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Irene trudge her way towards one of the most deserted cafe that ever existed in the city to meet her dumb best friend. Irene doesn’t understand why her friend always pick that awful place to hang out with her. The coffee taste bad, those pastries they serve were nasty, horrible was the right word to describe it. Irene wondered, does her friend taste bud had gone bad or is it her taste in foods were absolutely terrible. Plus, the cafe looks pretty much old and creepy. Irene could have sworn she saw a big spider crawling pass her shoulder one time and of course she hysterically scream on top of her lungs, releasing her hidden power vocal within her. Thankfully, there was no one inside the cafe except her and her dumb friend.


Irene vowed to herself, to never ever enter that creepy cafe again as longs as she is still breathing, no, she is never gonna stands or walk pass by that cafe...ever!! And conclude her best friend eyes are severely damage.


But here she is...once again, coming into this eerie cafe, agreeing to her best friend pleads.


“Wendy Son Seungwan! This is better be important for you to beg me into coming to this place.” Irene slumped her bottom on the shabby looking chair, eyes narrow fiercely to the grinning human hamster in front of her.


“Hi to you too Miss grumpy bunny!” Seungwan beamed cheerfully.


“Cut the greetings Wendy. Just tell me why do you ask me to come here.”


“But first, do you want anything? Do you want me to order something for you? Drinks?”


“And makes my stomach upset for the entire day? No, thanks!”


“I was just asking if you want anything. Don’t need to be rude.” Wendy jutted out her lips into a pout.


“Wendy, I have a meeting in 10 minutes. You better tell me why you ask me to come. Talk fast, don’t waste my time.”


“Aww...and yet you still came here for me. I know deep inside that cold heart of yours, you love me.” Wendy cooed.


“Wendy! Talk!”


“Are you sure you don’t want anything?”




“Coffee? Cake?”


“Seungwan!” Irene exclaimed furiously.




Silence...they fall into a deep silence. Wendy kept mum, suddenly finding her straw was much more interesting, stirring the thin plastic with her finger, practically making Irene grew annoyed on her seat.


“Well?” Irene blurted out, frustrated.


“Am I ugly?”


Dumbfounded by the unexpected question thrown into her, Irene frowned.


“You ask me to come here just so you could ask me that?”


“Am I not attractive? Do I not look cute? Is there something wrong with my face?” Wendy continued with her questions, completely ignoring the deadly glare coming from her friend.


“But...Seulgi said I’m cute! I’m adorable! Is she lying to me? But Seulgi can’t lied. She’s a bear. Bear wasn’t supposed to lied. They are very honest animals. So tell me there something wrong with the way I look?”


Irene groaned. She knows her friend won’t stop with her stupid questions until she answers all of them.


“No! There is nothing wrong with your face.” Irene answer half halfheartedly.


Stared...Wendy is still staring at her. Irene heaved out a long sighed, she knows she have to give a proper answers to satisfied her dumb friend.


“Seulgi wasn’t lying Seungwan ah. You are not ugly. You’re cute! You’re adorable, okay? There is nothing wrong with your face.” Irene said her words slowly and softly.


“Then, why couldn’t I get a girlfriend?” Wendy exclaimed out loud, startling Irene.


“Aishhh…that shocked me, you idiot.”


“Tell me bunny…why can’t I get a girlfriend? Everyone that I had dated dump me after the first date. And the longest one was in a week. Is there something wrong with me? Why can’t anyone falls in love with me?” Wendy whined and flop half of her body onto the table.


“Only fool falls for you.” Irene mumbled.


“What?” Wendy lift up her head.




“Bunny…help me! I’m hopelessly craving for a little bit spice of love. I’m not growing any younger. I will die alone.”


“Seungwan ah! You’re only twenty six. You still have time.”


“I have time but my grandma doesn’t. She keeps asking me to bring my girlfriend which I obviously don’t have. I'm hopeless!!”


“Okay, fine! Do you want to know what’s wrong with you? Do you really?”


“Yes!” Wendy nodded eagerly.


“Well…first thing first! Stop bringing your date to this awful place.”


“Why?” Wendy asked innocently.


“Did you go see my ophthalmologist? I booked an appointment for you.”


“I have!”


“And what did he say about your eyes?”


“He said I have a wonderful eyes and my eyesight was extraordinary. He even gave me a lollipops because I’ve been a good patient.” Wendy beamed proudly.


“So...have you seen this place? This place is creepy. It’s like a ghost running this cafe.”


Wendy frowned. “But I like it here. It gives a spooky kind of vibe. It’s like everyday is Halloween. You know how much I loves Halloween.”


“Not everyone loves Halloween like you do Seungwan ah. If you want to get a girlfriend, bring them to a normal cafe where there is no spider web at every corners of the room.”


“Alright!” Wendy sighed in defeat. “What else?”


“Seconds, your clothes.”


“Now! What’s wrong with my fashion?”


“We’re not kids anymore. Stop wearing kids clothes.”


Wendy gasped, feeling offended. “Hey, I know I’m short. But that doesn’t mean I’m wearing kids clothes.”


Irene grunt. “Seungwan ah! You always put on a superheroes shirts. Especially that spider man shirt you have on right now.”


“Excuse me. Superheroes are cool. They protect the city from evil villains. Spider man is cool! He is awesome!”


“Yeah, keep wearing that and the first girlfriend you’re gonna get is a twelve years old kid.”


“Okay, fine! I will wear more decent clothes in the future. But, spider man is still cool.”


“Whatever!” Irene rolled her eyes.


“Okay, what else bunny?”


“Third, stop addressing each person you met as an animal.”


“I never done that.”


“Really? You call me bunny. You call Seulgi bear, you call her girlfriend chicken. You called my sister a turtle. Amber is llama, Krystal is a cat, Tiffany unnie as a pig…Taeyeon unnie as a frog-”


“Okay, I get it. I gave people pets name. What’s wrong with that?”


“It’s okay if you’re already knew them but... remember when you call one of your date a hyena and she got really pissed off..”


“She laughed like those hyena in that lion king movie. I was just being honest.”


“And that…please think carefully…and please choose your words wisely before you open that stupid mouth of yours.”


Wendy open to argue back but Irene held out her palm, stopping Wendy from saying anything as a reply.


“I have to go now! I have  a meeting to attend.” Irene stood up from her seat. “Most importantly, if you want a girl to fall for you, stop acting like an idiot. Good luck getting a girlfriend. Bye, Wannie!” Irene said and left the cafe, leaving a flabbergasted hamster speechless on the spot.





Irene sat quietly in the meeting room. Her body was there but her mind was else where. She couldn’t stop thinking about her dumb friend. Was she too harsh with her? Did she upset Wendy with her honest criticism? Will Wendy brain understand what she was trying to implied?


Irene doesn’t have any problems with her friends strange behaviour. They are still friends right, and Irene was surprised at her own-self for still sticking with her dumb friend. Yes, Wendy is kind, cute, goofy and the sweetest friend she ever had. But she is also the clumsiest person she ever met. She makes bad decision, plainly outspoken, easily get distracted, doing something without thinking or more precisely an idiot.


Irene still remembered the first time she met Wendy. It was in middle school and Wendy was a new transfer student…


Irene stood outside the principal office, waiting for a new student that goes by the name Wendy. The principal asked her to show this stranger around their school since they’re gonna be in the same class.


The door creaked open, and Irene saw her principal walking with the new girl. Irene first impression of the girl was cute and she looks kinda smart, until the girl trip over her untied shoe laces and falls flat onto the floor in front of her.


“Oh my god! Are you okay?” Irene asked in worried, crouching down to help the poor girl.


“I’m okay! Hi, my name is Wendy Son Seungwan!” Wendy greeted brightly, stretching out her hand for a handshakes. But Irene didn’t take her hands, too shocked to greets back as she could sees the red liquid flowing down from Wendy nose.


“You’re nose! It’s bleeding!”


“Ah?” Wendy wiped the blood with her fingers and chuckled. “Yeah…this happen all the times. Don’t worry about it.” Wendy replied casually.


“Take her to see the nurse. She needs to get treated.” Her principal said which Irene agreed by nodding her head.


Irene watched the nurse carefully treated Wendy bloody nose and she was baffled how Wendy can smiled brightly after injuring herself earlier. It must been hurt after falling like that, causing your nose to bleed badly but why does Wendy looks…happy? Irene noted, this new girl is a strange one.


“Are you sure you don’t want to rest? You don’t feel dizzy?” The nurse asked.


“No, I’m fine! Happens all the time. Nothing unusual for me.”


“Okay! You can go back to your class.”


“Thank you miss p

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1702 streak #1
Chapter 16: Ugh, I always get teary eyes reading this story.
Chapter 18: where is the last chapter? 😭
Chapter 11: i like girls .... (generation) -kyr
Chapter 8: hohoho actually I'm waiting for part 3 of this story, is that possible?
Chapter 6: I'm sorry but I can't stop commenting, because your story is very funny
Chapter 5: aws very soft 😚
Chapter 4: their story from children to marriage is very sweet
Chapter 2: Siblings have characteristics that are not much different 😂