Expectation vs. Reality (Chaelisa/Jensoo)

Blackpink In Your Area
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"Hey unnie, could you help me out?"

Jennie looked up from the magazine in her hands, the girl raising an eyebrow at Chaeyoung in the doorway. She looked shy, which wasn't anything new, but it seemed quite random and out of place. Jennie closed the magazine and set it on her lap.

"What is it?" Jennie asked. Chaeyoung bit her lip and walked inside her bedroom, closing the door behind her. Jennie eyed the girl suspiciously as she walked towards her bed, sitting down on the edge of it. Jennie waited patiently for Chaeyoung to say something, the pink haired girl casting her eyes down to Jennie's blankets. Jennie huffed in exasperation. "Chaeyoung, what? You know you can come to me for anything."

Chaeyoung looked up at her, a light blush on her plump cheeks.

"It's nothing like that, but I know I can." Chaeyoung replied. Jennie gestured towards the girl, encouraging her to speak up. Chaeyoung sighed and fiddled with her thumbs. "I just- I wanted to make Lisa something nice for dinner and I wasn't sure what to make. I want it to be romantic and nice and- I don't know, I was wondering if you could help?" Chaeyoung finally ask. Her face was lit with a blush still, and she wasn't meeting Jennie's eyes.

Jennie smiled a tiny bit and rolled her eyes- that was it?

"That's it? Sure, I'll help." Jennie said. Chaeyoung shot her eyes up, a beaming smile on her face.

"Really? Great! You could even make something for Jisoo unnie. We could have two little dates!" Chaeyoung exclaimed, excitement in her tone.

Jennie pursed her lips in thought, the idea rolling around in her head. It didn't sound that bad- the last time she had made dinner for Jisoo was a long time ago, and Jisoo said she liked the food. They hadn't had anything romantic in a long time, either.

Jennie shrugged.

"Why not?" Jennie said. Chaeyoung squealed and clapped her hands. She grabbed Jennie's hand and pulled her off of her bed, walking over to open her door.

"Let's get to work!"


They spent several hours preparing their respective meals- both Jisoo and Lisa were away for the day for their own schedules, so it gave them plenty of time to set everything up. They had agreed that Jennie and Jisoo could have the dining table, while Chaeyoung was okay with the table in the living room for her and Lisa to have their own little date. Jennie hated to admit that she was actually kind of excited.

"Unnie, what are you making again?" Chaeyoung asked suddenly, leaning over the older girl's shoulder curiously. Jennie leaned to the side so the girl could get a look.

"Jisoo always talks about her love for chicken, so I thought I'd make Buldak." Jennie said. There was a beat of silence, before Chaeyoung just nodded and returned to her own food on the other side of the kitchen. Jennie glanced at the girl, but shook off her reaction. "What about you?"

Chaeyoung beamed at her and pointed to the food in front of her. "I'm gonna make Thai food for Lisa. I really hope she likes it." Chaeyoung said.

"She likes anything you make." Jennie responded cheekily. Chaeyoung blushed and turned her head away, focusing on preparing the dinner.

Before either of them knew it, their window was closing for the preparations of their little dates. Chaeyoung wasn't too bothered- her food was ready and set out, she had scented candles on the table and she had already changed into a nice dress for the occasion. She was smiling like a little kid and sitting on the floor in the living room, but her eyes remained on Jennie. An amused smile formed on her lips as she watched the older girl bustle about.

"Unnie, everything seems fine. Don't worry about it." Chaeyoung said. Jennie brushed off her comment, a deep pout on her lips as she motioned to the girl on the floor.

"You're one to talk! You're all ready and I'm not! I burnt the food, burned my finger trying to light up these candles, then I even ruined the candles and I'm still in my pajamas and-"

"We're home!"

Both girls silenced themselves, their eyes flitting over to the dorm door. Jisoo and Lisa walked inside, the door closing behind them. Jennie's eyes widened and her eyes shot down to her outfit, and she swallowed down the many curses she wanted to hurl at herself.

Chaeyoung beamed from the floor, the pink haired girl standing up and smoothing down her dress. Lisa paused, eyebrows raising in surprise. She looked at everything that was set up, a soft smile on her face.

"Chaeyoungie, did you do this?" Lisa said, the girl walking up to her. Chaeyoung blushed and nodded, gesturing to the things on the table.

"I wanted to do something nice for you. Is it okay?" Chaeyoung said. Lisa smiled wider and nodded, pulling the girl into a tight hug.

"Totally okay! You look so beautiful, and this looks so nice. It's so perfect." Lisa gushed, her eyes taking it all in. Chaeyoung giggled and hugged the girl back, and she giggled even more when Lisa landed a soft kiss onto her cheek.

Jennie watched as the two sat down to their perfect and spotless meal, their giggles and hushed whispers floating around. Jennie sighed, avoiding eye contact with Jisoo as the older girl walked up to her. There was a moment of silence before Jisoo spoke up.

"What happened here?" Jisoo asked in amusement, her eyes flitting around between the ruined candles and food, and also Jennie's pajamas that she still had on. Jennie cleared and sat down at the table, motioning for Jisoo to do the same.

"Just try it." Jennie demanded. Jisoo looked down at the food on the plate, the chicken tinged with black from being burnt and the strong spices filling her nose. Jisoo took a bite, her face scrunching up slightly as she chewed slowly. Jennie watched her face in anticipation, before her face fell when Jisoo gave her an iffy look.

"Not bad." Jisoo squeaked out, the girl swallowing with difficulty. Jennie sighed deeply and frowned, before a lightbulb went off in her head. She snapped her fingers she shot herself up, rushing to their fridge.

"Right, I almost forgot! I even got wine for us. The children don't need to know." Jennie said, gesturing to the two other girls. Jisoo laughed and looked over to the younger ones, who were to engrossed in their own meal and conversation to notice the disaster in the kitchen area.

Jennie held the bottle in her hands, her fingers wrapping around the cap. She tugged as hard as she could, a grunt escaping her lips as she tried to open it up. Jisoo watched her, and she was just about to stand up and help her out when something flew right into her eye.

"Ow!" Jisoo cried, standing up and holding her eye in pain. Jennie gasped and immediately placed the bottle down onto the table, the cap having flew off and right into Jisoo's eye without warning. Jennie reached out to her and held her shoulders.

"Are you okay? Oh my god, I'm sorry!" Jennie said. Jisoo held up an 'okay' sign with her one hand while the other held itself over her injured eye, slight pain written on her features. Jennie pulled away from her, not completely aware of how she was moving her arm. It suddenly hit something, and she gasped as she looked behind her.

"!" Jennie yelled, quickly picking up the bottle that she just tipped over, the wine spilling all over the table and food. She put the cap back on it and set it aside, far away from her and Jisoo. She grabbed paper towels, her heart heavy as she kept one hand on Jisoo's back in comfort and the other started to mop up the mess. Jisoo remained still for a moment, before her body started to shake.

Jennie whipped her eyes over, pausing in her cleaning.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Jennie asked. Jennie's eyes glanced over to the maknaes, who were barely paying attention. They had finished their own meal already and were sitting close together, cuddling and talking about whatever they were talking about. Jennie envied how perfect they looked, how everything seemed to be going fine for them when Jennie was messing her own date up. She returned her focus to Jisoo next to her.

Jisoo's body shook still, and she suddenly pulled herself up. She was laughing.

Jennie blinked in confusion, watching the girl laugh with one eye closed. Her smile was bright and Jennie had never seen anything so beautiful, but she was also very confused.

"Why are you laughing? I mean, I know I ed everything up, but-"

Jisoo cut her off with a peck to the lips, the older girl shaking her head.

"You didn't mess anything up. You didn't have to go to so much trouble- any dinner with you is romantic enough for me. Even if there are some bumps along the way." Jisoo said, the girl giving Jennie a wide smile. Jennie blinked again, before her own gummy smile consumed her face. Jisoo motioned for her to sit down again, and they both sat back down at the table.

"Now, let's eat." Jisoo stated, the girl digging in to her wine soaked, burnt food. And as Jennie watched her- her eye glued shut and her face trying not to give away how bad the food really was, Jennie swore her heart grew three sizes from love.

Maybe Chaeyoung and Lisa's romantic dinner was perfect, but theirs was perfect in its own way.


The four of them were lounging and watching tv, silence surrounding them as they cuddled up to their respective partners. Suddenly Lisa piped up, startling everyone.

"We should play a game." Lisa announced. Everyone looked at her, waiting for her to speak again. Lisa smiled and pulled out her phone, quickly pulling something up on the screen. "It's called the girlfriend tag! We answer questions about each other to see if we know each other well. It shouldn't be too hard, since we live together and all. But maybe it could be fun!" Lisa said.

Chaeyoung agreed immediately- no surprise there- and Jisoo and Jennie eventually just shrugged their shoulders and agreed to play. Lisa scrolled through her phone, looking through the series of questions she had pulled up. She suddenly stopped.

"Ah here's one- when and where was our first kiss?" Lisa read out. Chaeyoung piped up immediately.

"The day after we debuted, and it was in my bedroom." Chaeyoung answered easily. Lisa smiled and high fived her, nodding her head.

"Correct! We have one point." Lisa said, sticking her tongue out towards Jisoo and Jennie. Jisoo scoffed, motioning to Jennie.

"Ask the question, Jendeukie." Jisoo said. Jennie smiled and shook her head.

"When and where was our first kiss, Jisoo?" Jennie asked. Jisoo opened , and then suddenly stopped. Jennie whipped her eyes towards her, Jisoo looking down at her lap in concentration. Jennie sputtered in disbelief. "Jisoo? You seriously don't know?" Jennie said.

"What? No, of course I remember! It was- it was..." Jisoo trailed off, eyebrows furrowing. "Okay, I know it was during our trainee days, and it was in the company building..." Jisoo said vaguely, glancing around

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blackpinkforever #1
Chapter 87: i love chaennie
Chapter 66: lol that was so cute
Astraea21 #3
Chapter 8: Cute stories. :)
Osekop12 #4
Congrats on the feature!!
i4udbest #5
Any plans on updating?
Chapter 46: Lisa shouted whipped from dorm kekekekeke
573 streak #7
Chapter 1: Kekeke jennie and dalgommieee
chadchad #8
Chapter 20: if jennie's double meaning actually happened in vlive and my chaennie heart can't take it then i'm sure my time is short cx
chadchad #9
rereading everything cause why not and cause we got hylt
Chapter 87: This chapter is so cute, I can totally see both Jennie and Chaeng acting this way!