Hard to Get (Jenlisa)

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a/n: *gasp* what? jenlisa?! lmao i know havent done them in so long but this was requested :) i hope BlackPinkLover enjoys this <3 i hope it's okay that i kinda made it AU but the initial plot is still the same

"Chaeng, what's wrong with me?"

Chaeyoung looked up from the book she was reading, looking across the table at Lisa. Her head was down and pressed into said table, her words slightly muffled but Chaeyoung caught them anyway.

"Where should I begin?" Chaeyoung said, a cheeky smile on her face. Lisa whipped her head up, giving her a glare.

"That's not what I mean! I mean, what's wrong with me that Jennie won't give me the time of day?" She asked. Her eyes, as if automatically, went past Chaeyoung to stare at the girl she's had on her mind the whole lunch period. She sighed and pouted, eyes fixed on the older girl as she threw her head back in laughter at something her friend said. Lisa wished she could make her laugh like that.

Lisa returned her gaze to Chaeyoung, who had returned to reading her book. Lisa knocked on the table, startling Chaeyoung. The dark haired girl sighed, bookmarking her page and setting in on the table in front of her. She leaned forward on her arms and looked at Lisa.

"Lisa, I don't know." Chaeyoung said honestly. Lisa pouted again, resting her head on her one hand.

"Chaeng, I seriously think I love her. Why can't she just love me back?" Lisa said, sadness lacing her voice. Chaeyoung's heart cracked at the sight of her friend looking so devastated. She reached out and squeezed Lisa's hand.

"Maybe she does? Or maybe she doesn't. I have no idea. But don't give up on her just yet." Chaeyoung said, smile on her face. Lisa glanced up at her, confidence boosting a little at Chaeyoung's encouragement. She smiled and sat up straighter, nodding her head.

She wouldn't give up just yet.


A few days later, she wished she did give up.

She vowed not to that day, instead trying to be less weird and crazy around Jennie and more composed, and kinder. However, her efforts were in vain.

"Your hair looks nice, Jennie!" Lisa said as the older girl passed her and Chaeyoung. Jennie just kept walking, ignoring her compliment and continuing to walk down the hallway. Lisa cleared awkwardly, slumping her shoulders in defeat and adjusting the tie on her uniform. Chaeyoung giggled slighty behind her hand, to which Lisa whipped her head up.

"Yah, shut up! I'm trying here." Lisa said, crossing her arms. Chaeyoung shut up after that, pretending to zip her lips shut. Lisa huffed and closed her locker, making her way down the hall to her class. She heard Chaeyoung shout a goodbye to her before she rounded the corner, entering her classroom. Her only class with Jennie.

She entered and glanced around, eyes finding Jennie immediately. The girl sat in the back, chatting with one of her friends. Lisa took a deep breath, daring to move to the back of the class. She usually sat near the front, it was her usual spot. But today, she made her way past that and sat in the desk next to Jennie's. The older girl paused in speaking, giving Lisa a mere glance before returning to her conversation. Okay, so far so good. She didn't kill Lisa yet.

Lisa's moment of victory was suddenly stomped on when Jennie fully turned towards her, the older girl crossing her legs in an authoritative manner. Lisa glanced over at her, gulping slightly.

"Hey." Jennie said. Lisa blinked, shock overtaking her at the simple greeting coming out of . Her happiness was dashed when the next words came out of . "Aren't you that weird girl that always says 'eehee'?" Jennie said, a sneer coming out of . Lisa shrank back a little, blush coating her cheeks. Jennie wasn't finished her teasing, though.

"Ah, and you're the one that always sings Disney songs in the bathroom when you think no one's there." Jennie said, letting out a laugh. Although the laugh was angelic to Lisa, the teasing made her feel a little upset.

She didn't say anything, only shrugged and looked away. She saw Jennie shrug and turn to face forward, their teacher walking into the room to start the lesson. 

Lisa sighed quietly, resting her head on one hand and thoughts drifting. She already regretted sitting in this seat, considering she just got made fun of by the girl she loved. Further proof that she could never love her back.

my life, Lisa thought.


After that day, the teasing got worse.

Oddly enough, whenever Lisa said something nice to her, she'd get ignored. Jennie would keep walking past her, not giving her any attention at all. But when Lisa would come into their classroom, Jennie's eyes were already on her and her hands were up next to her face to mock her 'eehee'.

Usually, Lisa would love it when people would catch on to that. But for some reason, the way that Jennie did it made it seem like it was the dumbest thing in the world for her to do. Lisa would always ignore her laughter and sit in her original seat, not m

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blackpinkforever #1
Chapter 87: i love chaennie
Chapter 66: lol that was so cute
Astraea21 #3
Chapter 8: Cute stories. :)
Osekop12 #4
Congrats on the feature!!
i4udbest #5
Any plans on updating?
Chapter 46: Lisa shouted whipped from dorm kekekekeke
573 streak #7
Chapter 1: Kekeke jennie and dalgommieee
chadchad #8
Chapter 20: if jennie's double meaning actually happened in vlive and my chaennie heart can't take it then i'm sure my time is short cx
chadchad #9
rereading everything cause why not and cause we got hylt
Chapter 87: This chapter is so cute, I can totally see both Jennie and Chaeng acting this way!