Our Special Place (Part 4)

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Joy wear a puzzling on her face, forehead folding up staring at the short figure in the cook’s room laughing along with her chef and her maids. It’s been a week since Irene move in, working as her personal maid (force) and she never seen Irene acts so carefree. Joy hate to admit, Irene laughed was pretty contagious and she wasn’t aware that the side of her lips tugs upward, an easy feeling spreading through her heart watching Irene antics. 


“Young Miss. Good morning!” One of her maid acknowledge her presence and in a wink, everyone in the room greets her with ninety degree bow. Well, except for one particular bored looking girl. 


“Morning.” She replies offhandedly, stepping into the room. “What are y’all doing?” She asks. That question was apparent directed at Irene. 


“Cooking, obviously.” Irene answer plainly. 


She could see her household workers are giving her wary look and she almost snorted at their reaction. No one, she repeats, no employees has spoken to her in that kind of manner before. They were probably thinking Irene was crazy at this point. 


“Yes, I can see that. I’m not blind. What for?” 


“Are you serious?” Those critical eyes were on her. “Don’t tell me you forgot. This was your idea for a start.” 


“Urmm...remind me my idea again?” 


She hear a low grunt. “Make lunch, visit Seulgi...” 


“Ahhhh! Yes. That’s today?” 


“Seriously? You’re the one suggest this and practically force all of us to make lunch and your small head just...forgets?” 


“Hey! My head is not small. You’re small.” She argued back. 


“Whatever. Just get your giant over here and help me roll this kimbap.” 


She heard faint gasp, few of it actually. This must be a huge cultural shock in the Park’s family household and she finally crack an amused smile, walking toward the short girl.  


“I’ll take that as a compliment. I do have nice -et.” Irene rolls her eyes, giving her plastic gloves. 


“I don’t get it. Why do I have to roll? I’m your master. Why are you ordering me around?” She asks seemingly taunting, although her action speak otherwise, casually putting on those plastic gloves. 


Her question was left unanswered as Irene proceed giving her instruction, teaching her how to roll her first ever kimbap which turns out to be a huge mound of disaster. 


Few teases here and there and of course, couples of bickering and scolding mostly from Irene, and even bringing few people in their mini fight (poor chef-nim got stuck with their childish rolling competition) Joy have to admit, she had fun. Before, all she ever did was lazing around her room-watching movie, waiting for her maid to serve her with whatever she needs, or wait for someone to get her out of the house. 


There were laughter, exchanging actual conversation with everyone in the room, there’s no boundaries anymore and Joy loved it. For the first time in her own home, she doesn’t feel lonely, alone. 


The situation is changing and she want to keep it that way.    





Seulgi legs gives up as she slump down on the floor. Sweats dripping on her forehead, breathing heavily looking at her reflection through the mirror. She glance at the clock hanging on the wall and when she saw the time, she let out a despondent sigh. 


She have been practicing nonstop for the whole week but why isn’t she getting any better. There’s no improvement in her skill whatsoever. Her dancing looks weak and unattractive; her voice keeps cracking. If this continues, she worries the company might reconsider their decision to debut her as a solo artist. 


Seulgi wanted to cry, scream, she wants to quit. She can’t do it anymore. 


Those thoughts always plague inside her mind but she just can’t bring herself to do it. This is her passion. This is her dream. 


With a loud huff, Seulgi push herself up. No, she won’t quit. She just need to try harder. 


“I can do it!” 





Every beat was done perfectly, sharp but graceful at the same time. ing her hip to the side, Seulgi recoil with a jump, startled by the intrusion. 


“Kang Seulgi!” 




Seulgi brows flying up, frozen on her spot by her friends’ sudden appearance. She finally regain her composure when Wendy jump on her, giving her a bone-crushing hug. 


 “Wh-what.... Why are y’all here?” 


“Visiting you of course.” Wendy says. 


“We brought lunch.” Irene says with apologetic smile. 


“Kill the music. I’m hungry!” Yerim says already on the floor, opening their lunch boxes. 


Seulgi stared at them in confusion. “Urmm...How did you guys get in?” 


“They let us in.” Wendy says.  


“Just like that?”  Wendy nod, pulling her to the three.


“That’s...weird.” Seulgi murmured reluctantly sitting down. 


“Are you alone?” Joy asks, eyes scheming around the room. 


“Yes, why?” 


“Oh. That was you. You were the one singing?” 




“You should drink. You sound like a dying horse.” 


“Yah!” Irene quickly smack her arm. 


“Joy!” Wendy cast her a disapproval look while Yerim snickered.  


“What?” The tall girl missed the look of a pouting bear. “Did I say something wrong? All I’m saying she needs to drink more. She might lose her voice.”  


“You could’ve said it in a nicer way.” Wendy says, patting the sulky bear head. 


“Huh? Don’t tell me you’re upset. I’m just one person. After your debut, there will be many hate comments. Those keyboard warriors won’t let you rest. You better get used to it.” 


Irene shakes her head. “Seul, don’t to listen to her. Here...” She push the purple box to Seulgi. “We made kimbaps for you. Eat a lot. Restore your energy.” 


Seulgi stares at the unbalance looking food. “We?” 


“Me and Joy.” 


“Ahhh...the pretty one must come from you then.” 


The three snorted while Joy gape. “Hey! I work hard on that. It’s my first time. You should be grateful I – me prepared those for you.” 


“Hopefully it won’t kill me.” 


“Hey! It’s not poisonous.” Joy complained as Seulgi went to grab her bottle at the other side of the room. As for the three, they chorus together in laughing fit. 


Joy huffed, taking one of the kimbap and throw it inside . “It’s edible and it doesn’t taste bad.” She grumble under her breath. 


“Do I hear you munching on my kimbap?” The bear says with her back facing them. 


Joy immediately stop chewing, turning her attention towards the three tittering girls. 


“Is she serious? She really that upset?” Joy whispered. 


“Looks like she’s holding a grudge against you.” Yerim commented. 


“Go apologize, Joy.” Wendy suggest. 


“Why? I’ve done nothing wrong.” 


“Joy. You better apologize so we can eat in peace. You made her upset with your uncontrolled mouth. Go!” Irene said sternly which the taller girl (surprisingly) obey, standing up and walks over the sulking bear. 


“Our cutie bear.” Joy cooed, wrapping her arms around the bear body (back hug). “I’m sorry? I didn’t mean to pinch your sensitive heart. I was worried you will lose your beautiful, ear blessing-seductive voice. Please...forgive me?” 


The cutesy tone she was using give goosebumps to the other three girls, cringing at their spot and Yerim almost vomit. 


“I thought we’re friends, but you were being mean.” The bear continues to sulk. 


“I am always mean and rude. I am that . Come on. Don’t be upset.”


The bear still pouting. 


"Omo!” Joy fake a surprised gasp. 


“Look at this washboard abdomen.” She squeal, touching the girl’s abdomen. “I can wash my clothes with this incredible piece of art-bs.” She added, rubbing Seulgi stomach.  


“Stop, stop!” Seulgi laughed, wriggling her body from Joy naughty hands. 


“Okay, okay.” Joy finally stop her tickle attack. “Still angry?” 


Seulgi smile. “You are forgiven.” 



“Bwoya?” Yerim blurt out, her facial clearly speak ‘disgusting’ as the two taller girls continues cuddling in the middle of the room. “Is this a drama?” 


Wendy giggled. “It’s Joygi drama. A y chick with an adorable bear.” 


“Pets Rom-com.” Irene added.  


Once again, there was a disturbance and this time all of them jump together as if it has been rehearse.  


“I’m telling you girl. He’s so into you.” The taller one says, wiggling her brows.  


“Get your hand off my shoulder.” The short one groan, pushing the slender arm away. 


“Don’t be such a – Oh.” The two women pause for brief second before the tall one smirk. 


“Oh, look. We have company.”  


Seulgi immediately tense up. The two women are her mentor and one of the company director. Her heart quicken at the thought of her future. A future where she failed to debut. She would definitely receive a horrible punishment for bringing outsiders into their company.      


Seulgi was ready to stride over there and apologize, explaining herself or even kneel down and beg so they won’t change their mind. 


What she had not expected next was Joy letting out a high pitch squeal and skip towards the two women, behaving like a kid who greet her parents when they’re finally home. 


Seulgi legs slowly making its way to her friends, eyes fixated at the happy reunion. 


“Urmm...did I miss something? Is Joy...” she trails off doesn’t know exactly how to voice out her jumbled thought. 


Thankfully, her soulmate understand her perfectly. 


“Oh. You didn’t know. Yuri unnie is Joy’s cousin.”  




Seulgi could not believe her ears. CEO Kwon is Joy’s cousin. Nobody told her about this important information. 


“And Taeyeon unnie is Joy...well, they’re not related. But she’s like a big sister to Joy. She used to baby sit us when we were kids.” 


Now, everything make sense. Kim Taeyeon is a famous superstar and Wendy did not seem surprised or getting daze to see a popular singer in their room, unlike her two friends. They are practically drooling.  


“Oh, and I forgot to tell you. This company belongs to Joy’s family too.” 


“What?” Seulgi almost shouts. This new information almost had her blacking out. 


Why has anyone ever told her about it? If Joy’s family own this company...the reason why the company suddenly wanted to debut her...was it because she’s friend with the owner daughter? Not because of her talent?


The thought made her heart drop. Thankfully, Wendy can read her perfectly.


“Hey...” Wendy flash her a gentle smile. “Yuri unnie didn’t pick you because you’re friends with her cousin. Joy showed couple of videos of you to her and she thought you weren’t fit to be in a group. She thought you would be more suitable as a solo. Taeyeon unnie saw your video too and she also agreed.” 


“Re-really? It’s not because of-“ 


“No. Trust me. I was there when they gushing over you.” 


Seulgi had a biggest smile on her face right now. Her energy suddenly charging up, her fighting spirit pumping up. She is so going to be the best solo artist in the world. 


After exchanging greetings with the rest of the girls, couple of pictures taken, autograph for two overwhelmed teenagers, Seulgi engulf Joy into big warm teddy bear hug. 


“I love you! Can I kiss you?” 


“Eww, no! Get away from me.” Joy push the happy girl away. 





“Hang on.” The four girls looks at her curiously. “Does this mean...Seulgi is one of your employee too?” Yerim asks and earn herself a smirking chick. 


“Her parents own the company. Not her.” Irene answer her instead. 


“Excuse me, Miss I’m so perfect. Everything that belongs to my parents belongs to me too. To answer your question my dear Yerimie...yes. She’s working for me too.” Joy says smugly. 


“You work for me...” she point to Seulgi and then to Irene. “...you work for me...” she look at Wendy. “Well, you always been under my control.” 


“Hey!” Wendy complained. 


“And you...” she smirk at Yerim. “You’re next.” 


Yerim shrugged. “If I’m going to work for you, I want to sit on the highest chair with big salary.” 


“Hmmm...there’s an open spot for a new manager...for a new solo artist.” 


Seulgi eyes pops out while Wendy and Irene giggled, knowing the two girls are only joking.  


Yerim hummed naturally playing along. “That sound tempting. How much do I get paid?” 


“What? No!” 





Yerim is not in a great mood. The ruckus her friends brought to her home is annoying her. She was supposed to spend Christmas day with her mom. Only the two of them but her friends suddenly decide to join them, barging into her home with high enthusiasm. Her head pounding watching Wendy and Joy fighting over the Christmas tree, which one will put the star at the top while Seulgi happily arranging those presents under the tree. 


She knew from the start it was a mistake. Being friends with these loud girls was a terrible mistake. She was hoping her mom would get angry and kick them out from their house or better, banish them from her life. But her mom doesn’t seem to mind their loudness, cooking and laughing along with Irene inside the kitchen. 


She purse her lips. Her mom suddenly forget she has a daughter after these girls came into the house. It was better when her mom hates them. Now, she have to share her mom with these intruders and fight for her attention. God, she hates them.


Yerim huffed. “Don’t you guys have family of your own?” 


“My flight was cancelled. The weather.” Wendy answered her as she climb up the ladder. She won the star from Joy. 


“My parents are at the other side of the world. They can’t come home. The weather.” Joy was pouting, holding the ladder. 


Yerim sighs, suddenly feeling bad for the two girls. “What about you? Your family literally live in the city.” 


“Ah. They went to my grandparents. Can’t go with them. I have practice tomorrow.” Yerim can hear the sadness in Seulgi’s tone. “And I even made them something.” The bear start to whimpered and Yerim instantly felt guilty for asking that sensitive question. 


“Are you crying? Again?” Joy ask. 


“No~” Seul

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1702 streak #1
Chapter 16: Ugh, I always get teary eyes reading this story.
Chapter 18: where is the last chapter? 😭
Chapter 11: i like girls .... (generation) -kyr
Chapter 8: hohoho actually I'm waiting for part 3 of this story, is that possible?
Chapter 6: I'm sorry but I can't stop commenting, because your story is very funny
Chapter 5: aws very soft 😚
Chapter 4: their story from children to marriage is very sweet
Chapter 2: Siblings have characteristics that are not much different 😂