Trip to Jeju (Jensoo)

Blackpink In Your Area
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a/n: a lot of you want part 2's to many of my one shots and i'll consider doing some of them but it would probably be after i finish other requests first. anyway here's another predebut jensoo hope you enjoy :) also forgive me for not knowing Jisoo's parents' names. i just made them up here.

"Jennie? I have something to ask you."

Jennie paused in her stretching, looking over at Jisoo. The girl looked nervous for some reason- scared even. And Jisoo was rarely ever nervous.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" Jennie asked, shifting closer and taking her hand. Jisoo took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. She looked away from Jennie's intense eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine, it's just- I wanted to invite you to come with my parents and I this weekend." Jisoo said. "This weekend is one of the few times we get to have a break and I really miss my family. I want you to come to Jeju with us."

Jisoo lifted her eyes, meeting Jennie's to gauge her reaction. Jennie stared at her, mind processing Jisoo's words.

"But, Jisoo, they aren't supposed to know that we're-"

"I know." Jisoo said, cutting her off. "I know that. We don't need to tell them we're dating, we can just say we're best friends. But I want you there, babe."

Jennie chewed on her bottom lip, debating with herself. It sounded fun- and she'd be with her girlfriend and her wacky family. She eventually sighed, giving Jisoo a smile.

"Of course I'll come." Jennie said. Jisoo smiled widely, throwing her arms around Jennie in a tight hug.

"Yes! This is gonna be so awesome." Jisoo said, excitement filling her voice. Jennie giggled at her reaction, both girls looking forward to the coming weekend.


"Yah, Kim Junho, get your moving or we're going to be driving when it's dark!"

"Calm down, Yeona, I'm going! Sheesh."

Jisoo sighed as her parents went back and forth, Jennie giggling behind her hand. Jennie had briefly met Jisoo's parents before, but not enough to know them one hundred percent. She could tell this would be an interesting trip.

"My life is a sitcom, honestly." Jisoo said, face flushing in embarrassment. Jennie laughed and took her hand, squeezing it.

"I think they're great. Besides, now I know where you get your stupid jokes from." Jennie said. Jisoo gasped, feigning offence.

"Excuse you? My jokes are classic." Jisoo said. Jennie laughed again. At the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs, Jennie removed her hand from Jisoo's quickly. Junho, Jisoo's dad, lugged a suitcase down the stairs. He looked at the two girls.

"Exactly, Jisoo. Remember, always use the jokes I tell you." Junho said. Jisoo smiled and gave him a mock salute, Junho returning it. Jennie giggled at the two, personalities very similar. Yeona, Jisoo's mother, rushed down the stairs suddenly, grabbing her coat.

"Let's go, people! We don't have all day." Yeona said, squealing at the end and rushing out the door. Junho sighed, following after his wife with the bags. Jisoo grabbed Jennie's hand, pulling her along out of the house and to the car. They climbed in the back, Jisoo's parents taking the front seats. They pulled out their map to Jeju, Yeona holding it in her lap as Junho took the wheel.

"So, Jennie. Jisoo tells me you two are good friends." Yeona said, eyes focused on the map. Jennie glanced at Jisoo next to her before returning her gaze to her mother.

"Yeah, you could say that." Jennie said. Yeona hummed in response.

"I'm glad. Before you, Jisoo never really had a best friend. I'm happy she's found one in you." Yeona said, glancing at the pair in the back with the rearview mirror. Jennie smiled at her.

"I'm happy I met her." Jennie said, looking at Jisoo. Jisoo looked back at her, giving her a soft smile.

"Okay, people. Buckle up!" Junho yelled suddenly, startling everyone. The three women buckled their seatbelts, Junho peeling out of the driveway almost immediately.

Jisoo and Jennie idling chatted in the backseat, having their own little conversation.

"I think my parents like you more than me." Jisoo said, intentionally loud enough for her parents to hear. 

"That's absolutely right." Junho said. Jisoo and Jennie laughed, Yeona giving him a smack in the arm. Junho chuckled, eyes focusing back on the road ahead of them. Jennie looked back to Jisoo.

"Well, I like me more than you." Jennie said. Jisoo gasped, mouth dropping open. Junho laughed heartily, Yeona letting out a little giggle as well.

"She has a good sense of humor! I like her, Jisoo." Junho said, glancing at them in the rearview mirror. Jisoo rolled her eyes, letting out a tiny smile.

"You guys should get some rest. It's a long drive ahead of us." Yeona said. The two girls nodded, settling in to have a nap. Jennie suddenly unbuckled her seatbelt, moving over into the middle seat and buckling back up. She leaned onto Jisoo's shoulder, eyes closing. Jisoo rested her head on Jennie's, closing her eyes and sighing. Yeona watched them, eyes narrowing slightly.

She eventually brought her eyes back down to the map, directing Junho to go the right way.

She didn't notice Jennie's hand sneaking underneath to hold Jisoo's for the rest of the ride.


"Girls, wake up. We're here." Yeona said, shaking the two girls in the backseat.

Jisoo stirred first, eyes fluttering open. She rubbed her eyes, glancing out the window. Her eyes widened at the beautiful surroundings, the sun shining and hitting the water just right. She turned to Jennie, who was still asleep with her head on Jisoo's shoulder. She smiled, shaking the girl.

"Jendeukie, wake up." Jisoo said. Jennie stirred a little, whining and clinging further onto Jisoo's body.

"Five more minutes." Jennie whispered sleepily, snuggling her head into Jisoo's neck. Jisoo laughed a little, shaking the girl again.

"No, get up. We're here." Jisoo said softly. Jennie groaned, arms tightening around Jisoo. Yeona watched the two from outside the car, Junho looking at the map they had brought.

"Jendeuk." Jisoo said. Jennie sighed deeply, finally opening her eyes and sitting up straight. She stretched her body, rubbing her eyes and looking out the window. dropped open at the sight.

"It's so beautiful." Jennie said. Jisoo unbuckled her seatbelt as well as Jennie's, opening the car door. She clambered out, Jennie following close behind.

"Alright, ladies. First things first- food. There's a nice little place close to here." Junho announced. He pocketed the map and started walking in the direction they were meant to go. Yeona caught up with him, linking her arm in his. Jennie and Jisoo quickly caught up, walking a little behind the couple. 

Jisoo glanced at Jennie's han

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blackpinkforever #1
Chapter 87: i love chaennie
Chapter 66: lol that was so cute
Astraea21 #3
Chapter 8: Cute stories. :)
Osekop12 #4
Congrats on the feature!!
i4udbest #5
Any plans on updating?
Chapter 46: Lisa shouted whipped from dorm kekekekeke
573 streak #7
Chapter 1: Kekeke jennie and dalgommieee
chadchad #8
Chapter 20: if jennie's double meaning actually happened in vlive and my chaennie heart can't take it then i'm sure my time is short cx
chadchad #9
rereading everything cause why not and cause we got hylt
Chapter 87: This chapter is so cute, I can totally see both Jennie and Chaeng acting this way!