Not Human (Jensoo/Chaelisa)

Blackpink In Your Area
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"Oh no!" 

Jisoo glanced up from her coloring book to look across her table. Lisa was pouting and looking at her own drawing, sadness filling her big eyes.

"What's wrong Lisa?" Jisoo asked the little girl across from her. Lisa looked at her, then back at her drawing. She pointed to the crown on the king's head, where she accidentally colored outside the lines.

"I colored outside! It looks bad now." Lisa whined. Jisoo wasn't sure what to do- she's good at making people laugh, but when they're already about to cry like Lisa was, she never knew what to do.

She was saved from having to do anything when another little girl walked up to them.

"Here, Lisa. Have my drawing! I haven't colored that part yet. You could do it over again." Chaeyoung said sweetly, smiling at Lisa. Lisa glanced up at her, cheeks turning red as Chaeyoung held her drawing out to her. Lisa smiled back at her, excitedly taking the drawing and placing it over her own on the table.

"Thank you Chaeng! You're the best." LIsa said. Chaeyoung just giggled and blushed before walking away from them. Lisa watched her go, eyes trained on her back. Once she was out of earshot, she leaned forward on the table and stared at Jisoo.

"She's not human, unnie." Lisa whispered to her, glancing around them to make sure no one was listening. Jisoo furrowed her eyebrows, looking between Lisa and Chaeyoung.

"Huh?" Jisoo asked, tilting her head like a puppy. Lisa huffed in frustration, gesturing to Chaeyoung, who sat in the corner across the classroom with Jennie, their other classmate. 

"Chaeyoung! She can't be human, unnie! She's too nice to be human." Lisa exclaimed. Jisoo stared at her.

"Then what is she?" Jisoo asked, curiousity filling her. Lisa leaned forward even more, voice dropping lower.

"A fairy!" Lisa said, eyes wide. Jisoo gave her a look, to which Lisa leaned back in her seat and pointed to Chaeyoung.

"She is, I swear! We all know that princesses always have someone magical and nice with them, like a fairy! I'm a beautiful princess, and Chaeyoung is my fairy!" Lisa explained. Jisoo frowned, glancing at Chaeyoung, who was helping Jennie with her own drawing.

"What magic? She's never done any magic." Jisoo replied. Lisa huffed again.

"She doesn't have to! She's too nice to people- and always nice to me. it's weird. She has to be a fairy!" Lisa said. Jisoo continued to watch Chaeyoung and Jennie, picking up on snippets of their conversation.

"Unnie, can you get me a green?" Chaeyoung asked her. Jennie got up without a word, walking to the colors and picking out several shades of green for Chaeyoung, then returning.

"Jennie, please color this for me." Chaeyoung asked her. Jennie obliged, beginning to color for her immediately. Jisoo furrowed her eyebrows, watching the whole interaction. Chaeyoung tapped Jennie's shoulder.

"Will you sing for me? Just a little?" Chaeyoung asked. Jennie paused a bit, but eventually began singing softly for her as they continued to draw. Chaeyoung smiled and continued coloring her drawing, content.

Jisoo suddenly gasped, hands slamming on their table.

"Lisa." Jisoo said incredulously. Lisa jumped, placing her hands over Jisoo's in fear.

"What?! Is it a lockdown?" Lisa said, scared. Jisoo shook her head, eyes wide as she looked at Lisa across from her.

"I don't think Jennie is human either!" Jisoo whispered, glancing at Chaeyoung at Jennie in the corner. Lisa followed her gaze, then looked back at her.

"Really?" Lisa whispered back in wonder, eyes just as wide as Jisoo's. Jisoo nodded rapidly. hands gripping Lisa's tighter.

"She can't be! She's a robot, Lisa." Jisoo said confidently. Lisa stared at her in disbelief, tilting her head a bit.

"What? Unnie, that's stupid." Lisa replied, going back to her drawing. Jisoo tapped her shoulder, getting her attention. Lisa sighed and looked up again.

"No it's not! She always does everything she's asked to do. How does she not get tired? Or angry? She's a robot Lisa!" Jisoo exclaimed. Lisa glanced over at Jennie and Chaeyoung, where Jennie was currently sitting still on a stool so Chaeyoung could draw her. She didn't move an inch. Lisa gasped, whipping her head over to Jisoo.

"You're right!" Lisa said, eyes wide. Jisoo nodded rapidly, both of them going back to staring at the pair in the corner. The other two didn't pay them any attention, too wrapped up in their own activities to notice. Lisa and Jisoo looked at one another.

"But we need to prove it." Lisa pouted, playing with her pencil crayon. Jisoo tapped the table, deep in thought about what they could do. She suddenly sat up straight, eyes glinting.

"We should run tests!" Jisoo said excitedly. Lisa looked at her, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Tests? But we don't have a review sheet to study." Lisa said. Jisoo sighed and shook her head.

"No, not that kind of test, Lisa. We need to prove that Chaeyoung and Jennie aren't human, right?" Jisoo said. Lisa nodded along, listening to her intently. Jisoo smiled. "Exactly. So, we should run tests on them to prove we're right!"

Lisa's mouth turned into an 'o' shape, eyes shining with mischief.

"Let's do it!" Lisa said, holding her hand out. Jisoo took it in her own, giving it a shake.

They're going to prove it one way or another.


"Unnie, this is too hard!" Lisa whined, flopping down onto her back.

Jisoo glanced up at her from her bed, Lisa laying on the floor in front of it. Crumpled pieces of paper littered around them both, the result of them working hard on how to run tests on Chaeyoung and Jennie. Jisoo sighed and sat up.

"Lisa, it's been ten minutes."

"So? I can't think! And I'm hungry."

Jisoo sighed again, going back to her own piece of paper in front of her. She suddenly perked up, smile consuming her face.

"Lisa that's it! One test for Jennie- getting her to eat anything we give her. If she was a robot, she'd do it because she was asked, and she wouldn't feel sick after, right?" Jisoo said. Lisa sat up, clapping her hands.

"Yes, that's perfect!" Lisa said excitedly. Jisoo wrote it down on her sheet of paper, then went back to thinking. Lisa sighed and looked at her own blank sheet of paper, mind swimming.

She tapped the pencil against her temple, blowing her cheeks out.

She perked up suddenly, an idea popping into her mind.

"Jisoo." Lisa said. Jisoo glanced up at her.


"I have an idea for Chaeyoung." Lisa said. Jisoo sat up straight, looking at her very seriously. Lisa smiled wide. "First test- I'm going to bake her cookies. Evey time I do that for someone, they say they're terrible." Lisa pouted a little at that, but recovered quickly. "But if Chaeyoung were a fairy, she'd be too kind to say anything and she'd most likely eat them all! Right?"

Jisoo grinned, nodding rapidly.

"That's perfect! There's no way these tests won't work." Jisoo said, writing Lisa's idea down.

The next day at school, the two little girls had their work cut out for them.


"Okay, so. Here's the plan. We have our tests to run on them both. We need to wait until break time to do them." Jisoo explained to Lisa, both sitting at their usual drawing table in the classroom. Lisa nodded, listening to her every word.

"We'll ask them to play with us at break time and we'll begin our tests." Jisoo finished. Lisa nodded once, indicating she understood.

They kept their eyes on the two all up until break time began. Once the teacher told them they could have their break, Lisa and Jisoo were out of their seats in seconds. They rushed over to the pair in the corner.

"Come play with us." Lisa said. Jennie and Chaeyoung jumped at her voice, whipping their heads up. Chaeyoung smiled at Lisa, nodding and standing up. Jennie glanced between Jisoo and Lisa briefly, eyes lingering on Jisoo a little longer.

"Come on, Jennie. Let's go." Chaeyoung said to her. Jennie looked at her, then stood up and followed them back to their table. They all sat down, bringing out their own drawings and colors to share. Lisa and Jisoo looked at each other, giving one another a nod. 

Lisa cleared , going into her backpack and bringing out a bag of cookies. Jisoo followed suit, bringing out several bags of different kinds of junk food. Chaeyoung and Jennie merely glanced towards the bags before going back to their own drawings.

"Chaeng, will you try my cookies?" Lisa

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blackpinkforever #1
Chapter 87: i love chaennie
Chapter 66: lol that was so cute
Astraea21 #3
Chapter 8: Cute stories. :)
Osekop12 #4
Congrats on the feature!!
i4udbest #5
Any plans on updating?
Chapter 46: Lisa shouted whipped from dorm kekekekeke
573 streak #7
Chapter 1: Kekeke jennie and dalgommieee
chadchad #8
Chapter 20: if jennie's double meaning actually happened in vlive and my chaennie heart can't take it then i'm sure my time is short cx
chadchad #9
rereading everything cause why not and cause we got hylt
Chapter 87: This chapter is so cute, I can totally see both Jennie and Chaeng acting this way!