Something New (Chaesoo)

Blackpink In Your Area
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a/n: many people wanted a sequel for my last one shot and i honestly wasn't going to because i wanted the angsty ending to stay that way. but i realized i barely have any chaesoo in this collection so here you go gentle readers.


Chaeyoung looked up, eyes empty and sunken. Joy looked at her in concern, setting down the coffee in front of her before she took a seat across from her.

"I know we haven't seen each other in a while, but I didn't think you'd look this different." Joy remarked, sipping on her own coffee. Chaeyoung looked down at the drink in front of her, not making any moves to touch it. She shrugged.

"A lot happened while you were away." Chaeyoung replied, leaning her chin on her hand. Joy gazed at her, setting down her coffee and sighing.

"Anything you want to talk about? I'm assuming it has something to do with why you and Lisa broke up." She said. Chaeyoung bit her lip, the sting of her words hitting her heart. It had already been a year, but it still hurt her every time her name was mentioned.

"It has everything to do with that." She responded. Joy paused, pursing her lips. The girl leaned forward, taking Chaeyoung's hand in her own and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"I'm always here for you. If you don't want to talk about it, that's fine. But if you ever need anything, I'll be there." Joy said. Chaeyoung let out a small smile- it was weird to smile after so long of keeping fake ones on her face.

"Thanks, Sooyoung. I appreciate that." Chaeyoung replied, squeezing her hand back. Joy cringed at the use of her real name, making Chaeyoung giggle a little. Joy went back to sipping on her coffee, gazing out the window as Chaeyoung wrestled with her own thoughts.

It had been a year, but Chaeyoung's broken pieces were still scattered around her.


"Joy, I really don't-"

"Just come on. You never go out and have fun anymore! Now, let's get your cute into a nice dress so we can go already." 

Chaeyoung sighed at her friend, shaking her head and looking into her closet. She really wished she didn't answer the door when Joy knocked on it, because now she was being dragged out of the comfort of her home to go to some night club she had never heard of. It was supposed to 'get her out of her comfort zone', as Joy put it. Chaeyoung knew she was just trying to set her up with someone.

"Ooh, put this one on." Joy suddenly said, snatching a black dress out of her closet. Chaeyoung's breath hitched at the sight of it, her body going numb and cold.

"Chaeng?" Joy said, glancing at her. She furrowed her eyebrows at her expression. "What's wrong? The dress is y."

Chaeyoung stared at it, shaky hands coming to play with the fabric. Tears pricked her eyes, a bitter smile coming to her lips.

"Lisa thought it was y, too. On our first date." Chaeyoung whispered brokenly. Joy's eyes widened.

"Oh, Chaeng, I'm sorry." She said, guilt evident in her tone. Chaeyoung sniffled, wiping her eyes and clearing to try and compose herself. She grabbed the dress and took a breath, putting it on her bed.

"It is a nice dress." Chaeyoung mused, gazing at it. Joy came up beside her, giving her arm a soft squeeze.

"Hey, we really don't need to go out, you know? The new episodes of Drag Race are on Netflix if you wanna watch that instead." Joy said. Chaeyoung didn't respond right away, instead choosing to reach out and grab the dress again. She suddenly felt like she had to wear this dress tonight. Like she needed to prove something. 

She shook her head.

"Just wait for me downstairs." She said. Joy looked at her for a few more minutes, before finally nodding and leaving her alone in her room. She stripped out of her pajamas and slipped the dress onto herself, using the mirror to zip it up. She combed her red hair down, looking in the mirror once she had everything done and ready. She smiled slightly at herself, hands running along her sides.

The stinging feeling in her chest was there, and she tried desperately to ignore it on her way down the stairs to meet Joy. It didn't work.

When Joy pulled up to the club, Chaeyoung immediately felt like she didn't belong there. She already regretted coming- why didn't she agree to Drag Race instead?

Joy gripped her hand once they were outside the doors. The bouncer let them in after they showed their ID's, the girls slipping inside quickly. The smell of alcohol and a loud beat invaded her senses, her eyes momentarily being blinded by strobe lights. Chaeyoung felt Joy's hand in hers, leading them towards the bar. The lights weren't as crazy over that way, so when they made it, Chaeyoung could see way better.

"Two of the strongest you have." Joy shouted to the bartender, the man nodding and turning around to make their drinks. Chaeyoung stood next to her, feeling trapped but also too open at the same time. She chewed on her lip nervously, glancing around at the other people. No one paid them any mind, the people too busy grinding and dancing with each other to care.

"Here." She heard Joy say, a drink being shoved in her face. She took it, sniffing it and recoiling immediately.

"What the is this?" Chaeyoung asked, disgust in her tone. Joy shrugged, chugging the drink back as if it were a shot. She watched Joy's face pinch, the girl giving a small shake of the head before opening her eyes back up.

"I have no clue, but it's good and strong. Drink it up." 

Chaeyoung looked back at the drink, frowning before sighing lightly. She braced herself as she took a small sip, the alcohol burning down . She squeezed her eyes shut, turning her head away from the drink. Joy giggled at her.

"That's nasty." Chaeyoung commented. Joy rolled her eyes.

"Just down it in one go. Maybe it tastes better that way." She replied. Chaeyoung raised an eyebrow, not believing a word she said. However, Joy did pay for this. She'd feel bad if she didn't drink it all.

Chaeyoung sighed again, mentally preparing herself. Joy watched in anticipation as she gulped it down in seconds, her face pinched up like hers was before. Chaeyoung shook her head, swallowing the contents and setting her empty glass down.

"Well?" Joy asked. Chaeyoung opened her eyes, her lips.

"I mean, it's not bad." Chaeyoung said, already feeling a buzz around her. She was always a lightweight.

Joy smiled brightly, ordering them both another one.

"Then let's get wasted."


And wasted was what they got- well, Chaeyoung got wasted. Joy was always good with her alcohol.

Several drinks in and several songs in, Chaeyoung found herself on the dancefloor next to Joy. She wasn't sure what song was playing, nor was she sure who was even around them. All she knew was that she was actually kind of enjoying herself. Her best friend was with her, she had the freedom to dance her heart out and she was barely even thinking about Lisa.

The current song eventually ended, and Chaeyoung pouted as Joy led her off the dancefloor.

"Yah I was- was- wash havin' fun!" Chaeyoung slurred, gaze hazy trying to look at Joy. Joy giggled at her, sitting them both down on stools at the bar.

"I know, but you're super drunk and we should probably take a rest." Joy replied. Chaeyoung grumbled, pouting and leaning her elbows on the bar table. Her eyes felt heavy as she took in the bartender in front of her. It wasn't the man that was there earlier, it was a woman now. Shoulder length dark hair, brown eyes and heart shaped lips. Chaeyoung felt a different buzz inside of her when the woman turned to her, bright smile on her face. After taking a few moments to sit down, her drunk haze cleared a little more, but not enough to be even remotely sober.

"Can I get you anything?" The woman asked. Chaeyoung gazed at her, thoughts swimming around in her head as she tried to open her eyes to look more clearly. She briefly heard Joy talking next to her- probably to some stranger.

Chaeyoung rubbed at her eyes, sitting up straight and looking at the woman again. She was still looking at her patiently.

Wow, she was hot.

"You're really hot." Chaeyoung blurted out, mouth moving on its own. Her drunken state did not help her at all with trying to have a normal conversation- clearly.

The woman blushed slightly, smiling a little.

"Um, thank you?" She said, kind of confused. Chaeyoung smiled a, hopefully, charming smile and leaned forwards on the bar table, leaning her chin on her hands.

"We should dance." Chaeyoung said. The woman blinked, clearly taken aback.

"I- You don't even know me. And I'm working." She said, blush still on her cheeks. Chaeyoung pouted.

"But you're hot! And I'm hot. It would be a crime if we didn't dance together." Chaeyoung said, throwing her arms out for dramatic effect. The woman looked at her weirdly, the ghost of a smile on her lips. Eventually, she breathed out a laugh and signaled to a man some ways down. He came over and she whispered something in his ear. He smiled and nodded, giving her a nudge before going to take people's orders.

"Let's go then, loopy." The woman said to her, smirk on her lips as Chaeyoung perked up. Chaeyoung turned slightly, wanting to let Joy know where she was going. All she met was air. Chaeyoung furrowed her eyebrows, looking around. She spotted Joy dancing in the middle with some guy she didn't know, clearly having a lot of fun with her pressed back into him. Chaeyoung blinked- well, that was new.

She felt a hand grab hers and she was suddenly being pulled out onto the dancefloor, a body pressing against her own. Chaeyoung felt her face flush at the position, the woman's face invading her view and her body invading her space.

She felt the woman grab her hands, placing them on her waist while she turned herself around. Oh, okay- this was happening.

Chaeyoung barely contained a groan when the mystery woman grinded back into her front, her hands gripping the girl's waist tightly. It was a bit difficult to keep up with her rhythm in her drunken state, but Chaeyoung managed to roll her hips in time with her. The woman leaned her head back onto her shoulder, turning so their mouths were inches apart.

"." Chaeyoung groaned out. This woman was very forward when it came to dancing, a complete 180 compared to how she was behind the bar. Not that Chaeyoung was complaining.

"My name's Jisoo." The woman- Jisoo, now- said. Chaeyoung barely registered it while she pulled the girl flush against her front, arms wrapping around her waist.

"Chaeyoung." She replied. Jisoo smiled, focusing back on the beat of the song and dancing.

Jisoo turned back around, pressing their fronts together and continuing the grinding motion. Chaeyoung whimpered, Jisoo pulling her close so their mouths were close again. Their heavy breaths mixed together, Chaeyoung's hazy eyes meeting Jisoo's clear ones. Jisoo glanced down at her lips for a brief second, but Chaeyoung saw it. She could feel her heart racing in her chest- she really wanted to kiss this woman and she had just met her. Chaeyoung must be drunk.

She felt herself leaning in, lips brushing against Jisoo's for a moment. She felt Jisoo's breath hitch at the action, a small surge of pride going through her.

Just before their lips could fully meet, the song ended and Joy was done dancing with her 'friend'. She suddenly was next to Chaeyoung, pulling on her arm and away from Jisoo's heart shaped, kissable lips.


"Chaeng, I need to go to bathroom. C

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blackpinkforever #1
Chapter 87: i love chaennie
Chapter 66: lol that was so cute
Astraea21 #3
Chapter 8: Cute stories. :)
Osekop12 #4
Congrats on the feature!!
i4udbest #5
Any plans on updating?
Chapter 46: Lisa shouted whipped from dorm kekekekeke
573 streak #7
Chapter 1: Kekeke jennie and dalgommieee
chadchad #8
Chapter 20: if jennie's double meaning actually happened in vlive and my chaennie heart can't take it then i'm sure my time is short cx
chadchad #9
rereading everything cause why not and cause we got hylt
Chapter 87: This chapter is so cute, I can totally see both Jennie and Chaeng acting this way!