Bizarre Valentine's!

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Valentine’s day! The day to celebrate with your love one, a day for expressing love between family and friends, a perfect day to confessed your romantic affection to someone you admirer. Most commonly people will exchange Valentine’s cards contain with love poems, pouring their true feelings into the card, symbolizing how much they loved the recipient. Flowers such as roses, chocolate and gift were usually sent representing their appreciation towards someone, either family, friends or their significant other.


Many couples choose to celebrate Valentine’s day with dinner, spending the whole day together on a date, or staying home with home cooked meal to enjoy some quality time together.


But on this 14th February, a girl named Wendy Son Seungwan never imagine herself spending this supposed to be a loving day, hiding behind a dumpster at the dark alley, wheezing catching her breath, body drench with her own sweats like she just finished running a marathon.


“!” Wendy hissed, back pressed against the wall as she watched numberless of crazy screaming girls running pass the dark alley where she’s currently hiding.


Wendy let out an audible sighed when the cost is clear and slump down tiredly on the dirty ground.


“What in the world is happening? Why are those girls suddenly turns into a Valentine’s zombies? What types of virus has spread the entire city today?”



FLASHBACK (the night before Valentine’s day)


Wendy was on her way home from her long exhausting day. Juggling between her studies and her part time job can be tiring for a twenty three years old. Her mood grew sullen passing so many couples being lovey-dovey that night and stores that have pink and red theme for a particular special day. It’s not like Wendy hate Valentine’s day but it reminded her how lonely her life is.


“Special chocolate for your love one?”


Wendy abruptly stop her pace, a girl who appeared looking pretty much young, probably a high school student, standing in front of her holding…maybe a home-made chocolate? Wendy glance at the well-wrapped plastic before flashing a kind smile towards the girl.


“I’m sorry! But unfortunately, I don’t have anyone to give that yummy looking chocolate to.”


“Oh! What about your family? I have chocolates for family.”


“No, my family lives far away from here actually.”


“What about friends? I have those too.” The young girl continued to persuade.


Wendy giggled. “You quite persuasive aren’t you?”


“So I’ve been told.” The young girl grinned.


“What’s your name?”


“Yerim, Kim Yerim!”


“My name is Wendy. I’m really sorry Yerim ssi, but…sadly, I don’t have anyone to give that chocolates to.”


“Ahhh...seems like you’re not very fond of Valentine’s day. Am I right?”


“Not that I dislike Valentine’s day, trust me. I have my own reason.”


Yerim hummed. “Hmmm…I see! Got your heartbroken on Valentine’s day.” Yerim said, more like a statement.


Wendy was taken aback. How did she know?


“If that’s the case…I have a special chocolate for someone like you.” Yerim rummaged her hand inside her bag.


“N-no, no! That’s okay! I don’t need-”


“Here!” Yerim shoved a heart shaped chocolate to her palm. “Don’t worry! It’s free!”




“Welcome! That chocolate is really special. I made it for one person only. Consider yourself lucky.”


“O…kay?” Wendy muttered, confused.


“Go on! Take a bite.”




“Yes!” The young girl nodded.


“O…kay…” Wendy chuckled, shaking her head, opening the wrapper.


“Just take a little bite and- YAH!!” Yerim shouted making Wendy flinch in shocked.


“I said just a little bite. Why did you ate the whole thing?”


Wendy swallow the last bit of chocolate inside and she got to admit, the chocolate taste delicious.


“W-why? Do you want the rest of that chocolate? I thought it was all mine?”


“Yes, it’s yours! But I said took a little bite. Oooo…I hope you’re safe.”


Wendy cocked her brows. “Don’t tell me it’s poison!”


“Of course not! Huhhh… May god be with you tomorrow.” Yerim said before leaving Wendy puzzled on her spot.


“That kid…sure was a strange one.” Wendy mumbled and resumed walking to her home.


14th February!


That early morning, Wendy went out for her morning run at the park near her apartment like she does everyday. There were only a few people on that park as always and Wendy can even recognize some of their faces, and Wendy sometimes greeted them, considering them as her morning run buddy.


“Good morning!” Wendy beamed brightly towards the two girls she regularly met at the park and Wendy habitually greeted them every time they pass by.


Wendy cocked her brows in confusion as the two girls abruptly stop their pace and turns to look at her with wide eyes, like they were shocked to see her as if they just seen a ghost. Wendy wondered, is there something wrong with her clothes or there is something stuck on her face. Wendy shrugged the thoughts away (after checking herself with her phone) and resumed with her routine.


It was after her third round, Wendy began to feel skeptical with her appearance. The two girls were standing still on that very same spot and still staring at her with wide eyes.


“Do I really look ugly today?” Wendy mumbled.


At the fourth round, her movement come to a halt. The same girls that were staring at her from earlier suddenly came up to her, blocking her path.


“Urmmm…can I help you ladies?” Wendy asked, puzzled.


“Yes, yes!” The short hair girl replied enthusiastically, confusing Wendy even more.


“Can you be my Valentine?” The girl with the ponytail squeak, taken Wendy by surprised.




“Hey! That’s my line. She’s going to be my valentine.” The short hair girl said.


“You snooze, you lose. She’s going to be mine.”


“No, mine!”


“No, she’s mine!”




Wendy decide to step in before the situation become worse or the two girls start wrestling each other.


“Ladies, ladies! No one’s getting anyone. I’m not gonna be your girls valentine. I think you girls mistaken me with someone else.”


“I don’t think so. You look like my next girlfriend.” The short hair girl boldly state and made Wendy speechless.


“No, she’s going to my girlfriend.” The ponytail girl pushed her friend to the side and took a step closer towards the flustered girl.


“Yah!” The short one shouted, pushing her friend away. “She’s mine!”


“No, she’s mine!”


“No, mine!”




Wendy slowly walked backwards as the two friends continue with their shoving wars that grew intense as each second pass, and Wendy sprint away from the scene and out from the park.


“What was that all about? God! That was…really...really weird.” Wendy muttered under her breath.


After successfully fled from that peculiar segment, Wendy make her way towards the bakery shop she always went after her morning jog where she buy’s her breakfast almost everyday and once again, she encounter with another ordinary scene.


“Good morning Tiffany unnie!”


“Wendy!” Tiffany exclaimed gleefully.


Wendy smiled. “Someone’s in a great mood. Did Jessica unnie plan a special date for you two today?”


“No! I’m happy to see you! You’re the sunshine of my day.”


“Okay..?!” Wendy chuckled. “I have the usual unnie.”


“You can take everything in this shop Wendy. It’s free...” Tiffany leaned over the counter and carved a flirtatious grinned. “… including me.”


Wendy took a step back and stared at the older girl in bewilderment. “Unnie? Are you okay?”


“Well…if you take me on a date, then I will tell you.” Tiffany wink.


“W-what? Are you out of your mind? Is this some kind of a prank? Because if it was…it’s not funny.”


“Who said this was a prank?”


“B-but…y-you and Jessica unnie…w-what?” Wendy was freaking out as Tiffany continue gazing at her with a sultry look.


“Wendy!!” Wendy let out a sighs of relief, hearing that familiar voice belongs to the other owner of the bakery shop.


But her easiness doesn’t last long when Jessica does something out of her characteristic, that is hugging and land a peck on Wendy cheek.


“I miss you!” Jessica said.


“YAH!! How dare you kiss her? She’s mine Jung!” Tiffany roared and went over them, pulling Jessica from the flabbergasted girl.


Jessica scoff, crossing her arms. “What makes you think she wants you? She obviously likes me.”


“No, she likes me. Right Wendy?”


Wendy took a step back, the two older girls were gazing at her fill with intense and hopes.


“Errr…this is getting weird.. I- I th-think I should go…”


“No, you can’t go now. You have to choose between us to be your girlfriend Wendy. Tell her you like me and not her.” Tiffany demand.


“She likes me, not you!” Jessica spat coldly and link her arm with Wendy.


“Don’t touch my girl.” Tiffany growl and pushed Jessica roughly.


Wendy watched in horror as the two supposed to be loving girlfriend, having a cat fight to win over her. Wendy slowly retreat towards the door, wanting to escape from this very much confusing event. Opening the door gently, so the two older girls didn’t hear her leaving, Wendy turns her body around and jumps in shocked when the two girls from the park previously were already standing right in front of her.


“Be my Valentine!” The two exclaimed simultaneously.


Even before Wendy could utter a single word, the shop door open and came Jessica and Tiffany, adding fuel to Wendy misery as the four girls are now fighting against each other.


Seeing the four were occupied in that heated battle, Wendy took this chance to flee from the scene, running in full speed towards the direction of her home.


“What the hell was that?” Wendy muttered between her breath.





Wendy quickly shut the door behind her, hands on her knee, catching her breath. Along the way to her home, it took her twice the time to get back. Every time she pass a female gender, those girls will block her way and again, ask her the same question, wanting to be her Valentine or claim wanted to be her girlfriend. Getting back to her apartment was harder than Wendy thought.


“Wendy unnie, is that you?” Joy voice was heard from her kitchen and made Wendy baffled, thinking what is Joy doing in her apartment?


“Yes, it’s me! What are you doing in my apartment Joy?” Wendy asks, making her way towards the kitchen.


“Seulgi unnie and I decide to spend this Valentine’s day with you. So you won’t be lonely.”


Wendy brows lifted seeing the younger girl cooking on her stove with her bear friend attached to Joy, back hugging her girlfriend. Wendy grunt, thinking she have to witness these two being sweet to each other for the entire day.


“Don’t you guys have a Valentine plan or something? I don’t need you two rubbing your nauseating relationship on my face.”


“Someone’s in a bad mood.” Seulgi snickered, turns her head to look at Wendy.


“More like confusing.”


“What happen?” Joy asked, also turns to look at Wendy.


“You guys are not going to believe what happen to me today. Something weird happen to me this morning. I was going for my morning run right… and these two girls came to me and declared they have some sort of crush on me or something. And when I go to Tiffany unnie and Jessica unnie bakery they-”


Wendy stop, unable to finish her strange incidents as her two friends were eyeing her in a creepy kind of way.


Wendy frowned. “Why are you guys looking at me like that?”


“Be my Valentine!” Her friends exclaimed.


Wendy agape, extremely shocked. “Not you guys too!”


Wendy didn’t spare another thought, scurried away in fear when her friends rushes over her like Wendy was a piece of fresh meat.




“!!” Wendy cursed out loud as soon as she opens the door and greeted by Jessica and Tiffany face, the girls she met at the park and many other girls she passes by before.






Squeezing her body from those crazy girls, Wendy shuffle her legs as fast as she could to get away from the hysterically barking girls chasing after her.






That’s how she ended up hiding behind the dumpster in that dark alley. The numbers of girls keep on increasing more and more after she left her apartment. She even goes to the police station, begging for their protection but that idea was thrown away immediately, not when those female officers were after her too.


Wendy doesn’t know which was more terrifying, getting chased by an armor ladies or those middle age ahjumma or the old lady with a cane.


“Stay calm! You’re safe now Wendy. You just have stay quiet and they won’t know you’re here.” Wendy murmured, trying to soothe her frantic heart.


Just as Wendy thought she was safe, one of the girls spotted her and screech, catching the others attention.




“God, not again!”


Wendy groaned, scramble up on her feet and dashed away with those derange girls tailing behind her.


“This is not happening! Please God! Wake me up from this nightmare! I’m begging you!” Wendy cried in despair.





Turning her feet to the corner, Wendy spotted an open window near the tall tree. Maybe it was an adrenaline rush consuming her body, Wendy climb up on the tree and jumps inside the open window.


As soon as her feet landed on that soft red carpet, Wendy swiftly closed the window shut and pulled the curtain together, letting out all her fear and exhaustion in one heavy breath.


“Wh-who’s there?”


Wendy stiffened, whirling her head slightly, she sees a girl, height similar with her, standing few feet across the room, at the other side of the bed. Wendy close her eyes and hissed out another cursed. It never occur to her this was someone else home because she was too busy freaking out and break in without thinking. She just realize, she was currently standing inside some stranger’s room and the panic came crushing back, noticing this stranger is a girl.


“Fudge!” Wendy murmured.


“Who’s there? I have a weapon and I am not afraid to use it!” The girl threatened, holding onto her bolster tightly.


Wendy quirk her brows in bewilderment. This girl, a very pretty girl, doesn’t seem to have seen her. Wendy was literally standing right in front of her and she was literally pointing her pillow at the wrong direction. Then, it clicked Wendy, this girl is blind. And since the girl didn’t go cuckoo by her presence, it made Wendy elated.


“So…this virus doesn’t give any effect on blind people.” Wendy mumbled, grinning.


“I can hear you! Who’s there?”


“You can’t see me, am I right?” Wendy finally spoke. She can see the girl body become tense before…


“Woah, woah! Calm down!” Wendy exclaimed, when the girl begin to swing her bolster around, knocking the lamp and some other stuff on the desk.


“Lady, put the pillow down!”


“AHHHHH!!!!” The girl screamed and swing the bolster frantically.


Wendy eyes bulge open in panic and hurriedly went over the girl. Wendy snatch the pillow away and cupped the girl’s mouth.


“Syyy…Please don’t scream! I’m not a bad person! I’m not going to hurt you. Please…calm down! I can explain-OWWW!!” Wendy cried out in pain, holding her leg.


“You kicked me! Why would you kick me?”


“Cause you’re a ert! Help!!!” The girl shouted.


Again, Wendy rushed over and place her palm on the girl mouth.


“Can you please stop screaming? I can assure you I’m not a ert. I’m a nice- OWWW!!” Wendy pulled her hand away.


“You bit me!” The girl open and Wendy quickly cut her from releasing another high pitch shriek again.


“Don’t! Don’t scream! Please…I’m begging you! I’m a nice person. If you let me explain, I can prove it to you. Please just…relax!”


Wendy let out a relief sigh when the girl close .


“Thank you!”


“How can I be sure you’re not a bad person? How can I be sure you’re not a burglar or…or a serial killer?”


“If I was…which I most certainly am not… You won’t be alive to talk to me right now. And what kind of a thief or a serial killer asking you to listen to their explanation?”


“Oh, that make sense.”


“Thank you! So…if you kindly please…don’t scream anymore. I really am a nice person. And don’t move or you will step on that broken lamp.” Wendy grasp the girl wrist but the girl yank her hand away.


“What are you doing? Why are you touching me?”


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1701 streak #1
Chapter 16: Ugh, I always get teary eyes reading this story.
Chapter 18: where is the last chapter? 😭
Chapter 11: i like girls .... (generation) -kyr
Chapter 8: hohoho actually I'm waiting for part 3 of this story, is that possible?
Chapter 6: I'm sorry but I can't stop commenting, because your story is very funny
Chapter 5: aws very soft 😚
Chapter 4: their story from children to marriage is very sweet
Chapter 2: Siblings have characteristics that are not much different 😂