To The Girl I'll Love Forever (2Kim feat. Annyeongz)

365 with ZOZI [HIATUS]

New couple in the school! Kim Minju and Ahn Yujin!

Minju was crying. She must’ve been overjoyed to have Yujin court her.

Minjoo and Yujin are quite a pair…

Ah~ they look so good together~

Minjoo the princess and Yujin the prince. What a match made by Heaven.

It was those sickening words that struck Chaewon’s nerves, that made her into stop a whole plan, and that made her alone for the past week.

Words were indeed sharper than the sword. Who would’ve thought that it hit Chaewon to the point she wanted to avoid everything that had hurt her?

She stopped eating her lunch and placed her tray with the dirty ones. She would’ve gone with the usual day when –


Chaewon froze as a special person turned stranger was in front of her. Not only that, the other two were right behind her.

It was a palpable situation for her. She had to leave.

Chaewon shrugged them off and went on her way. Despite being away from the tension, it was an even match between her salvation and inner desire. She realized that it sabee her from deceit but imprisoned her back to the usual loneliness.

It shouldn’t have ended that way. It was held by a rope of love but the sharp words had to cut it off.


“To love is nothing. To be loved is something. To loved and be loved is everything.” – Bill Russell

Hey. I hope you always feel that way. Know that you’re everything.

This was the content of a short letter pasted outside Chaewon’s locker. She laughed at the cheesiness and felt confused on who would’ve pasted it but nonetheless, she kept the letter inside her folder and returned to her seat.

“Ssamu~” A sudden weight was over her slumping build.

Chaewon chuckled and knew who it was. She had the strength to get up and looked at her seatmate. “You’re quite heavy, Min.”

Kim Minju just plastered a smile and leaned her head on Chaewon’s shoulder. Chaewon just smiled and decided to jot notes. Minju would bug her through poking her cheeks but Chaewon was apathetic, causing Minju to pout.

“Wassup’, dudes!!” The class stopped their own businesses as two twin towers came inside.

Chaewon and Minju chuckled and greeted the two. Minju was hugging one while Chaewon was doing hi-fives with the other. 

“You’re so loud, AhnYu!” Chaewon spoke.

“I tell her that a lot and she doesn’t listen.”

“Relax, Wonie. She may be loud but she never leaves a friend in a dark cloud!” Minju spoke.

Wonyoung and Yujin applauded for Minju’s sense of rhyming. Minju flattered herself as her eyes focused on Chaewon, as if she waiting for her approval.

“You’re quite the poet, Min.” Chaewon said as she patted her head.

Wonyoung and Yujin cooed as they got to their seats. Minju smiled of the contact as her heart was beating quickly.

But Minju’s smile faded as Chaewon lets go and stood up. “Eh? Where are you going, Ssamu?”

“I need to pee, Min.” Chaewon chuckled. “You want to join me?”

Minju’s face became red as Chaewon went out with a laugh. Minju calmed herself down but Wonyoung and Yujin going to her seat wasn’t helping. 

“Did you post the letter today?”

Minju gave a little nod. Wonyoung and Yujin shared their hi-fives as their other hands patted Minju’s back. “Great. The plan is working well.”

“I owe you guys for the suggestion~” Minju hugged them. “Especially you, Jin.”

The duo admired Minju’s creativity again. For Minju, it was a devious yet aspired plan to get Chaewon’s attention.

They were friends since they were children. In fact, the four were friends since they were children. They spent time with each other, excelled and succeeded in their lives for each other, and were always there to protect each other. Chaewon and Yujin were mostly close but Minju always her her eye on Chaewon. Those precious moments made Minju develop her feelings towards her but with their bond, it couldn’t be just torn apart because of serious affection.

It was then Minju devised her plan thanks to Wonyoung and Yujin’s idea. The progress may be slow but to the least there was one.

All of the flashbacks had to end when Wonyoung and Yujin had to return to their seats as Chaewon arrived again. Minju would’ve anticipated it but not this one. 

Chaewon’s face became gloomy.

“Ssamu, are you okay?”

Minju reached for her hand but Chaewon held it first and retracted it.

“I’m alright. I promise.” Chaewon added as the school bell rang.


“All that you are is all that I ever need.” – Ed Sheeran

You’re all that I need. You always have been.

“Another letter?” Chaewon mumbled but she picked and kept it nonetheless.

Chaewon returned to her seat and found out that Minju wasn’t back from their break, even Wonyoung and Yujin. She sighed and texted them to where they were until she got a message from Wonyoung, saying that they were in the field.

Chaewon wondered why but she ran out of the classroom and towards the field. She looked around for the trio despite her tiredness and found Minju and Yujin chatting.

“Ssamu!” Wonyoung surprised her with a slap on the shoulder.

“What the – what were you doing, Wonie?”

“I bought lunches for us.” Wonyoung added then pulled her towards the other duo. “The three of us were doing something and decided to eat here. And of course, we’d never leave you off plus Minju demanded your presence.”

“She did?” Chaewon asked but Minju pulled her to sit next to her. 

“Of course, I did.” Minju spoke and fed her a rice ball. “I won’t let you eat alone.”

“The three of us won’t let you,” said Yujin.

Chaewon shrugged, thanked Wonyoung for the meal, and ate. The four friends went quiet due to their eating time when Yujin pointed a paper Chaewon was holding. “What’s that?”

“Letter. This is the second time I get these posted on my locker’s door.” Chaewon spoke as she munched. “I’m trying to figure out who wrote this.”

Wonyoung and Yujin cooed while Minju’s senses perked up. But who was she to do that when she had a nick to who the anonymous writer was?

Minju’s heart beats again, hoping that one day, Chaewon may find out on her own and that she got the message of those letters.


“The heart has its reasons of which reasons know nothing.” – Blaise Pascal

I hope you have another great day today. And I hope that one day, you’ll truly realize how I feel about you.

It was the third letter. Chaewon was in her house as the first two letters were on the table. She was trying to correlate the letters and make her theories in order to figure out who posted them.

But the only hint she got was that it was from the class.

“Who could it be…” Chaewon mumbled and slumped on her office chair.

As she twirls white sitting and looking at the ceiling, she felt dreamy. Her thoughts were filled with a girl that looked like the most beautiful frog ever with the nick of being a good poet. 

“Min…” Chaewon held her chest and felt the beats.

They were friends since they were children. In fact, the four were friends since they were children. They spent time with each other, excelled and succeeded in their lives for each other, and were always there to protect each other. Minju was mostly close with Chaewon and Yujin but Chaewon always had an eye for Minju. Those precious moments made Chaewon grow closer to her and develop feelings towards her but with their bond and her timid nature, it couldn’t be just torn apart.

She had a plan of confessing before but her inner wuss was taking over her decisions.

Chaewon looked back at the letters and decided to keep them hidden. Those letters would mean nothing to her now. Minju was the only girl she admired and an anonymous who liked her won’t change that fact.

Her phone buzzed and Chaewon saw the notifications of the school’s SNS. She opened them and it hit her.

Most of the posts were talking about Minju and Yujin – from a picture of them walking side by side to a thread of fangirls ogling at them and commenting that they were together.

Chaewon cussed and would’ve thrown her phone when it rung. She saw the dialer and answered immediately.



And just like magic, Chaewon’s heart thawed. The gritting teeth was replaced by a cute grin. “What made you call?”

I called to check if you’re okay. You seem tensed lately.

Her words. Her words always made Chaewon soft. “I’m a bit stressed because of school, that’s all?”

I’ll come over.

“It’s fine, Min. We’ll see each other at school tomorrow.” Chaewon added. “Oh! And Min…” She hesitated to talk but she had to muster her courage. “…let me take you on a date tomorrow.”

It was silence. Chaewon feared for the worst.

I’d love to!

The gleam in Minju’s voice made Chaewon’s heart grow wings. It’s like that anger she had because of the rumors was drained from her memory. Nonetheless, Chaewon spared the details on where they’ll meet and Minju was obliged.

Their call ended with goodnights and goodbyes. Chaewon may not be reactive but for the first time in her life, she cheered and rolled over her bed like a wriggler. She decided to turn in yet she felt the excitement course through her veins.

This is it. This was her chance to tell Minju her feelings.


“Love is friendship that has caught fire.” – Ann Landers

Whenever you’ve discoursed through the harsh waters in this world, remember that love will become your beacon.

Chaewon wouldn’t have given a damn but she kept the letters for good’s sake. It was another break and she went out to look for Minju but she was nowhere to be found. She tried calling for her – even Wonyoung and Yujin – but they were out reach. She finally stopped by the veranda and witnessed something she shouldn’t have seen.

In the field was Minju and Yujin and they were hugging each other. Just then, her phone buzzed of notifications from the school’s SNS.

New couple in the school! Kim Minju and Ahn Yujin!

Minju was crying. She must’ve been overjoyed to have Yujin court her.

Minjoo and Yujin are quite a pair…

Ah~ they look so good together~

Minjoo the princess and Yujin the prince. What a match made by Heaven.

Chaewon dropped her phone but a classmate managed to catch it. Chaewon looked back and saw Wonyoung’s shocked face.

“Ssamu –“ Wonyoung would’ve consoled her but her hand was driven away and the phone was taken from her grasp.

“Heard of what’s poppin’ in the SNS, right?” Chaewon asked, her consciousness feeling heavy and hurt. “I never thought Min and AhnYu were a thing.”

“Ssamu, those are all lies!” Wonyoung tries to knock sense into her. “Min was crying because of that and AhnYu was comforting her and reprimanding those bastards to stop feeding the school with those lies!”

“Oh, really? How come none of told me that? I could’ve helped! I could’ve saved all of you from that bull!” Chaewon spat. “Is this where you’ve guys been, hence to why I’m always left out?! Did you do all this to betray me?!”

“Ssamu, we’d never do that!” Wonyoung kept persuading her. “Those rumors are all lies! You have to believe me!”

Chaewon drove herself away and ran away. As her wobbly legs carried we weary body, her tears dropped in every step.

She cussed. It seems the plan wasn’t meant to happen. In fact, it will never happen anymore.


I’m alright. I promise.

Minju’s tears dropped as she remembered those words Chaewon spoke. It was one of the memories she wanted to cherish but a memory to which she cannot experience again.

Wonyoung and Yujin were just as teary as her. Who wouldn’t be teary when one of their best friends was ignoring them – let alone casting them out of her life? With the incident of letting ty rumors spread, Chaewon cried all alone in her room. The other three tried to call her – even Minju went to her house and make amends – but all of those efforts were thrown away.

“Ah…this lunch .” Wonyoung scoots her tray away. “Goddamnit, we need to do something!”

“We need to cool her steam first. She’s affected like us.” Yujin said.

“Has the incident ceased?” Minju asked through her tears.

“In a way. It turns our those obsessed fangirls shipped you and Yujin and hacked through the SNS, flooding those rumors.” Wonyoung spoke. “The admin has settled the matter and had them expelled.”

The rumor would’ve been the least of their problems. Even if it was ceased, the fact that Chaewon was avoiding and ignoring them was the unsolved main problem. Minju couldn’t help but feel guilty.

“Min…” Wonyoung called as she and Yujin held her hands. “It’s not your fault. Ssamu’s just too hurt to face us. She must’ve been questioning herself or she’s having second thoughts. We don’t have a choice but to wait for her to heal.”

“But we’re her friends. We care for her. I care about her like my whole life.” Minju added. “I need to talk to her…” She puts her hands on her face. “…but I’m too scared to hurt her again…”

Wonyoung and Yujin were at a loss. Two of their friends were drawing the line away from each other – with the other one drawing two more away from them. But with their friends in dire need, they need to find a way to reunite them and bring their friendship back.


“If you find someone you love in your life, then hang on to that love.” – Princess Diana

Love doesn’t hurt. It’s the only thing in the world that doesn’t hurt. If it does, it’s not true love. If time will come that it lies to you, find another that will always be truthful to you. Otherwise, hang onto it and love again.

Chaewon had grown resentment over the feeling and over the letters. She grabbed it and crumpled it, throwing it on the bin when a long arm caught it.

“Get lost.” Chaewon spat.

“I know that I’m the last person you’d want to see…but let’s talk, Ssamu.”

Chaewon didn’t want to but with them left in the classroom plus with the latter being a tough one to beat physically, she had no choice. “What do you want, Yujin?”

“Ouch. You don’t even call me by my nickname anymore. How our friendship of fifteen years drifted away.” Yujin spoke. “But I came to talk to you about getting it back.”

“I don’t need your sympathy. How can I return to the people who weren’t honest with me?” Chaewon crossed her arms.

“Ssamu…the rumors weren’t true. You and all of us here have known the verdict and you would always know that we would never ever lie to you. Most of all, Min would never do anything to hurt you.” Yujin added, slapping the letter on Chaewon’s chest. “Wonie and I know your feelings for Min. You love her and even if I have no right to say this, she loves you too! She has always loved you, Ssamu, just how you’ve always loved her! That’s why she wrote those letters to you!!”

Chaewon held onto that crumpled letter. She read it again and her tears dropped. 

How could she not know sooner? How could she not know that her uncertain question was already answered by those letters?

“Where’s Min?”

“At the field with Wonie.” Yujin added. “We’re sorry that we left you out. We helped Min in writing those letters for you, hoping that she can convene her feelings to you without being awkward.”

Chaewon shook her head and cried. Yujin reached to hug her and cried with her.

“Yah! I’m sorry for ignoring you! I didn’t know!!” Chaewon sobbed as Yujin shushed her. “Will you ever forgive me?”

“You’re my best buddy! How can I not forgive you?” Yujin cupped her cheeks. “Now go and win your girl back.”

Chaewon nodded and ran out of the classroom. Yujin wiped her tears away and followed suit.


“Min, it wouldn’t be bad to talk to her.”

“But Wonie…what if she won’t accept me again?” Minju asked, still teary. “She got hurt because of me…”

“It’s because of circumstance, Min. Maybe this is all part of the challenge.” Wonyoung added. “Remember what Princess Diana quoted.”

“If you find someone you love in your life, then hang on to that love.”

Minju looked to see a panting Chaewon, holding the last letter she sent. Wonyoung decided to give them space when Chaewon tackled and hugged her.

“Hey, it’s okay…” Wonyoung felt teary. “Now go and talk to her.”

Wonyoung broke from the hug and pushed Chaewon towards Minju. Now, the two weary souls faced each other and spoke their true feelings.

“S-Ssamu…about what happened…” Minju held her hands and wept. “I’m so sorry…”

Minju’s tears dropped on Chaewon’s hand but she felt them being dried up by a shoulder. Not only that, arms wrapped around her in a gentle hug.

“I’m the one who should be sorry.” Chaewon spoke. “I should’ve been more observant. I should’ve been more open and not jump to conclusions…but most of all…” She hugged Minjoo tighter. “…I should’ve put into heart the words in those letters you posted for me.”

Minju hugged her back with twice the passion. She realized that after all the mishap they had and after all those letters she wrote to her true love, it returned to her.

“I love you, Min.” Chaewon spoke. “I hope you’ll forgive me and let me be in your heart again.”

“You’re always in it, babo.” Minju sniffled. “I love you too, Ssamu…”

They broke from their hug and leaned their foreheads together. They were smiling and teary but to the least, they’ve finally acknowledged their feelings of loving each other forever and forever.

Wonyoung and Yujin hi-fived and adored the sight. But the hi-five turned into a soothing hold of hands.

“Do you think we have a chance too, Wonie?”

Wonyoung looked and saw Yujin trying to kiss her. But luckily, she slapped Yujin lightly and moved her face away. “Not happening…”

“But – “

“…now…but tomorrow…until forever.”

Chaewon and Minju shared a passionate kiss, even Yujin spared a kiss on Wonyoung’s cheek to which the latter returned with much fervor. 

The mishaps of love have ceased. They may come back in another medium but to the least, they’ll remain strong and go through the challenge to the girl they’ll love forever.

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Hello, everyone. How have y'all been? I hope wherever you are, you're okay.

I just wanna pass by and thank everyone for still anticipating to this collection. I also want to share that Our Love was a favourite prompt to write. The recent chapter made me cry while writing. How about y'all?


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rynrkz #1
Chapter 78: ❤️
mycoral #2
Chapter 197: Love it so much <3
1752 streak #3
Chapter 197: oh this is so wholesome!!!!!!!
Chapter 197: baby yul🥺
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 85: hot hot
1752 streak #6
Chapter 196: i love love love this!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 196: aaaaaa my request! finally! thank you😭 and looking forward for the next chapters
Chapter 196: My Ssamyul heart❤️
Finally there is a Ssamyul story
reigngrey #9
Chapter 196: Kangbi…. What fate lies ahead. Im excited
hhhhhhhhh #10
Chapter 194: OMG. THIS STORY HAS FINISHED?! I am happy for four of them. I don't know what to comment, I just love this story. I like how you potray the characters, + the storyline is not cliche and I love the drama. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM FOR THE STORY. Stay safe and stay healthy.