Our Special Place (Final)

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Goodbyes are not forever. 

Goodbyes are not the end.


How did it come to this? Days filled with laughter turn to tears. A simple hello ended with a hardest goodbye. The beginning of a story filled with sunshine, colorful rainbows – hope had come to this. They never knew this day would come. Dreams and plans shattered. The reality is cruel – painful. A story created yet crumbled so easily. There’s no such thing as happy endings. There’s no such thing as forever. 


Moments were cut short. Time flies and all that was left were memories. Going back is not an option. Time cannot rewind itself. The story cannot be rewrite even if they tried. The memories remain the same – fresh, a broken record replaying repeatedly. 


How can this happen? 


A ray of sunshine covered by the clouds and the storms. Light quickly goes swallowed by darkness. Unspoken tears, a sorrowful gathering, a heartbreaking truth where they had to say their last farewell to a beauty with a heart of gold. 


A friend, a sister, a soulmate, an angel. 


They watched her walked away into the distance. Regretting not being able to hold on – stopping her from drifting away. Four hands joined together, drowning in tears of despair as they watched her disappeared into a place where they couldn’t reach. 


A new chapter must go on even it was hard to say goodbye. The reality is cruel but the story must go on. 






“Wendy, Wendy!”  


Wendy who was taking a nap jolted up from her bed when Seulgi and Yerim barged into her room. 


“What? What? I’m up, I’m up.” still half-asleep, Wendy blinks to readjust her blurry eyes sight. 


Joy comes after them. “I told you guys to be quiet. This is a goddamn hospital!”


 “Ohh... it’s you guys…” Wendy moaned groggily sitting up.


“Wow! Aren’t you full of manners?” Yerim sneered. 


“Shut it Kim.”   


“Make me giant.”


“Guys...” Seulgi chimed in. “Hospital... sick person... quiet.” 


“Thank you Seulbear. Are you guys high?”  


“I’m not. They are.” Joy sits at the edge of Wendy’s bed. “Sorry for waking you up. Unfortunately, these two drank too much boba just now so they’re high on sugar.”  


“Speak for yourself. You drank two of it.” Yerim says. 


“One word from you and you will go home walking.” 


Wendy laughed. The drowsiness suddenly disappeared now that her friends are here.  


“Wendy, don’t I look good in this?” Seulgi made a sudden twirl showing off her graduation robe. 


The smile on her face grew wider when Seulgi began posing in front of her. “You look good, Seulbear. Wow...”  


(It was their graduation day. Seulgi was the only one who was still wearing their graduation robes by the way while Joy and Yerim are in their casual clothes.) 


“Maybe I should wear this in my music video.” Seulgi thought. Seriously, she was considering it.


“Tsk, childish.” Yerim rolls her eyes.  


Seulgi scoffed. “What about you? You’re no different. Carrying that thing around with you.” Seulgi pointed at the framed certificate in Yerim’s arm. 


Joy smirk. “Seems like she want to show off too. So childish.” 


The said girl blow up, shooting dagger towards Joy direction.


Wendy shakes her head. There was no such thing as peace when they’re together. “What’s that your holding, Yerimmie?” 


The corner of Yerim’s mouth twitch up. She just couldn’t contain her happiness. 


“Ohh nothing.” She swayed a little. “Just you know… my valedictorian award.” She hands Wendy the framed certificate.  


“Waa, congrats!” Wendy gives the girl a thumb up. 


“You should have seen it Wendy. Our Yerimmie look so cool giving her speech on the stage.” Seulgi gushed. 


“It’s nothing really.” Yerim tries to keep it cool but betrayed her. Joy badly want to scratch that proud smile off that cocky face.


“And what about you?” Wendy asks Joy. 


“What about me?” 


“What do you mean what about you? I’m asking you if there’s anything you want to show off to me. Yerin won an award and Seulgi’s going to debut soon. And you?” Wendy asked.


“Are you my mother? Why do you wanna know? I’m not telling you.” 


“That’s a sensitive question Wen.” Seulgi whispered but still audible for Joy. 


“She barely even survived.” Yerim added.  


“Hey! At least I passed okay?” 


“Barely.” Yerim point out. 




“Now, now. Yerim was only joking Joy. Don’t get upset.” She pulls Joy into a hug. “I’m so proud of you Joy. Congratulation.” Wendy smiles as she looks at them, one by one. “All of you. Congratulations.”




“Didn’t expect you to pass but hey that’s a relief. Thought you’d repeat another year. Ow!”


“Don’t push it.” Joy warned. 


“Told you it’s a sensitive topic.” Seulgi mumbled. 


“Kidding! It was only joke. Stop making that face. It’s a crime against nature - Ow!” 


“Warned you didn’t I?” 


“Okay, okay. I deserved that. No more teasing.”  


“Look!” Yerim suddenly said pulling out her camera. “We took a lot of photos just now.” Yerim sits beside Wendy and shows the pictures in her camera. 


The smile on Wendy face grew wider when she looks at the pictures. Everyone looks so cute in their robes and caps. She feels envy and happy at the same time when she sees her friends broad smiles, wishing she was there with them. 


Her eyes then landed on a certain someone in the picture. A bright smile that Wendy knew too well. A smile that hold a hidden emotion. 


“Where’s Irene?” she asks all of a sudden.  


 The atmosphere instantly drop down. Seulgi and Yerim remained quiet, as they didn’t know what to say. 


“Ahh...” Joy give her an apologetic smile. “You know how hospital make her feel, right? It reminds her of her late mother.” Joy calmly explained and Wendy just nods in response. 


“She – she miss you though.” Seulgi says. 


Before Wendy could utter another word, a nurse came inside the room. 


“I’m sorry ladies. But visiting hours are over.” She announces before leaving the room. 


“Why are the visiting hours so short?” Seulgi whines. 


“I know, right? Hospital rules .” Yerim grumbled. 


Joy chuckles shaking her head. “Come on guys let’s go. Wendy needs to rest.” Joy stands up dragging the two away who refused to leave. 


“Stop pulling. I can walk. Bye Wendy! We’ll come back soon.”  Yerim waved at her.  


“Miss you already!” Seulgi shouted and Joy immediately flick her forehead. 


“Ow! What’s that for?”  


“Seriously, control your volume. There are sick people here.” Joy pushes the two outside from Wendy’s room. 


“I’ll come visit you tomorrow.” Yerim says before the door closed.


A sad smile. 


“I’ll try to stay awake.” She whispered to no one.   






Every intakes were heavy in her chest. The pain was there, it was real.  She felt it before. Those soundless nights staring into the abyss. Feeling lost. The quietness slowly creeping in breaking you apart. She felt it before. Countless nights in a world of empty space as she waited. Waiting for a miracle to happen, waiting for god to take away her misery. She know it too well. 




A secret hidden behind a bright smile. Laughter so loud and cheerful not knowing what the future hold. She could still hear it. She can still see it. Pictures of happy memories. Each of it portrays a meaningful memory. A promise to a long lasting happiness. But, nothing was real – fake. Each of them was a lie. An empty promise that should have not been made. 


She glowered at her wall. Red eyes burned holes on each photograph. She stared and stared until the pain was unbearable. A strong reminder that she was free, she was no longer lost, she was healing. Now, it all came back. Pulling her where she once stood. 


She doesn’t care, nothing else mattered, it was too much. She can’t look at it, she couldn’t take it anymore. Her surrounding was blurry. burn. She couldn’t recognize her own voice. She couldn’t stop herself from grieving for her loss. She couldn’t stop herself from tearing those bits of memories. She had to get rid of it. It was too painful. A shattered illusion of a blissful time.  



“Yerim ah.” She heard but she couldn’t stop. 


She heard sobbing. Her mother crying along with her. Even with her mother holding her closely she couldn’t stop. She was bleeding. She was lost. Darkness once again calling her. 


“Mom – why?” she whimpered.  


“Yerim ah..”  


“Please...make it stop. It hurts – so much. Please mom...make it stop.” She was sad and hopeless. She knew it won’t go away. She knew and she didn’t know how to stop it. 


“Yerim ah, I’m so sorry.” 


Pieces of thorn memories scattered on the floor, gone but never forgotten. The night slipping away along with a sorrowful sobbed.  






The music was still playing when Taeyeon entered. The room however wasn’t as lively as the beat. It was rather dreary. The person who occupied the room sat at the very end, knee bend to her chest, dull eyes staring into blank spaces. Taeyeon sighs. A new star who finally found her path slowly losing her way and Taeyeon have to do something before the glow disappears for good. 


Taeyeon turns the music off and the girl quickly sprang up to her feet – bowing, the word ‘sorry’ spilled over in repetition. 


Taeyeon smiles. “Can you spare me some time?” 




“Come with me.” She gestured the younger girl to follow her. 




The air on the rooftop felt strange. It was not the same but she sees five. The ground was not the same but she sees five people fighting over the last kimbap. Vehicles were honking but she heard teasing and laughter. It wasn’t the same but Seulgi can’t help to look back on those moments. 


Moments when they were still five. 


Seulgi slip and fall back to the real world. “S-sorry, sunbaenim. Can you repeat that again?” 


Taeyeon smile one hand on the railing. “These couple of weeks have been tough for you, I know that. You were losing focus. You’re going to a different path if this keep going.” 


Seulgi blinked. “I don’t – “ 


“I was put in a dark place once when I lost my father. I didn’t talk to my family because I don’t think I have the right to say anything about how I feel. I wasn’t there when he passed away. I was always busy with my work, my life. So, I didn’t deserve to tell them that I was sad because they were there when he - ” Taeyeon exhales. “I wasn’t and they were.”


Seulgi knew that emotion because she feel it too. 


“Guilty? Regret? I’ve been battling against them for years. Wishing I could turn back the time. Wishing I could see him for one last time – spend time with him. Wishing I could tell him that how much I love him.” 


Time. It stabbed right into her heart. Taeyeon knew what she’s been going through. 





Seulgi chuckles listening to her friends frantic voices on the other line. Her friends sounds much more nervous than she was and somehow it lessen the crazy beating in her chest. 


“Is Wendy there?” 


“Yah! Stop worrying about Wendy and focus!”

“Joy, calm down will you?” 

“I am calm!” 

“Can you two urghh...Seul, she’s here.”

“I’m here.” 


Seulgi smile. “Wendy, you’re watching, right?” 


“Yeah. I’m not gonna miss your debut Seulbear.” 


“Sorry I wasn’t able to visit you.” 


“Hey, it’s okay. You were busy.” 


“I promise I’ll come visit you after I’m done with my schedule this week and we can celebrate.” 


“Can I get your autograph miss superstar and a free album?” 


“Of course!” And the line went frantic again as Joy and Yerim start complaining for a free album too and Irene tried to silence the two loud girls.   


Seulgi shakes her head. “I should get ready. My manager is giving me the stare.” 


“Bye Seulperstar! Break a leg!” 

“Kang Seulgi jjang! Don’t get too nervous or you will -”  

“Joy! Huhhh...Do what you do best Seul. We’ll be watching you.” 


“Thanks you guys.”


“And Seulbear... Show them what you are made off.” Wendy says before the line cuts off and her manager drags her to the backstage. 


 Seulgi closed her eyes as she took a deep breath. When the light shone above her head, Seulgi open her eyes and turns around. I’ll make you guys proud. 



With a wide smile and teary eyes, Seulgi went back to the backstage after she was done with her performance and still having a hard time believing that it wasn’t just a dream. But the hard beating against her chest told her it was real. She did it. She finally made it. All the staffs were clapping their hands while saying ‘congrats’ and ‘good job’ to her the moment she appeared at the backstage.


“Kang Seulgi.” Taeyeon, Seulgi’s mentor called her. At the sight of her favorite mentor, Seulgi runs over to Taeyeon and indulgers her into a bear hug. “Woah.” The older woman chuckled when Seulgi hugged her tightly.


“Were you here the whole time?” Seulgi pulls back from the hug and beams at Taeyeon. 


“Of course. You did great. Congratulation.” Taeyeon ruffles Seulgi’s hair.


“Thank you.”  


“Seulgi! Congratulations!” Her manager comes running towards Seulgi with her arms opened, ready to give Seulgi a big hug. Seulgi runs towards her manager but stops when she was in front of her. 


“Quick! Quick! My phone!” Seulgi hops making her manager scoff. 


“Calm down. Aish, this Kid.” She shakes her head before looking for Seulgi’s phone inside her bag. “You don’t even bother to hug your own manager…” She sulks and hands over Seulgi’s phone. Taeyeon only laughed watching them. Seulgi then types eagerly on her phone. She puts her phone on her ear and waits patiently.


“Guys! Guys!” Seugi exclaimed excitedly when her call was finally answered. “Did you guys see me? Did you guys see me on stage?” 


“Seulgi ah…” The voice on the other line answered, dolefully. 


Time stop. Her head swim and she was drowning. The phone drop from her grasp as she slump down on the ground. Her surrounding suddenly become mute and her body went numb. Someone was touching her but she couldn’t care less. She heard faint voices but the only thing she could hear was the shattering pain of her heart.   





It was supposed to be a happy day. However, god had a different plan. One of her biggest strength was taken from her on the very same day. She found her happiness and lost it at the same time. It was unfair. It was cruel.  


“Seulgi...” Taeyeon touch her shoulder. “You can’t change the past Seulgi. You can’t run from it. You have to stop blaming yourself. Thinking what could have happen if you were there.” 


There’s a lump in and she wasn’t aware that she was crying, cheeks were wet with tears. 


Taeyeon held her face. “It hurts in the beginning. The pain won’t go away easily. But, time will heal. It takes time. You can’t go back but you can look. Yes, she’s gone but she’s alive in your heart. You have to keep moving forward Seulgi ah. You have to stop and let it go.” 


 Seulgi finally broke down, sobbing hard in Taeyeon’s arms. 


“I miss her so much.” She cried. “I should have been there with her – with all of them. She was fighting but I wasn’t there to support her. She – was always there for me but I wasn’t. I’m a terrible friend. I should’ve notice but I was too busy and I didn’t realize she was going to leave me – us. I should have...”  


“It’s not your fault.” 


“I didn’t even get a chance to say how thankful I am to have met her. How much she meant to me. I didn’t have a chance to say goodbye.” 


She had one regret, which she can’t fix. Until the day come, with every little step she takes she have to walk in barefoot. 


Taeyeon just stay voiceless as she listened to a new star losing her shine in the middle. A girl who struggle to walk with a broken compass.  


Time will heal the wound but no amount of time can erase the scar. Acceptance will lessen the pain and memories will be a warmth comfort.  









“Wait a second. I have to tell Wendy something.” Before the two could utter a word, she closes the door in front of their faces. Ignoring the loud protest behind the door, she move towards the amused girl.


“What is it?” Wendy asks.    


“Irene says hi by the way.” The amused grin turn into a wry smile. 


“Oh! Well...tell her I say hi too.”  


“I hope you will understand why she didn’t come with us today. She wants to but she’s...afraid I guess. You understand, right?”  


“Wow.” Was the only thing that came out from Wendy’s mouth. 


“What?” Joy looks at her in confusion. 


“I can’t believe a day would come when you would defend Irene.” Wendy smirk. “You must really like her now.” 


Joy let out an uncredulous scoff.  “I’m telling you this on her behalf so I won’t see that ugly face you’re making right now the next time I visit.”   


Wendy snorts. “Alright, I believe you. Don’t worry. I understand.” Wendy flash her a reassuring smile. 


“Now I want you to lay down and get some rest.” Joy helped Wendy to lay back down and pulls up the blanket to her shoulders. “See you soon.” Joy says before walking towards the door.  


“You’ve changed.”


 Joy stop her pace and turn around. “Huh?”  


“You seems...different. More mature. I don’t know... I just had this proud feeling in my chest that I have to get it out.” 


“Seeing you grow up into a better person is a huge rewarding for me. A great award that no one could ever give me. Thank you!”   


Joy scoff flipping her hair as she turns around, hiding her teary eyes from the other girl. She would never admit this but those words meant a lot to her. 


“I think you’re still jetlagged.” 






The room was certainly dark and noiseless beyond doubt. Loneliness is what she is. She knew it more than anyone else did. Loneliness was her friend. She was used to the quietness. Trap inside her room – alone, she was used to it. Now, loneliness becomes her enemy. The stillness of the night embrace her, beating her slowly. She used to be so strong and now she feels powerless fighting against the growing storm. 


She always knew what she wants and whatever she wants, she gets. And now, she doesn’t know anymore. She knew the day would finally come but she can’t help to hope. Hoping that God will hear her prayer. Hoping when she wakes up everything will stay the same. Her long life plan – her three wishes were not granted. You cannot own everything in this world, you can’t have everything go to the way you wanted and she has to learned about it in a tragic way. 





“Mommy. Daddy…”  She started. “We’re rich right?” Joy’s father then averts his attention from his laptop to his daughter. 


“What are you trying to imply here, Sooyoung?” Her father takes off his glasses while her mother closes her book. 


“You know me, right? I’ve never asked you for anything before.” Joy says as she takes a step closer to her parents. 


Her parents send each other a quizzical looks.  


“What is it that you want, sweetie?” Her mother asked. 


“Please... help Wendy.” She asks, determination plastered on her face. 


“What are you talking about, sweetie?” Her mother sits up from the bed and walk towards Joy. 


“Wendy’s dying. I want you guys to save her.” 


“Sweetie, it’s not that simple.” Her father sighs and stands up from his work desk. “We’re not doctors.” 


“But we have money! We’re rich! You can use that money to save her.” Joy clarified; her voice started to shake. Her father could only shake his head. 


“Sweetie…” Her mother slowly caresses Joy’s hair. “It doesn’t work that way.”


“Are you saying you won’t help her?” Joy back away from her mother’s touch. 


“It’s not like that sweetie. We can introduce her to a good doctor. We can provide with the best treatment, medicine but... I can’t promise you if it’s going to help her.”  


“But we’re rich. We have money!”


“Sooyoung ah. Yes, we have money but money can’t save a life. Do you understand? It doesn’t work that way.” Her father explained.


“We can try!” Joy raises her voice. “We’ll never know until we try please.” Joy begs; tears up. 


“Sooyoung…” Her father reaches out but Joy took a step back.


“Why can’t you save my friend?!” At this point, Joy was already shouting.


“Sooyoung ah –“   


“W-why? Why can’t you save my friend?” She sobbed.


Her mother started to tear up as well after watching her daughter break down in front of them for the first time in her life. “Sweetie... We’re sorry.” 


“Then what’s the point of having all this damn money if it can’t save my friend!” Her parents could only look at her with sympathy. They didn’t know what to say anymore.


“I-I can’t… I can’t lose her…”    


 Three hearts were broken that day. A broken heart of a mother holding her devastated daughter and the silent of a defeated father.  





Being rich was nice. Yes, money can also give her happiness. But it wasn’t the same as the happiness Wendy gave her. No money in the world could compare the rich feeling Wendy gave her.  


A melancholy smile as she fondled the red ring. ‘A gift for a long life friendship’ that’s what she said when she found her crying on the swing at the school playground. Alone with nobody else wants to play with her. 


Next time, I want a real present. The ring was the sign. There’s never gonna be a next time. Wendy was trying to tell her and she yelled at her for it.   


Losing Wendy – the person who stood by her side when no else did, keeping up with her bull. Who played a role as a friend, a sister, she was gone, and she never knew it would hurt like this. 


Pathetic and alone. 


A knock. “Sooyoung ah.” It was Irene. “Sooyoung ah, please open the door.” 


She heard but she didn’t answer. Irene was worried and her body refused to move. Irene – her friends were all sad. They all shared the same feelings as her. She can’t face her. She just can’t take the look Irene gave her. Pity? Worry? Sad? It only reminded her that she was weak and Irene was strong and that thought only ticked her off.



Another knock and her voice came out. “Leave me alone!” 


“Sooyoung ah – “ 


“Are you deaf? Just leave me alone!” 


There’s no answer and she thought Irene already left. 


Nobody cares. They won’t understand.  


“Sooyoung ah please. You haven’t eat anything. Please come out.” Irene was begging. 


Irene never left. She was always there. She never left her side. Irene care and she wants to help. The guilt was eating her up and she finally move. 


A mistake with no one to tell her no. 







Ashamed was the right word to describe what she’s feeling at the moment. The side of her cheek sting from the impact. Seulgi was standing in front of her with trembling hand, her chest moves in heavy pattern. Yerim was looking at her with glossy eyes, disappointment – anger. 


“How could you.” Seulgi muttered voicing out her resentment. Yerim back was on them, phone in her ear. 


Joy bit her trembling lips, tears spilling out like a flowing river. Another mistake, another regret. 


“Why would you do that? I know you’re mean but it never cross my mind you would do something like this. Why?” 


“I – “ she doesn’t have a good reason. She was angry with herself and she took it all out on one person. 


“I didn’t mean to. I wasn’t on my right mind. I was so mad with myself – I was sad and...”


“Sad? We all are.”


“No, you don’t understand.” 


“Okay. We could never understand what you feel. But we – each of us lost a good friend. We missed her too. We are grieving too. Yes, maybe we would never know what each of us are going through. Wendy was important to you. She meant a lot to you. She was your sister and yeah...We will never understand Joy. We could never understand. But that doesn’t give you the right to kick Irene out of your house.” 


“I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry.” 


“Sorry? You think saying sorry will fix what you have done? You threw her out! Sorry won’t fix the damage you did. How could you?”


“I’m sorry? I’m so sorry.” 


“I understand that you are sad but did it ever cross your mind how she felt? She lost her mother Joy. Her father is in prison. She lost the best thing that ever happen in her ing miserable life and you – “ Seulgi inhale tears b between lashes. “She has nowhere to go. She has no shoulder to cry. She only have us. We’re the only family she has left and you threw her away.” 


She remember telling Irene they are her family. She is her family. 


Joy choked. She made a horrible mistake and she is to blame. Wendy always remind her to think before act and now, she have to deal with the consequences. She can’t blame anyone for what she did. She deserved to be punish. 


“She didn’t pick up.” Yerim says with shaky breath and fearful eyes. “Her phone was off. I couldn’t reach her.” She snivel. 


“Yerim ah.” 


“Please... I’m begging you. I can barely hold on. I don’t know what I should do if – “ she couldn’t finish her thought. Fear of losing someone was tormenting her as she sobbed. 


Joy sniffed drying her tears. Crying won’t solve anything. 


Joy stands up. “I’ll find her.” She have to fix the messed she made but a hand stop her. No more mistake, no more regret.


Seulgi shakes her head. “We.” She smile. “We will find her.” 





An amused smile took over her lips when Wendy jump on her bed and let out a long loud groaned. The girl clearly look exhausted. Not just physically but mentally as well. 


“Tired?” Irene asks as she sat down at the edge of the bed. 


Wendy open one of her eye and smile at her. “I think my ears suffered more than me.” 


“Your ears are parts of your body.” 


“Huh. Maybe that’s why I feel so drained. It’s like my energy got in when Joy kept complaining on and on about my ugly ring.” Wendy pouted. “I don’t understand why she’s complaining though. It was a nice gift.” 


Irene hummed. “Maybe she wants something more. I didn’t say it was bad gift.” Irene quickly explained when those lips turned into a beak.  “Why the ring?” 


Wendy rose up. “The ring was a sign of our friendship. Don’t tell her I told you... but back than she got teased a lot. Kids doesn’t wants to play with her. I always saw her sat alone at the playground and the other kids would sometimes said horrible things to her and threw something at her.” 


“She was bullied?” Irene was shocked. Joy? The ever so confident - arrogant girl was a victim of bullying.  


Wendy nodded. “The reason why she’s behaving what she is right now, probably because of those unhappy memories. Inside her big castle, she was a lonely princess and when she comes out into the real world...she was an outcast, doesn’t know how to communicate or interact with ordinary people. And when they did approach her, it’s not because of ‘who is she’...it’s because of ‘who she is’. They only see her as a rich girl.” 


Irene heart sore. With this shared past story, she could finally understand Joy a little bit. Everyone has a painful story. The way someone behave in the eyes, you shouldn’t judge them so easily. You don’t know what they have been going through. You don’t know the real story and you shouldn’t jump too quickly inside a pool full of people.   


“And then you came?” 


“It wasn’t easy. She was wary of me at first and because of that ring – that cute candy ring she claimed ugly was the reason we are what we are now.” 


Irene smile. “The ring was a wonderful gift Seungwan.” 


“I know, right?” Wendy exclaimed crossing her arms. “She failed to rece

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1702 streak #1
Chapter 16: Ugh, I always get teary eyes reading this story.
Chapter 18: where is the last chapter? 😭
Chapter 11: i like girls .... (generation) -kyr
Chapter 8: hohoho actually I'm waiting for part 3 of this story, is that possible?
Chapter 6: I'm sorry but I can't stop commenting, because your story is very funny
Chapter 5: aws very soft 😚
Chapter 4: their story from children to marriage is very sweet
Chapter 2: Siblings have characteristics that are not much different 😂