SEQUEL: Blooming Flower! (Teacher Shon)

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Finally, today is the day! The day Irene has been waiting for years now. Graduation day! Finally, the moment to be free from those ugly school uniforms is here. She’s no longer a high school student, she’s in her legal age, she can do whatever she wants now and that means…Wendy is not her teacher anymore, no more secret relationship and finally she can tell the whole world, especially those girls…Wendy belongs to her. Wendy Shon Seungwan is Irene Bae Joohyun girlfriend!


In that cold February evening, Irene and her three friends were hanging out inside the Velvet café, celebrating their successful school years.


“So…what do you guys planning to do after this?” Seulgi asks, sipping on her warm chocolate.


“Are you talking about after graduation or…later?” Sooyoung asks, unsure.


Seulgi hummed. “Hmmm…both!”


“I’m going backpacking with my brother and sister. You know…before I continue my studies. If you guys talking about later… I’m gonna buy lots and lots of alcohol to celebrate the day I can finally drink freely without getting any trouble.” Yerim said.


“I’m gonna join you! Let’s celebrate together. Your place or mine?” Sooyoung suggest.


Seulgi and Irene can only shook their heads as the two girls continued conversing they undying love for poisonous drinks.


“Seul, what about you?”


“I’m gonna hibernate.”


Many Moments later…


“So…Irene? What is this big news you want to tell us?” Sooyoung finally ask, remembering the reason why Irene invite them to hang out with her.


“Oh, urmmm...This may be a little shocking but the reason why ask you guys to come here because… I want to introduce you guys to my girlfriend.”


“Oh! I didn’t know you have a girlfriend but… I don’t get why this a big news.” Sooyoung said slightly confused.


“Yeah, me neither! Even though why you didn’t tell us about having a girlfriend it’s a bit strange…but I don’t think this is a shocking news. Being in relationship in our age is normal.” Yerim said.


“Urmmm…you see…my girlfriend is kind of…urmmm…how should I say this… Not quite you guys imagine.”


“What? Is she older than you?” Seulgi asks, curious.




“Is she…a college student?” Sooyoung ask this time.


“She already graduate.”


“Oh! You date a career woman. So…you date an older girl, big deal… It’s not big shocking news.” Yerim said coolly.


“Errr…I think you guys probably will be shock when she arrive.”


“Why? Do we know her?” Seulgi brows lift upward in suspicion.


“You can say that…” Irene murmured hesitantly, increasing her friends’ curiosity.


“Okay, now I really wants to meet this mysterious girlfriend.” Sooyoung spoke eagerly, seemingly excited meeting Irene girlfriend.


“Yeah…the one probably will get very shock is gonna be you.” Irene mumbled.


“What’s that?”


“Nothing! Oh!” Irene flinch, startled by the sound of her own phone. “It’s my girlfriend. I better take this.”


The three girls were looking and listening attentively as Irene continue conversing with her so-called older girlfriend and it was rare sight to see watching their cold friend acting all cute and giddy talking to her girlfriend, it was somewhat…freakishly uncanny, very unnatural.


“So…is she coming?” Seulgi ask after Irene was done.


“Ah, yes! She’s almost here. I better order her a drink.” Irene stood up. “Anyone want another drink?”


“Can I have a red velvet cake?”


“Sure, Seul! Anyone else?”


“No, we’re good!” Sooyoung and Yerim declined and Irene went to the counter to place an order.


“Who do you think her girlfriend is?” Sooyoung immediately blurt out of curiosity.


“Can’t tell…she didn’t give us any clue who she was. But one think I’m most certain, our Irene really likes her.” Seulgi said which the other two agreed.


There was a pause between them before Yerim decide to speak what’s on her mind.


“Does she perhaps…date a married woman? She said it herself we will get shock.” Yerim guess, making the two wondering if it’s true.


“Or…she’s dating a widow that have kids…” Sooyoung add.


Seulgi shook her head. “We shouldn’t speculate any ridiculous assumption about our friend mysterious girlfriend. We should wait and see her for our self.”


“Okay, but I am curious though. She never even told us she have a girlfriend.”


“Maybe she has a reason Sooyoung.” Seulgi said, sipping on her drink.


“Yeah, but-“


“Hey!” Yerim cuts in, shutting Sooyoung from speaking.


“Isn’t that Miss Wendy?” Yerim pointed outside.


Seulgi and Sooyoung whirl their head where Yerim was pointing and sees their favorite teacher, looking all cool sitting on her red Ducati superbike, fixing her blonde hair, totally the opposite Miss Wendy they saw every day in school. And when Wendy climb down from her bike, fixing her leather jacket, Sooyoung totally lost it.


“Gosh! She is so hot!” Sooyoung squeak, fanning her face.


“I got to admit, Miss Wendy is far…way cooler outside the school. She’s definitely on top of my list the coolest teacher ever existed.” Yerim said, eyes fixed at the blonde outside.


“Should I ask her out?” Sooyoung beamed eagerly.


“Sooyoung, no! She’s our teacher. It would be weird.” Seulgi detest the idea.


“For your information my dear bear friend, we already graduated. She’s no longer our teacher.”


“Yeah, but Sooyoung-ah –“


“Shhh…she’s coming!” Yerim shushed them when she sees Wendy entering the café.


“Oh my god! She’s coming towards us. What should we do?” Sooyoung began to panic.


“Act normal duh!” Yerim said, as it was an obvious thing to do. Shaking her head, watching Sooyoung frantically fixing her hair and her shirt.


“Hey, girls!” Wendy beamed brightly.


“Annyeonghaseyo seongsan nim!” The three quickly stood up and bow to their teacher.


Wendy chuckled. “Don’t be too formal girls. Outside school, I’m just another regular person like you girls. You girls can call me unnie since…you all already graduate.”


The three younger girls smiles widely and thought their former teacher is really an extraordinary individual, so cool and easy going.


“What are you doing here seongsan- I mean…unnie?” Yerim asks gingerly. It was still weird calling her teacher like that.


“Oh, came here to meet someone.”


“Someone…special?” Sooyoung asks carefully, somehow feels slightly uneasy, hoping her suspicion wasn’t true.


“You can say that.”


Wirh that simple answer, Sooyoung heart fell, her crush came to see someone special who is probably her girlfriend or boyfriend while the two contain themselves not to laugh by the dejected look on Sooyoung face.


But when their eyes spotted Irene making her way back towards them, they became anxious. They know how much Irene detest their former teacher and with Wendy still standing, smiling brightly in front of them, it’s a bit rude to dismissed the nice woman from their table. Panic eyes shifting back and forward towards each other, sending indirect signals through their eyes, what they should do, should they plan a distraction, this ain’t gonna end pretty.


The three girls tense up, feeling nervous as Irene already standing beside their teacher.


“Hi!” Wendy greeted with a gentle smile, noticing the younger girl presence next to her.


The three grew anxious waiting for the Irene usual cold treatment towards the teacher, but seconds later, their jaw drop in shock at the scene where their favorite teacher leaned in and peck their friend lips, thinking has their teacher lost her mind?


Wendy leaned back. “Sorry, I’m late!”


Irene carved a sweet smile. “It’s okay! I order your favorite.”

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1702 streak #1
Chapter 16: Ugh, I always get teary eyes reading this story.
Chapter 18: where is the last chapter? 😭
Chapter 11: i like girls .... (generation) -kyr
Chapter 8: hohoho actually I'm waiting for part 3 of this story, is that possible?
Chapter 6: I'm sorry but I can't stop commenting, because your story is very funny
Chapter 5: aws very soft 😚
Chapter 4: their story from children to marriage is very sweet
Chapter 2: Siblings have characteristics that are not much different 😂