The Music Room

Perks of an Unrequited Love
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When Chaeyoung reached her house, she passed by her parents and immediately went inside her room. She threw her bag on her bedside and nearly jumped on top of her bed, clearly happy she was back in her safe haven. Remembering the strange thing that happened earlier, she reached for her pocket and pulled out the strange yellow note.

Myoui Mina
Music Room Th, F

3-1? Probably her class and section, whoever Myoui Mina was. Well then what about the music room thing? Th and F…

Chaeyoung stared long and hard, to the point that her eyes almost crossed.

“What does it mean?” She mutters, evidently growing frustrated at the fact that she can’t connect the pieces together. “Th and F… Does it mean Thursday and Friday?” She rolled over in her bed and kept staring.

“So this Myoui Mina girl only goes to the Music Room during Thursdays and Fridays… Cool…” She says, slowly relaxing her expression. “So all I have to do is give this book back. That girl’s probably looking for it by now.”

Chaeyoung rolls over once more, her face planting perfectly at the centre of her white fluffy pillows. “Wait, what day is it today?” She asks herself, reaching for her phone in the other pocket of her jeans.

Wednesday, it read. So I’m going to have to wait till tomorrow…

Chaeyoung pouts when she realizes this. To ease her growing stress, she stood up and changed into her pyjamas before she sat down and took her notebook from her desk. She wrote little poems and stories to make sure her creativity still flowed properly, humming to songs she still hasn’t written and bobbing her head to non-existent beats.

Mina had already gone home and changed into her comfortable clothes. She got ready to do some advanced reading in hopes that she could get the highest grades in her class again. However, when she looked for her math textbook in her bag, she couldn’t find it. Panic was slowly starting to course through her veins, and before she knew it, her dreadful anxiety was holding her hostage.

Where did I put it? Did I leave it? Did someone steal it? Mina… think…

No matter how many times she tried to recall, she couldn’t remember. She was too panicked and jittery to even look for it. As a last resort, she called Sana.

“Hello?” Sana answered in an instant. Mina breathed heavily, still trying to make sure she was going to calm down.

“S-Sana? Have you seen my math book? I t-think I lost it…” She stuttered badly. She hated how helpless she was sounding yet she couldn’t help it.

Although Sana felt really guilty for sending Mina into a panic like this, she felt like it would be worth it in the end.

Do it for Mina, she thought. It’ll be okay soon.

“No, I haven’t Mina. Listen to me first,” Sana calmly spoke; her words seeming like it would get through Mina’s panicked state. Mina made a mixture between a hum and a grunt, a clear sign that she was listening. “It’s probably just in school, okay? We’ll look for it together tomorrow.” Sana says, evidently making her desired effect on Mina. Mina nodded to herself, gulping down the tears and words stuck in . She counted slowly and tried to breathe.

After a few seconds, Mina could finally breathe properly again. She cursed herself inwardly for being like this, and she muttered a few words of apology and farewell to her friend that she accidentally bothered. Once the phone call ended, Mina settled on making the final tweaks to her song.

She scribbled a few words, nodding to herself when it seemed right and humming the tune whenever she felt like it. She grabbed her Ovation guitar from the guitar stand next to her desk – a guitar given to her by her older brother on her 10th birthday, and started strumming the chords to her song.

She sings the first line, a small smile replacing her downcast expression a few seconds ago. She sings about the moment she first saw Chaeyoung, under the gloomy weather. She sings about how she wants to let Chaeyoung know how she feels, even if it's a long shot.

She spent the rest of the night like that. Trying to remember the sides she’s seen from Chaeyoung and wanting to know more about the younger girl. Whenever she was alone, she never felt scared to release her love for the younger girl. She let her heart wander into the unknown world, confident that it wouldn’t trip and scar itself further. She let her stomach perform somersaults, sure that its audience will never betray it. She let her fingers pluck the string of her old guitar gently, promising to herself that one day she’ll be able to sing this song and dedicate it to Chaeyoung.

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After On Different Worlds is done, I'm going to be editing this fic (Perks of an Unrequited Love).

Thank you for all of your support, and for the future ones too!


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This is such a good story! Thank you author~
Chapter 19: This is good fic
jiyeonkimtaetae #3
Chapter 11: Did they eat???
Chapter 3: You updated on march 14 but its only march 13?
Chapter 19: how to double upvote????!!!!,,,, i love itt ??
Chapter 19: Wahhhh. I’m literally spazzing right now. From shy Mina to bold Mina. Oh gosh, it makes me want more, a whole lot more actually. It made me wonder what will their friends’ reaction be if they found out Mina’s move after the play. And I it’s so cute because of SaTzu and DahMo. I also like it when Chaeng’s in Myoui’s household and Mina’s parents are bombarding her with questions.

I salute you author-nim! Thank you for this story. Will be reading your other stories in the future ^^
Chapter 19: This was just so lovely.. I'm tearing up, why do you do this author-nim.. ? ;///;