Our little stories..

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Three years old Joohyun was happily playing with her purple toy blocks, stacking it piece by piece, building her dream castles, creating a beautiful masterpiece for a child perspective mind of course. Joohyun stood up on her tiny feet, smiling gleefully, her right arm stretch out, ready to put the final piece of block at the top corner, as she’s almost done with her outstanding purple castle.


However, her smiles immediately washed away, hand in the air, Joohyun eyes caught the sight of 18 months old Seungwan not too far away from her. Joohyun eyes widen in horror as Seungwan suddenly start moving his short legs, running in full speed towards her direction, no, towards her dream castle.


“Wannie, stop!” Joohyun warned, but it was too late.


Joohyun can only closed her eyes, as Seungwan ran over her nice stack of blocks, resulting her dream castle came crashing down, scattering messily over the floor, destroying Joohyun hard work.


Feeling upset that her dream castle was ruin, Joohyun brows knitted, puffing her chubby cheek, glaring at the little criminal who is currently sitting on the floor, banging Joohyun purple block on the tiles like he was creating a new kind genre of music.


“Wannie! You ruin Hyunnie castle.” Joohyun huffed, stomping her foot angrily on the floor.


But little Seungwan doesn’t seem to understand Joohyun adorable outburst as Seungwan blankly stared at her while his hand still hitting the blocks on the floor.


Huffing out of frustration, Joohyun went towards Seungwan, crouching down to his level.


“Wannie, that’s not how you play. This is how you play.” Joohyun said and start stacking the blocks back, teaching Seungwan how to play the blocks properly.


Again, Seungwan destroyed the nice build block by pushing it with his tiny hands, cackling loudly in the process.


“Wannie!!” Joohyun yelled.




“Hyunnie doesn’t want to play with you anymore.” Joohyun pouted.


“Pway~!!” Seungwan whoop excitedly and start chucking the purple blocks around.


Joohyun tried to stop Seungwan from throwing her blocks and messing up the clean living room.


“Wannie, no! Don’t throw- arkpp!!” Joohyun stop and place her palm on her right eye that was accidentally hit by the block Seungwan threw.


The pain was too unbearable for little Joohyun to endured and she started to sniff quietly. Seconds later, Joohyun was bawling loudly, startling baby Seungwan as his hands immediately halt in the air from throwing another blocks.


Joohyun loud cried caught the two mothers’ attention as Jessica and Tiffany quickly shuffled their legs towards the living room.


“Hyunnie, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” Tiffany immediately went over her daughter, lifting Joohyun up while Jessica took her scared son from the floor.


“Wan-wannie…h-hurt, hurt Hyunnie.” Joohyun said, hiccupping.


The two older women brows arched in confusion.


“Wannie hurt you?” Tiffany asked which little Joohyun replied by nodding her head.


“Wannie throw block at Hyunnie and hurt Hyunnie eye.” Joohyun wailed. The two women sighed.


“I’m sorry, Tiff?”


“It’s okay!” Tiffany smiled reassuringly and tried to calm her daughter.


“Seungwan!” Jessica said sternly, eyes locked with 18 months old Seungwan.


Jessica heave out a soft sighs, looking at her son adorable puppy eyes, knowing that he had done something wrong.


“Mommy always said, throwing is bad. It’s a bad…bad habit Seungwan ah! Look, you made Hyunnie cry.” Jessica said softly, pointing her fingers towards Joohyun and Tiffany.


Seungwan tilt his head where his mother pointed and turn back his attention to his mother, seemingly understand what he did wrong.


“No more throwing things again, okay? Do you understand?” Seungwan nods his head weakly.


“That’s my boy.” Jessica smiles.



“Hyunnie, Wannie didn’t meant to hurt you. He is still a baby. He still doesn’t understand what’s right or wrong.” Tiffany said after Joohyun calm down.


“Will you forgive him?” Joohyun didn’t give any respond, only sniffling cutely inside her mother arms.


“Hey, Tiff!” Jessica called, walking closer with Seungwan in her arms.


“Wannie here…wants to apologize to Hyunnie.”


Tiffany smiles. “Did you hear that? Wannie wants to apologize.” Tiffany whispered to her daughter.


Joohyun slowly turns her head towards Jessica and Seungwan direction, eyes still covered in tears.


Jessica beamed Joohyun a gentle smiled and shifted her gaze towards Seungwan. “Wannie, tell Hyunnie you are sorry.”


“Swo…Swowwiee…” Seungwan cooed.


“Now, give Hyunnie a hug!” Jessica added which her son obediently obey, stretching his short arms out and with Jessica help by positioning Seungwan more closer to Joohyun, Seungwan be able to hug the sad Joohyun.


The two women smiled in relief when Joohyun hug Seungwan back.


“Hyunnie, forgive Wannie.”





“Are you ready for round two?” Tiffany asks Jessica as the two watched their children playing happily with a new set of toys.


“Yup! And I already prepared some earbuds for us. Prepared your ears my friend. My boy there… have a loud annoying crying voice.”





Inside one of the hospital room, eight years old Joohyun was seen crying her eyes out beside the big hospital bed where seven years old Seungwan laid.


Seungwan laid still on his bed, both arms and his right leg covered in bandages, eyes blinking in confusion and slightly panic as Joohyun continue wailing and it seems like she doesn’t have any intention to stop.


“Hyunnie? Why are you crying? I’m the one that got bitten by a dog.” Seungwan said. But that made Joohyun wailed even more.


Seungwan flinch in surprised and become more panic. Seungwan shifted his gaze towards his mother, asking the older woman help with his eyes.


However, Jessica misunderstood Seungwan pleading eyes.


“I’ll leave you two alone.” Jessica smiles and walk out from the room.


Seungwan eyes widen, he wanted yell, stopping his mother from leaving him and Joohyun alone, but it was too late as the door had been close shut.


Seungwan sighed in defeat and turn back his attention towards the sobbing girl standing next to him. Pressing his lips tightly, doesn’t know what he should do to make Joohyun stop crying, Seungwan hesitantly pull out his injured arm, wincing because of the pain, Seungwan held Joohyun hand and tug the crying girl softly.


“Hyunnie?” Seungwan called gently. “Please stop crying?”


Joohyun didn’t say anything, only sniffling quietly on her spot.


Seungwan sighed again and wipe Joohyun tears with his thumbs. “Can you tell me why you cry?”


“Because…” Joohyun hiccup.


“…Because, Wannie got hurt because of me.”


“I didn’t get hurt because of you, Hyunnie.”


“Yes, you did! You tried to chase that dog away from me and that vicious dog attack you. And I…I ran away. I leave you alone. I didn’t help you. I let that crazy dog bite you!” Joohyun start to sobbed again.


Seungwan smiled. “Yes, you ran…but you ran away because you were trying to get help Hyunnie. You did help me Hyunnie.”


“But, but…If only I ran faster, maybe…”


“Hey, it’s okay! It doesn’t hurt that much Hyunnie.”




“Yeah!” Seungwan nodded. “I’m actually glad the dog attack me instead of you.”


Joohyun sniff. “Why?”


“Because… do you know how much this hurt? I don’t think you can stand the pain.”


“But you just said it doesn’t hurt that much.” Joohyun weep.


“No! I mean…it hurts for you but not for me.” Seungwan quickly explained in panic.


Soft whimpers still can be heard coming from the girl mouth.


“Really! Please, don’t cry?” Seungwan squeeze Joohyun hand, reassuring his friend that he was not in pain, even though it was the opposite what he felt.


Seungwan sighed in relief seeing the girl finally stop crying, wiping her tears with the back of her hand.


“Now…can I get a hug? For saving you today?” Joohyun nods her head weakly and went to hug the injured boy.


“Wannie, promise me you won’t get hurt again?” Joohyun said, face buried in Seungwan shoulder.


“Only if you promise you won’t get in trouble.”








“Seungwan! Can you please hurry up! We’re gonna be late!” Jessica shouted out of frustration, knocking her son bedroom door rapidly.


The bedroom door creaked open, revealing a twelve years old Seungwan, wearing a black suit and appeared to be looking very distress.


Jessica lift an eyebrows, confused. “Now, what’s wrong? Why do you look like as if mommy just took your favourite hamster doll? Do you not like the suit? Or is it making you uncomfortable?”


“No! It’s not that!”


“Then what? We’re gonna be late for the wedding. Aunty Tiffany and Hyunnie must be waiting for us now.”


“My hair! It looks horrible.”


“It looks fine Seungwan!”


“No! I look ugly! Hyunnie will be embarrassed walking with me if my hair looks like this.”


Jessica pressed her lips tightly, her inner cheeks, suppressing her laughter as her son continue whining about his hair that apparently looking just neat.


“So, you want to look good for Hyunnie?”


“Yes! I don’t want her to be embarrassed. I know she will look beautiful in her dress, and look at me? I look like a beast walking beside her.”


Jessica chuckled. “Isn’t that cool? Beauty and the beast walking down the aisle together. It’s like a fairy tale coming to live.”


“Mommy!!” Seungwan stomp his foot, and crossed his arms, puffing his cheeks.


“Okay, okay! Mommy will help you!” Jessica pushed her son inside his room and start working on his hair.


“Just so you know Seungwan, mommy genes will never produce an ugly creature. You are not a beast Seungwan… You’re actually look like a prince charming in this suit. Hyunnie, will never get embarrassed because of you, okay?”


“Easy for you to say. You’re the ice princess. You’re not the one gonna walk with a beautiful princess.”


Jessica laughed and shook her head in amusement. Her son is so adorable.




“Where is that Jung? She should be here by now. Don’t tell me she’s overslept again!” Tiffany grumble while her hand busy fixing her daughter dress.


It’s their best friend Yoona wedding and since both of them are close with the bride, Yoona ask both of their son and daughter to be involved in her wedding. 20 minutes before the wedding officially started, Jessica still hasn’t showed up and that made the eye-smile princess felt anxious.


“Maybe aunt Jessica stuck in a traffic jam mom.” Thirteen years old Joohyun said as her mother keeps on complaining about Jessica whereabouts.


“She live five minutes away from here, Hyunnie. The traffic that she will ever been stuck with is between her bed and the floor.”


“Wow! You do know me so well.” Tiffany and Joohyun whipped their heads to the side where the voice came and sees Jessica standing, smirking, with Seungwan beside her.


“Thank god, you’re here. What took you so long?”


“Oh…just some hamster problem, complaining about his fur. Poor little thing want to good look for someone.” Jessica said sarcastically, smirking, glancing down at her son.


Tiffany arched her brows in confusion. She wanted to ask what does Jessica meant but when she saw that smug grinned on Jessica face and Seungwan expression, Tiffany chuckled.


“Oh, my Wannie… Don’t you look dashing? So handsome!” Tiffany squeak. “Right Hyunnie?”


Slightly puzzled, Joohyun hesitantly nodded her head.


“Hi!” Seungwan smiled, scratching his head awkwardly.


“Hi!” Joohyun replied.


It has been six months since she last saw Seungwan because of the students exchange program, which the latter join this year. Seungwan grew taller and he appeared to be skinny since the last time she saw him. And in these past six months, Joohyun would never admit it to Seungwan, but she miss the latter so much.


“Wannie, I miss you!” Joohyun beamed and hug the awkward boy. (yup so much for not admitting)


Seungwan smiles. “I miss you too, Hyunnie!”




“Wannie, are you okay?” Joohyun asked feeling worried, she notice Seungwan was fidgeting in his spot.


“I’m a little bit nervous. I didn’t know we’re supposed to dance. Mommy didn’t say anything about dancing.”


Seungwan was freaking out. His mother should’ve mentioned about the bridesmaid and groomsmen have to dance with the newlywed couple. His mother should’ve warned him so he could practice and not embarrassed himself because he has two left feet.


Joohyun smiled. “Don’t worry Wannie! Just follow my lead.” Joohyun said and pulled Seungwan towards the dance floor as it’s their turn to dance with the other bridesmaid and groomsmen.


Facing the anxious boy, Joohyun smiles. Joohyun took Seungwan left hand and put her left hand on Seunwan shoulder. “Put your arm around me Wannie.”


Seungwan hesitate at first but reluctantly put his right hand on Joohyun back.


“Now, just follow my step…let the music flow in you Wannie.”


At first, Seungwan dance looks kind of awkward and stiff but after listening to Joohyun instruction and following Joohyun light footwork, Seungwan got the hang of it. Both of them chuckled as Seungwan made a little fun turn for Joohyun and they continue swaying into the soft melody.


“Wannie, promise me…you will never join another student exchange program again and leave me here alone?” Joohyun shyly requested.


Seungwan grinned widely. “I promise!”


Jessica and Tiffany smiled, watching their children sharing a dance at the dance floor. Both of them looks so cute together and the two women smiles widen, feeling proud, hearing multiple compliments thrown by strangers about their kids. The two younger kids manage to steal the spotlight and become the centre of attention rather than the newlywed couple.


“I deliberately didn’t tell that brat about the dancing part in this wedding ceremony.”




“Because I know he will ask me to practice with him.”


“Lazy Jung!”


Jessica chuckled. “At least Hyunnie know how to dance.”


“Oh, you don’t know how many times she kept begging me to practice with her.”






Far away from the busy city street, a grumpy looking sixteen years old Joohyun, wearing her school uniform, step out from the green bus. She shivered slightly as the cold chilly wind hitting her exposed legs. She heard someone jump out from the same bus and bid the bus driver a jolly farewell before the bus drove away.


Joohyun grunt in annoyance, knowing well the tall person standing right behind her. Tightening the coat snugly around her body, Joohyun start moving her muscle legs, striding her way towards the direction of her home.


A fifteen years old Seungwan let out a soft sighs

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1702 streak #1
Chapter 16: Ugh, I always get teary eyes reading this story.
Chapter 18: where is the last chapter? 😭
Chapter 11: i like girls .... (generation) -kyr
Chapter 8: hohoho actually I'm waiting for part 3 of this story, is that possible?
Chapter 6: I'm sorry but I can't stop commenting, because your story is very funny
Chapter 5: aws very soft 😚
Chapter 4: their story from children to marriage is very sweet
Chapter 2: Siblings have characteristics that are not much different 😂