Ferris Wheel

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This story was inspired by a comic book I once read.. 


In this town, there is a theme park. The park is small and old but the children love to go there and have fun with their friends and family. My friend and I also loved this place. We loved going to that theme park and we will play until the sun sets down. Among all rides at the theme park, we both really like riding the Ferris wheel. We really love watching the sunset from above the Ferris wheel. Even though I have acrophobia but it doesn’t matter. As long as I’m with her, with her hand holding mine, everything will be okay.


We were both stubborn and we will always forced the workers to let us rode it for another round for free and another one until we felt satisfied. The view that we saw when were at the top was really breath-taking. We played together, laughed together, we shared ice cream together and I really loved watching the sunset with her. Most of all, I really love spending every single second with her. But now…


*10 Years Later*

Present Time


I saw her, my childhood friend walked pass me without any smile formed on her lips. She didn’t even bother to look at me.


“Hey, isn’t that your friend Wendy? I mean your childhood friend?” I heard one of her friend said to her.


“Yeah, so?”


“Why didn’t you say anything to her?”


“What should I say to her?”


“Maybe a simple ‘Hye’ would not hurt, right. What happen? Did you guys had a huge fight or something?”


“HAHAHA…we used to be friends. But some friendship will end and not meant to last long, right? HAHAHA…” I heard her laughed before walking away with her friends.




I heaved a long sighed and look at the view outside my classroom window. Some friendship will end and not meant to be? Is that what she thinks about our friendship? Am I not good enough to be her friends anymore? I let out another sighed and my eyes darted towards the track and field team outside on the open field, practicing. Then, I saw her. My childhood friend! She was there too! Practicing along side her teammates. She was on the starting point with another girl waiting for the coach to give them signal.


“Ready!!! Get set!!! GO!!” The coach shouted and the two of them starts to run. They were running fast towards the finish line. But as expected Wendy was the first one who reach the finish line. The girl was not the right match for her. Wendy is known as the ‘Queen of Speed’ in our school even though she has short legs, but she really is fast. Until now, no one can run as fast as she could. She smiles and pats her opponent head. It’s been a long time since I saw that smile. That smile she always showed to me and I thought it was only meant for me, but I guess…I was wrong again. Same as our friendship. Suddenly she turned around and looks at me. Our eyes met! I stunned!! We were staring at each other for a long time before she break our eyes contact and talked to her friends.


“Seungwan ah…huh…” I sighed again.


It’s been a long time since Seungwan and I didn’t talk to each other. Ever since middle school, we start growing apart from each other. You start making new friends and you started to hang out with them. Because of your bright personalities, you can easily makes new friends while I’m still stuck being my quiet and shy demeanor. We became awkward with each other and one day we suddenly stop talking and now it feels like you’re too far away from me. What really happen to us? You already moved on from this friendship but here I am, still waiting for a broken glass to be fix.


“Huh…I miss you! Seungwan, I miss you! I miss us!” I whispered to myself and turned my gaze back to the field.




Childhood friend! Friends from the past. Friends that grew apart from each other. Maybe this is how our relationship is going work. We go to the same school and you live next door but we never speak a single words to each other. Probably never again! Well, that’s ! I hate it! I want us back again like how we used to be. But I think it will be an impossible and unreachable dreams. I sighed for the tenth time today as I walked downstairs towards the kitchen and found my sister Tiffany, in the middle of cooking our dinner. After my parents died in a car accidents four years ago, my sister was the one who took the role as a mother and also a father. She always been there for me and raised me all by herself. I feel grateful to have her as my sister and couldn’t ask for a better sister than her.


“Unnie? Do you need help?” She flinched, startled by my voice.


“Oh, Joohyun. God, you scared me!” I smiled and walk closer towards her.


“Sorry unnie! So…do you need help?”


“No, I’m almost done.” She declined, smiling at me. That motherly smiled that I like so much.


“You sure?”


“Hmmm…on a second thought, help me prepared the table.”




I was busy placing all the plates on the dining table when I saw few fliers on the table. “Hm?? What’s this?” I took one of the fliers. “Isn’t this… The Soshi theme park?”


“Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you about the theme park.” My sister suddenly spoke from inside the kitchen. “Do you know, they’re going to close down the park by the end of this week?”


“W-what? They’re gonna close it down? Why?”


“I don’t know! But I heard from some ahjumma who like to gossip around the neighborhood…” I giggled hearing the sarcasm in that voice of my sister. “…Some rich fella bought that place and wanted to build a new building.”


“Awww…that’s just…! I love that theme park.” My sister came out from the kitchen and place her dish on the table and smiled at me.


“I know! The four of us always go to that theme park. You and Seungwan will begged Jessi and me to bring you there.” She giggled at the memory while I suddenly feel upset because of it. That theme park always brings back a lot of happy memories with Seungwan.


“Do you wanna go tomorrow? With me and Jessi? I will ask Jessi to bring Seungwan with her.” Bring Seungwan with her tomorrow? Will Seungwan even agree to join? Will it be awkward if we meet tomorrow? What if she doesn’t want to see me? I quickly shoved my thoughts away.


“Urrmm…it’s okay unnie. You and Jessica unnie can go tomorrow. Don’t want to ruin your date.” Yes, Tiffany unnie and Jessica unnie is in a relationship. They are also childhood friends. But they took their relationship to another level. Unlike me and Seungwan, they grew more closer while we fell apart.


“You sure?”


“Yeah, I’m sure!”




I sat down on the couch with the fliers on my hand. These fliers are all distributed from last week. Why am I only seeing all this today? Hurm…the park will be close by the end of this week. That means tomorrow is the last day before it close down forever. I spend a lot of my time there when I was kid with…Seungwan.


“Seungwan? Wendy! Does she…know about this? Babo, Joohyun! Of course she already knew. Jessica unnie probably told her about it. Is she also…feel sad like I did? Did she even remembered about our times together at the park? Hurgghhhh…stop it Joohyun! Stop thinking about Seungwan.” I groaned and place my palms over my face.




I whipped my head to the side at our front door. Another ringing bell could be heard echoing the whole house. I shifted my eyes at the clock hanging on the wall. 10.30PM! Who in the world come to our house this late. Well, not that late but still… I let out a throaty grunt and stands up from my seat and make my way to the main door.


I open the door and I froze. I was extremely surprised! Here, standing in front of me, my childhood friend. Seungwan is standing in front of my house. What is she doing here? Am I dreaming? Is this real? Did she came to see me? We both just stood there awkwardly with no words exchange.


“Err…hye?” She greeted awkwardly. That voice! I miss that voice.


“Hye!” My voice came out soft as a whispered.


“Urrmmm…is Tiffany unnie home?” She asked. Oh, she came here to see Tiffany unnie not you Joohyun. So stop dreaming already.


“Y-yeah, she’s inside. Do you want me to call her or…or do you want to come in?” She shook her head and stretch out her arm. I look at her stretch out arm and saw Tiffany unnie purse?


“Tiffany unnie left this at our home. But since Jessica unnie is already knocked out and I don’t want Tiffany unnie start freaking out so… I bring it back.” I took the purse from her hand.


“Thank you Seung- Wendy!” I almost called her by her Korean name.


“Welcome! Well, I better go. Bye!” I don’t want her to leave just yet. Now that we are talking. Before I knew it, my mouth already did the work for me.


“Wendy, wait!” She stop and turned her body around to look at me. She lift one of her eyebrows probably thinking why I stop her from going home.


“Errr…d-do y-you know about the Soshi park? They will close it down after tomorrow.” I stammered at first but I manage to finish it. Crush it!


“Yeah, I know.” She replied plainly. Guess I’m right, she do know about it. Now what? Err…I couldn’t think of anything to say now. As my eyes looking down at the ground, I tried to think any kind of ideas what to say next, to keep this conversation going.


“Is that all you wanted to say?”


“I err….I…” Ughh…what should I do? What should I say next? I’m sweating!! Oh my god!!!


“Ummm…do you want to go together tomorrow?” My eyes snap back up towards her direction. I was shocked! Did she really ask me that?


“Huh?” Is all I could respond, still surprised by her sudden invitation.


“Tomorrow! Do you want to go? For the last time?”


“Uhh…I err…”


“Since Jessica unnie practically force me to join her and Tiffany unnie tomorrow. You can keep me company tomorrow. I don’t want to be the third wheel between those two unnies. So…what do you say? Are you in? Even though we’re not little kids anymore…We’re adults now.” She carved a small smile. That smiled! She’s smiling at me. And before I knew it, once again my mouth did all the works for me when answer…





I can’t believe this…


“Want to go together tomorrow?”


Going to the theme park tomorrow with me? Am I dreaming? Am I hallucinating? Is this really true? Did she really asked me that? Although she said, she don’t want to be the third wheel but she did personally ask me to go with her. God!! Why am I so happy? It feels like getting ask to a date by my crush. Stupid Joohyun!




“Kyaaaa…” I chirped happily. “I can’t believe this. Panda Coaster, the haunted house…ahh… Merry-go-Duck is still here too.” I feel excited seeing all of this rides again. “Wendy! Look, look!!” I pointed at the rides.


“You…excited with little kids games like you’re one of them. I don’t know if you’re a full grown girl or still a little kid. Aren’t you even feel a little embarrassed?” She said to me calmly. Then, I felt my face heating up and turned into red colour. Wow! Since when did she talk like that? It’s sting! The Seungwan I used to know, will never said something like that. Well, people really do can change. And to make it worse, Tiffany unnie and Jessica unnie left us so they could have their quality time together. I felt betrayed! How could Tiffany unnie leave me with her? She knows about my current relationship with Seungwan is not good but she left me.


“Hm? Where is she?” I finally realize that Seungwan wasn’t by my side anymore. Did she also leave me? I searched for her and let out a relief sighed when I saw her at the small stand not too far from me.


“What are you doing here?” I walked closer to her. She didn’t say anything but I saw her giving the old man behind the booth money.


“Seung- err… Wendy, what are you doing? What’s that? What did you buy?”


“Here!” She turned around and put something on my head.


“W-what is this?”


“I know you like weird hat like this.” She says while fixing the cute bunny hat on my head.


“Err…” I look at her and our gaze locked. She remember! I was moved! She still remember the weird stuff that I like. Suddenly the memories when we were still kids flash in front of my eyes. How she saved up her pocket money so she could buy some weird stuff I like.


“Pufff….HAHAHAHAHA!” All of a sudden, she started to laugh. “It’s perfect on you. You really do look like a bunny. HAHAHA…” She once again laughed. Then it hit me. She was teasing

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1702 streak #1
Chapter 16: Ugh, I always get teary eyes reading this story.
Chapter 18: where is the last chapter? 😭
Chapter 11: i like girls .... (generation) -kyr
Chapter 8: hohoho actually I'm waiting for part 3 of this story, is that possible?
Chapter 6: I'm sorry but I can't stop commenting, because your story is very funny
Chapter 5: aws very soft 😚
Chapter 4: their story from children to marriage is very sweet
Chapter 2: Siblings have characteristics that are not much different 😂