The Consequences Of Sin

Hell To Pay

Wheein had never been so distracted at work, her greetings were half-hearted and once or twice she had been snapped out of a daydream by someone clearing their throat impatiently or tutting their disapproval. Once her shift ended at 10pm, she said her goodbyes to her colleagues and the woman who would take over at the door and made her way sluggiskly to her favourite late night cafe for a well deserved cup of steaming coffee. The chimes over the door tinkled as she pushed it open and entered, bowing in greeting to the employees as she found her usual crevice to sit in, the high backed bench gave her a hiding place from other customers and if necessary, a place to take a quick nap. A waiter approached her and she placed her order with a sleepy smile.

People were on the whole correct about heaven, it was all pearly gates and clouds, but where they pressumed those clouds would be soft and watery, they were wrong. Clouds were solid enough to take the weight of any human and more, the outer appearance may be fluffy and soft but the inner cloud is a rigid floor similar to hardwood flooring you find in some homes. It was along this that the suction and release of Solar's sandals reverberated along as she made her way down the main corridor to record keeping. She was unimpeded for the most part until she almost bumped headlong into Jonghyun, he dropped the file he had been carrying and scrabbled to pick it up as Solar waited and apologised profusely. Smiling to each other, she offered him the chance to enter the room first and he did so after bowing extremely low in thanks. Following him inside, she asked what he was filing away, his face turned solemn and he sighed as he answered, all happiness gone from his handsome face. "New angel joinging us, she's only young. Same department as me unfortunately so i'll be her mentor.". Solar watched as he found the name of the new girl and placed her file in the gap underneath her nameplate which read: 'Jinri, Choi - Suicide'.

Moonbyul walked back into her apartment and deposited the plastic carrier bag on the kitchen counter, since she didn't need food or drink, it was devoid of any of the stuff. The bag contained stationary and games for boredom purposes. Undoing her new pack of pens and sticky notes, she began to write everything she had learned from her time on the surface and made sure to capitalise the no-no's in red pen so she would definately remember not to do those things. Walking to her bedroom moments later, she started to assemble a kind of collage of the neon yellow notes on the back of her bedroom door. Standing back to admire her work, she was startled by a knock at her front door. Opening it apprehensively, she saw not Solar or Hyejin, but a new woman, undoubtedly an angel due to her glowing aura, it took a second for Moonbyul to realise what to do before she welcomed the woman inside and closed the door again. Sitting herself down a small distance away from the woman, she smiled and waited for her to start talking, her tone of voice was almost as hypnotic as Solar's but not quite. "Miss Moon?, I appreciate we have never met but you know my mentee Miss Kim. I'm here without her knowledge to ask that you don't have any more contact with her again. I can't bear to lose her if you accidentally touch.".

"STOP RIGHT THERE!, NOW DROP THE KNIFE SIR!, DROP IT OR WE'LL OPEN FIRE! DROP IT NOW!", Hyejin sat on a vacant bench across the street from the scene of a gruesome murder, she grinned as the suspect failed to comply with the police, just as she had chuckled to herself while he commited his crime and stabbed the shop owner multiple times. She had to laugh because it was becoming increasingly common for idiots like this to fall into her office and she anticipated the following encounter where he would start to panic and feel pointless remorse for his actions. Sighing, she stood up and waited until the police had fired before she walked between them unseen and crouched over the murderer's lifeless corpse. Taking a second to think, she sat cross legged next to him as his soul struggled to move inside the body in a desperate attempt to re-awaken it. Clicking her fingers, she smiled as a confused Moonbyul appeared next to her and stumbled backwards at the sight of the man. Hyejin stood up and left, her protege would have to figure out how to reap for herself and the worst that could happen is that she failed and he ended up in Hyejin's office none the wiser as to why. Now it was her night to find that scrumptious piece of and be sinful at her own will. A few corners away, she stopped and subtly sniffed the air, grinning as the smell of coffee beans and her new favourite plaything mingled, she opened the door and heard the chimes as her heels clicked against the hard flooring, she dismissed the employees with a casual wave of her hand and they set about to working as though she weren't there. She sat down opposite Wheein and smiled, reaching a hand over to caress that adorable face. If she wasn't already damned, she would be after tonight and she loved it.

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Thank you to all new subscribers and thank you for staying with the story if you subbed previously. I'll try to update as often as possble so please stick with me and look forward to new chapters soon. :D


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I really want to read more of this story. There were moments that gave me nice tingles. I could so vividly imagine these people and their movements, facial expressions, style.. I haven't really read stories like this before, fanfictions I mean. Your way of writing is very pleasant (😇), and hooking. Thank you and please continue.
Chapter 14: Really excited to see where this story goes!! I look forward to whatever else you produce!
Chapter 13: I really like it specially for imcluding twice hahaha

Tags; twice / mamamoo / moonsun / wheesa / saida / 2yeon / michaeng / angel / demon / fantasyau