Operation Feather: Part 5 (KkuChaen ft. OT10)

365 with ZOZI [HIATUS]

The courtroom became chaotic as the interrogations progressed. Sakura and Chanjo became savage beasts as they deliver information after information. Judge Bae stopped their bickering and conducted another recess. Chanjo pranced away like a princess whereas Sakura sat down, rubbing her forehead.

How could the system be so disgusting? Why are the evidences lacking despite having clear evidence? Why would the jury support a general’s son that committed a crime than a simple housewife who got badly hurt?

“What the ?!” Sakura screamed as her closest people went to check on her. “What does this judicial system need to make my wife innocent?!”

“Goddamn money and goddamn rights!” Yuri snapped then bowed at Sakura. “Big Boss, I let you down. I’m sorry if I stuttered during the interrogation.”

“Don’t worry, Yul. We still love you. No comment on this whole system, though…” Wonyoung added.

“Guys. We still have a shot.” Hyewon whispered. “Maybe if we get Chaeyeon to witness, then – “

“Didn’t I say not to?” Sakura snapped.

“Kwangbae’s a genius.” Eunbi spoke. “That’s just it. We need Chaeyeon to witness.”

“What?!” Sakura, Yuri, and Wonyoung snapped.

“Think about it, Kkura. Chaeyeon’s the victim.” Hyewon added. “If she goes into this trial, we win instantly. You need to let go of your emotions and start thinking radically. Realize that this is for Chaeyeon’s sake.”

Sakura’s brain was fried even more. Hyewon’s ideas were always considered but she goes on to think longer despite the short time and the one process close for Chaeyeon to be proven guilty.

Unbeknownst to them, one was missing through that discussion.


“I want to go already!” Chaeyeon spat while eating lunch.

“Finish your food first, Boss.” Hitomi sighed. “Nako will come with Inspector Lee and her team. While they’re on their way, you need to finish your lunch so we can get ready.”

Chaeyeon nodded and ate quicker. Finishing with a long burp, Hitomi discarded the dishes, prepped Chaeyeon and herself, and got Chaeyeon on a wheelchair. Inspector Lee arrived and the two greeted her.

“Ms. Yabuki is with me and my team. Shall we go now, Mrs. Miyawaki? Ms. Honda?”

Chaeyeon nodded quickly. Inspector Lee walked ahead as Hitomi skidded the wheelchair to follow the taller woman. After going to many floors, they got to the ground floor. The employees made way for Chaeyeon and helped her inside the van. Hitomi hopped in, hi-fiving Nako inside and Inspector Lee went to drive the van.

“Sit tight, ladies. The ride will be a little bumpy.”

Chaeyeon, Hitomi, and Nako nodded. Chaeyeon looked at the two shortest friends, saying. “Thank you…for everything.”

“What…” Hitomi started to tear up. “Come on, Boss. You mean a lot to us. We want to help you and Big Boss go through this.”

“Hiichan’s right, Boss.” Nako added, wiping her tears away. “And good thing too.”

“What do you mean?” Chaeyeon asked.

“Despite the evidence we have, the jury is siding Chanjo. You’ll be charged guilty if you don’t stand as a witness.”

“Kkura has done enough. All of you do.” Chaeyeon spoke. “It’s my turn to return the favor, okay?”

Nako and Hitomi nodded. Inspector Lee did a thumbs up and encouraged her team to do this right. Everyone was determine to give Chaeyeon justice and it made Chaeyeon cry happily.

She prayed that the verdict won’t be official; that she must catch up to have her say and give justice to herself and to the people that supported and defended her.


“We have reached a verdict.” Judge Bae spoke. “Miyawaki Sakura, it is clear that you didn’t sleep throughout the portion of being a responsible husband to your wife, Lee Chaeyeon. However, your response and reasoning weren’t proper that it tolled the jury’s judgment and caused harm to the defendant. You’re enabling an environment that lost you the chance to truly defend your wife and encouraged her not to take accountable of her mistake.”

Sakura was angry at the system and at herself. Her fists had been clenched behind her back and she was close to breaking down. Her circle of friends were as worried as her, even Yuri and Wonyoung cried, hearing that their Boss will be in jail for a crime she didn’t commit.

“I find Lee Chaeyeon guilty on all charges – “


Everyone turned towards the door and saw Chaeyeon in a wheelchair. Nako and Hitomi were on her back, skidding her to the front. Sakura lost it as she became very worried but Eunbi, Hyewon, and Chowon had to calm her down.

“I have something, Judge Bae.” Chaeyeon spoke. “May I be a witness to the stand and present evidence?”

Inspector Lee and the team were at the prosecution’s side. They had a carton of evidences that were mostly tapes. Judge Bae observed the courtroom, eyes stopping at Chaeyeon.

“Get on with it, Mrs. Miyawaki.”

“But Your Honor!” The opposition spat. “The evidence isn’t processed into the prosecution before the hearing. I object!”

“And I object you to defy my decision.” Judge Bae spat back. “All of those evidences will be played.”

“Your Honor, this is nonsense!!” Chanjo spat.

“I know! But this is getting interesting!” Judge Bae taunted him. “My decision still stands, boy!”

Hyewon and Nako wanted to react but they had to stay calm. Chaeyeon was skidded to her stand, getting hugs from the people, especially Sakura. Sakura didn’t want to let go but Chaeyeon had to take over. She was now in the stand with Chowon and was given the chance to talk before the evidence will be presented. Hitomi gave Chaeyeon her crutches and stood up, facing everyone.

“Ladies, gentlemen, and Judge Bae…” Chaeyeon began then pointed at Chanjo. “That guy is not who you think he is…”

There were murmurs from the crowd and a glare from Chanjo’s side. Chaeyeon wasn’t afraid and continued.

“For the past days since this investigation started, we have heard of him as someone who accidentally hit me with his car. But you must all know that deep within an innocent-looking façade lies a deep hidden sense of corruption…” Chaeyeon spoke before facing the judge. “It’s something that the public must know.”

“All of this coming from nobody.” Chanjo spat back.

“You may all think this is a normal incident but this incident happened many times and has been hidden from law enforcements! Many victims have been unjustified and sent to prison for crimes they didn’t commit!” Chaeyeon spat. “I’m not going to be like them. With the evidences, I’ll make sure to put justice to myself and to the people who suffered under his misdeed.”

Everyone murmured again. Judge Bae lets the prosecution play the evidences and Chaeyeon was willing to explain, even Inspector Lee and her team were willing to testify.

The evidences showed car accidents before the recent one and all of them point out to Chanjo. It showed the dates, the times, and the cars Chanjo drove. Chaeyeon and Inspector Lee explained that these other evidences were archived in many police agencies around the country for it to be hidden and uninvestigated, as an order from General Kim. Knowing his son will face many charges and for that to lead him to a tarnished reputation, he hid the warrants, the tapes, and the hearing statements.

Judge Bae ended up raising an eyebrow towards the defendant’s side. The defendant became scared while General Kim clenched his fist and became violent by charging towards the plaintiff…

…until General Miyawaki, Yena, and Yujin stopped him.

That made Judge Bae change the verdict. Chaeyeon ended up collapsing and Sakura caught her.

General Kim was arrested on the spot, together with his son. Chaeyeon was sent back to the hospital, leaving the Miyawaki and Lee families. Nako and Hyewon also remained.

“And that’s how you win a case.” Nako grinned.

Eunbi, Sakura, and Hyewon reacted. Nako explained everything; that she, Hitomi, and Inspector Lee made an agreement to look for more evidences against them. The Kang couple applauded her, even Hyewon raised her arms and did a peace sign. “Operation Feather is a success!!”

“You ruined out future! You ruined our lives!!” Chanjo spat as he was sent out. “One day, they’ll release me and I’ll find you, Miyawaki Sakura!! I’ll find you and your wife to make you pay for what you’ve done!!”

They heard all of it, leaving the family to worry about Sakura’s response. Yet, the CEO drew closer and spoke.

“I may have ruined your future but at least I did it to protect the most important person in my life. She’s my everything and I’ll never forgive myself if something bad happened to her.” Sakura began then she clutched Chanjo’s collar then pointed at her family and friends. “If something did happen to her and if these loving people got harmed of it, I will slit your mothering throat and my anger will be the last thing you see before going to where you belong.”

Sakura pushed him off and returned to her family. She hugged her pairs of parents first then hugged her friends. She even patted Nako’s back for a good job before they all exited the courtroom, entertaining the media along the way.

All was well. Justice has been served, a loved one just avoided a jail sentence, and the ones who deserved to be in jail are in jail.



Twelve friends reunited in a familiar café. They were inside a VIP room as three of them served food and drinks. After doing the service, all of them gathered to eat and drink.

“Congratulations for your new branch at Busan, Chaeyeon.” Chaewon spoke.

“Congratulations also for being the next CEO of M Hospital~” Chaeyeon cheered. “And for Minju as the new COO.”

The Kim couple kissed and clunked their glasses. Minju drank first and added. “Hiichan should be congratulated as head of surgery.”

“No wonder you only have duties on weekends.” Yuri added as she drank her tea.

“That sums all of us. We’re the top surgeons in the department now.” Wonyoung added. “We can only serve on Wednesdays and Saturdays.”

“Make sure to get proper rest, love.” Yujin spoke.

Wonyoung nodded and kissed Yujin’s cheek, causing everyone to coo.

“Congratulations for our CSGs, Yena and Yujin.” Sakura added as she clunked their glasses. “One moment we were bickering on the phone and the next thing we know, we’re in the same table.”

“That was mostly for me.” Yena spoke and drank. “That was a life and death situation I’ll never forget. By the way, General Miyawaki and Inspector Lee should also be congratulated.”

How could they forget the Miyawaki patriarch and the inspector that helped the investigation greatly? As a reward, General Miyawaki is the new Commissioner General whereas Inspector Lee and her team have been promoted within higher positions in the National Police Agency. Yena and Yujin became CSGs in SMPA to be closer to their beloveds, who are now their wives.

“The Hans have been well too. There are now to biggest name in South Korea’s judiciary system.” Nako added, munching a donut. “With the whole fiasco over, what happens now?”

“We go on with this life until the end.” Hyewon advised. “You and I work for the Miyawakis. Eunbi and Chaeyeon work for the company and café. Sakura’s the CEO of Miyawaki Corp and part of M Hospital’s board. Yena and Yujin are in the SMPA. Chaewon and Minju manage M Hospital. Wonyoung, Yuri, and Hitomi are the top surgeons of the hospital.”

“We’re going smooth with this life but we must still be cautious, love.” Eunbi added. “We might’ve avoided Chaeyeon’s jail sentence last year but with our new lives, we must always be cautious.”

Everyone nodded. They will all be busy to the point that their gathering today will be the last in a long time.

“Eunbi’s right. We should celebrate and be aware after this.” Chaeyeon added, chugging her coffee.

“By the way, have you been okay?” Minju asked. “No more relapses from the last injury?”

Chaeyeon shook her head. Sakura patted her shoulder and added a forehead kiss.

“Aigoo~. Our Big Boss and Boss are at it now.” Chaewon cooed then nudged someone. “What about you, Hiichan?”

“Meh. I’ll take that gradually.”

“Good. Remember what we taught you.” Hyewon pointed out as Eunbi kissed her cheek.

“You heard that, Nako?” Eunbi grinned cheekily with her husband.

“Loud and clear.” Nako mumbled while hugging Hitomi to hide her embarrassment.

“Ah…all of us are paired up.” Yujin added as Wonyoung hugged her.

It was proven. With the exception of Nako and Hitomi, most of them were close to getting married. Eunbi and Hyewon were the queens of marriage, followed by Sakura and Chaeyeon, then Yena and Yuri, then Yujin and Wonyoung were expected to get married soon.

“Now that you mentioned it…” Yena draped an arm around Yuri. “Yul and I need to go for our alone time.

“We need to go now~” Yuri followed her. “In fact, all of us should go.”

A single nod from everyone made them stand up to leave and to give the main couple their time.

“All of you should go home immediately. No more other shenanigans.” Sakura instructed.

“Same to both of you, Big Boss~” Wonyoung added.

All of them bid farewell. Sakura chuckled and was relieved to have alone time with her beloved. She looked back at her, seeing her cross her arms.

“L-Love, is something wrong?” Sakura got into panic mode.

“Was that a savvy way of telling them to leave?” Chaeyeon asked, crossing her arms still.

“But…” Sakura pointed her fingers together. “…I want to spend time with you…”

“I’m messing with you~” Chaeyeon chuckled and kissed her.

Sakura felt heaven flash before her eyes before kissing back. Both broke and indulged the rest of the night together. But before that…

“Something came to my mind. How did you and Eunbi become sisters?” Sakura asked.

“We’re actually cousins. Eunbi lost her family so we pitched in. Now…” Chaeyeon did a walking motion with her fingers on Sakura’s chest. “…where were we?”

Both chuckled and kissed, finally starting the night together. Sakura typed a message on her phone while spending the moment with Chaeyeon and it said:


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Hello, everyone. How have y'all been? I hope wherever you are, you're okay.

I just wanna pass by and thank everyone for still anticipating to this collection. I also want to share that Our Love was a favourite prompt to write. The recent chapter made me cry while writing. How about y'all?


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rynrkz #1
Chapter 78: ❤️
mycoral #2
Chapter 197: Love it so much <3
1752 streak #3
Chapter 197: oh this is so wholesome!!!!!!!
Chapter 197: baby yul🥺
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 85: hot hot
1752 streak #6
Chapter 196: i love love love this!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 196: aaaaaa my request! finally! thank you😭 and looking forward for the next chapters
Chapter 196: My Ssamyul heart❤️
Finally there is a Ssamyul story
reigngrey #9
Chapter 196: Kangbi…. What fate lies ahead. Im excited
hhhhhhhhh #10
Chapter 194: OMG. THIS STORY HAS FINISHED?! I am happy for four of them. I don't know what to comment, I just love this story. I like how you potray the characters, + the storyline is not cliche and I love the drama. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM FOR THE STORY. Stay safe and stay healthy.