
Hell To Pay

Moonbyul felt a tingling sensation all down her body, she was sure Yongsun was feeling the same thing because as she looked at the angel beside her, thier eyes met and they both grimaced. Standing up almost in unison, they exchanged no words but walked almost side by side to the door of the apartment. Whether she had forgotten her supernatural powers or just wanted to stay with Moonbyul, Yongsun walked the journey with her rather than ascend there alone. They had no specific direction or any mental map to guide them but the sensation that had covered them both in the apartment had turned into a kind of pulsing which seemed to intensify as they got nearer to it's source and weaken if they took a wrong turn and so thier feet led them through the semi busy streets until they arrived outside a busy club, the line a mile long at the entrance. Both exchanging a confused look before approaching slowly, neither of them knew what they were heading into but they somehow knew this was where they needed to be. As they were about to greet the doormen in an effort to gain entry, a side door opened and Moonbyul immediately recognised the small face poking around it, it was Hyejin's human play thing, Miss Jung, she called them over and Moonbyul caught Yongsun's eye to tell her to follow and that they could trust thier contact.

Inside the large room, both Hyejin and Jihyo surveyed thier surroundings carefully to work out who had brought them here and how many flanked the ringleader in the darkness. It was a gift of any supernatural entity to be able to see into the darkness with ease and so they summised that the room was filled with mostly fallen angels, Hyejin grinned to see it because it meant that these rebels weren't her shoddy work, they were Jihyo's failings. Fallen angels for the most part were harmless, they hadn't been sent to heaven as sinners and cast down, in fact Hyejin never saw thier kind in the underworld, they were pure souls who had only once sinned but found, like many humans, that once they had sinned, they simply could not stop and so they roamed the earth, unseen, for eternity with nowhere to go and none of the privileges they had been used to. "We see you all, you know that right?, what's with the whole hiding in the shadows thing?. I know each and every one of you and your little game is boring me. Come down here and talk to us instead of trying to hide in relative safety. I for one have no idea why you have trapped us and keep us like a pair of prized turkeys but I assure you there will be no chains or shackles that can contain Ms Ahn here and I am not so much a friend of hers that I would dare to intervene if she were to unleash her full wrath on you. You have been warned.". Hyejin only stared at her friend in a slight admiration as she listened to the lecture and she felt her wings give a kind of flutter as she heard her name mentioned, this was a side of Jihyo that even she had never seen in all these years.

Creeping along a corridor was hard at the best of times but when only you could see the other two people with you, it must look very odd indeed to anyone watching on CCTV, Wheein walked silently in a slight crouched position along this inner corridor with the two women behind her looking calculating but still a little lost. As they approached a sealed door up ahead, they exchanged a look which meant this must be the right way to go, and so with a small nod from Wheein, they opened the metallic door with still breath, expecting to hear a squeak that would betray them or to see the room full of people who wanted only to hurt them or at the very least know why they were there. None of these things happened and the women all walked in with a little more confidence than a few moments ago. Deciding that thier luck had to end at some point, they chose to skirt around the edge of the room which remained in semi darkness. Nobody was concentrating on the centre of the room and so they didn't see the darkness engulf them as they were covered with what could only have been heavy feathers and the cold tang of thick metal. For all thier caution, they had been so unobservant that they had sprung the trap which had been waiting for them since thier arrival.

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I really want to read more of this story. There were moments that gave me nice tingles. I could so vividly imagine these people and their movements, facial expressions, style.. I haven't really read stories like this before, fanfictions I mean. Your way of writing is very pleasant (😇), and hooking. Thank you and please continue.
Chapter 14: Really excited to see where this story goes!! I look forward to whatever else you produce!
Chapter 13: I really like it specially for imcluding twice hahaha

Tags; twice / mamamoo / moonsun / wheesa / saida / 2yeon / michaeng / angel / demon / fantasyau