Me or Him? : Part 5 (2Kim)

365 with ZOZI [HIATUS]

Chaeyeon’s fist slammed on her desk as Chaewon was in front of her, head lowered and a hand scooting a resignation later forward.

“What do you mean you’re resigning?” Chaeyeon asked. “Is it because Minju resigned too?”

Chaewon nodded as she remembered the bitter aftermath yesterday. She saw Minju pass her resignation letter and do her last service before leaving. At the time, Chaewon begged for her to return to their apartment and to continue to work for the restaurant, even if she wouldn’t be friends with her anymore.

But she was turned a blind eye. Minju talked with Chaeyeon about leaving and the boss would never force them against their will.

Chaewon wanted to be a chef not just for her passion but it was the most important aspiration she and Minju shared. Without Minju by her side, Chaewon didn’t want to chase that aspiration, not without her.

“Are we hearing wrong?!” Nako and Hitomi got in the office, much to Chaeyeon’s shock.

“What do you mean you’re resigning, Chaewon?!” Yuri yelped as the shocked maknaes were behind her.

Chaeyeon scolded them to return to their stations yet Yuri reminded them that it was a Sunday and their day-off as practice for the CFC. They eavesdropped the boss and the saucier and as chefs that have shared a major bond and a loss of their poissonnier, another loss will drive them nuts.

“Exactly that, Yul,” said Chaewon.

“We can’t handle the CFCs without you and Minju. Even if Minju’s already gone, we can’t afford to lose more manpower!” Yujin spat. 

“Please. I’m the worst chef among us. Min was a bigger asset than I was.”

“All of us are the biggest assets in our restaurant. No more, no less.” Chaeyeon spoke then sighed. “Did Minju really toll you that bad, Chaewon?”

“She really did. Being with her made every day bearable but now…” Chaewon spoke again but her tears were dropping. “…I’d ask to continue working here unless she comes back…or I won’t work at all.”

Everyone gathered around Chaewon for a group hug. Chaeyeon thought this was a stressful day yet she joined the comfort brigade. She even hugged Chaewon and patted her back. “You love her now, don’t you?”

Another nod was present. Everyone wanted to ogle but they could never smile if one was crying.

“Tell you what…” Chaeyeon broke from the hug and looked directly at her. “…if you continue to work here, I’ll do whatever in my power to bring Minju back.”

“Y-You’d really do that, boss?” Chaewon asked. “Or are you saying that to make me stay and compete in the CFC?”

“There may be some truth to that but I told Minju the same thing.” Chaeyeon spoke and everyone paid attention. “I didn’t grant Minju’s resignation. She needs to compete for the CFC to gain that. If we win, I’ll let her resign – “

“Why did you make that deal?!” Chaewon grew worried again. “I want her back, boss!”

“Aish! I’m not finished!” Chaeyeon snapped, causing Chaewon to be obedient and the rest to laugh. “This is your part of the bargain, Chaewon. Convince her to return, talk to her honestly, and let her know that you love her.”

The rest cooed. Chaewon thought it wasn’t worth it but with Minju, she was willing to take the risk just to get her back.

“If we win and you managed to get her back, both of you will work here in 2000. Otherwise, I’ll let Minju resign and not you.” Chaeyeon spoke, adding a smirk. “Believe me. I’ll force you to work for 2000 and I won’t be nice to you this time. I’ll be Gordon Ramsay to you every day.”

Chaewon thought the consequences were torture and the rest never wanted to picture out a strict Chaeyeon in the kitchen.

“How long do I have?”

“You only have the competition proper to do that. Fifteen days.” Chaeyeon added. “The worst part? Minju won’t join us for practice. The CFC will be the first and last time you’ll see her. That all of us will see her.”

This was a challenge for them but for Chaewon, it was an ultimatum. For whatever it’s worth, Chaewon was going to do her all for love and friendship.

For Minju.


2000 became busy with practices and services. Everyone stepped up to their game to win, learning new recipes and organizing their strategies within the daily menus. For Chaewon, she wasn’t limiting herself in making sauces. She diligently learned to handle her station and Minju’s, all the while her skills improved. Everyone followed her and Chaeyeon observed like a proud mom, all the while she taught them more cooking skills and time management skills.

And when the CFC was about to start, the eight chefs in 2000 prepared in their kitchen. They were silent throughout the process as they were nervous yet trying their best to be calm and focused. Chaewon was prepping her station as she looked at the empty one beside her.

Just then, a familiar chef made her return, bowing at her fellow chefs. Chaeyeon welcomed her first followed by the rest. Chaewon was frozen because after a month of not seeing her, she noticed how pretty she looked with her ponytail and apron.
Scratch that. She was beautiful everyday and she blamed herself for seeing it too late.

“Hello, Chaewon.”

Chaewon didn’t stop and hugged her tight, whispering sweet nothings on how she missed her and wanted her back in her life. Chaewon broke, fearing that she might trigger her again.

“Minju…I’m so happy you’re back.” Chaewon smiled like she hasn’t smiled in years. “Min…I – “

Minju shushes her by putting a finger on Chaewon’s lips. The rest returned to their routines and let them have their time to talk. Chaewon thought the contact made her heart pound.

“Don’t you say a word.” Minju spoke. “Just so you know, I won’t change my mind after winning this challenge.”

Minju got to her station like a cadet, leaving Chaewon to feel dejected. Nonetheless, she got to her station, listening to Chaeyeon’s words before they begin their services.

“Boss, the panelists and a long line of customers are here.” 

They all looked at Somi, sharing the same nervous look as her. Chaeyeon regained composure, saying. “Let’s consider the next fifteen days as usual service days. Let’s get to work!”

Somi regained her composure and went out to lead the other employees in accommodating their guests. The chefs got themselves ready as the first orders came in.


As Chaeyeon said, the fifteen days were like the usual service days. The only difference was the various menus, the large number of various customers, and the various attitudes each chef was bringing in duty. It was going well, tedious yet manageable.

But when the thirteenth day came, it was a mess.

Yuri was overwhelmed with the number or orders in queue. The male waiters were consuming the stations’ spaces for coming back and forth. Wonyoung bumped into a careless Dohyon while carrying a pot of hot soup, causing it and the residue of dirty dishes to spill on them. Minju kept up the pace and stopped to help them as the rest struggled to maintain a pace in their orders.

“It’s your recipe, Chaewon!” Hitomi snapped while aiming her roasting fork at her. “How the could you forget it?!”

“I didn’t write it down! It just came to me!” Chaewon snapped as she whisked some tzatziki sauce.

“Then let it come again before I burn this slab of lamb on your face!”

“Where’s the order of gyros?!” Somi snapped as she got in.

“Can’t we serve them something else?! I can’t recall the recipe, not even Chaeyeon knows!” Chaewon snapped back.

“But it’s what they’re ordering, Chaewon! We’re up for Sirtaki Taverna and Salad Bar as our menus for today, remember?!” Yuri spoke, waving the sticky notes around.

“Chaewon’s right! Tell them we’re all out of lamb!” Chaeyeon snapped as she got busy dicing the salads’ ingredients.

“We can’t do that! We’ll have a point deduction.” Nako raised.

“I have an idea. Why don’t we…” Yuri grinned then snapped again. “SERVE THEM WHAT THEY ORDERED!”

“We will make it, Ssamu!” Minju clenched her collar to knock some sense into her. “Just tell us what you did with those gyros!”

“I don’t know! It was an experiment and I can’t remember it this time!” 

“We have to tell the customers something!” Hitomi spoke.

Chaewon was stuck as her mind wondered about those stupid shawarma-like pastries she made during the practices. All she could recall was that she made it out of nothing, that Chaeyeon tasted them, and that she puts in in the Sirtaki Taverna menu. With those flooding memories, she felt stupid for not jotting the recipe down and for not trying hard enough.

She ended up slamming her bowl of tzatziki sauce on the counter and left the kitchen, heading towards their waiting area and leaving everyone speechless.
Chaeyeon got them out of the zone and told them to resume their work. She discussed with Hitomi, Yuri, and Nako to improvise a basic gyros recipe and the trio agreed. Minju sighed and despite wanting to continue working, her gaze was rooted at the door where Chaewon went in.

“Go and console her, Minju.” Chaeyeon spoke as she took over her station. “She’s been needing you since you left.”

Minju decided to take a break but she hesitated to talk to Chaewon. The past really scarred her to the point where her pure nature was replaced with a peccant one. But in the crisis that fell upon them, she had to talk to Chaewon; convince her that there was still hope.

Minju saw her by the hallway, crouched by the door of Chaeyeon’s office. She was hugging her legs as she buried her face on her knees. She also noticed the burns on her hands and arms, probably from practice.

She may have gone hard with her heart but with the sight, she couldn’t help but feel pity towards her best friend.

Yes. She was still her best friend.

“Ssamu.” Minju sat next to her. “I’m sorry for choking you back there.”

“That’s cool. I deserved it.” Chaewon mumbled. “Who knew it was all thanks to me not knowing how to cook a ing gyro?”

“What’s really wrong, Ssamu?” 

“Me, I guess…” Chaewon spoke. “I being a chef, I fell for a wrong guy, and I hurt you. And now, I forgot how to make a dish that I accidentally made.”

Minju’s heart broke as Chaewon looked depressed. She was depressed. It was feeding her mind up to the brim of anger, regret, and sadness.

“Do you really not remember, Ssamu?”

Chaewon looked back and her eyes were swollen from crying. Minju reached to wiped them off yet Chaewon cried harder. Minju thought she was bothering her but Chaewon held her hands and made them cup her face.

“I remember now…” Chaewon mumbled, face down as her tears kept flowing. “We used to make gyros when we were children. I must’ve made them by accident because I missed you…”

Minju joined the waterworks as Chaewon kept holding her hands on her face. The separation tolled Chaewon towards depression that it fueled her emotions inside and fed her up through this moment. Minju felt the same way as her heart yearned for that same relationship to return.

“Are you really unhappy without me?”

“I’m at the top of sadness.” Chaewon spoke, letting Minju’s hands go as she sniffled and wiped her tears away. “But I can’t deny that it’s my fault. If I was aware from the very start, you wouldn’t have left. I’m really sorry about everything, Min.”

“But if I didn’t leave, you wouldn’t have suffered like this.” Minju spoke. “I’m sorry too, Ssamu.”

Chaewon wiped Minju’s tears away as the latter sat next to her. Minju leaned her head on Chaewon’s shoulder and with involuntary hands holding each other, something in them sparked.

The friendship was slowly returning and it’s developing into something greater.

“How did we even come to this?” Minju asked.

“Through your best friend being a fool. But now…” Chaewon held Minju’s hand close to her hand. “…your best friend loves you more than that.”

Minju couldn’t believe her hearing. She couldn’t believe she was feeling Chaewon’s heart beating for her. She couldn’t believe Chaewon wore the locket she kept for so long. 

“I love you, Min.” Chaewon spoke with no hesitation. “Whatever verdict this challenge offers us, I hope you’ll give me a chance. And even if you’re not ready to accept me yet, I’ll wait for you.”

Minju felt the sincerity again and it had no hint of hesitation. She couldn’t hold her tears of joy that she held Chaewon’s face and leaned their foreheads on each other.

“I love you too…” Minju whispered. “You don’t have to wait. I want to give the chance of being with you this time.”

“You mean it?” Chaewon asked.

Minju laughed her ‘yes’s out and Chaewon was relieved, hugging her close and pecking her forehead like there’s no tomorrow. They broke to look at each other lovingly after missing each other for so long.

“Hey. I missed your smile.” Chaewon spoke. “It makes my life less sour.”

It turns out that Chaewon had the thoughts return to her, especially on a ten-year-old her and a ten-year-old Minju cooking gyros. With that came the idea of the real recipe.

“What is it?” Minju pouted.

Chaewon ogled at Minju’s cuteness as they stood up. She then held her hands, saying. “I finally figured the recipe. I missed – “

“ – the limes.” They said at the same time.

They shared a hopeful smile as they returned to the kitchen to resume the services. Everyone was relieved as they returned to their stations.

“Ssamu has figured it out!” Minju became hyped as she grilled mackerel.

“But we already served some – “

“We’ll give extra!” Chaeyeon spoke for Nako’s concern. “Lay it out, Chaewon!”

Chaewon explained everything – from the mixed meats of beef and lamb to adding lime juice and lime slices for garnish. The trio got the instructions and served everyone extra gyros. The cooking continued until Somi got to the kitchen with a big smile. 

“Everyone loved the gyros!” She cheered as the chefs wooed while working. “They’re asking for more. We need seven orders for each customer.”

“Leave the preparations to me.” Chaewon spoke, flexing her hands.

Chaewon became focused and speedy in preparing gyros that the chefs were feeling her hope and worked hard on their own dishes. Minju was the proudest as she grilled fish to perfection and earned a lot of orders herself. Seeing their smiles gave the rest a conclusion that they’ve reconciled. 

Chaeyeon saw it first and she was very proud of them. 

I guess we’ll still have their old lineup after all...


Day fifteen; the last day and the most hopeful day for 2000. It was Hell’s Kitchen and Italian Buffet for the menus and the eight chefs were maintaining a fast and sure pace in their services.

It was going well when Somi got inside, worry etched on her face. “Guys, we have a problem.”

“What is it?” Chaeyeon asked while boiling eggs.

“The panelists have a concern about the seared tuna.” Somi spoke. “She said that another restaurant had served this so we can’t duplicate this dish. Either we remove it from the menus or make something better.”

“We don’t have time to remove it. We don’t have a backup dish!” Yuri snapped.

“But we’ll lose points if we continue to make it!” Nako batted. “It’s a point deduction for each ten dishes served.”

“We don’t have a choice! Think of something else!” Chaeyeon snapped. 

Chaewon and Minju had their idea and talked about it. “Let’s add cream pasta, boiled eggs, lettuce, and Chinese cabbage to the seared tuna.”

“Sounds different. Let’s go for it!” Somi spoke and everyone agreed.

Chaewon and Minju made the preparations together like an ensemble of instruments playing harmoniously. With their collaboration, they made servings for every customer until the last hour of service.

The day was over and Wonyoung sends out the last dish for today’s service and the challenge. Now, the chefs were cleaning their stations and were waiting for the results. The customers were leaving one by one, leaving the panelists.

“Boss.” Somi called Chaeyeon again. “All the chefs are required to meet the panelists immediately.”
The eight chefs huddled to cheer each other up and slowly, they went out and faced the four panelists, all in business attires and were female manifestations of Marco White.

There was famous executive chef and manager Kwon Eunbi, famous food blogger and Japanese Michelin chef Miyawaki Sakura, food enthusiast and restaurant entrepreneur Kang Hyewon, and Subway owner and head chef Choi Yena.

The eight listened as the four panelists spoke their comments. Hyewon and Yena weren’t very particular since they loved the food. Sakura was very particular with the Asian foods, especially the sushi. And for Eunbi, she felt unsatisfied with the basic foods yet thanks to the extra food given, she had a wonderful feedback.

“Those gyros and seared tuna with the cream pasta were the highlights of the whole challenge. They were delicious.” Eunbi added. “Who are the chefs for these dishes?”

Chaeyeon called Chaewon and Minju to present themselves. The duo stepped forward and bowed. They even held each other’s hands.

“Dishes like those are made tasty because of the love put in the plate.” Hyewon spoke her touching words. “And I guess you two had that.”

Chaewon and Minju thanked them, hugging each other for a job well done before returning to the line. The four panelists gathered to make the decision as the chefs anticipated. And once Eunbi got to them, the chefs grew nervous.

A smile got to Eunbi’s face, confusing them. But the next words  -

“Congratulations, 2000. You’re the winner of the Cooking Fever Challenge.”

Chaeyeon and Yuri shook hands with the panelists, leaving the rest to cheer first. For Chaewon and Minju, they just hugged each other.

“Min.” Chaewon called. “Now that we won…”

“Don’t worry, you koala bear.” Minju reached to pinch her cheeks. “I won’t resign as long as you’re with me.”

Chaewon felt the weariness of her soul gain its life. As much as she wants to celebrate, they needed to shake hands with the panelists and have a meeting about their restaurant’s future.


Chaewon had never felt this happy. How can she not when she’s a staff chef, when her apartment gained its life, and that her best friend turned girlfriend came back with her?

Minju had never felt this happy. How can she not when she’s a relief chef, when she returned to her favorite apartment, and that her best friend turned girlfriend was finally hers?

Minju wowed at the clean interior, especially the kitchen all set up for a romantic date. The dining table even had their two iconic dishes served on fancy plates.

“Did you really set this up?” Minju asked. “This looks wonderful.”

“Yes, because you deserve the best.” Chaewon spoke as she escorted her to the table.

Minju was seated as Chaewon told her to wait, rushing to the bedroom to get something. Minju couldn’t wait but luckily, Chaewon returned quickly and got to her seat.

“Min, can you close your eyes?”


Chaewon pleaded and Minju does the task. Chaewon crept behind her and wrapped a silver necklace around her neck. Chaewon returned to her seat. “You can open your eyes now.”

Minju did it slowly and Chaewon was shown, holding a mirror. What surprised Minju was the reflection and the glistening silver locket on her neck.

“Open it.”

Minju did just that and inside were pictures that brought her to tears.

On the left side was ten-year-old Chaewon and on the right was her favorite selfie with her.

“Ssamu…” Minju was still shocked. “This is…”

“Hey. You got your gift for me too.” Chaewon said as she held her golden locket.

She opened it and Minju saw her ten-year-old self and a favorite selca. The surprise moved Minju to tears…

…and a sudden kiss on the lips for Chaewon.

Minju broke with a giggle as Chaewon blushed hard. Nonetheless, they thanked for the meals and started their first dinner together.

There may be various choices in the world but between her and him, Chaewon will always choose her.

Her Minju.

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Hello, everyone. How have y'all been? I hope wherever you are, you're okay.

I just wanna pass by and thank everyone for still anticipating to this collection. I also want to share that Our Love was a favourite prompt to write. The recent chapter made me cry while writing. How about y'all?


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rynrkz #1
Chapter 78: ❤️
mycoral #2
Chapter 197: Love it so much <3
1752 streak #3
Chapter 197: oh this is so wholesome!!!!!!!
Chapter 197: baby yul🥺
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 85: hot hot
1752 streak #6
Chapter 196: i love love love this!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 196: aaaaaa my request! finally! thank you😭 and looking forward for the next chapters
Chapter 196: My Ssamyul heart❤️
Finally there is a Ssamyul story
reigngrey #9
Chapter 196: Kangbi…. What fate lies ahead. Im excited
hhhhhhhhh #10
Chapter 194: OMG. THIS STORY HAS FINISHED?! I am happy for four of them. I don't know what to comment, I just love this story. I like how you potray the characters, + the storyline is not cliche and I love the drama. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM FOR THE STORY. Stay safe and stay healthy.