Three words!

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Wendy doesn’t understand why people likes to call her a nerd. She doesn’t’ feel like a nerd. Was it because the way she dress? She admit that she don’t dress up like the other girls in her school who loves wearing skirt, cute dress, tight shirt and so on. She loves putting on comfortable clothes. School is for learning not a fashion show. Wendy is not judging them of course. They can go to school if they want, but that doesn’t mean they can tease about her choice of outfit. At least her clothes are clean and smells nice unlike some of them. 


Maybe it was because she has a good grades. She’s not a bookworm and she hates studying. She doesn’t have that much choice. If she failed in one of her subjects, her parents going to kill her. She once failed in math, and she never ever wants to repeat that horrible event in her life again.


Or was it because she’s a member of the school choir team. She loves music and she enjoy singing.  Moreover, her choir team members are super nice and shared the same hobbies as her. Is it wrong to be a part of something she really likes? 


Perhaps it was because she can’t stand up for herself. They always teases her, calling her with so many unique names, stole her lunch money and basically what was it call?? Oh yes, bullying! She can lash out at them, she can counter back with all of their remarks, she can beat them up if she wants (she learn mix martial arts), but she decide not to. Ignoring and keep a low profile was a good option for her. She did not want to create a scene, or involve in a fight and then, got call into the principal office. Nope! Not a good choice. Her parents would definitely kill her. 


Wendy feel grateful though. Her best friend Sooyoung was always there for her. Always backing her up, scaring her bullies away with her intimidating tall proportion. She’s glad she met Sooyoung. Her high school life was doing pretty well with Sooyoung by her side.


That was until…Sooyoung fell down the stairs and broke her leg. 



“Hey, Soo! I brought you some homework.” Wendy enter her friend’s room and drop couples of book on the desk. 


Sooyoung groaned. “I’m happy you came to visit me, but I hate you for bringing me homework. I am injured and I’m supposed to be resting.” 


Wendy snorted. “If I remember correctly, your leg was the one that broke, not your hands.” 


“Even so…” 


Wendy giggled, shaking her head and plopped herself near Sooyoung broken leg. 


“Eyy! Careful or you might make it worse.” 


“Ohhh…don’t be such baby. So what if I make it worse. You hate going to school. This is like a vacation to you.” 


“I need to get better. I have to protect you.” 


Wendy smile, understand her friend concern. “You don’t have to worry about me. I can take care of myself. You should be focusing on being able to walk again.” 


“How’s school without me?” 


“The usual.” Wendy replied simply. 


Her brows furrowed. “Did they pounce on you when I’m not around?” 



“Don’t lied to me shorty. I bet that is having fun with you.” 


“You mean Irene?” 




“Yeahhh…she’s around…” Wendy murmured.


Irene Bae, the school queen bee, the popular rich girl and the daughter of the famous dancing company in Korea. She has been messing with Wendy since the first day of high school. Wendy doesn’t understand why Irene always targeting her. Maybe she looks weak and easy.  


“What did she do this time? Steals your clothes? Or did she trip you again in our school cafeteria?” 


Wendy scratches her head. “Urmmm…actually, she’s-“ 


“That little . I should’ve known! She likes to make your life miserable. Don’t worry my little buddy. Park Sooyoung will come back to school in no time. You need to stay alive, okay? Wait for me!” 


Wendy didn't know what else to say except nodding her head. Well, she can tell Sooyoung some other time when her best friend is not in murdering mood. 




Wendy stand in front of her locker, putting and taking some books from her locker when she almost scream and stumble on her feet. Her best friend was leaning on the locker next to her, wearing that smug grinned on her face. 


“Aishhh…you scared me. What are you doing here?” Wendy asks, glancing down at the girl cast leg and the crutches under her armpit. 


“For school, obviously.” 


“I know that but…your leg is still huhhhh… You should stay at home Sooyoung ah.” 


“Hey, I came back to school for you little missy. Shouldn’t you be happy I’m here now?” 


“I do! I am happy but you don’t have to come just because you wanted to protect me. I’m fine.” 


“What? You don’t think I can protect you with my injured leg?” 


“That’s not what I’m saying.” 


“I can protect you. I have a weapon now. I just use these…” She wiggled the crutches. “…and hit anyone that will come to attack you.” 


Wendy sighs. There’s no point arguing with Sooyoung. Her friend is too stubborn and over protective. She just hope no one will ended up in a hospital. 


“Okay but the thing that I don’t understand was…why did you come at lunch time? You do know our school start in the morning, right?” 


“I came early but I skip class. You know how much I hate math and English.” 


Wendy shook her head. “Why did I even bother to ask. Even with your broken leg you still wants to ditch class.” 


Sooyoung shrugged. “I’m Park Sooyoung. Breaking rules is what I do.” 


“Apparently your leg too.” 


Sooyoung open to retort back when her eyes spotted someone coming in their way. Wendy saw the changes on her friend expression as her face switch into defensive mode. Wendy turn around and sees Irene walking towards them. Wendy knew this is not gonna go well. 


“Sooyoung, I don’t think-“ 


Sooyoung cuts her. “How brave of her coming here while I’m standing right next to you. Don’t worry Wen, I got your back.”


Wendy groaned inwardly. Sooyoung will never listen her anyway. All she can do now is turn around and face the school queen bee. 


“Why is she smiling like that? It’s creeping me out.” Sooyoung murmured in confusion. 


Shifting her feet into a fighting stand, crutches grip tightly in her hands, Sooyoung already prepared with whatever kinds of attacks Irene would fires at them. 


Seconds later, her jaw drop in shock. Her grip on the crutches loosen, almost losing her balance at the sight of Irene hugging her friend’s arm and the queen bee bounce excitedly showing a piece of paper to Wendy. 


“Wendy, look! I got B- in history.” Irene chirp happily. 


Sooyoung was extremely confused by the evil queen abnormal behaviour. Did she hit her head or something? What makes her more baffled when her friend beamed a warm smile and patted Irene head.   


“I know you can do it. Great job!” 


“Where’s my reward?” Irene asks giddily. 




Irene puff her cheeks. “You said if I pass, you gonna buy me an ice cream.” 


“Ahh…yes! But…” Wendy trailed and glance back at her friend. 


Looking at Sooyoung expression, she knows she got lots of explaining to do. 


“You already promise.”  Irene pouted, using her ultimate weapon. 


Wendy sighs in defeat. How can she say no to that? Well, Sooyoung can wait. 


“All right! Let’s go.” 


“Yay!” Irene squeal, dragging Wendy away. 


“Sooyoung-ah! We’ll talk later.” Wendy manage to shouts before she and Irene disappeared from the hallway. 


Sooyoung stay frozen at her spot, dumbfounded. What was that? What did she just witness?






“You got some explaining to do Son. I was gone for a month and you manage to tame the school evil .” Sooyoung exclaimed frantically.


“I did not tamed her… It was merely a coincidence.” 


“Coincidence how? She was hanging on you like a baby monkey. She even scares your bullies away.” 


“Isn’t that a good thing?” 


“Yeah, it’s good. It’s great… if she’s not one of the bullies before.” 


“Okay… I know you were shock and confused…” 


“Shock? Hooooo…. Very, very, veeeery shocked! I thought I woke up in another dimensional world.” 


“Alright! It was three weeks ago…” 






Wendy sauntered in the school corridor, on her way to the music room for a choir practice. In the middle, she spotted Irene outside the school ground, entering the school storage building. Wendy look at her watch and saw the time was already 6PM. 


“What is she doing there? It’s already late.” Wendy shook her head, telling herself it was not her business and resumed to her destination. 


After practice, Wendy went back to her classroom to take her lyrics book that she forgot. Taking her special book, Wendy saw a purple bag on the desk two row in front of her. She knows the owner of that bag; it’s none other than Irene. 


Wendy looks at her watch and the time shows it’s already 9PM. Wendy brows furrow and wondered if Irene forgot to take her bag home or she’s still here. Again, she shook her head and shoved the thoughts away. It’s none of her business anyway. 


On her way home, Wendy just can’t stop thinking about the connection between Irene and the bag. Knowing the school queen bee for quite sometimes and although the girl always makes her life miserable, she knows how much Irene loves that purple bag. It was kinda odd if the girl suddenly forgot to take her bag home. 


Wendy kept telling herself not to think about it and not care about her bully, but her heart says otherwise, ushering her to go back. 


“Haishhh…why did god bless me with a kind heart.” Wendy groaned. She twist her feet around and stride back to the school. 


Wendy was lucky the guard wasn’t there when she arrived. It was raining hard and she almost slip from climbing the tall gate. Wendy let her legs to go whatever it wants and it led her towards the school storage building where she last seen Irene. 


Opening the lock, Wendy met with a dark surrounding. It was too dark and she can’t barely see anything inside.  


“I must be losing my mind.” She mumbled. She couldn’t detect a single soul inside that dark room. 


Wendy was about to head out and right then, a lightning strike and followed by a loud thunder. Wendy heard a sharp shriek and her eyes immediately spotted Irene, sitting in the left corner hiding between two shelves, her knee bend to her chest and her palms covering her ears. 


Her legs shuffle fast towards Irene and she drop on one knee, facing the frightened girl. 


“Irene?” Wendy spoke but the girl didn’t hear her, eyes also closed tight. 


“Hey, Irene?” Wendy tries again and this time she pats Irene knee lightly to get her attention. 


Irene flinched, her head snap up in fast speed, eyes widening in horror.


Wendy instantly felt guilty for unintentionally scaring the girl. She carved an easy smile, a friendly smile she hope. 


"Irene hey.. You okay?" 


“Woah!” Wendy falls backward when Irene suddenly lunges forward and tackled her to the ground, hugging Wendy as if her life depends on her. 


“Irene?” Wendy could feel Irene was shaking and she heard soft whimpers from her. 


“Don’t leave me! It’s too dark… I’m scared! Please, don’t leave me here!” Irene wailed. 


Wendy heaved a soft sighs as she wrapped her arms around Irene body. 


“It’s okay! You don’t have to be scared anymore. I’m here now. You’re safe! I won’t leave you alone.” 




“That’s it? She is nice to you now because you saved her from a dark storage?” Sooyoung was in disbelieve. 


“Pretty much.” 


“What is she doing there in the first place? And how did she get herself lock in?” 


“How should I know? I didn’t ask her. The guard probably lock it without realising she was inside.” 


“Still… it’s too…unbelievable.” 


“Well, that’s all I can tell you.” 


But Wendy didn’t tell Sooyoung the truth. The real story behind how Irene was trap inside the storage building. 




“How did you ended up getting lock?” 


“Sehun…” She muttered softly. 


“Your ex-boyfriend?” 


Irene nods. “He ask me to meet him there. He wants to get back together… and when I said no. He got so angry and lock me inside.” 


“What a jerk. Did he hurt you anywhere?” Irene shakes her head. 


“Okay, good!” 


“Thank you for saving me.” 


“You’re welcome! I’m glad I followed my instinct and went back to find you.” 


“Y-you went back for me?” 


“I saw your bag. That cute purple bag you always brings with you. It doesn’t sit right on my mind since you love that bag so much.” 


“T-thank you, Wendy. For coming back.” 


“No need to thank me. I’m just glad you’re okay. So, which way?” 




"Your home, which way? I'm not gonna let you walk home alone. It's dangerous. Especially for a pretty girl like you. So...which way?" 


Irene looks flustered for some reason and points to the left. 


"Alright, let's go." Wendy didn't know what's gotten to her when she absentmindedly grab Irene's hand, completely missed the look of a pink girl. 




Nope! She won’t tell that part of the story. At least, Irene needs to save her pride. If the other students finds out about the incidents, her image would be ruin. Yes, Wendy is that considerate.  





Wendy considered her high school life has been switch tremendously. No more teasing, calling her a nerd, no more bullying ever since Irene become her friend. Sooyoung can finally walk again and Irene even introduce her cousin Seulgi, adding a new member in their small group of friends. 


Everyone in school calls them a weird crew. Well, who could blame them? Even Wendy thought it was weird. You got a troublemaker in the group, a loser, the miss popular queen bee and an innocent fluffy bear. You are rarely to find this type of group exist in school. 


“Do you like it? I cook it for you.” Irene asks. She was nervous if Wendy won't like her lunch box. 


“It’s really delicious. I really love it.” Wendy praised, taking another bite. 


Irene smile widely, happy that Wendy like the lunch she prepared while Sooyoung looks so disturb by the intera

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1701 streak #1
Chapter 16: Ugh, I always get teary eyes reading this story.
Chapter 18: where is the last chapter? 😭
Chapter 11: i like girls .... (generation) -kyr
Chapter 8: hohoho actually I'm waiting for part 3 of this story, is that possible?
Chapter 6: I'm sorry but I can't stop commenting, because your story is very funny
Chapter 5: aws very soft 😚
Chapter 4: their story from children to marriage is very sweet
Chapter 2: Siblings have characteristics that are not much different 😂