Blind Date (Chaelisa)

Blackpink In Your Area
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a/n: to the person that requested chaelisa on a date - i hope this is okay? i wasn't sure if you wanted it an au or while they're still in blackpink so i made it like this. I hope you enjoy! ( here's the dress Rosé has on)

Chaeyoung was going to kill Jennie.

She tightened her grip on the dress she was holding in her hands. She had to admit that the dress was nice. A black, sleeveless dress with lace near the top- her style of dress. She threw it on her bed and sighed in exasperation. Still, she was going to kill her best friend either way.

She looked at the note that she crumpled up and threw on the floor. She picked it up again, reading it one last time to make sure she actually read it right.

"Signed you up for a blind date! Put this dress on and get ready. It's at 7:00!" the note read with Jennies obvious handwriting. Chaeyoung glared at the note and once gain crumpled it up, throwing it into the trash. How could she do this to her? WIthout asking her? Chaeyoung didn't like blind dates. She wouldn't judge anyone for going on one, but she personally would rather meet the person before hand and get to know them before going on a full date with them. She sighed again.

She looked at her clock on her nightstand, eyes widening at what time it was. She only had an hour to get ready. Her phone went off and she picked it up, checking to see who texted her. It was Jennie. She clenched her phone tightly at the message on the screen.

"Hope you have fun tonight! Let loose for once, Chaeng. I'll be rooting for you." it said. Chaeyoung decided not to give her a response and just tossed her phone on her bed, still angry at the girl for not consulting her on this. She finally sighed and stripped down, slipping the dress on and quickly doing her makeup and hair. By the time she was finished, she had ten minutes to get to the restaurant they were meeting at. She quickly grabbed her purse and sprinted to her car. If she was going to do this, she at least didn't want to be late.

The restaurant wasn't too far away, so she made it with a few minutes to spare. She stood in front of the fancy establishment, feeling a bit out of place despite being in a dress for the occassion. She wrung her hands nervously and took a deep breath, stepping inside and looking around. It was a really nice place, she had to admit. She vaguely recalled Jennie saying that her date was the one that suggested they go here. She's glad they have good taste.

A server quickly went up to her, smiling and bowing politely. "Welcome to Moonlight Café and Restaurant. Do you have a reservation?" the server said.

"Oh, um.. No I don't. I was never given a name..." she whispered the last part, embarrassed at the fact she was here for a blind date. The server caught it regardless and let out a bright smile.

"Ah, blind date huh? Well don't worry. I know your date and she's really great. If you would just follow me." the server said, starting to turn and walk deeper into the restaurant. Chaeyoung blinked and followed her- "she"?

Chaeyoung would be lying if she said she was straight. She found girls very attractive and she's met more nice girls than boys in her lifetime. But she's never actually been on a date with a girl in a public place like this. Her heart picked up at this thought, her palms starting to sweat as she followed the server into the back. It was obvious that this area was more expensive and fancy than in the front. Chaeyoung's eyes widened at the beautiful lights streamed everywhere, shaped like stars. There were only about five tables in the back, so it wasn't hard for Chaeyoung to see where her date was. She was the only one there.

The server made her way towards the only occupied table, in the back right corner. It seemed rather intimate and Chaeyoung had to admit she was impressed with how attentive the girl was to detail on their date. She took a deep breath and made her way over, sitting in the chair that the server was gesturing to. She kept her eyes down, too nervous to look up and meet her date's eyes. A menu was put into her view.

"Here are your menus. My name is Yongsun and I'll be your server for the evening. Any drinks to start?" Yongsun said.

"Just a water for me, thank you." a voice said across from and oh- she liked that voice a lot.

"U-um, water for me too, thank you." Chaeyoung stammered out- why was she so nervous?

"Alright. I'll be back to take your orders." Yongsun said cheerfully, swiftly leaving them alone. Silence surrounded the pair as they sat there, neither knowing how to start a conversation. Well, this is going well, Chaeyoung thought.

Finally, silence was broken by that voice that she'd grown to really li

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blackpinkforever #1
Chapter 87: i love chaennie
Chapter 66: lol that was so cute
Astraea21 #3
Chapter 8: Cute stories. :)
Osekop12 #4
Congrats on the feature!!
i4udbest #5
Any plans on updating?
Chapter 46: Lisa shouted whipped from dorm kekekekeke
573 streak #7
Chapter 1: Kekeke jennie and dalgommieee
chadchad #8
Chapter 20: if jennie's double meaning actually happened in vlive and my chaennie heart can't take it then i'm sure my time is short cx
chadchad #9
rereading everything cause why not and cause we got hylt
Chapter 87: This chapter is so cute, I can totally see both Jennie and Chaeng acting this way!