Confessions And Secrets

Hell To Pay

"..uhh...sure..", realising was hanging open, Moonbyul mumbled the words and her body automatically moved aside to let Solar in, it was a minute before she closed and the door simultaneously. Blinking herself back into the present and watching as the soft luminescence followed her guest into the room, she thought maybe she was gliding an inch above the ground until she saw the soles of the woman's sneakers make steady rhythmic contact with the carpet and she smiled at her own stupidity before beckoning for her to sit down on the sofa too. It was an internal struggle to try and sit demurely but casually in front of this image of pure perfection sat within touching distance of Moonbyul's barely outstretched arm, indeed it seemed so tempting to touch the soft skin of her forearm but Hyejin's words thundered into her ears and she excercised immense restraint by clasping her hands together on her lap.

The two women exchanged nervous glances before the silence was eventually broken by Moonbyul who had suddenly remembered her manners and stood up, offering to make a drink for Solar who refused with a small chuckle. "I hope you don't mind my intrusion but I noticed you always hang around the hospital. You're new to this whole afterlife thing aren't you?. Don't worry, when I got up there, I was so nervous that I felt like i'd die all over again. It gets easier once you've redeemed your first soul, trust me. I am intrigued though, you don't look any angel i've ever seen and please forgive me for being so bold but you don't have the telltale glow either. How new are you?, what's your name?.", it took a moment for Moonbyul to absorb all of the things Solar was saying, she felt her eyes glued to those perfect lips and found her hearing had automatically dulled to allow her eyes full focus and so she had to once again shake herself back into reality. Feeling a little awkward since she knew she wasn't an angel at all, she made her way to the kitchen and busied herself with making coffee, remembering that it tasted like crap, she heaped sugar in to try and save her tastebuds and responded to the questions with her back to the living room.

Stirring slowly so as to seem like there was a reason she was still stood in the kitchen, she felt Solar's eyes on her back as she sighed. "Well..I uh...My name is Moon Byulyi, I uh..I don't have the glow because...well...i'm not exactly what you'd call an angel...", she didn't want to turn around to face Solar becuase she knew that at the last few words the once hypnotic eyes would have turned cold in shock and she may have even left in horror at associating herself with a demon, even unknowingly. Slowly Moonbyul turned and her heart leapt at the sight of Solar still sat there, her face remained the same as she stood up and stopped on the other side of the kitchen counter, her smile was uplifting and Moonbyul couldn't help reciprocating it. Solar's glow seemed to eminate warmth as Moonbyul felt it roll towards her in waves across the counter top. It would once again be so easy to reach across and touch her but she didn't want to lose Solar and so she grasped her cup with both hands and took a large gulp of coffee which even with a mountain of sugar tasted foul.

"So...if you're not an angel then you must be a demon?, i've never met a demon before..especially one like you, they're usually balding old men or women who look like witches from children's stories. What did you do to end up down below?..if you don't mind me asking. You seem like a nice enough person to be an angel. Oh how rude of me, I asked your name without giving my own in return. My name is Kim Yongsun, nice to meet you finally Miss Moon.". Moonbyul stood for a moment not knowing what to do or say, Solar's hand was outstretched and waiting for her to shake it but Moonbyul knew if she did, she may never see her again and so she fumbled around with her cup, turning to wash it before feeling Solar move closer behind her, they were almost touching as she turned to find herself face to face with that intense heat she had felt earlier. "I feel like there's something you want to say but maybe you don't know how to word it..or maybe i've overwhelmed you?. I'm so sorry, I have a tendency to talk a lot. Please will you at least take my hand in greeting and we could take our friendship from there?.".

Moonbyul smiled and sighed all at once, she watched Solar's hand move closer and backed away a little instinctively. "I'm sorry, it's not's just that I was told if I touched an angel at all, there's a chance that both of us could cease to exist even in the afterlife. I really do want to be friends though, can we do that without the handshake?. I like you and I don't want anything bad to happen to you so I am trying to restrain myself but that coffee is awful even with a lot of sugar in it so I won't be pretending to enjoy it any longer even for you Miss Kim, i'm sorry.", both of them started laughing and Solar agreed that they could be friends even without a formal handshake, she apologised for not knowing about the contact rules and stood a little further away as she listened intently to Moonbyul's story about her brief time in heaven, both women talked and laughed deep into the night and neither one wanted to leave as morning rolled by just as quickly.

The rooftop was cold with the driving wind as Hyejin walked towards the glowing woman waiting there, both women's eyes met and while the angelic woman stood awkwardly and grimaced as she bowed politely, Hyejin smirked and sauntered past to stand beside her looking over the rail to the bustling street below."What do you want Jihyo?, i'm a busy woman you know, you're not the only one helping people move on. Say what you need to say already and let's not see each other again for at least another century.", Hyejin's impatience rained down on Jihyo like a thunderstorm and she had to take a moment to gather her thoughts and be polite in her response, she smiled broadly as she spoke in her sing-song voice which irritated Hyejin even more.

"I don't like having to meet like this either but we have a mutual problem at the moment and I need to know what you think we should do about it. Your little protoge, Miss Moon, the one I sent down to you for her...indiscretions.., well this business with my angel, Miss Kim, is getting out of hand. You know as well as I do what can happen if they touch and I fear that may be sooner than we thought. Normally I would leave my disciples to their own devices and the consequences of such behaviour are theirs to bare, however, Miss Kim is one of my best angels and I would miss her immensely if she was taken deeper..and of course it would mean a mountain of paperwork for both of us and a visit from you-know-who.", Hyejin rolled her eyes as she leant away from the rail and started to walk away from Jihyo.

Laughing heartily as she went, she waved cockily as she replied to a silent and frowning Jihyo. "I trust you'll do whatever you want Jihyo, you always have done. You don't need me now...", In a heartbeat, Hyejin had appeared next to Jihyo again, her lips brushing Jihyo's earlobe as she mumbled seductively, "...You didn't need me before did you?, not when you had me and certainly not when he intervened to make you a liar in denial of her true feelings...goodbye Jihyo.". The soft clacking of Hyejin's heels faded away as Jihyo stood motionless before clicking her fingers and rising up to her sanctuary deep in thought.

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Thank you to all new subscribers and thank you for staying with the story if you subbed previously. I'll try to update as often as possble so please stick with me and look forward to new chapters soon. :D


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I really want to read more of this story. There were moments that gave me nice tingles. I could so vividly imagine these people and their movements, facial expressions, style.. I haven't really read stories like this before, fanfictions I mean. Your way of writing is very pleasant (😇), and hooking. Thank you and please continue.
Chapter 14: Really excited to see where this story goes!! I look forward to whatever else you produce!
Chapter 13: I really like it specially for imcluding twice hahaha

Tags; twice / mamamoo / moonsun / wheesa / saida / 2yeon / michaeng / angel / demon / fantasyau