New Roommate (Chaennie)

Blackpink In Your Area
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"Jendeukie, look! Someone's looking for a new roommate." Jisoo said, holding the newspaper in her face.

Jennie took the paper and sighed, skimming down the page to read the information. It sounded too good to be true- considering she only just realized that week that she wanted to move out and live independently, it seemed too convienient that someone would be looking. But sure enough, as she continued to bring her eyes down the page, she came to the section Jisoo was talking about.

"Park Chaeyoung. 20 years old. Looking for someone to be my new roommate and to help me with the rent. Preferrably a woman. Please contact me at this number." Jennie then read the number, nodding slowly. She read the information over again, eyes lingering on a specific line.

"Preferrably a woman?" Jennie read aloud, raising an eyebrow. Jisoo flopped down onto the couch next to her, leaning over to look at the newspaper. She smirked.

"Maybe she's into that." Jisoo said. Jennie looked at the girl, giving her a shove.

"Shut up. Maybe she just feels more comfortable living with another woman. Doesn't mean she's into them." Jennie said, attempting to come to the stranger's defence. Jisoo just shrugged, smirk still on her face as Jennie brought her eyes back down to the paper. She paused for a moment, before pulling her phone out of her pocket. She stood up and without a word, left Jisoo in the living room, going to Jisoo's bedroom and closing the door.

She dialed the number, trying to ignore the pounding of her heart in her chest. She tapped her foot as it rang and rang, nerves overwhelming her as time went on. Finally, someone answered.

"Hello?" A cute voice said. Jennie smiled a little, clearing and holding up the paper.

"Hi. Is this Park Chaeyoung?" Jennie asked.

"Yes. What do you want?"

"Hi, my name is Jennie. I'm calling about your ad in the paper. I need a place to live and it seems you need a new roommate." Jennie said. She heard Chaeyoung gasp on the other end, making her bite her lip to stop from giggling. The girl sounded cute already.

"Oh my god, yes! Thank you so much. No one has called me about that and it's been several days now. You've just saved my life." Chaeyoung said, relief seeping into her tone. Jennie let out a small chuckle at the girl's words. "I'd like to meet you before I actually decide, if that's okay. I'll give you the address."

"Sounds good." Jennie replied. Chaeyoung proceeded to give her the address to the apartment, Jennie writing it down so she wouldn't forget. They thanked one another and ended the call, Jennie letting out a long breath afterwards.

Jennie felt like she had a big storm coming.


Jennie pulled up to the apartment building, parking just in front of it. It was a cute little place, not too big but not too small either. She stared up at it as she exited her car, pulling the paper she used to write the address down out of her pocket. Making sure that it was the correct place, she nodded once and walked up to the front door, looking at the series of buttons next to the door. Chaeyoung had told her which one to buzz when she got there, and she proceeded to press the button labelled 42B. She took a deep breath as she waited.

Chaeyoung's voice came through the intercom, the soft and gentle nature of it making Jennie lean in further to actually hear her.

"Hello?" Chaeyoung said.

"It's Jennie." Jennie replied. She heard Chaeyoung give a noise of recognition before the front door immediately opened, startling her. She grabbed the handle, keeping it open.

"Come on up." Chaeyoung quickly said, then she was gone. Jennie took her finger off the buzzer, entering the front lobby of the apartment. She went to the elevator, pressing the next floor up. She tapped her foot in the elevator, stomach starting to knot at the thought of actually meeting Chaeyoung. She sounded nice enough, and her voice was absolutely adorable, but she was nervous on whether or not Chaeyoung would actually like her. Jennie guessed that she would find out soon.

She stepped out of the elevator after the doors opened, the girl looking left and right down the long hallway. She started going to the right, reading the numbers along the tops. Once she got to the number 42, she stopped abruptly. With her heart about to burst out of her chest from nerves, she slowly brought her hand up and knocked on the door a couple times.

The door swung open a minute later. Jennie felt her breath hitch in , heart stopping. 'Oh no,' Jennie thought. 'She's beautiful.'

Chaeyoung gave her a wide smile, her cheeks puffing out slightly.

"Hi! You must be Jennie. I'm Chaeyoung." Chaeyoung said, holding a hand out to shake. Jennie was momentarily stunned when she opened the door, but managed to recover and raise her hand to shake hers. Chaeyoung gripped her hand and shook it up and down. Jennie noted how soft it was.

"Come in, come in!" Chaeyoung said, stepping aside. Jennie gave her a smile and made her way inside, eyes flitting around the apartment as soon as she entered. She heard Chaeyoung close the front door. She took note of the small size of the place, but it wasn't too small for two people to use. The living room was basically right there when you walked in, a small leather couch pressed against the wall with a TV on the opposite one. A coffee table was placed in front of the couch, several magazines laying across it. She heard a small noise and suddenly Chaeyoung shot passed her, the girl gathering up the magazines.

"I'm sorry, this is kind of a mess. I was so excited to meet you that I forgot to completely clean up." Chaeyoung explained, stacking up the magazines in the corner of the table. Jennie waved away her words.

"Don't worry about it." Jennie said. Chaeyoung looked up at her, giving her a grateful smile. Jennie felt butterflies returning to her stomach, making her glance away from the other girl. She cleared as she took her shoes off at the front door.

"I'll give you a full tour." Chaeyoung said cheerily, bouncing over to her and taking her hand. She blinked in surprise as Chaeyoung pulled her along passed the living room. The little kitchen area was also right there, to the left once you walk through the front door. After you get past that, there's a long hallway with three rooms. Jennie was pulled down the hallway, abruptly stopping in front of the first room.

"This is the bathroom." Chaeyoung said, turning on the light inside. Jennie peeked inside, nodding slowly. It was a decent size, considering there would only be the two of them here if Jennie decided to live here. She took note of the shower curtain, a small smile coming onto her face as she saw Frozen characters dotted across it.

"You like Disney?" Jennie asked. She looked at Chaeyoung, whose cheeks had turned slightly red. She quickly turned the light off and shrugged, Jennie melting at how cute this girl was.

"Maybe. Who doesn't like Disney?" Chaeyoung said. Jennie just giggled, Cheyoung taking her hand again to pull her further down the hallway. They stopped in front of another door, Chaeyoung turning on the light in that one. She pulled Jennie inside the room to get a full view of it. Jennie glanced around inside the room.

There was a bed pressed against the wall to her right, sort of in the middle. A nightstand was next to it with a small lamp on it. There was a small TV opposite the bed on a TV stand, little knick knacks filling the spaces around it. The walls were completely bare as she turned her body all the way around, looking at e

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blackpinkforever #1
Chapter 87: i love chaennie
Chapter 66: lol that was so cute
Astraea21 #3
Chapter 8: Cute stories. :)
Osekop12 #4
Congrats on the feature!!
i4udbest #5
Any plans on updating?
Chapter 46: Lisa shouted whipped from dorm kekekekeke
573 streak #7
Chapter 1: Kekeke jennie and dalgommieee
chadchad #8
Chapter 20: if jennie's double meaning actually happened in vlive and my chaennie heart can't take it then i'm sure my time is short cx
chadchad #9
rereading everything cause why not and cause we got hylt
Chapter 87: This chapter is so cute, I can totally see both Jennie and Chaeng acting this way!