Today's the Day

Perks of an Unrequited Love
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“Quick, Tzuyu! Hide me!” Dahyun whispered aggressively. She held onto Tzuyu’s arm and whipped herself around to hide behind the taller girl, trying to make sure that the people a few feet from them couldn’t see her.

Obviously confused, Tzuyu let out a confused noise. “Hide?” She asked in a panicked tone, instantly taking on a protective stance without her knowing it. “Hide from whom?”

Dahyun tip toes and peeks over Tzuyu’s shoulder. There stood three older girls – namely Sana, Mina and Momo. Dahyun squeezes Tzuyu’s shoulder and pleads with her eyes. “Don’t let them see me!”

Tzuyu furrowed her eyebrows and looked behind her, staring at the other girl with a questioning look. “What trouble did you cause them?” She accused, getting ready to scold Dahyun. Dahyun immediately shook her head, a playful smile threatening to show itself.

“Sana and Momo…” She pointed towards the two respectively. “They’re my exes.” She finished, checking Tzuyu’s face for any reaction. For a moment, Tzuyu raised her fist as if she was going to hit Dahyun.

“Since when did you have a lover? I don't think anyone would willingly hang out with someone like you...?” Tzuyu stated, a frown on her face. Dahyun laughed, albeit a bit terrified.

“You didn’t let me explain, Chewy. They’re my ex-crushes.” Dahyun says with a grin plastered on her face. Tzuyu clicks her tongue in disappointment, hoping and pleading to the entities above that Chaeyoung arrives soon.

Today was finally the day of the auditions. Scattered everywhere were students of all ages, both boys and girls trying to squeeze in a final practice before the main event starts. Tzuyu scanned the room, her eyes gliding over several nervous or confident faces in search for the girl that piqued Chaeyoung’s interest lately.

She looked over Momo and Sana, not aware of the other two’s names or existence. Instead, her eyes stopped on one person. She felt the familiarity once she saw the girl’s face, having seen the same glasses and mole in Chaeyoung’s drawing before.

She must be Mina… Tzuyu thinks, doing her best to examine the girl as much as she could from afar. I probably shouldn’t talk to her yet, especially if she’s as shy as Chaeyoung presumes her to be.

She nodded to herself, taking in the visual of the older girl as to not forget about her later. She glanced towards the watch on her wrist, furrowing her eyebrows when she noticed that Chaeyoung only had seven minutes left before the auditions started. She took out her phone, completely ignoring Dahyun who was still doing her best to hide behind her.

“Where are you?” She quickly types a text for Chaeyoung. “You have seven minutes till they start.”

It didn’t even take Chaeyoung a minute to reply back.

“I’m close.”

Tzuyu only nods, having complete trust in her childhood friend. Soon enough, Chaeyoung bursts through the doors three minutes later. She wore a smile on her face – as if she wasn’t about to be late to the auditions. She looked around the crowd to look for Tzuyu or Dahyun. Once she spotted them, she walked calmly towards their direction and greeted them.

“I had last minute practice,” she told Tzuyu, who was looking at her with a questioning gaze. Tzuyu merely nodded, glad that the smaller girl had finally made it.

The adviser in charge of the play suddenly appeared up on the stage, his eyes glimmering with excitement. In his hand was a small stack of papers.

“Welcome, students. Today we have the auditions for the annual musical play held by our school.” He grinned, his aura obviously b with enthusiasm. “For the first time in our school’s history, we will act out a play that shows the struggles of someone who is not accepted by our country.” He continued, carefully looking at the confused expressions on the students faces.

The man paced around the room, effectively bringing up the tension that was already present in the first place. “This script was submitted to me by a student. It intrigued me because I wanted to know if we had passionate actors and performers willing to do something as ‘obscene’ as this.” He said, a frown suddenly falling upon his face. “However, I do not think of it as such. I feel like this world needs to open up their minds at this kind of topic.”

Chaeyoung started to tap her foot on the ground a little bit impatiently. “Can he just say it…?” she muttered under her breath, her excitement slowly dying into a feeling of anxiety.

“We’re going to have two romantic leads; though they are going to be of the same gender.”

Audible gasps were heard across the room. The students who were going to audition suddenly started to doubt themselves, and only a select few looked like they were still willing to join.

“From you students, I’m going to pick the ones who I feel like would portray the characters the best.” The man continues even though the atmosphere within the auditorium was starting to feel dreadful. He took note of the few students that had genuine passion on their faces. “The auditions start now.” He finished with a sinister-like smile on his face. He approached a nearby table to take the list of names of the students doing the auditions.

Minutes pass by as several

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After On Different Worlds is done, I'm going to be editing this fic (Perks of an Unrequited Love).

Thank you for all of your support, and for the future ones too!


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This is such a good story! Thank you author~
Chapter 19: This is good fic
jiyeonkimtaetae #3
Chapter 11: Did they eat???
Chapter 3: You updated on march 14 but its only march 13?
Chapter 19: how to double upvote????!!!!,,,, i love itt ??
Chapter 19: Wahhhh. I’m literally spazzing right now. From shy Mina to bold Mina. Oh gosh, it makes me want more, a whole lot more actually. It made me wonder what will their friends’ reaction be if they found out Mina’s move after the play. And I it’s so cute because of SaTzu and DahMo. I also like it when Chaeng’s in Myoui’s household and Mina’s parents are bombarding her with questions.

I salute you author-nim! Thank you for this story. Will be reading your other stories in the future ^^
Chapter 19: This was just so lovely.. I'm tearing up, why do you do this author-nim.. ? ;///;