Jjaeyeon…please answer.”


“Please answer…”

Chaeyeon was in the same predicament. The feelings got the best of her that she ran away from the school and rested on the same playground she and Sakura would go. Even if Chaeyeon got overwhelmed because of Sakura, it was a sign that this was gonna be the time to talk everything out to her.

This is Miyawaki Sakura. Please leave a message at the end of the beep.

“K-Kkura…” Chaeyeon was weeping. “I need you to talk to me. Just this once. I don’t care if you’ll ignore me forever. I just want to talk to you one last time. Can you come here at the playground? Please?”

The beep was heard and Chaeyeon sobbed, hands on her face. It was then that a pair of arms wrapped her in a comforting embrace. Chaeyeon would’ve thought that it was Minju but –

“Jjaeyeon…I’m so sorry…”

Chaeyeon saw the cherry blossom she cherished the most. Instead of sharing smiles, they were sharing their cries.

“I’m sorry if you got hurt because of me.” Sakura started. “I was afraid to tell you the truth. I thought that if you knew, I would lose you.”

“W-Why would you lose me, Kkura?”

Sakura couldn’t say it. But then, she realized that she was going to lose her best friend if she doesn’t become honest now. “Because I love you, Jjaeyeon.”

Chaeyeon couldn’t believe what she just heard. Sakura cupped her cheeks, saying. “I love you. I loved you since we were kids until now. I was afraid to tell you because you always saw me as your best friend and you’re mostly with Minju. I thought that if I say my feelings for you, you wouldn’t look at me the same way again. And with Minju by your side, I thought I was too late…so I drove myself away.”
Sakura pulled Chaeyeon closer and hugged her. She was as teary as her. “I drove myself away but I hurt you and drove you away. I’m so sorry for that, Jjaeyeon.”

Chaeyeon suddenly punched her chest many times. They were minor but Sakura lets her be. After all, she deserved it.

“I love you too, you idiot!! I loved you since we were kids until now. I wanted to tell you that but I was afraid as you are. I thought that if I say my feelings for you, you wouldn’t look at me the same way again too.” She continued to cry while punching Sakura’s chest. “How could you just ignore me like that? How could you hurt me like that?! Do you know how much I cried and got crazy because you wouldn’t even look me in the eye?!”

Chaeyeon continued to cry her frustrations out and Sakura was willing to accept them, hoping she’ll be forgiven and that they’ll start over.

The night may have gone crazy but the night was a good thing. It was probably the best thing for them since they settled their differences and became honest with each other and will work harder to be there for each other, just as they promised before.


The next day came into full swing. For MFBC, they were doing a variety show in the 11th hour, making it their most viewed broadcast in all of MFBC history.

It was a beautiful moment. Students and faculty enjoyed watching on their devices as the real cast and crew delivered the craft excellently and shared a wonderful bond upon doing it. It was that singular unity that intensified the craft of media. That way, it gives awareness to everyone that it should be used properly to give light towards people’s inner darkness.

“Thank you for watching, IZ University. This has been Magical Friendship!”

“And cut!” Yena cued as Yujin and Nako stopped recording.

Everyone cheered and did a group hug towards Yena. They felt jubilant for Yena’s progress and for delivering a successful show. Chaeyeon broke from that group and went to hug her co-star.
“You did great, Kkura.”

“Thanks, Jjaeyeon. You were great yourself.” Sakura grinned. “Love would’ve been a better call.”

The members cooed and even pushed Minju and Chaewon to join them. The two pairs lined up and Nako took a picture of them.

“We have the idea for the next show, guys.” Eunbi chuckled. “Relationship Advice with KkuChaen and 2Kim.”

Everyone cheered again. Chaewon and Minju had their moment, just like Chaeyeon and Sakura.
For them, they were happy that all is well within their magical friendship.

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Hello, everyone. How have y'all been? I hope wherever you are, you're okay.

I just wanna pass by and thank everyone for still anticipating to this collection. I also want to share that Our Love was a favourite prompt to write. The recent chapter made me cry while writing. How about y'all?


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rynrkz #1
Chapter 78: ❤️
mycoral #2
Chapter 197: Love it so much <3
1752 streak #3
Chapter 197: oh this is so wholesome!!!!!!!
Chapter 197: baby yul🥺
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 85: hot hot
1752 streak #6
Chapter 196: i love love love this!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 196: aaaaaa my request! finally! thank you😭 and looking forward for the next chapters
Chapter 196: My Ssamyul heart❤️
Finally there is a Ssamyul story
reigngrey #9
Chapter 196: Kangbi…. What fate lies ahead. Im excited
hhhhhhhhh #10
Chapter 194: OMG. THIS STORY HAS FINISHED?! I am happy for four of them. I don't know what to comment, I just love this story. I like how you potray the characters, + the storyline is not cliche and I love the drama. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM FOR THE STORY. Stay safe and stay healthy.