We Found Love on Youtube (Jensoo)

Blackpink In Your Area
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"Hello everyone! My name is Jennie and welcome to another video." Jennie beamed, waving at her camera. She ran a hand through her hair before grabbing her phone, scrolling through it for a moment.

"So, my last video about slime seemed to get a lot of love from you guys, even though I completely ed it up." Jennie giggled, shaking her head. She looked back to her camera. "So today, I thought I'd do more slime because guess what, I ordered more."

She pulled out a few little containers, opening them up on her little table in front of her. She smiled wide, beginning to play with the slime.

"Last video, I showed you- or, tried to show you- how to make slime. So this video, I'll play with the slime and do a q & a." Jennie said, stopping with the slime for a bit to smile at the camera again. She looked back to her phone. "There were a lot of questions on my twitter so I'll try to get through them all."

She cleared , moving her hands through all the slime on her table, spreading it and playing as she read the first question she had picked.

"Do your dogs have youtube? Also, I love you!" Jennie read out. She giggled, looking down at the slime in her hands.

"No, they don't have youtube, unfortunately. Maybe I should make one for them? We'll see. Oh, I love you too." Jennie replied. She looked at her phone again, picking out her second question.

"Dating anyone?" She read. Jennie smirked a little, shrugging her shoulders.

"Wouldn't you guys like to know." She said. She winked at the camera before beginning to roll the slime into little balls.

She went through several more questions before she realized that her camera was going to die soon. She whined a little, a pout on her lips.

"Well, my camera is going to die soon, so this is my last question. Sorry everyone." Jennie said sadly. She glanced to her phone, a smile tugging her lips as she read the question.

"What made you do youtube?" She read. Jennie paused, a slight blush coming to her cheeks. She didn't look at the camera, instead focusing on the slime on her hands.

"Well, um, I always thought youtube was a cool thing to do. I watched lots of people on this platform, and thought it was a good idea." Jennie replied. "But, my main reason for doing youtube is because of another youtuber. She really inspired me and even though we haven't spoken to one another, I admire her a lot. Her name is PpoongJisoo. Subsbribe if you haven't already." Jennie finished.

She ended the video soon after. sighing lightly as she went to her laptop to edit and upload it. It took hours, and no sleep, but she was a loyal servant to her subscribers.

When she uploaded it the next day. it got a lot of love. Especially from a certain other youtuber that she didn't realize had seen it.

Not until she messaged her.


"Hello gays! And others." Jisoo said, spreading her arms wide. "If you don't know already, my name is Jisoo. Welcome to my channel."

She pretended to tip an imaginary hat, a giggle escaping her lips afterwards. She leaned to the side a bit, pulling headphones out from the side of her desk and setting them on her head.

"I know I said I would do a q & a video, but for now, I just really want to play for you guys. Be patient." Jisoo chided, wagging a finger at her camera. "I'm just going to be playing Overwatch today. Let's watch my bad Widow game, hm?"

Jisoo wasn't kidding when she said she was a bad Widow. She really wasn't that good, but she thought it would entertain her viewers, so she played her the whole play through every single game. She felt a bit bad for her teammates, but hey- she still tried her best.

"Okay, what the ?! I was behind a wall! How did she hit me?" Jisoo whined, a scowl on her face. When the word defeat flashed across her screen, she sighed and pulled her headset off of her head.

"Okay, I think that's enough for today. If you guys enjoyed, leave a like! Remember to subscribe. Ppoong!" Jisoo waved to the camera before shutting it off. It wasn't long after that her phone blew up from notifications, all on her Twitter. She furrowed her eyebrows, grabbing it and going to the notifications.

"I can't believe @Jendeukie mentioned @PpoongJisoo in her video! I ship it so hard."

She blinked, thumb immediately clicking on the link in the same tweet. It brought up Jennie's video, Jisoo's eyebrows raising as the girl began talking.

She was super cute.

Jisoo watched her video all the way through, the last of it being mostly about herself. It made her blush, to say the least. No one had ever said those things about her before and to have it said by such a cute girl was definitely an achievement.

Jisoo hadn't really heard of this girl before, but she decided that she wanted to know her.

She opened her Twitter, going to the text box.

"@Jendeukie you wanna collab with me?"


"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god-"

"Jennie, shut up. She's just a girl." Chaeyoung groaned, covering her ears. Jennie squealed, holding up her phone.

"But Chaeng! She wants to do a video with me- with me! You know how much I love her." Jennie said. Chaeyoung rolled her eyes.

"Everyone knows you have a big, gay crush on her, Jen. It's no secret." Chaeyoung replied. Jennie sputtered, shoving the girl.

"Shut up." She said. Chaeyoung giggled as she looked back down at her phone, thumb clicking on the reply option on Jisoo's tweet. She chewed on her lip, hesitation settling in.

"Chaeng, what if this goes badly? Should I say I'm busy?" Jennie asked.

"How bad could it go? I'm sure it'll be fine." Chaeyoung replied. Jennie was still feeling reluctant, but relented. She began typing a message.

"@PpoongJisoo when and where?"

She kept it simple, not wanting to seem overly desperate to be in this girl's video.

She waited impatiently for about fifteen minutes, the other girl taking her sweet time replying to her tweet. Finally, a ping sounded from her phone. She snatched it up, Chaeyoung jumping slightly at the sudden movement from her. She opened up Twitter, eager to see her reply.

"@Jendeukie my apartment, tomorrow?"

Jennie blinked, a squeal threatening to rip from . She tried to stay calm though- she didn't want Chaeyoung making fun of her again.

"@PpoongJisoo sounds good!"

There was no reply after that one, which made her sad, she had to admit. But, she was just happy to actually have talked to Jisoo. She'd had a crush on the other Youtuber for the longest time and had always wanted a chance to collab with her. It seemed that today, God was on her side because she got her wish.

Before she knew it, tomorrow came and Jisoo messaged her again. It was simple and to the point- telling her what time to meet at her address. Jennie smiled unconsiously, letting her know she'd be there.

When the time finally came for her to meet up with Jisoo, she almost sprinted to her car. She realized she must have looked ridiculous and giggly- but she felt she had a right to be when her favourite Youtuber wanted to collab with her, of all people. She was excited.

Jennie did take her time in the car though, because if she went any faster than she was she probably would have crashed into someone. Jennie took a deep breath as she pulled onto Jisoo's street, pulling up to the apartment building she stayed in. Her heart was pounding when she got out of her car, palms sweaty as she made her way to the buttons.

She vaguely remembered Jisoo saying her apartment number to her, and pressed that buzzer.

"Nyong-an?" Came through the intercom, making a smile come to Jennie's face. She fought it, clearing a little.

"It's Jennie, is this Jisoo?" She replied. She heard a stumble, then the voice got clearer.

"Oh, yeah! It's me. Come right up." Jisoo said, a buzz sounding for the door to be unlocked for her.

Jennie entered the building, not wasting any time with making her way to the elevator. She was practically bouncing on her toes with excitement in the elevator as it climbed upwards, getting to Jisoo's floor.

She exited the elevator, making her way down the hall towards Jisoo's apartment door. Once she found it, she paused in front of it. She took another deep breath, letting it out slowly. Honestly, she was nervous as hell to be doing this, and everything could backfire from the moment she stepped inside. What if Jisoo hated her by the end? What if she embarrassed herself?

She realized that she had no choice, since she was already there. So she raised her hand and knocked three times, waiting anxiously for Jisoo to open the door.

It took a moment, but she finally did.

"Hey, you're Jennie, right? Come in!" Jisoo said, wide smile on her face. Jennie smiled back, averting her eyes out of nervousness and making her way inside. She glanced around, noticing a tripod and couch right in front of her, the couch pressed against the wall. The tripod was facing it, presumbly where they would be doing the video.

"Make yourself at home." She heard next to her. She nodded slightly, Jisoo brushing past her to go towards he

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blackpinkforever #1
Chapter 87: i love chaennie
Chapter 66: lol that was so cute
Astraea21 #3
Chapter 8: Cute stories. :)
Osekop12 #4
Congrats on the feature!!
i4udbest #5
Any plans on updating?
Chapter 46: Lisa shouted whipped from dorm kekekekeke
573 streak #7
Chapter 1: Kekeke jennie and dalgommieee
chadchad #8
Chapter 20: if jennie's double meaning actually happened in vlive and my chaennie heart can't take it then i'm sure my time is short cx
chadchad #9
rereading everything cause why not and cause we got hylt
Chapter 87: This chapter is so cute, I can totally see both Jennie and Chaeng acting this way!