Feat. Jisoo Kim (Jensoo)

Blackpink In Your Area
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A flash flying past her should have startled her, but this was Lisa- Jisoo had gotten used to her crazyness by now.

Lisa giggled loudly, sprinting along the long ramp that led towards their plane, her hair flowing back as she breezed past Chaeyoung, who was laughing slightly at her. A small smile crept onto her face, a light laugh to her right causing her to turn her head. Jennie was watching the girl, her arm around Jisoo's shoulders. Jennie pulled her the slightest bit closer, both of them watching Chaeyoung and Lisa hug tightly in front of them.

"Aren't they adorable?" Jennie cooed, gummy smile on her face. Jisoo rolled her eyes, subtly pressing her side against Jennie's as they walked down the ramp together. Jennie leaned her head against hers.

"Just precious." Jisoo mocked. Jennie shook her head against hers and then pulled away from her, sparing her a glance before her eyes returned to Lisa, who was now walking just behind Chaeyoung and looking out the big windows. Jennie unwrapped her arm from around Jisoo's shoulders, much to Jisoo's disappointment- she was getting comfortable in that position.

"Lisa, take a photo with me." Jennie shouted to the girl, her body brushing past Jisoo's as she caught up with the younger girl, who had turned to look back at her. They beamed at each other while Jennie handed Chaeyoung her phone, the girl turning to them to take their photo.

Jisoo frowned, a part of her feeling cold now that Jennie wasn't next to her anymore. She narrowed her eyes as Jennie and Lisa giggled together, attempting to pose for the picture while looking serious. Jisoo felt a familiar feeling in the pit of her stomach- she knew what it was, she just never wanted to name it. Because then she'd feel stupid, and Jennie would notice it. 

But she couldn't shake the feeling as she watched them laugh together. She didn't like feeling this way, especially because she obviously had no claim over Jennie. But, as Jisoo watched them, she just wanted Jennie back by her side, cuddling into her like she always did. Instead, she was taking a photo with Lisa and Jisoo was jealous.

She couldn't help herself- she tilted her head ever so slightly as the photo was being taken, her eyes glaring a hole into the back of Lisa's head as the two of them stood side by side, Lisa's arm around Jennie's shoulders and Jennie's around her waist. She heard Chaeyoung snap the photo, and then the pink haired girl laughed out loud.

"Jisoo-unnie photobombed!" Chaeyoung exclaimed, tilting the phone so Jennie and Lisa could see. Jisoo blinked, averting her eyes from everyone as she eventually caught up with them, the girls having stopped walking to look at the photo. Jennie let out a laugh, the girl taking her phone back and staring at the screen. She raised her head and glanced to Jisoo, who sported a faint blush on her cheeks.

Jennie pursed her lips, pocketing her phone and sliding away from Lisa, to right beside Jisoo.

"Was that on purpose?" Jennie said, sly smirk on her face. Jisoo blinked again, shrugging her shoulders.

"I thought it'd be a funny picture, that's all." Jisoo said, and that was actually partly true- she did think it would be funny, but she also wanted to ruin it a little just for the sake of possibly quelling some of the envy inside of her. Which didn't work that well.

 She heard Jennie chuckle next to her, before a familiar weight settled onto her shoulders, Jennie pressing their sides close together. Jisoo felt a smile come onto her face, the older girl wrapping her arm around Jennie's tiny waist and pulling her closer as they resumed walking towards the plane.

This felt much better.



Jennie j

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blackpinkforever #1
Chapter 87: i love chaennie
Chapter 66: lol that was so cute
Astraea21 #3
Chapter 8: Cute stories. :)
Osekop12 #4
Congrats on the feature!!
i4udbest #5
Any plans on updating?
Chapter 46: Lisa shouted whipped from dorm kekekekeke
573 streak #7
Chapter 1: Kekeke jennie and dalgommieee
chadchad #8
Chapter 20: if jennie's double meaning actually happened in vlive and my chaennie heart can't take it then i'm sure my time is short cx
chadchad #9
rereading everything cause why not and cause we got hylt
Chapter 87: This chapter is so cute, I can totally see both Jennie and Chaeng acting this way!