Our Special Place (Part 1)

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What is friendship? Some say friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. One of life’s greatest treasure. Some says, you do not need a friend to make you happy and some says what makes unhappy marriages is not the lack of love, but a lack of friendship. 


In everyone’s life, we all need someone who can understand us even without saying a word, who can be there for you when life gets rough, who accept your past and believes in your future, someone who accept you just the way you are. Someone you could trust, you can share your laughter and your tears. 


Every story is different. Each person have his or her own version, whether it is sad, happy, painful, comedy, tragedy, we all have our own story. Everyone has a story to tell, a secret buried deep inside waiting to be tell or to be listen. 


Five girls with different and unique stories met in unexpected ways at a place where it all begins. The beginning of a beautiful and strong bond. 



“Aishhh! Where are they?” A girl named Kim Yerim grumbled. 


Her patience is running low as she looks at her watch again. It’s almost midnight and her friends still haven’t showed up. She wonders if her friends couldn’t make it because of course, they would never forget the special date that is today. They already made a promise months ago for this special day.   


“They better not ditch me at the last minute.” 


Yerim fished out her phone from her pocket, planning to call her friends when she heard the sound of the door being open followed by loud groans. 


“Yeheessss! We made it!” The tall one exclaimed dramatically, pumping her fist in the air while the short one rolls her eyes. 


“Finally!” She grunted. “What took you guys so long to get here?” Yerim asks making her way towards the two women. 


“Sorry! I had to help this grandma climb up those stairs.” Joy said. 


Irene scoffed. “Excuse me! You didn’t help me at all. I’m the one who push your all the way up here. You need to stop eating and start working out. Your stamina is getting worse.” 


“Maybe for outdoor activities but not indoor activity, if you know what I mean.” Joy simpered, wiggling her brows. 


“Ughhh! I am so done with you.” Irene huffed. 


“You’re disgusting.” Yerim commented. 


“What? It’s a proven fact-” 


Yerim quickly cuts her. “Stop! Nope! I don’t need to know.” 

Joy just shrugged her shoulder, smirking. 


“Anyways...do you guys have it?” 


“Yes! I have it right here.” Irene pat the bag in her hold. 


“And…we bought her favorite drinks.” Joy add, jiggling the bubbles tea inside the plastic. 


“Perfect!” Yerim smiles. “Now, all we have to do is wait-“ 


The door once again burst open, revealing a blonde hair girl, panting hard catching her breath. 


“Hey! There’s our superstar.” Joy beamed brightly. 


“Huuuu…sorry, I’m late! The interview took longer than I thought.” 


“It’s okay! What important is…you’re here.” Yerim said. 


“What’s that?” Irene points at the box in her hands. 


Seulgi grinned. “Urmmm… I baked her a cake. It probably doesn’t taste good but do you think she’ll like it?” 


“She’ll definitely gonna love it.” Irene said assuredly. 


“So…should we prepare? It’s almost midnight.” Yerim asked which the three nodded and the four of them start preparing for their special event. 






It was a nice and sunny day. Irene leans against the railing, inhaling the fresh air on the rooftop. She’s been going to the rooftop for almost every day and the view at the top is still calming, bring peace to her heart. Going to the rooftop has become routine for Irene since the first day of school. (she’s in her second year of high school) Having lunch on top of the school building, alone, away from people has always been the best part of her day. 


Until now…


Irene jump and spun around in shocked. The door suddenly open with a loud bang, followed by a blasting voice.  


“Where is she? Yah! I’m here already! Where are you?” She shouts to no one, frustration can be heard from her tone. 


Irene immediately recognize the tall girl. The spoiled rich girl Park Sooyoung or she like to be call Joy because she bring joy to everyone. (Not for Irene though)


Irene wonders what brings her here. Shouldn’t she be in the cafeteria having lunch with her group? What made the popular girl came to her private place and ruin her peaceful time with her ear-splitting voice. 


After some time, their eyes met. Her brows quirk feeling uneasy when Joy stride towards her. 


“Yah, you!” She called. 


Irene raise an eyebrow and point to herself. “Me?” 


“Yeah, you! Who else? I’m looking right at you.” 


The side of her lips twitch. How rude of her, coming to her and spoke to her like that. This girl doesn’t know what manners are.  


Joy gruff. “Anyway! Did you by any chance see a girl here? Well other than you, of course.” 


She just have to say ‘no’ and maybe Joy will walk away and leave her alone but no.... Irene finds herself getting irritated instead. Especially with Joy looking at her in a way like she was judging Irene or something. 


“Being rich must be nice right?” She voice out before she can stop herself. 




“Does money gives you right to be disrespectful to other people?” 


Joy brows furrowed. “What do you mean?” 


“You are rich and you can have anything you want but you forgot something valuable…manners.” Irene muttered coldly. “Or did your parents forgot to teach you?” 


Joy gasp, offended. “Excuse me! How dare you speak of me as if you know me. Who do you think you are?” 




Joy sneered, crossing her arms. “Oh, you think you are so perfect so you being disrespectful.” 


“I don’t have to be respectful talking to someone like you.”


“Someone like me? Who do you think you’re talking to?” 


“A person with a bad attitude.” 


“You don’t know me.” 


“I know you don’t have manners.” 


Her jaw clench, stepping forward and narrow her eyes downward. “Listen, you insolent thickhead . You think you can-“ 


Joy was unable to finish her sentence when a soft voice interrupt their intense staring contest. 


“Ermmm…excuse me, sorry.” A bear like girl appeared from behind the left wall. 


“I’m really sorry for interjecting but…can you two please lower down your voice. I’m ummm..I was trying to practice my dance move but your voice were too...l-loud.” Seulgi murmured timidly, terrified with Joy intimidating stares. “Again, I’m really sorry.” Seulgi bow politely. 


“You don’t have to apologize. I didn’t notice someone was here. Sorry for disturbing your practice.” Irene apologize. 


“Why are you practicing here in the first place?” Seulgi flinch by the sharp tone. 


“You don’t have to shout.” Irene hissed. “Sorry about that.” 


“It’s okay.” Seulgi grinned awkwardly. 


“I did not shout! I was asking nicely. My voice is originally loud.” 


Irene rolls her eyes. “Surprising.” 


“You know what you little miss I’m so perfect-“ 




“Shut up!” 


“I don’t listen to an insubordinate brat.” 


Seulgi squirm in nervousness debating whether she should stop them or not as their pitch were getting higher by seconds. 


Thankfully, another voice came in, breaking the heated tongue fight. 


 “Can you two shut the hell up!” A short hair girl emerge behind the right side of the wall and by the looks on her face, the girl clearly looks annoyed.


“That orange girl..” She points at Seulgi. “…already ask you nicely to keep it down. But me? Shut the up.” 


“Orange girl?” Seulgi pouted, knowing the girl was implying to her hair.  


 “Now, who the are you?” Joy exclaimed. 

“A person who want some peace and quiet.” 


“Apparently… not only you.” Irene muttered. 


“Shut your mouth.” Joy hissed. 


“I can’t even focus what I was reading because of you two.” Yerim said. 


Joy glance at the book in her hold. “What kind of person study at lunch time?” 


“That’s none of your business what she does on her free time.” Irene chided. 


“I told you to shut your mouth.” 


“And I said I don’t listen to a fathead ungracious spoon-fed brat.” 


And so…the bickering continued with Yerim trying to break them apart while Seulgi stand awkwardly at the side, failing in stopping them with her audible voice. 


Unknown for the four, a red hair girl was watching them from the beginning. She was sitting at the highest point of the building, laughing at the four girls in pure amusement. 


“Fascinating.” She giggled.


“If I hit you, will it make you even more shorter?” Joy snarl. 


“If I hit you, will it make your brain grow?” Irene fired back. 


“If I hit both of you, will it make the two of you to shut up?” Yerim exclaimed. 


“If you guys hit each other, we’re gonna get in trouble.” Seulgi spoke but her voice was too soft for the other three to hear.


Seconds later, their all yelp in shocked as something or more precisely someone landed beside them. 


The red hair girl smiles proudly, praising herself for her amazing entrance, satisfied by the girls’ reaction.


“Wendy!” Joy blurt out instantly. “Where the hell have you been?” 


Oh, that brat was looking for her.  Irene thought, eyeing the new girl curiously. 


Wendy beamed a toothy grinned and point up to where she has been. 


Joy brows knitted. “You were there this whole time?” 


“Yes!” Wendy replied in cheery tone. 


“Why didn’t you showed up when I called you?” 


Wendy chuckled sheepishly. “Cause… my mind was focus on something else hee.” 


Irene lift an eyebrow. Was it her imagination, or did Wendy glance at her for a brief seconds. 


“And why aren’t you in your uniform? This is not Canada Wendy. You can’t wear that...” Joy motion to her casual outfit. “…here.”  


“Oh, I’m officially starting tomorrow. Today I’m just…touring around the school so I won’t get lost tomorrow.” Then her eyes shifted towards Seulgi. 


“Nice moves by the way. I’ll give you five stars for that awesome routine.” 


Seulgi gasped. “Y-you saw me?” 


“Yeah! Not bad for orange teddy bear.” 


“You don’t have to call me orange teddy. I have a name.” Seulgi muttered timorously. 


“Oh, sorry. What’s your name?” Wendy asks, her big round eyes twinkling. 


“S-seulgi. My-my name is Kang Seulgi.” 


“Hi S-Seulgi! My name is Wendy Son Seungwan and this ill-mannered girl name is Park Sooyoung.” 


“Yah! How dare you address me like that? I have manners alright.” Joy protested. 


“Well, for a start you were rude to this beautiful-” Wendy pause and looks at Irene. “…Sorry, what’s your name?” 


Irene blinks. “Err… Irene.” 


Wendy smile widen. “Irene. What a perfect name for someone as beautiful as you.” 


Irene blushed by the unexpected compliments and put a note that this Wendy girl is a sweet talker. 


Joy scoffed. “Too bad her personality is ugly.” 


“Same goes to you too, Joy.” Wendy says before Irene could utter a respond. 


“What do you mean? You heard what she said about me right.” 

“Well, you weren’t very nice to begin with. You ruin her break time. She was fine until you showed up. What kind of person calls someone ‘yah’ at the first meeting? You should apologize to her.” 


“Apologize? Why should I?” Joy crossed her arms, displeased with her friend suggestion. 


“Sooyoung, apologize! Say you’re sorry.” Wendy tone was firm. 


Silence…as the two friends were engage in a staring contest. 


Several moments later, Joy let out a heavy sighed. 


“Fine!” She turn towards Irene and curtly muttered, “Sorry.” 


“Say like you mean it.” Wendy says in a motherly tone. 


Joy groaned and properly facing the confused girl. “I’m sorry I was being rude to you. It was wrong. I was wrong. Sorry!” 


Surprised the tall girl was actually apologizing, Irene hesitantly nods her head. “It’s…fine.” 


“There you go. That wasn’t so hard. Good girl.” Wendy cooed, patting Joy head. 


“Stop treating me like I’m still a kid. I’m taller than you.” 


Wendy carve a toothy grin. “You’ll always be a little chubby kid in my eyes.” 


“We literally in the same age.” 


Yerim squint her eyes, studying the red hair girl from head to toe. Yerim isn’t a judgmental. It’s not her personality. She’s not quick to judge people without any reason. 


Somehow, she felt this Wendy girl is not a right fit for the school. Their school is known for producing many successful individuals, influencer and so on. Getting in was difficult. Yerim, herself had to work extra hard to be enrolled in this elite school. 


Looking at Wendy outer appearance; her bright red hair, ripped jeans, loose necktie without collar shirt...this Wendy girl gives out a troublemaker-prankster kind of vibe.   


How did she get in? 


Unless her parents is loaded or maybe she has good grades. 


Yerim pick the first one. 


She finally snap out from her observation when Wendy spoke to her. 


“Hey smarty. What’s your name? You wouldn’t think I will pass the chance to get to know you too.” 


“Smarty?” Yerim smirk. Definitely because she’s rich. 


“Kim Yerim.” 


“Well, Kim Yerim ssi. I think this is gonna be a great beginning of a good friendship.” Wendy beamed and shifted her gaze to the other three. 


“All of us.” She added. 


The four of them looks at her like she just said something preposterous. 


“I think you’re still jet lag.” Joy says.







Seulgi leans against the wall, earphone plug into her ears, watching attentively at the video on her ipad. Her head bop following the beat, even mouthing the lyrics

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1702 streak #1
Chapter 16: Ugh, I always get teary eyes reading this story.
Chapter 18: where is the last chapter? 😭
Chapter 11: i like girls .... (generation) -kyr
Chapter 8: hohoho actually I'm waiting for part 3 of this story, is that possible?
Chapter 6: I'm sorry but I can't stop commenting, because your story is very funny
Chapter 5: aws very soft 😚
Chapter 4: their story from children to marriage is very sweet
Chapter 2: Siblings have characteristics that are not much different 😂