We're Just Friends! (Part II)

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Irene can’t believe she almost falls for it. She almost believed Yerim and Joy ideas about Wendy liking her. She had been observing Wendy for two months, trying to find enough proves about Wendy secret crush on her…and yes, Irene almost firmly convince to that false idea. That is until Irene saw how Wendy treated Seulgi. 


The way Wendy treats her ex-girlfriend are similar with the way she treated her.  The sweet and warm gesture were the same kind of treatment Wendy usually did to her. Of course the two younger girls protest about these proven facts strongly and told Irene… It was completely different. Making lots of excuses and examples, describing the difference between each gesture so Irene can get a better picture. 


But Irene doesn’t buy it anymore. It was too late! Not when Wendy came home one day and told Irene she wants to court a girl in her work place, asking for Irene advice. 


Although it didn’t work out between Wendy and the girl, Irene already got her answer. Wendy is not in love with her. 


One thing Irene most certain of in these past two months was her jealousy issue. The first time she experience this rare feeling was when Wendy chose to hangout with Seulgi rather than her. She couldn’t quite understand why she felt frustrated at first. It was after the third time Wendy chose Seulgi over her, she finally realize. However, it made Irene baffled. Why would she feel jealous? Wendy and Seulgi have been friends long before Wendy her did. Does she…by accident falls in love with Wendy? 




“Here you go Seul.” Wendy gave a bowl of popcorns to Seulgi. 


Seulgi grinned and took the bowl. “Thank you, Wen!” 


Wendy sat back down to her ious positon beside her friend and the two best friend start munching on the popcorns. Irene brows furrowed and stared at the two, laughing and sharing that bowl of popcorns. 


The girls gathered inside the living room, as it was movie night. Joy and Yerim laid comfortably on the carpet, sharing a blanket while the older girls sat on the long couch, with Wendy sitting in the middle. 


Everyone seems to be enjoying the movie, laughing at the funny scene except for Irene. Irene was being cranky from the moment Seulgi step inside her apartment and practically stealing all Wendy’s attention. The two are inseparable and stick together like a glue.  


Again, Irene wondered…why is she jealous? She never feel this way when Seulgi came to visit before. Why now? Irene couldn’t get her mind to fully grasp it. 


The longer she stares at the two, the more frustrated and irritated she gets. Irene doesn’t like the close proximity between Wendy and her ex-girlfriend. Her frowned deepened as Wendy brush off the crumbs on Seulgi shirt. Disliking the cute interaction between the two best friends. 


Before she knows it, her jealousy already takes control of her body. She made an audible sounds and she shivered as if she was feeling cold, trying to get Wendy attention. 


Irene tried not to smile when Wendy turn to look at her.


“What’s wrong unnie? Are you cold?” Wendy asks.


 Irene nods weakly, acting like she is indeed feeling cold. 


Irene pressed her lips tightly. Restraining her lips from expanding as Wendy quickly took her blanket from Seulgi laps, which Seulgi protest of course, and wrapped it around Irene’s body. 


“There! Is it warmer now?” Wendy asks. 


Irene smiles. “Yes! Thank you Wendy.” 


“Anything for you unnie.” 


“Yah~~ I was using that blanket. I’m cold too!” Seulgi whines cutely. 


Irene tutted at her ex, clearly annoyed. 


“Oh, I’m sorry Seul. Come here, let me warm you up.” Wendy said and hugged the sulking girl. 


Irene didn’t saw that coming. She didn’t expect that to happened. Irene manage to get Wendy’s blanket but Seulgi got the best one, Wendy’s warm hug. Irene pouted, sinking further into the couch. That is so unfair! Now, Irene is upset! 

Her brows quirk in confusion when she receive a text message from Joy. She lift up her head and found Joy was smirking at her, gesturing Irene to read the text. 



‘I see what you were trying to do unnie.’




‘You’re trying to get Wendy unnie attention.’


‘Don’t be stupid.’


‘Pretending to feel cold. That was so lame unnie.’


‘I am cold, okay!’


‘You were so obvious unnie. Stop staring at your ex. That look will kill her.’


‘I’m did not stared at my ex.’


‘From the way I see it.. You are one hundred percent jealous unnie.’


‘You’re delusional!’


‘Denying! I can feel your dragon breath from all the way here unnie.’


‘This conversation is over. Stop texting me.’


‘What? We’re just getting started. I really love that cute jealous look on your face unnie.’


‘Seriously Joy, stop! Before I block you.’


‘Don’t worry unnie. I will handle it.’



Irene stares at the text message, reading it through in bafflement. What does Joy means? Help her? Help her for what? 


Even before she could type a reply, she heard the two younger girls whispering and it seems like they were discussing about something. The moment Irene saw Yerim smirk; she knows they are up to something not good. What are they plotting? 


The next thing she knows, the two younger girls were on each other’s throat. Arguing about something that makes no sense. 


“Stop it!” Joy exclaimed, acting like she’s angry.




“Stop jabbing me with your pointy elbow. ing hurts me!” Joy spat fiercely. 


“Because you were hovering my space. I need my space!” Yerim fires back with the same amount of fierce. 


“That’s because you keep pulling the blanket all to yourself.” 


“Guys…” Wendy chimed in, trying to get their attention while Seulgi shoves the popcorns faster into , fascinated with the fight.  


“Go find another blanket!” Yerim said.


“That’s my blanket! You go!” 


“Girls…” Wendy tries again. 


“I’m the maknae! You should give in to your younger one.” 


“Only by a few months. Since I’m older than you, you should follow the eldest order. Go find a new blanket. Give me mine!” 




“Give it to me!” Joy said, tugging on the blanket.


“No!” Holding on the blanket tightly. 


“Yah, Kim Yerim!” 


“Yah, Park Sooyoung!”  


“GIRLS!” Wendy exclaimed loudly already up on her feet. 


“Why are you two fighting over a stupid blanket? I can get you two hundreds of blankets. So, stop fighting or no movie.” Wendy warned. 


“She’s started it!” Yerim said, pointing her finger accusingly at Joy. 


“All I want is my blanket. But she’s stoles it!” 


“I didn’t steal your ugly blanket!”


“Then, give it to me! Give me my blanket!” 




“Okay, that’s it! Movie’s over!” Wendy deadpan and turn off the TV.


Irene sighs, massaging her temple. Was this the plan? Really…nice! Great job! Way to go for making the movie enthusiast angry as she watched Wendy stormed inside her room and Seulgi tailing behind her.  


“Nice job you two! You two are really…great!” Irene says sarcastically. 


Joy grinned. “Told you I will take care of everything. No need to thank us unnie.” 


“Oh…I’m not planning to.” 




“Joy, just stop it okay? Let it go alright? I already got the answer.” 


“You got it all wrong unnie.” 


“Yeah, unnie. If you think you already got it right but it turns out wrong.. and you think you’re hundred percent sure it was right but we are extremely sure it was not. When you think we were making fools of ourselves but it turns out the fool is you. We’re not gonna stop.” Yerim babble and Irene confirm the younger girl was rapping.


“I stop listening after you said I got it right.” 


Joy groaned. “Unnie, this is your chance. You have nothing to lose.” 


“With alcohol? You wants us to talk with alcohol influencing our mind. Bad idea!” 


“Why? Are you afraid you will accidentally blurts out your feelings unnie?” The two smirks. 


“What feelings?” 


“That you like her too and you’re jealous because she chose your ex over you.” 


Irene scoffed. “That’s hilarious. I am not jealous because of my e

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1702 streak #1
Chapter 16: Ugh, I always get teary eyes reading this story.
Chapter 18: where is the last chapter? 😭
Chapter 11: i like girls .... (generation) -kyr
Chapter 8: hohoho actually I'm waiting for part 3 of this story, is that possible?
Chapter 6: I'm sorry but I can't stop commenting, because your story is very funny
Chapter 5: aws very soft 😚
Chapter 4: their story from children to marriage is very sweet
Chapter 2: Siblings have characteristics that are not much different 😂