Love is in the New Tutor: Part 5 (SsamJin)

365 with ZOZI [HIATUS]

Last day.

Chaewon stood by the gate after she finished taking an exam. She pushed the doorbell button and was almost frightened because Yujin instantly opened the gate.

“Unnie.” Yujin hugged her closer. “Great to see you.”

Chaewon’s heart went crazy. Somehow, Yujin’s hug felt so warm. Nonetheless, she hugged Yujin back and they got inside the house together.

“Welcome back, Chaewon-ah.” Yumi greeted her. “How’s your exams?”

“Good. I finished the third one today, Mrs. Ahn.”

“Yujin-ah.” Yumi called. “Do well for the last tutorial. Don’t let Chaewon’s efforts go to waste. Understand?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Yujin nodded.

Yumi excused herself to do her business as the two went straight to Yujin’s room. Chaewon was impressed that everything was set for the tutorials. Their spot was clean and books were stacked neatly on the side.

“Like the setup, unnie?”

“I love it, Yujin-ah.” Chaewon clapped and they got to their seats. “For tonight, I won’t pressure you in getting perfect for the quizzes. Just answer them at your own pace.”

Chaewon gave Yujin the papers as she got out her own notes to study. Yujin felt a bit sad because Chaewon had to be busy with her own exams. Remembering what her mother said, Yujin didn’t bother reacting and started to answer her tests.

It was silence inside the room. Yujin managed to finish her first exam and ended up looking at Chaewon growing serious with her studying. Yujin had the urge to hold her and hug her but she didn’t want to suddenly distract her. All she could do was wait until Chaewon relaxed or did stretches.

“Unnie, I’m done.” Yujin handed her finished test.

“Okay. I’ll check it.” Chaewon received the paper. “You may proceed.”

Yujin did what she was told and Chaewon returned to her task and studies. Yujin felt easy in answering the tests but felt uneasy in this moment with Chaewon. It was supposed to be the last day in which they should cherish it but Chaewon’s exams had to be in the way.

Yujin knew it would mean disobeying her mother’s orders but if it was the only way for her to confess, she was willing to take the risk.

“Unnie. I’m finished.” Yujin gave the rest of the papers.

Chaewon did the checkings. As Yujin waited, she asked, “Unnie, will you give me a reward for this?”

“Sure.” Chaewon spoke. “You got perfect in all the tests so you get to receive as many rewards as you want.”

Yujin gleamed, leaving Chaewon to think that it was one of the things to why she liked her in the first place. She wanted to confess to Yujin too but she couldn’t distract her when it was almost the examinations. Yujin needed to concentrate on her studies and love was just going to be a hurdle.

Or so she thought…

“Unnie, I only want one huge reward.”

“And what will that be?”

Yujin’s gleam became a serious look. Chaewon  was wondered about it and was flushed when Yujin pulled her closer to herself, hugging her tight like she was going to be gone forever. It may be for a while but Yujin couldn’t bear missing Chaewon for so long…

…especially when she grew to love the older.


“Unnie…” Yujin began. “…will you be my girlfriend?”

Chaewon’s heart thumped like crazy. She never thought that Yujin would like her, let alone confess to her. She wanted it to happen as much as she wanted to confess to Yujin. Academics held them back and they wouldn’t mind as they were willing to wait when it was the right time.

However, Yujin had to make this the right time. She was uncertain if they’ll ever meet again and she never wanted this relationship to fade.


“I like you, Chaewon-unnie.” Yujin hugged her again. “Let me date you, unnie.”

Chaewon could never lie to herself nor to Yujin. She hugged Yujin back, saying. “I like you too, Yujin-ah.”

“R-Really?” Yujin’s gleam returned as they broke the hug.

“Really.” Chaewon added, cupping Yujin’s face.

Yujin loved that feeling. She ended up holding Chaewon’s hands on her face and felt them warm her heart. She held them off to hold them with both her hands as she inched closer to Chaewon. Chaewon gulped and did the same until their lips touched in a jolt.

They broke afterwards and squealed at each other like crazy. Chaewon was hiding her face in her hands whereas Yujin cheered as her confession became a success. She even carried Chaewon bridal style and twirled her around, earning a shy laugh.

“So that means we’re dating?”

“Not yet.” Chaewon grew serious, causing Yujin to whine. “You have to pass your final exam, get excellent grades, graduate with high honors, and pass the CSAT.”

Yujin whined like a little puppy. Chaewon was still serious. “Remember your mother’s words and your goal.”

There was some truth to it, Yujin thought. As much as she truly wanted to date Chaewon, she had to earn it for her and for herself. She cannot let Chaewon’s efforts, Wonyoung’s advice, and her mother’s support go to waste. She had to be truly driven with her goals in order to achieve them.

“Okay…” Yujin nodded. “…but you have to wait for me.”

“Of course, I will.” Chaewon pinched her cheeks. “The door to my heart will only be open for you.”

Yujin loved the answer. She placed Chaewon down and hugged her. Chaewon hugged back and lets herself be snuggled onto Yujin’s taller build.

They were two students of different categories of education. They had a common goal of accomplishing in the academe and of always wanting to do their best. Yujin never thought of being able to reach her potential and Chaewon never thought of being able to feel something different outside her life.

The tutorials connected them. Not only did it build knowledge but it also built a love that they’ll cherish for a long, long time. 


It was the ultimate day for Yujin. It was the final exams and she was meditating on her own desk. Wonyoung managed to join her and in the end, they shared hi-fives. 

“How was yesterday, AhnYu?”

“Success!” Yujin couldn’t hold her happiness and squealed. “She likes me too!”

“Good.” Wonyoung raised a thumb up before flicking Yujin’s forehead. “Remember to focus. Do it for me, for Aunt Yumi, and for Chaewon-unnie.”

Yujin reverted to her serious side and focused. As soon as the teacher arrived with the tests, Yujin prayed for the best and as soon as she got her set of papers, she calmed herself and started answering.


“Someone’s happy.” Chaeyeon smirked. “Did you finally confess to Little Yujin?”

“No.” Chaewon spoke then smiled again. “She confessed first.”

“Aish…you’re supposed to confess first because you’re older.” Chaeyeon sighed but applauded. “But anyway, congratulations!”

“Thank you.” Chaewon replied and got a call. 
Chaewon excused to answer the call. Seeing the dialer made her smile and answer the call. “Yudings~”

Ah, unnie~!! I thought you’ll call me love~

“Sorry, sorry.” Chaewon spoke. “What made you call, love?”

Chaewon chuckled as Yujin squealed on the other line. Even if Yujin had stronger guts to confess first, she was still the little puppy in Chaewon’s senses.

I finished taking the CSAT. I’m at school and got to see my final rank.


I got second, unnie~ 

Chaewon cheered with her. Some students ended up looking at her while she was reminded to check hers.

Let’s have a dinner date later, unnie.

“Sure. Let’s meet at the mall. I’ll let you decide where to eat.

Okay, love. I need to go now. I love you.

“I love you.” Chaewon spoke back. “I’ll see you later.”

The call ended with smiles on their face. The two would be facing the rest of the day in their academics as their hearts grew more love for their goals and for each other.


Yujin was like Hachiko in the training station, waiting for her favorite person. Her tall stature had an advantage for searching that she looked around, stopping to see her girl looking so beautiful.

“Unnie~” Yujin sprinted towards her and hugged her tight.

“Yudings! Choking. Not breathing.” Chaewon huffed while patting her back.

“Sorry!” Yujin lets go right away. “You okay, love?”

Chaewon raised a thumb up and they greeted each other more lovingly. Yujin held her hand and escorted towards a fancy restaurant. Chaewon was shocked yet Yujin assured her that it was okay and they can split the bill if they have to.

“Reservation from Mrs. Ahn Yumi and Mrs. Lee Ranhee?” Yujin asked.

“This way,” said the waiter as he escorted them towards a VIP room.

Chaewon and Yujin got to their seats yet Yujin insisted that they should sit beside each other. Chaewon adored Yujin’s aegyo – even though it was a bit scary – and obeyed the younger’s wishes. Once the waiter left them, Yujin hugged Chaewon close to her. 

“I miss you…” Yujin mumbled.

“I miss you, too.” Chaewon patted her cheek from the back. “How’s school?”

“School is school.” Yujin spoke. “Wonyoung and I will say our speeches in our graduation.”

“Same with our moving ceremony.” Chaewon added. “And how did you get Eomma to reserve this with yours?”

“Eomma had her ways. They’re really supportive of us, love.” Yujin added, kissing Chaewon’s forehead. “It was our reward, after all. I’m Top 2 and you’re still Top 1 in your batch.”

“Hey. I’m supposed to tell you first-hand.” Chaewon pouted.

“Okay. Tell me again.” Yujin played along. “Go on, love.”

“I’m still Top 1 in our batch.” Chaewon played along as well and Yujin rewarded her with many kisses. “Ahaha – that tickles!”

Chaewon and Yujin were having a blast of smiles and laughs. Yet, the food couldn’t wait that they had to eat and enjoy this moment together.

Both of them were thankful for their mothers and both of them know that this was the best date up to par.


Months have passed. Chaewon and Yujin still had a strong relationship with their family and with each other. They attended each other’s ceremonies and had many dates during their vacation.

Today was Chaewon’s first day as a college junior. She also became part of SNU’s student body as the Secretary so it would be expected that they’ll play a part in the freshmen and transferee’s orientation.
But out of all that, she expected to see Yujin in the flock of students.

As the student body President Bae Jinyoung said his speech, the rest of the officers made rounds to check on the students who don’t pay attention. She, Minju, and Chaeyeon did the tasks for their specific colleges, with Chaewon being in charge for the College of Fine Arts; the college where Yujin is supposed to be.

She was shocked. Yujin was nowhere to be seen.
Chaewon felt sad and worried. She was worried that she didn’t pass and was actually in SSK instead. She couldn’t bat away from the orientation as she had to do her responsibility.

She swore in her head that she’ll be calling Yujin after this.


“Chaeyeon.” Chaewon called. “Did you tutored student pass SNU?”

“You mean Jang Wonyoung?” Chaeyeon asked as Chaewon nodded. “She did. She’s in the College of Liberal Studies.”

“Have you got any note about Ahn Yujin?”

“She’s not on the list, Chaewon. Minhee and Eunsang checked it under my instruction and there was none.” Chaeyeon patted her back. “I’m sorry, Chaewon. I guess SNU has such a high standard for her to pass.”

“For a moment, I thought…” 

“I know. I could tell that you taught her so well.” Chaeyeon spoke. “Even if she’s in a different university, it shouldn’t hinder your love for each other, right?”

Chaewon knew Chaeyeon was right. She thanked her with a big hug and decided to head home, feeling dejected.

A ring disrupted her and she decided to answer. “Yudings?”

Hey. What’s with that tone? Are you okay?

“Yes and no.” Chaewon spoke. “Mind telling me about your CSAT results?”

I’m sorry, love. I wanted to tell you earlier but I was scared of what you’ll react. SNU’s standard was too high but SSK fitted mine just fine.

“Ah…” Chaewon nodded. “I’m sorry if I’m reacting like this. I expected you to pass here in SNU but I think my tutoring wasn’t enough.”

Hey. Don’t say that, love. If it wasn’t for you, I would still have been the idiotic puppy and not pass at any university – even Eomma might disown me if I continued to flunk my studies. But you changed me, you taught me so much and you gave me the most important thing in the world: love.

Chaewon was sniffling. She was touched of Yujin’s words yet she was disappointed at herself because she didn’t tutor Yujin enough. Then again, Yujin had a point with everything.

Aish...don’t cry. I’ll go there.

“You don’t have to.”

Too late. I’m here.

Chaewon was shocked of the louder voice but she was more shocked as Yujin was in front of her. Chaewon was crying now and Yujin hugged her closer.

“Hey…it’s okay.” Yujin whispered. “We can still be together despite being far away, right?”

Chaewon nodded, whining and sniffling. Yujin was happy and sad at the same time but she hugged her girlfriend, nonetheless.

“Don’t make that face again. I don’t like seeing you like that.” Yujin pouted. “Tell you what. We’ll go out and study together during our vacant periods. I’ll even sleep over at your place this weekend. How’s that sound?”

Chaewon stopped sniffling. She wondered what Yujin meant until she got the epiphany. “Wait, what?!”

Yujin showed her results. Chaewon read them over and was shocked. 

The first paper was her CSAT result. She was the Top 1 in the entirety of the country. The second paper was her admission for SNU. Because of her rank in the CSAT, she was prioritized a spot for any college and course she picked. Of course, she would be in the College of Fine Arts taking Media Art.

“It’s a prank~” Yujin chanted.

Chaewon didn’t know what to truly react. Instead, she yelled at Yujin as the younger ran away like a cheeky puppy. Chaewon ended up chasing her towards the field and Yujin was quicker to catch Chaewon in her embrace and give her kisses. 

“Aish! Why did you do that?!” Chaewon pushed her off.

“I wanted to surprise you, love.”

“Love, my .” Chaewon slapped her hard. “Why didn’t you attend the orientation then?”

“Because Wonyoung and I were called by the university president to become pioneers for our colleges to represent the freshmen.” Yujin reasoned. “Don’t worry about the orientations. The president said that you and Lee Chaeyeon-unnie will do the task for us.”

“And you dragged her into this prank?!”

“I had to. Like I said, I wanted to surprise you.” Yujin added. “I also made a proposition with her so she can get close to Wonyoung because Wonyoung was gaga over her.”

“Your results?”

“They were very legit, unnie. They were so legit that I never thought Wonyoung and I tied for Top 1.” Yujin spoke. “The higher-ups would question about it but they’ll get nothing.”

Yujin laughed the prank out but Chaewon grew serious. Yujin mellowed down and apologized for it, adding a kiss on the forehead.

“Be thankful that I’m open-minded or else I would’ve broken up with you.” Chaewon spoke and walked ahead.

“Love~ you don’t mean that!” Yujin got her turn to whine and follow her.

Chaewon continued to walk away while Yujin became a whining dog, asking for forgiveness and willingly asked to be commanded for anything Chaewon wanted. Chaewon would look away when Yujin looked at her so she could hide her grin. When she was already calm, she stopped Yujin’s yapping with a long kiss.

“Alright, alright.” Chaewon spoke to calm her squealing girlfriend down. “You’re forgiven but you must reward me something.”

“Anything for you, my love, and it’s done.” Yujin spoke.

Chaewon got to look at Yujin and cupped her face. Yujin held it and even gleamed…

…until Chaewon pinched her ear.

“The long kiss was for your surprise. This is for your cheekiness.” Chaewon spoke. “You know better than to prank me like that.”

“I won’t do it again.” Yujin hugged her again.

“You promise?”

“Here’s my promise.” 

Chaewon wondered as Yujin got behind her. She felt something on her neck and noticed a necklace with a blue tomoe for the pendant. Yujin also had the same necklace with a mint tomoe, drawing closer and connecting their necklaces.

“This is beautiful.” Chaewon couldn’t help her smile.

“Just like you,” said Yujin, inching closer.

Chaewon drew closer as well and they shared a cute yet long kiss. As they broke together with their necklaces, they held hands as they walk to a new life together.

Chock-full of mishaps, silly gags, focused academic life, and wonderful romance, life will be like that to the couple. It was going to be a typical love comedy full of academics and aspirations that will surely brighten their paths. With that – together with the right companions – Yujin will be finding her romance with Chaewon ever doughty.

And thus it proves that with all the right components in love, it’s all in the new tutor.

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Hello, everyone. How have y'all been? I hope wherever you are, you're okay.

I just wanna pass by and thank everyone for still anticipating to this collection. I also want to share that Our Love was a favourite prompt to write. The recent chapter made me cry while writing. How about y'all?


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rynrkz #1
Chapter 78: ❤️
mycoral #2
Chapter 197: Love it so much <3
1761 streak #3
Chapter 197: oh this is so wholesome!!!!!!!
Chapter 197: baby yul🥺
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 85: hot hot
1761 streak #6
Chapter 196: i love love love this!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 196: aaaaaa my request! finally! thank you😭 and looking forward for the next chapters
Chapter 196: My Ssamyul heart❤️
Finally there is a Ssamyul story
reigngrey #9
Chapter 196: Kangbi…. What fate lies ahead. Im excited
hhhhhhhhh #10
Chapter 194: OMG. THIS STORY HAS FINISHED?! I am happy for four of them. I don't know what to comment, I just love this story. I like how you potray the characters, + the storyline is not cliche and I love the drama. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM FOR THE STORY. Stay safe and stay healthy.