Meet You Again

Meet You Again [OneShot]

"Yah! Kyuwan-ah" Sunggyu called Kyuwan name. "Have you decided which university to go?"

"No. Why?" Kyuwan answered it while wiping the glasses at the kitchen counter. They were working part time at Sunggyu's uncle's restaurant. 

"I want to go to the same university with you" he sat in front of Kyuwan and put his head on the counter "But the university you chose don't even attracts me"

"Listen here dude" she put the towel cloth and put her head on the kitchen table, facing Sunggyu "Just think about your future. Choose the best for your future. If you keep wanting to follow me wherever I go, it won't make your future better" she ruffled his hair and continued wiping the glasses.

"I wish I were you" he sighed "You are smart and  intelligent. You can even choose any university you want to go. You passed the SAT so easy. Not just a regular passed. You managed to get full credits. I envy you. You can even proceed your study outside of Korea"

"Yah! Did you forget about what we promised? I won't leave you" she smiled. 

"Hm. You are right" he sat up straight, looked confidence and full off spirits "I should try my best"

The restaurant's door bell rang. It means a customer came in. A really pretty and tall girl came in. Her hair was black but it curled at the bottom..She wore a dress, a mini-skirt dress. It showed her long, fair and nice skin leg. She was y and her iness caught Sunggyu's eyes. "Welcome" Sunggyu greeted the girl. The girl don't look liked an office woman. She just looks liked a student. Just liked Kyuwan and Sunggyu. "Where would you like to seat?" Sunggyu asked

"Here" the girl smiled and pointed to the table next to her. She put her handbag on the table and make herself comfort on the chair. 

"What would you like to eat?" Sunggyu asked, handing the menu card to her. 

She examined the menulist. "Give me black bean noodles and ice peach tea please" 

"Oh. I get it. We will try to make it real fast". Sunggyu left the girl and headed to the counter. He handed the ordered paper to Kyuwan. "Yah! Choi Kyuwan" Sunggyu called as Kyuwan was giving the paper to the people in the kitchen. "Do you think that girl is pretty?"

"That girl?" Kyuwan examined the girl that he said while continue wiping the glass. "Yes, she's pretty" Kyuwan answered it, slumbered. "But I am prettier than her"

"You?" Sunggyu laughed


"You are not as pretty as her. The guy who likes must be really blind. Look at her. She's y. Her hair color suits her well. The way she walked in just now. Her fair and pretty legs. She's so different from you. Look at you. Your black messy hair, your shirt, your jeans. You are not even y" Sunggyu teased.

"Mwoya?!" Kyuwan pouted. "You really wanna die don't you?" She threw the wiping cloth on Sunggyu's face. She slapped his arms too. Luckily there was a customer, if not Kyuwan might chased Sunggyu out of the restaurant. What Sunggyu said really hurt her but she don't want to take it deep because she knows Sunggyu. So she just smiled and acting like she was mad. She couldn't hold her feelings on Sunggyu anymore. She wanted to confess but she couldn't. She don't want if she confessed, it would ruin their friendship. Sunggyu had been a really good and the bestest friend to her. She don't want to lose her friend. 

Sunggyu took the cloth that dropped on the floor and threw it back to Kyuwan. "Yah! I was kidding. Why you take it so seriously?" he laughed. "You know.." he stared Kyuwan eyes and that made her nervous "The only guy who can see the prettiness in you is me. I repeat, ME!" 

Kyuwan startled. She was touched by what Sunggyu had say. "The food is ready", ahjussi in the kitchen shouted. 

"Ah neh", Sunggyu got up from his sit and brought the food to the girl. "Here is your food. Please enjoy the food" he smiled. "You look so pretty" 

"Ah really? Thank you very much" she thanked Sunggyu for the compliment. "You look very close with that girl" she pointed out to Kyuwan, sitting, drinking a glass of water at the kitchen counter.

"Ahh she's my best friend. We've been friends since we were kids" he smiled. 

"Awww how cute. Honestly, I envy your close relationship with that girl. I've been wanting to have a guy best friend" she held her chin, acting like she's thinking of something. "Ahhh, perhaps, we could be friends. What do you think?" she suggested.

"Me?" Sunggyu stuttered. "Are you kidding me? I can't be friends with you. I mean you are pretty. What will your boyfriend says?" 

"I don't have any boyfriend. Never had one before" she smiled. She stucked her hand out. "My name is Seohyun. Let's be friends and you?"

Sunggyu grabbed her hand "Sunggyu. Kim Sunggyu. Nice to meet you" his smiles becomes brighter after she heard Seohyun said she never had a boyfriend before. 


"This is just a small cut. It will get better tomorrow" Kyuwan smiled as she helped a little girl who had a cut from taekwondo training. Sunggyu and Kyuwan volunteered themselves to teach the kids in their neighborhood taekwondo since both of them had their black belt. They had a taekwondo training room at Kyuwan's house. Their parents built it for them as the present both of them got their black belt. "Now go continue your practice with Sunggyu songsaengnim"


15 minutes later, the training was over. Kyuwan didn't teach them much because the kids who came today are least and Sunggyu can handle it alone. He sat beside her and drank his water. "Yah, do you still remember the y girl who came to ahjussi's restaurant last week?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Wanna know something? Yesterday, I got to know that y girl's name who came into the restaurant. Her name is Seohyun" he smiled brightly "Wahh, her name is pretty just like her" he exclaimed

"I can see that. You don't even need to tell me that all the time that she's pretty" Kyuwan smirked.

"Fine. I won't repeat it again" he smirked back "Yesterday, she said she wanted to be friends with me and know what's the best news? She don't have a boyfriend. She never had one"

Kyuwan smirked again "Yeah right"

"What was that?" Sunggyu asked. He was pissed. Before this whenever he told Kyuwan his stories about other girl, she never acted like this but when he told her about Seohyun, she was acting cold. Not even excited.

"Nothing. Just continue your story" Kyuwan played with her water bottle

"So, since she is so pretty and she never had a boyfriend before, I think I'm gonna try on her. You know, she's different from other girls I dated before. Oh!" he clapped his hand. "We went out together the day after that"

"No wonder you didn't answer my calls. Okay, I'm used to it" she exclaimed.

"Yah! At least I'm still hanging out with you" 

"Yeah right" she exclaimed.

"I wonder, why you never had a boyfriend?" he asked

"Huh?" she responded. A really weird and sudden question from Sunggyu.

"I mean, you never had a boyfriend before and you don't even have girl friends to hang out with. The only person who you are close with is me" Sunggyu turned his face on Kyuwan  "Are you a lesbian?"

"YAH! MWOYA?! YOU REALLY WANNA DIE DON'T YOU?!" she kicked his leg "I'm a straight woman okay" she pouted. That moment she hoped that Sunggyu can recognize her feelings towards him. The reason why she never had a boyfriend or girl friends before is because the only person that she wants and to be close with is Sunggyu. 

"I was kidding. I'm sorry" he laughed. "Now, come" he stuck out his pinkie finger "Let's make another promise. If we dated anyone after this, we will still hang out more often. Agree?" he smiled

She grabbed his finger and smiled "Promise"


Apart from studying in Incheon University in languastic, Kyuwan loves to take photos. She even owned a DSLR. Sunggyu gave her as a present for her birthday last year. Kyuwan and Sunggyu attended different university with different major. Sunggyu took music as his major.

Kyuwan was sitting on the bench in the park in her university. The uni made a very pretty park just for the students who took photography as their major. She was examining every single photos she took. She just can't stop lauhing from viewing the photos. She don't even took out photos of her and Sunggyu from the camera. When she missed Sunggyu, she will look and smiled alone at the pictures.

"Woah! You two are so cute" a girl approached her from back. Kyuwan was shock. She quickly put her DSLR down on her lap and turned back. It was the y girl that came to the restaurant the other day and the girl who Sunggyu wanted to date, Seohyun. Kyuwan took a deep breath and smiled to the girl. Seohyun sat beside Kyuwan and harshly took the DSLR. "Woah! You two are so cute. I envy you so much"

"Yeah right" Kyuwan harshly took back the camera and put it in her bag.

Seohyun stuck out her hand "Hi. Let's be friends. I came to the restaurant where you work the other day. My name is...."

"Seohyun" Kyuwan cut it before Seohyun could finish her words. "Yeah, yeah. You went out with Sunggyu last week. I know you"

"Did Sunggyu told you about me? Aww how cute" Seohyun cheered. The way she said that really makes Kyuwan annoyed. "Why you didn't come hang out with us too? I told Sunggyu to bring you too" 

'She did? Ahh that Sunggyu bastard don't even tell me about this. Such a bastard' Kyuwan thought. But then, she thought that maybe Sunggyu didn't tell her because he wanted to try making out with Seohyun. She understood now. "I was busy with my work"

"So you studied here? What major? Photography? I'm in international business class" Seohyun asked

"Nope. Languastic" Kyuwan answered while picking up her bag on the floor. She looked at her wrist watch. "Nice to talk to you but I have to go now" she lied because she was totally annoyed by Seohyun. She got up from the bench and walked away.


Sunggyu waited for Seohyun outside the university. He waited for her at his car. He sent a text message to her saying that he wanted to go out with her. 

As he was waiting, Kyuwan waved at her from the front gate "Sunggyu-ah!". She ran towards Sunggyu. "What are you doing here?"

"Yah Kyuwan. What are you doing here?" Sunggyu started to get clumsy.

"Yah! I'm the one who supposed to ask that question. What's wrong with you? I studied here. You..." she pointed out her finger "You should be in class right? You told me you have class yesterday when I asked you to company buying some stuffs"

Sunggyu stared her eyes "Listen here. I'm planning to propose Seohyun to be my girlfriend today so I can't company you"

Kyuwan crossed her arms "Why do you need to lie to me? Just tell me the truth. You know how much I hate it when you lie to me. It's not like I'm going to forbid you from proposing to her"

Sunggyu saw Seohyun walking towards him. Seohyun waved from far away. Sunggyu held Kyuwan's shoulder "Okay, I'm sorry because I lied. We talk to this later. Now you may go. She's coming. I don't want her to come see you with me" he turned Kyuwan body and pushed her and that makes her walked in force.

She continued walking and looked back. She saw Seohyun hugged him soon after she stood in front of him. Kyuwan was jealous but she can't stop walking. She can't stop Sunggyu from being friend with Seohyun. If she did so, it will ruin Sunggyu's plan and it will ruin their friendship. She don't even know why she thought that Seohyun is her biggest rival. Sunggyu had couple 3 times before and she never felt this jealous and mad before. 

"Isn't Kyuwan coming with us?" Seohyun pointed to Kyuwan.

Sunggyu looked at the way she pointed "Nope. She said she wants to buy some stuffs. Now let's go" he opened the car door for Seohyun. Seohyun smiled and entered the car.


Sunggyu and Seohyun went out to watch a movie and went to a very expensive restaurant. Sunggyu used up all his money just to treat Seohyun at the restaurant.

"Woah! Sunggyu-ah, this restaurant really is pretty" Seohyun compliment.

"So you like it? I'm glad that you like it" Sunggyu smiled.

"I really like it. And the food is so delicious. We should come here more often"

Sunggyu almost spited out the water he drank. 'Come here more often?' He would be a beggar if they went to the restaurant everyday. "Yeah" he just nodded and smiled awkwardly. He took another sip of water.

"Seohyun-ah" he called her name.

"Hm?" she responded.

Sunggyu took a really deep breath. He took out a box from his pocket and handed it to Seohyun "Will you be my girlfriend?". He opened up the box. It was a necklace. A white necklace with a heart shape as the locket.

"Woah! It's so pretty" Seohyun cheered. Sunggyu could see sparkles in her eyes. She liked it so much "And yes!! I would love to be your girlfriend"

Sunggyu took out the necklace from the box and stood up. He put the necklace on Seohyun and got back to his seat. "Woah. You are so pretty"

"I know" Seohyun cheered "Thanks". She stood up, bent and kissed Sunggyu. 


"Yah! Kyuwan. Are you asleep?" Sunggyu called her right after his date with Kyuwan.

"Hmmm" Kyuwan answered in a sleepy mode. She cried before she went to bed. She cried because she hated the feelings in her. She wanted someone to take those feelings in her and she knew that only Sunggyu can take those feelings.

"I don't care if you are asleep or not but you need to listen to this" Sunggyu exclaimed. "I proposed her today and she said YES! Now we are offically a couple" he cheered.

"Emm yeah, good for you. Yay!" Kyuwan faced down on her pillow. 

"And know what, right after I proposed to her, she kissed me" he cheered.

"Hmm good thing" Kyuwan turned and stared the ceiling "She kissed you. It's a good thing". Silence creeped in before Kyuwan can get back into her senses "Wai!" she sat up straight. "Kiss? She kissed you? Where? Your lips?"

Sunggyu laughed "Why are you so slow?" he laughed louder. "She just kissed my cheek. At first I thought she was aiming for my lips". Kyuwan took a breath of relieved and he heard it. "You sounded relieved. Why?"

"No I'm not. I was hoping that she said NO! to you" Kyuwan exclaimed. Well, that was really what she wished for. "It's a pity for you that she didn't aim your lips"

"Yeah it's a pity" Sunggyu sighed. "But I will aim for hers! And it will be my first kiss"

Kyuwan startled. She wanted to cry but she didn't want Sunggyu to know. So she held her tears. She wanted to be the girl for Sunggyu's first kiss. "Yeah congrats for that first kiss that you are going to have. I want to sleep now. See you tomorrow. Don't forget that we have to train the kids tomorrow morning!" she hanged up the phone without even saying goodbye. 


"You are late" Kyuwan crossed her arms when Sunggyu came into the training room.

"I know. I woke up late today. The alarm clock doesn't work" he gave an excuse.

"Yeah right" Kyuwan smirked "The alarm doesn't work or because you can't sleep because of that first kiss?"

"What?" Sunggyu asked back because it sounded irritating.

"Nothing" Kyuwan fixed her belt "You train those kids. They've been waiting from you" she pointed to a group of kids who were training to each other. 

"Okay. You are weird today" he muttured. He put his bag down and ran to the kids. 

Kyuwan watched him ran to the kids. She felt upset because Sunggyu didn't realize something on her. Usually when Kyuwan had something new on her like new hair, he will noticed it but not today. Today he didn't noticed it. Kyuwan dyed her hair brown and had a new hair cut. 'Okay maybe he doesn't realize my new hair cut because I tied it up into a ponytail and I clipped my fringe up but I dyed it all in brown, why he never noticed it?' she thought.


1 hour has passed. "Thank you. See you again next week. Make sure you take care of your health. Now go to your parents. They've waited for you. Bye" Sunggyu gave them advice before saying goodbye.

"Neh. Thank you songsaengnim" the kids thanked them and left to their parents.

It was only Sunggyu and Kyuwan left in the training room. Kyuwan was cleaning up the room while Sunggyu laid down on the floor. Tired.

"Yah! You should help me cleaning up this room" Kyuwan exclaimed

"There's nothing much to be clean up" Sunggyu released a deep breath. Kyuwan sighed seeing her friend being such a lazy bump.

After she cleaned up, she sat beside Sunggyu, wiping her sweat on her face with a face towel. "I'm not going to work later" Sunggyu said.

"Why?" she slapped his tummy "You have to go to work. It's Sunday and ususally on Sunday there will be a lot of customers" 

"It's Sunday and it's a perfect day to go out for a date with your couple" he exclaimed

"Oh yeah. I forgot" she drank her water. "My one and only friend here already have a girlfriend and he's going out with her later. Not even going to work later. Great! Soon, he will forget his best friend"

"Yah!" he sat up straight "Why are you saying like that? We promised each other right? A promise is a promise" 

"Yeah right" I smirked

"You know what, you've been acting weird since I tried to make up with Seohyun and you become weirder and weirder day by day. You never acted like this before. It hurts me a lot" he complained, not even realizing Kyuwan's feelings.

Kyuwan was startle for a moment "You don't know how much I hurt than you" she drank her water.

"What did you say?" he didn't hear what Kyuwan said just now.

She wiped with her sleeves. "I said nothing. I was drinking my water. Fine, I'm sorry then if you are hurt. Is that okay?"

Sunggyu laid back down and smiled "Your apologies is accepted"

"Thank you" she thanked him. She put down her bottle. "Let me tell you the truth. Remember I told you before about me can sense people aura?"

"Yeah. I remembered. Why?"

"And you believe it right?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"I can sense that Seohyun has a bad aura in her. You know a bad aura. A bad one."

"Huh? Why must you sense that in her? She's nice. She's just okay. I repeat. She's NICE!" he stricted

"It's up to you if you want to believe it this time or not but honestly, I don't like her" she explained, drinking her water.

Sunggyu was remained silence. This was the first time that his bestfriend were against his relationship with a girl. He couldn't decide either he should believe her sense this time or not. But usually, her sense are correct but not all of it. 

Kyuwan untied her hair. She fixed it and tied back it up. "Oh you have a new hair" he smiled.

"Only now you realized?" she smirked. "I'm glad that you noticed it"

He sat up and touched her hair "Your hair is pretty. Maybe I should dye my hair too"

"Mwoya?!" she pushed his hand away. Eventhough that Sunggyu just touched her hair but it felt different to Kyuwan. That touch made her want him more. She stood up and took her bag with her. "I'm going now. Don't forget to lock the door or my cat might enter and pee again. Bye"

"I know. Have fun at work!" he waved, still lying down.


The restaurant is closed and Sunggyu haven't came back to the restaurant. He really did went out with Seohyun for the whole day. 

Sungyeol, our dongsaeng. Still in high school. Not really our dongsaeng but he is actually Sunggyu's cousin, the son of the restaurant owner. He rarely came to help out at the restaurant but only on Sundays. "I can't believe that Sunggyu hyung went out when he knows that usually on Sunday there will be a lot of customers. We are lucky that there was no customer that ran away" he sat on the chair, massaging his knees, "and I am relieved that we are closed! " he exclaimed. He took another wiping cloth and helped Kyuwan to wipe the glasses at the kitchen counter.

Kyuwan smiled at him "It's a normal thing when you have couple. You will be like him when you have a girlfriend"

"Yeah you are right noona" he put the wiping cloth on the chair next to him. "But noona, is it fun to have a girlfriend? I mean we have to spend a lot of time with her, just like Sunggyu hyung righ now. If we don't, they will get mad at us" he asked, putting his hand on his chin and his elbow on the kitchen counter, staring Kyuwan's eyes.

Kyuwan was startled with that question. Sungyeol never been like this before, he never asked such questions like this before. "I don't know. You should ask your Sunggyu hyung to know the answers. He is the one who has a couple" she answered.

"I will ask him but noona may I ask you something?" he asked for permission 

"Yes. What is it?" 

"Why you never have a boyfriend before? All you do is stick with Sunggyu hyung. Are you a lesbian?"

Kyuwan was startled once again by the question. "MWOYA?! I'm not a lesbian. You and Sunggyu are just the same!" she took a deep breath. "I never have a boyfriend before is because I never meet the right guy yet and one day I will meet him. I just don't know when"

"I want a girlfriend" he muttured

"You know what dongsaeng" Kyuwan put the cloth aside and bent a little, meeting Sungyeol's eyes "Although I never had couple with anyone but believe me that God has prepared someone for you. What you need to do right now is to be patience and search for that right girl. I know you will have a nice girl soon because you are a nice boy" she stood straight and ruffled his hair.

He fixed his hair "You are good about giving advice noona"

"Thank you for the compliment" she thanked him

"But I think you are not waiting for the right guy. You are waiting for Sunggyu hyung, am I right? You like him right?"

Kyuwan was startled again. "Wh...what are you talking about? I'm not waiting for him"

"Ayyy don't lie to me. You are happy whenever you are with him. I can see that. Your smiles when you are happy with him and when you are happy with other people are different" he sighed, putting down his head on the counter and played with the glass. "I don't know why Sunggyu hyung can't see that in you. I mean you are nice. If I were him, I would date you"

Kyuwan stared Sungyeol. Was that a confession from Sungyeol to her? The door bell rang. It means someone came in. Kyuwan  looked at the door, a wet-blondie guy came in. "Sorry, but we are closed. You can come again tomorrow" she smiled.

"Ahh you are closed" he sighed. "But can I stay here until the rain stop. I forgot to bring my umbrella with me" the guy explained.

"But we are..." Kyuwan stopped Sungyeol from saying that 'We are closed' by hitting his arm.

"It's okay. You can stay here. Please have a seat" Kyuwan walked towards the guy while holding a menu card with her and pointed the guy at a table. The guy made himself comfort on the chair. "Since this a restaurant, would you like something to eat or drink?" Kyuwan smiled and handed the menu card to him.Sungyeol just watched them from the kitchen counter.

The guy examined every single menu "Hmmm I want this.." he pointed on the card, "and this". He handed back the card to Kyuwan and smiled.

"That's all?" Kyuwan took the menu card "You wait here. I will come back with your order" she smiled and headed to the kitchen.


10 minutes have passed. Kyuwan walked towards the guy with his food. "Here" she placed the food on the table. "Please enjoy the meal. If there's anything else just call me" she smiled and turned.

"Excuse me" the guy called. Kyuwan turned back to him. "Since I'm eating alone right now, can you company me? I don't like to eat alone" he smiled and pointed his hand to the chair across him, asking Kyuwan to sit in front of him. His smile was gorgeous and sweet. All girls might melt with his smiles. But not for Kyuwan. For her, the sweetest smile in the world is Sunggyu. For her, no one can compete him.

"Yes sure" she smiled and sat in front of him.

"So you studied in Incheon University?" he asked, starting a conversation.

"Oh yes. How did you know?" she asked, putting the tray on the table. Sungyeol was still watching them from the kitchen counter.

He ate a spoonful of his food. "I saw you the other day. You take languastic as your major right?"

"Yeah. That's true. How did you know?" 

"We are in the same class girl. I took languastic too" he smiled

"Ahhh no wonder. But why I never saw you before this?" she asked, curious.

"I don't know. Maybe you were too busy to not to watch other people or to get knowing with other people" he ate another spoonful.

"Yeah. You are right. I'm not really good in making new friends. I can't start a conversation unless other people start it" she explained.

"When someone started a conversation with you, you will never stop talking right?" he smiled

"Yeah" she nodded "How did..."

"Because you are like that right now" he cut her words before she could finish it. "By the way, I'm Kyuhyun. Cho Kyuhyun"

"My name is Kyuwan. Choi Kyuwan" she smiled.

"What a nice name. We should be friends from now on" he smiled and drank his water.

"Yeah sure. No problem" she smiled. Meeting a new friend is not a problem for her. She thought that she needed someone new since Sunggyu was busy with Seohyun. She can't rely on Sunggyu all the time. She thought, that was the time for her to move on. She have to accept that Sunggyu soon will get married and the girl that she would marry, absolutely not her. So she thought it's a waste. She had to move on. She had to.

The door bell rang. "Oh hyung. You are here" Sungyeol cheered. Kyuwan put up his head to look at the door to see Sunggyu with Seohyun.

"Yes I'm here with Seohyun noona. Greet her" Sunggyu ordered Sungyeol. They were linking their arms and that made Kyuwan jealous and probably they didn't notice about Kyuwan and Kyuhyun existince.

"Ah annyeong noona" Sungyeol stood up and bowed.

"Annyeong" Seohyun waved. She turned to a table next to her. "Ah Kyuwan, it's you. Annyeong" she smiled. "and you?" she turned to face Kyuhyun.

"Kyuhyun. Cho Kyuhyun" he introduced himself.

"Kyuwan. Your boyfriend?" Seohyun asked

"No. He is..." she thought for a moment of what to say just to make Sunggyu jealous. "My new bestfriend" she smiled, awkwardly.

"Woah! You have a new bestfriend. It's great" Seohyun cheered. "After this, Sunggyu and I can spend more time together because you already have Kyuhyun to replace Sunggyu right?" she smirked. Kyuwan started to feel weird with that sentence. She looked up to face Seohyun. She crossed her arms.

"Sunggyu always complained to me. He said you always nag to him about he might forget you and will not hang around with you anymore. We are couple. I hope you can understand that couple need to have spend their time together more often. More often than a bestfriend!" Seohyun exclaimed.

Kyuwan shocked. She was totally shocked. 'Does he forget about the promises that he created?' she thought. She looked up to see Sunggyu's face. It was like there was written on his face 'Yes, that's true. I told her everything'. But Sunggyu don't even look at Kyuwan. He was staring into the kitchen and coughed.

Kyuwan took a deep breath and let it out loud. "Fuhhh. What a great best friend I have here. I just realize. I get it now" Kyuwan nodded and stood up. "Sungyeol-ah, I'm going home now" she walked towards the counter and get her backpack. "Can you handle the restaurant for a while? I need to get fresh air. I need to get back to my senses" she walked towards the exit and stopped in front of Sunggyu. "I need to think about how big the word PROMISE is and I guess I need to do some research with it or maybe I should make an experiment with it too. Starting with this guy over here" she glared at Sunggyu. Sunggyu looked at her with a fear face. She continued walking out the restaurant and hit Sunggyu's shoulder hard. 


It was Saturday morning and Kyuwan haven't got up from her bed. Her phone rang. She lifted up her head and looked on the screen phone. It was Kyuhyun who's calling. She haven't talk to Sunggyu since the accident that day and Sunggyu don't even confront her to ask for her apologies. She promised herself not to talk to Sunggyu until he says 'Sorry'.

She answered the phone "Yobosaeyo?"

"Kyuwan-ah, where are you?" he asked.

"On bed. Why?"

"Hey girl, wake up! We promised to finish our project. Did you forget it? We promised to meet at 10 at the library. Remember?"

Kyuwan looked at the clock. It was 10.30 am. She quickly got up from her bed. "I'll be there in 15 minutes". She rushed into her bathroom to have shower. She had her jeans, a shirt, a hoodie and her backpack on. She rushed down into the kitchen and put a piece of bread in . "I'm going out to meet Kyuhyun" she headed to the front door. "I'll be back later"

"Kyuhyun? Who is Kyuhyun? You are not going out to meet Sunggyu?" her mum asked.

Kyuwan rushly put on her sneakers "He's dead! Don't mention him again! Bye. I love you" she ran to the front gate.

"Yah Kyuwan!" someone called her when she was closing the gate. It was the voice that she knows. She turned around and it was Sunggyu standing behind her. "Where are you going? So rush. Are you late to meet Kyuhyun?"

"It is none of your business. Mind your own business" she glared. "Oh yeah, why are you here? You are supposed to meet your lovely girl don't you?" Kyuwan smirked.

"Why are you so irritating?"

"Who was the one became irritating at the first place?" she fixed her backpack on her shoulder.

Sunggyu took a deep breath and sighed. "Fine. I meet you because I want to say sorry about complaining to Seohyun. I want to say sorry for everything"

"Only now?" Kyuwan scratched her head, acting she was thinking either she wanted to forgive him or not. Just to make it more like she was totally hurt. She promised herself that she will accept his apology. "Hm. Okay, fine, your apologies is accepted" she smirked.

Sunggyu started to smile "Aigooo" he put his hand around her neck. "I know my bestfriend here is so soft-hearted and kind. She will forgive me. Come, let me send you to Kyuhyun"

"Yah! Mwoya?!" she tried to let go his arm but she can't. Sunggyu forced her to walk, bending, with his hand still around her.

"Wah. It's great to see this 2 bestfriends to get back together" a voice approached them. They looked up and it was Seohyun in a short dress, crossing her arms.

Sunggyu let go off his hands from Kyuwan. "What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I came because I want to spend time with you" she walked towards them, pushing Kyuwan away and linking her arms to Sunggyu.

"But.. I have to..." Sungyyu tried to explain

"It's okay. I'll take the bus. Have fun you two" Kyuwan smiled and walked away, not looking back.

Both of them looked at Kyuwan walked away. "It's great that she's gone now" Seohyun smirked "Now honey, let's go shopping" she cheered. Sunggyu just smiled, not saying anything. 

Without Kyuwan, Sunggyu and Seohyun knowing, Sungyeol was peeking over them from inside Sunggyu's house.


"Seohyun-ah, I think we should go now. It's 12 already. I promised your mum that I will send you home before 12" Sunggyu held Seohyun's hand. They were in a karoeke with some of Seohyun's friends. He was the only guy there and her friends already went wild and drunk. He was relieve that Seohyun wasn't drunk like her friends. 

He was actually frustrated at Seohyun because she didn't tell him about bringing her friends to the restaurant and she had to pay for the bill. He thought that it would be the dinner just for the two, never expect that she would bring her friends, her wild friends. However, he could still forgive her. 

Sunggyu'a aim was to kiss Seohyun that night. Kiss her lips but in romantic way.

"Ahhh now? Let's wait for 30 minutes. Besides we have 2 more hours to be in this room" Seohyun explained and joined her friends singing. 

1 hour has passed and her friends left early. There was only him and Seohyun in the karoeke room. Seohyun was drunk and she was laying down on Sunggyu's lap, unconscious. Sunggyu can't even move because it was the first time that a girl lay on his lap, except for the kids that he taught taekwondo.

"Sunggyu-ah" Seohyun called his name.

"Hm?" he responded.

"I love you" she mumbled. "You are the greatest boyfriend. I wish we can be together forever"

He smiled after listening to those words. The words lightened his world. He looked at her lips, aiming to kiss her. He held Seohyun's hand, bending a little. 2 cm was the gaps between his and Seohyun's lips. When he was about to kiss her, he felt something in him that sid 'NO! Don't kiss her!'. He felt guilty. He felt guilty to someone but he couldn't detect who is the person he will feel guilty to. He sat up straight and took a deep breath and released it. He looked at Seohyun and played with her hair. "Let's go home" he smiled and lift her up to the car. 


It's been 2 months. It's been 2 months that Sunggyu coupled with Seohyun. It's been 2 months that rarely Kyuwan and Sunggyu hang out together.  The last time they hang out together were at the restaurant, last month. Not really hang out because they had to work.

It was another boring Saturday morning. Usually on Saturday, Kyuwan and Sunggyu went out to the town, go shopping, get a new haircut or doing something fun together but it's all different now. All Sunggyu have is Seohyun. 24/7 they stick together and sometimes Kyuwan don't even get a chance to talk to Sunggyu. She tried to call but he never answer. 

'Does he forget about me now?' Kyuwan thought. She rolled on her bed, staring the ceiling. She had her shower. She wanted to complain to Sunggyu about him ignoring her but she don't want the accident to happen again.  She took a deep breath. A big pillow under her legs, she took it, covering her face. She took another deep breath and screamed. She missed Sunggyu so much. She missed to talk to Sunggyu, she missed to teach the children with him, she missed to work at the restaurant with him and she just missed Sunggyu so much. 

She wanted to tell him about the good news. She had been offered to proceed her study in Japan. She wanted to ask for his opinion either she should go or not. She discussed to her parents about this and they encouraged her to go. She asked Kyuhyun and Sungyeol about this too. But for her, their opinions are not important. What's important is Sunggyu's opinion but she couldn't even talk to him.

Her tears started to fall down. Her nose started to run. She couldn't believe that she would cry because of Sunggyu again. Suddenly her phone rang, she looked at the phone screen. It was unknown number. She picked it up while taking a tissue on the table beside her bed.

"Yobosaeyo?" she blew her nose and voice were cracked.

"Yobosaeyo. Kyuwan-ah. This is Sunggyu. What are you doing?" it was Sunggyu. Sunggyu called her. She didn't respond to him but she blew her nose again. "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay." her voice cracked.

"You sound like you just cried. Did anything happen?" 

"Why would you care?" she took a deep breath.

"Here listen. I know I did wrong. You don't have to complain because I realize and admit it. I call you because I want to say sorry and I miss you" he explained

She stared for a while. Never expected that he would admit his mistakes and that he would miss her. "You miss me? Why so weird?" She looked at the number on her screen phone. "You changed your number, huh?"

"Yeah. I thought I sent a message to you. You didn't get it?"

"Duh-huh. If I got it, I won't ask you" she rolled her eyes.

"Okay fine. Sorry then. Do you want to go out today?" he asked

"Sure. What's your plan?" she suddenly felt excited.

"I'm planning to have a midnight movie marathon tonight. Wanna go?"

"When? Where?"

"At 12. My house. My parents will not be at home, visiting my grandma. Is that okay?"

"Yeah sure. See you there. Bye"

"Wait Kyuwan" he called as Kyuwan was about to hang up the phone. "I might be late but you can wait for me. Sungyeol will be waiting at home. Is that cool?"

"Yeah sure. Cool. No problem. But don't be too late or I'll leave"

"Sure. You got my words. Bye. See you" he hang up the phone.


DING! DONG! Sunggyu's house door bell rang. Kyuwan was standing in front of the door, waiting for someone to open it. She came 15 minutes earlier. No one answered it. She rang the bell once again, 15 seconds after that, Sungyeol opened the door."Hi" he greeted me. "Come in" he opened the door wider and Kyuwan stepped in. "You are early" Sungyeol said, closing the door.

"I know. Here, I brought some cookies" she took out a tupperware from her bag pack and handed it to Sungyeol. "Are you going to join us?"

Sungyeol took the tupperware and ate one cookie, "Nope" he said with mouth full. "I'm here because Sunggyu hyung asked me to open the door for you. I'll be off later. Still got homeworks to do"

"You still got homeworks to do?" she asked as she made herself comfort on the couch. "You should go home. I'll be okay here"

"Are you sure? Sunggyu hyung asked me to wait with you until he comes home" he explained.

"Emm yeah. I'm okay" she stood up. "You should go or your teachers might be mad at you"

"Okay then" he took his bagpack on the couch and walked towards the front door. "I'll go home first and tell Sunggyu hyung that I've done the laundry"

Kyuwan opened the door for him. "You did the laundry?"

"Yeah, he forced me or else he will tell my parents that I failed my Maths test" Sungyeol explained. 

"How evil" 

"Yeah, I know. How evil he is but you still like him" Sungyeol smiled. Kyuwan was startle by his words. At that moment, she knew that Sungyeol already knew about she liked Sunggyu. "Bye now, noona. See you tomorrow"

"Oh okay, bye. Be careful" Kyuwan closed the door as Sungyeol left the house.


"Hey this food is good" Seohyun smiled as she took a bite of the steak.

"I know it's good. That's why I bring you here" Sunggyu smiled. "Eat it quick. We have movie marathon to catch after this".

"Movie marathon? Where?" Seohyun asked. He was talking with mouthful, he didn't realize it was suppose to be movie marathon between him and Kyuwan. He shouldn't mention that in front of Seohyun.

"I didn't say anything about movie marathon" he smiled awkwardly.

"I'm not a deaf" she pouted, putting the fork and knife down on the plate.

"I didn't say anything about movie marathon. Come on, eat your food. We need to get home before 12 or your mum will freak out again" he took another bite and smiled awkwardly at her.


Soon after they finished their dinner, they had to walk to the car through an alley. The alley don't even look dangerous at all and it wasn't dark so it was safe for them. They walked together, linking each other arms.

"Sunggyu-ah, I wanna follow you home" Seohyun smiled at him. "Can I?"

"Yeah sure no problems" he smiled back to her. But then he realized about Kyuwan. His eyes widened. "Oh no, no. You can't follow me"

"Why? You said yes just now. You told me yesterday that your parents isn't home. Let me company you" she pouted.

"Because..err.. Sungyeol is going to company me"

"I still want to follow you! FOLLOW! FOLLOW! FOLLOW!" she screamed and that made Sunggyu shocked and annoyed.

He took a deep breath and pushed Seohyun against the wall. He put both his hand on the wall and stared her eyes. "You can't!" he sricted.

"If you don't want me to follow you, kiss me" she said in a y tone and of course Sunggyu melted with it.

He looked at her lips. Seohyun was still staring at his. She was breathing hard, preparing to be kissed. After that, she closed her eyes. Sunggyu aimed her lips. He took his lips closer to her. Before he could kissed her, there were a gap and that guilty feelings he had in him. He tried to kiss Seohyun, he tried to take his lips closer to her but he can't. He tried several times but he can't. At last he gave up.

"Let's just go home" Sunggyu walked away leaving Seohyun behind.

She opened her eyes and looked Sunggyu walked away "YAH! Wait for me" she ran to Sunggyu and quickly linked her arm to his.


"Kyuwan!" Sunggyu called her name as he entered his house. He was totally late. It was all because of Seohyun. She forced him to stay for a while at her house. He stayed there and had some coffee. 

"Kyuwan!" he called again. No answer. He looked up on the wall clock. It was 1.30 am  "I guessed she must be at her home right now"

He took off his jacket and threw it on the couch. When he was about to go upstairs, he saw his jacket moving on the couch. He slowly walked towards the couch and took the jacket away. A smile on his face occured when he saw his best friend sleeping on the couch. He knew that his best friend won't leave him although she said so.

He lifted her up to his room, putting her on his bed and covered her with his blanket. He sat on the bed and moved Kyuwan's hair from her face. He smiled, knowing that his best friend is beautiful but he never realized it. Knowing that the only person that always be there for him is her. All his guilty feelings fade away when he looked at Kyuwan. He bent a little and kissed on her forehead. He was shocked that he could kiss Kyuwan easily but why not Seohyun. Seohyun is his girlfriend. Although, it was just on forehead but it's still a kiss. He tried to kiss Kyuwan on her lips. He put his lips closer to her and yes he managed to kiss Kyuwan on her lips without any guilty feelings.


"Good morning!" Sunggyu greeted his bestfriend as Kyuwan walked down the stairs, fixing her hair.

"Morning" Kyuwan said and walked towards Sunggyu who was sitting at the dining table. "What are you eating?" she took the plate from him and sat away from Sunggyu at the table.

"YAH! That's my food. Go make one for yourself!" he yelled

"I did this because you came home late last night" she ate a spoonful of his breakfast. "You came home late until I fell asleep. It's your fault!"

"Hey!" he took back the plate and feed himself, "You should be thankful that I let you sleep on my bed. If not, you'll be sleeping on the couch" he smirked.

"Oh yeah" Kyuwan wondered herself how can she get up on Sunggyu's bed. All her questions when she woke up have been answer. "Fine! Thanks" she got up, get her backpack on and walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?"

She turned around. "Home. I need my morning shower" 

"Company me, please"

"No! By the way, Sungyeol did the laundry. So bye!" she walked out without even looking back.


She thought it was stupid decision that she left Sunggyu alone last week. Kyuwan sighed.  If she knew that it was the last time she could hang out with Sunggyu, she won't leave him. And now, it's been a week they haven't meet. What made it cool, it's Sunday morning and Sunggyu didn't come to the taekwondo training lessons. So she had to teach 30 kids by her own.


The lessons were over. She stood at the training room door while waving at the kids who left with their parents. Soon after that Sunggyu appeared in front of her. He smiled awkwardly to her.

"Hi!" he said, waving his hand.

"Oh hey dude. You come early! Next time don't forget to come 'EARLY' again okay. You can come again when the kids have gone to sleep" Kyuwan glared at him and entered the room back, letting the door bumped behind her.

Sunggyu entered the room and quickly helped her picking up some water bottles that the kids left on the floor. "Hey. I wanna say sorry because I'm late"

"I'm sick of your sorry" Kyuwan exclaimed, keeping the punch bag in the cupboard.

"What did you said?" 

"Nothing" Kyuwan sat on the floor and leaned on the wall, wiping her sweats. "Just pick all the bottles. These kids don't even know where to throw the bottles"

When he done with throwing the bottles, he sat beside Kyuwan. "Well you are being to nice to them. You should be more strict"

Kyuwan looked at him and smirked. "If I am too nice in treating them and if you are too good, then why you never come to the training? You only know how to talk but never know how to do it" she drank her water.

"Yah! At least I'm here to help you clean all this mess"

"You know what, this is the fourth time you were late! and I can do this cleaning ALONE!" she threw the bottle at Sunggyu and got up.

"YAH!" he got up and grabbed her hands. "I sincerely am sorry. I promise I won't do this again". Kyuwan turned to face him. "Let's sit and have a talk". So they both sat on the floor, facing each other. Kyuwan was totally annoyed with Sunggyu. He kept saying the word promise but he never fulfill it. "I'm sorry" he apologized.

"Okay! Enough with your sorry. I forgave you" she rolled her eyes.

"Yes! Thank you" his smiles widened.

"Since we rarely meet these days, I have something important to tell you" she exclaimed

"What is it?"

"I got a promotion to study in Japan and I accept it. I'm going there the end of next month"

"What?! You can't go! Why you never tell me about this?" 

"How am I going to tell you if the only thing you do is meeting Seohyun" she let her anger out. She took a deep breath. "I never had a chance to tell you, to talk to you, to have a conversation with you" she started to tear up. "You know what. I really miss to hang out with you, playing games together, watching movies together. I miss doing all those things with you but you!" she pointed out her finger. "You left me just like I'm useless. You left me for that girl. I don't even have friends to hang with. I thought you should know about that"

"Hey! I thought you have Kyuhyun to company you" he exclaimed. Guilty feelings started to fill him.

"Kyuhyun is not my best friend you idiot!" she yelled

"But you are happy when you are with Kyuhyun" he exclaimed.

Only now that she realizes she has such an idiot best friend. "Say whatever you want!" she got up and put her backpack on, she walked towards the exit. 

"You are being emotional because you want me to break up with Seohyun right?"

"What?!" she turned back and crossed her arm.

"You hate Seohyun, you are jealous with her and you just want me to be yours right? You just want to have me all your own right?"

"What the hell are you talking about?! I'm not jealous with Seohyun. Besides just like you said, I have Kyuhyun. I am not being emotional! Is it wrong for me to do a lot of things with my own best friend! Is it wrong?! I'm asking you IS IT WRONG?!" she yelled. "Well if you think that I'm being emotional just because I hate Seohyun and just because you think that I want you all my own, I think we should end our friendship. Just pretend that we never met before!" she walked out the room without even looking back.


Sunggyu stared the ceiling, thinking of what he had done to Kyuwan. He threw the tennis ball on the ceiling several times. He knew that he did wrong. 'Kyuwan is my bestfriend. Why did I say that? I'm such a stupid' he thought. He knew Kyuwan since they were child. Kyuwan never lied or betrayed her. 'I must say sorry to her' 


"Kyuwan, when are you going to Japan again?" Kyuhyun asked, to get a confirmation so he won't miss it to say goodbye to her. They were in the library, doing a final touch for their project.

"I got a letter yesterday and they asked me to go next week" she answered. Not even looking at him.

"So early. Isn't it suppose to be the end of next month?" he asked

"I will start my study there at the end of next month. They asked me to come earlier because they want to make me to feel comfort to be in Japan and they want me to be closer with my foster family before I start my study" she smiled. 

"Okay.Kyuwan, can I ask you something?" Kyuhyun put down his pen and stared Kyuwan who was sitting across her. 

"Hm? What is it?" she responded. Not looking at him.

"Ermm you know we've been friends for a long time and I guess I only can tell this only to you. I think I started to have feelings on someone" 

"Emm yeah. That's good" she kept writing, still not looking at him. "Wait! Feelings? You like someone?" Kyuwan asked, putting down the pen and he nodded. "Who is that lucky girl? Tell me! Tell me!"

"Well she has pretty hair. A fringe. She has a fair skin. She works at a restaurant as her part time. She teaches Taekwondo in her neighborhood. She takes languastic as her major and will proceed her studies in Japan next week. And now she seating right in front of me" he smiled.

Kyuwan looked back. She didn't see any girl at her back only a couple of gay. She widened her eyes. "Me?" she asked. He nodded. "Is today April Fool? You are kidding me don't you?" she continued writing. 

"No I'm not kidding" he stopped her writing by holding her hands. "I trully am like you. I like you since I first met you at the park. You were sitting on th bench, smiling alone while looking at the camera. I like you since there. It is my first-sight love"

"But Kyuhyun" she let go off her hand. "I am so sorry. But I think we should just be friend. I don't have feelings to you"

"Maybe you just need some time" he smiled awkwardly.

"No, it's just I really am don't have feelings on you and will never have. I hope you can understand" she smiled, taking her pen and continued writing.

"Is it because of Sunggyu?" he asked.

She was stunt. She looked up to meet Kyuhyun's eyes. She bit her lips. 'Why did he mention his name?' she thought. She wanted to forget about Sunggyu but when Kyuhyun mentioned his name all the memories of him and her just crossed her mind.  Maybe because he missed Sunggyu so much, that she can see Sunggyu's face on Kyuhyun. She shook her head. "I'll be back later. I need to was my face" she got up from her chair and hurried to the restroom.


She washed her face and she felt fresh and she felt like all her problems has fade away. She looked in the mirror. "I'm going to Japan next week so I will manage to forget him. No problem! Choi Kyuwan! You are a strong girl" 

Soon after that she heard voice from outside the restroom. The voice, she knew the voice, it was Seohyun. The voice become louder. She wanted to know what she's talking about with her friend so she quickly entered one of the toilet and listened to every single words they said.

"So you are going back to Yonghwa?" Seohyun's friend asked.

"Yeah. When's he's back from Japan. I'm gonna dump Sunggyu and go back to Yonghwa. Besides, Yonghwa don't even know that I dated Sunggyu" Seohyun laughed.

"Don't dumped Sunggyu just like that. Pass him to me" she giggled.

"No, don't date him because he's stupid. The other day, I asked him to kiss me but he just left me. He's useless don't date him" Seohyun exclaimed. "You know what, his ugly best friend, that Kyuwan girl I told you the other day, likes him but he never confess. Such a stupid girl" Seohyun put some colour on her lips.

"What?! Did she said I'm ugly and stupid?!" Kyuwan said in a low voice. She continued listening to their conversation.

"Sunggyu is stupid, useless and ugly. I don't know what kind of girl wanna date with that small-eye guy" Seohyun laughed. "I think he and Kyuwan will suit together. Both of them are ugly and stupid" she laughed louder.

Kyuwan can't stand anymore. She opened the toilet door and it was bang! She walked towards Seohyun and gave a really hard slap on Seohyun's face.

She fell on the floor. "MWOYA??!!!" Seohyun yelled. Her cheek was red because of the slap.

"You are lucky because you are a girl. You might get a free flying kick from me if you are a guy" she bent down and hooked Seohyun's hair on her ear. " You know what, I don't even care if you insult me but DON'T YOU EVER DARE INSULT SUNGGYU EVER AGAIN! UNDERSTAND?!" she yelled on her face and stood up straight. "I should go now. You cheek is red now so you don't have to put blusher on" she left the restroom and smiled widely because she managed to hit the girl she hates.


"Hey can I meet you? We need a serious talk" Sunggyu called Kyuwan after Seohyun complained to him about Kyuwan beating her. He didn't call Kyuwan straight away because he was afraid. He knew that he did wrong to Kyuwan but Kyuwan did wrong to his girlfriend so he thought it was fair.

"A talk? I thought you wanna say sorry" Kyuwan responded. How sarcastic. She was packing up her things before she go the Japan the day after tomorrow.

After she said their friendship were over, they never talk to each other or even said sorry to each other. They bumped to each other before but they never talk.

"Just..let'" he sighed. "Tomorrow at the training room. 10am okay?" Sunggyu command.

"What if I say NO?!" she rolled her eyes. 

"JUST COME!" he yelled and it made Kyuwan shocked. "I'm gonna hang up now. So meet you tomorrow. Don't be late!"

"Is it me or you who is gonna be late?" she sarcastic again.

"What is it?" he asked. He heard what she said.

"Nothing. Just. Bye!" she hang up the phone and continued packing up her things.


Before she opened the door, Kyuwan took a deep breath. She had think so hard last night about either she should tell Sunggyu or not about what Seohyun said about him. She didn't care about what Seohyun told him about her after she beated her because she knew that Seohyun must be told lies to him. She slowly opened the door and stepped in. She let the door closed by itself behind her. She stood, freezed there. Not even move an inch. She saw Sunggyu was sitting on the floor facing the door. At that moment, Kyuwan thought that maybe Sunggyu have been waiting for her. Sunggyu stood up when he saw Kyuwan entered the room. He walked towards her. 

"Hey" he greeted with a smile.

When he came closer to her, suddenly words came out from Kyuwan's, "Your girl is a jerk"

"Mwo?! What are you talking about?" he confused. 

"Your lover is a jerk!" she repeated.

"Hey my aim here to meet you is to say sorry" he was still calm.

"Your girl is still a jerk!" she repeated

"Hey, I know you hate her and I know everything about you beat her in the restroom but YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHTS TO CALL HER A JERK! GET IT?!" he yelled on her face.

"YOUR GIRL IS A JERK!" she yelled back. 

Within a minute, a big fist laid on Kyuwan's face. Sunggyu was too mad that he laid a fist on Kyuwan's face. Because of that big fist, Kyuwan immediately fell on the floor. Sunggyu became more violent and mad, he grabbed Kyuwan's jacket and pushed her on the wall. He punched on her stomach several times and Kyuwan was half dead and weak. Soon after that, he realized that Kyuwan don't even punched him back or kick him, so he let go off her and Kyuwan fell on the floor, coughing.  

He took a deep breath, looking at Kyuwan who was in pain on the floor, "Why you didn't hit me back?! Why you didn't slap me just like how you slap Seohyun?! WHY?!" he yelled.

"Because.." she coughed, holding her stomach. "...I promised you that I will never beat or hit you. I thought you already know about this"

His eyes widened. He realized that all those promises that he made with her, he broke all the promises. That moment he realized that he beaten the person that always been there for him, the person that understands him well, the person that he trusted and the person that he called as best friend.

Kyuwan tried to get up but she failed because it was totally hurt. Sunggyu was still stunt with Kyuwan words. Soon after that, Sungyeol came in. 

"Hyung! noona!" he called. "What happened?" he ran to Kyuwan and helped her to get up. He put her hands around her and tried to help her standing up. "Hyung what have you done? She's your best friend! How can you beat her?! Where your heart goes?" Sungyeol exclaimed. Sunggyu was still stunt. 

When they reached the door, Kyuwan asked Sungyeol to stop. "Hey best friend, if you want to know, when you said 'Don't go' the other day after I told you about going to Japan, I was about to cancel it though. But after have you said and done, I guess I made the right decision about going there" Kyuwan glared at Sunggyu. 

Sungyeol brought Kyuwan into the house.


Sunggyu took a walk alone at the park nearby. He was confused who he should believe, his own best friend or his lover. He knew that he should trusted Kyuwan because she's his best friend since they were kid. Seohyun is his lover so he knew that Seohyun would never betray him.

He sat on the bench and looked up at the sky. A meow sound distract him from kept looking at the sky. He looked at the cat and started to talk to it. "What have I done today? I beat her and I should sorry to her, shouldn't I? I know, I know. I have to say sorry".

The cat ran away. "Hey, where are you going? You need to be my listener right now" he followed the cat. The cat ran to a fountain and drank the water from the pond. "You are thirsty, don't you?" he sat beside it and started to play the cat's fur. Later that, he heard a giggling sound. Opposite him, he can see a couple between the fountain. At first he ignored the couple but they giggled again and he knew that giggle voice. It was Seohyun's voice.

He stood up and left the cat. He trailed the voice and walked closer to it. He was stunt and shocked to see that Seohyun with another guy were kissing on their lips. He yelled her name, "SEOHYUN!"

Both, Seohyun and the guy were shocked and they stopped kissing. Seohyun wiped her lips. "Hey Sunggyu, let me explain" she stood up and move closer to Sunggyu. Before she could explained, Sunggyu gave him a slap on her face.

"YAH!" the guy stood up and punched Sunggyu on his face. He fell on the ground.

"Serves you right!" Seohyun exclaimed. "We are over. For your information, Yonghwa and I have been couple before I met you. I date you because I want to fill my loneliness and Yonghwa don't mind because he already knew about it" 

"Yeah dude" Yonghwa bent to meet Sunggyu's eyes. "Go find other woman because hmmm you are not suitable for a girl like Seohyun" he laughed. They both then left, leaving Sunggyu on the ground. 


"Hyung, you are such a stupid guy hyung. Even me a high schooler knows which one is right and wrong and why is it so hard for you hyung?" Sungyeol mumbled. He helped Sunggyu putting some ices on Sunggyu's face. His eyes have swollen. Luckily that Sunggyu's parents wasn't home, if not his parents would nag at him for the whole day.

"Just shut up" Sunggyu muttured. He was laying in the couch.

Sungyeol was annoyed. He stood up and entered the kitchen to take a glass of water. "Fine I will shut my mouth. But I want to ask you something. Do you ever realize how does Kyuwan noona feels about you?"

"What are you talking about?" Sunggyu sat up, still holding ices on his face.

Sungyeol gave the glass to Sunggyu and sat beside him. "You never know don't you? She likes you, hyung. Why you can't see it? You are not blind. Or is it because your eyes are too small?" he laughed.

"YAH! How can you make that harsh joke at this serious talking?!" Sunggyu yelled, he then drank the water.

Sungyeol tried to control his laugh, "Okay hyung I'm sorry. Okay let's get back to serious" he took a deep breath. "I repeat, Kyuwan noona likes you"

"How sure are you?" Sunggyu asked, putting the glass on the table.

"100% sure. She likes you. Okay, hyung try to think logically. Why she forgave you easily when you said sorry to him?"

"Maybe she was just being nice?"

"Okay, why she never broke the promises you made?"

"Because she's a good friend?"

"Okay, why she said that she can sense bad aura in Seohyun?"

"Because she wanted to save me from that ?"

"Erhhh hyunggggg. Why am I having this stupid cousin?" Sungyeol sighed. He almost given up. "Okay, why do you think she said that she changed her mind about going to Japan right after you said 'Don't go' ?"

"Maybe because she's......" Sunggyu was blank.

"THAT'S IT! BECAUSE SHE LIKES YOU HYUNG!!! Why are you so slow hyung???!!!!" he screamed. "You and noona are the same. Both of you are slow. You two are suit to be together"

"YAH! How can you said that to your hyung?!" Sunggyu knocked Sungyeol's head.

"Auch!" Sungyeol rubbed his head. "That's hurt hyung" he groaned. "I'm telling you the truth that she likes you hyung"

Sunggyu stared for a while. Never realized that his own best friend had feelings on him and he did sin to her. He haven't said sorry to her yet. So he thought that he need another serious talk with her and this time he wanted her to be honest. But he confused his feelings too. He liked Seohyun but why was it so hard for him to kiss Seohyun but so easy to kiss Kyuwan?

"Okay, hyung it's late now. I gotta go. See you tomorrow" Sungyeol got up from the couch and left Sunggyu alone in the house.


The next morning, he woke up with such a great guilty feelings in him. He was kept thinking about what had he done to his own bestfriend. He just stared the ceiling, still didn't have his shower or breakfast. He knew that Kyuwan was a very good friend. She took care of him, she was there whenever he needed her, she protected him from some evil people. He remembered when Kyuwan saved him from a bully when they were first became best friend. Since then, he promised himself to protect Kyuwan from the bad people. 'I guess I should protect her from myself' he thought. Tears suddenly went out from his eyes, rolled down his cheek.

He sat up on his bed. He looked around before he opened the drawer next to his bed to take a handkechief. When he opened it, there was an album in it. He took it out and examined the cover of the album. "Best Friend Forever?" he read the titled on the cover. He opened it and the album was filled with a lot of pictures of him and Kyuwan. Most of the pictures were pictures of him that Kyuwan took without he knew about it. All their memories were in the album. Some pages at the back were empty.  He wondered why it was empty, so he flipped the pages and found a letter between it. He opened it and read it.


   Hey, I guess when you read this letter maybe I'm on my flight to go to Japan. I asked Sungyeol to put it in your drawer and he did right? Such a good dongsaeng. keke. Anyways, you know although I said our friendship is over but actually I don't really want it to be over. We still can be friends right? I hope you can forgive me if I did something wrong to you. I know that I should say this long time ago but I don't have confidence to say this. But I still have to say so that you know that I love you. I love you more than a friend. I wanted to confess but seeing you so happy when you get to ask Soehyun to date, I feel guilty to tell you my feelings. Because I don't want our friendship to be ruin because of my stupid confessions. I hope you are happy with Seohyun and make sure you take a really good care of her okay? She's your girl. Don't hit her just what you did to me? Kekkeke. The blank page in the album, I did let it blank because I want you to fill it with pictures of you and Seohyun or your new best friend. When I get back to Korea, I wanna see that it is full with lots of pictures.  Okay bye now.

P/S : I love you ^^


Choi Kyuwan."

Tears fell down on the letter. He folded back the letter and keep it back in the album. That moment he realized, the girl that he likes is actually Choi Kyuwan. The girl that really suits him is Kyuwan. He made the wrong decisions to date Seohyun and not realize Kyuwan's true feelings. No wonder he felt empty when Kyuwan wasn't there and no wonder he felt guilty when he tried to kiss Seohyun. It ws because of Kyuwan. Kyuwan was the right girl for him and not Seohyun.

He stood up and wiped his tears. He rushed downstairs to meet his mother in the kitchen.

"Hey, you are not going to send Kyuwan to the airport?" his mum asked, pouring some water in the glass.

"Airport? Why?" he asked. Confused.

"She's going to Japan today" his dad interrupt.

"But she said it's next month and not today"

"She has to go today because they want Kyuwan to get to use with Japan first before she starts her tudy there" his mum explained.

At that moment, Sunggyu remembered about the letter, ' Hey, I guess when you read this letter maybe I'm on my flight to go to Japan'. "Oh shoot. Mum, dad, I'm going now. You two are not coming?" Sunggyu asked, putting on his boot.

"No. We need to visit your grandma later" his mum explained.

"Okay, can you throw me the car key?" he asked his dad. His dad took the car key that was hand on the wall and throw it to him. "Thanks!"

"Drive safely" his mum shouted when he stepped outside the house.

He drove his car all the way to Incheon airport. On his way, he was praying so that Kyuwan's flight get delayed or anything happened so that he could meet Kyuwan. 


When he arrived, he immediately called Sungyeol. "YAH! Sungyeol, where are you? Are you with Kyuwan right now?"

"We are at the departure station. She's saying goodbye to her parents now. Soon, she's going to enter the flight. Where are you hyung?" Sungyeol sounds anxious.

"Okay stay there. I'm coming" he hang up the phone and quickly searched for the departure station. Since the airport is so big and it was his first time to arrive there, he was kinda lost in searching the departure station.


"Hey dongsaeng" Kyuwan called Sungyeol and hugged him. "Thanks for being there for me. I will find for you some cute girls there"

"Ahhh noona. I can find my own girl" Sungyeol pouted in cute way. Kyuwan ruffled his hair.

Kyuwan turned to Kyuhyun and hugged him, "Thanks for being my friend. I appreciate it" 

"Yeah sure no problem. I'm glad that I can be your..... friend" Kyuhyun said. He was actually still dissapointed about Kyuwan rejected him.

"Noona. You don't want to wait for Sunggyu hyung?" Sungyeol asked. Soon after that, an announcement made. The call for the passengers who took the flight to Japan.

"I guees not. They called. See you two again next year!" Kyuwan smiled and headed to her parents who were waiting for them with her luggages. She wanted to cry but held it in. She looked around, in case Sunggyu was coming or not but she knew that he wouldn't come so she looked away.

"CHOI KYUWAN! STOP! THERE!" suddenly someone shouted her name. She turned around and she looked Sunggyu was running to her. Kyuwan stopped from whatever she did. Sunggyu stopped running right in front of her. He bent and took his breath. He looked up and smiled. "You... huhh...stop..huhh..thanks.." he was totally out of breath. 

"Yeah, I stop" Kyuwan smiled. It was funny to look Sunggyu was half dead because of running.

"Gimme...a ... sec" he stood up straight and took a deep breath. He looked at Kyuwan and smiled. Kyuwan was about to say something but Sunggyu quickly hugged her so tight. "Please...don't...go..." he whispered in her ear.

"But I have to" Kyuwan answered

"I love you. Don't leave me. I want to fill that empty pages with our memories. Please don't say goodbye. You promise not to leave me" he whispered. He let everything that he felt for her.

Kyuwan was stunt. She let go his hug. "I'm sorry but I have to. You broke our promises too"

"Please" Sunggyu held her hand. "I'm sorry about those promises. I know I was wrong and I am so so sorry. We can be more than friends now. Just please, don't leave me"

An anouncement made. It was a final call for the passengers to enter the flight. 

"They called. I really have to go now" she let go his hands. "I'll meet you next year" she ran to her luggages and prepared to enter the flight.

Sunggyu was stunt and shocked that he couldn't believe that his best friend left him now.


1 year later : 

As what she promised to her parents and the others, Kyuwan finally returned to her hometown, Korea. She waited on the chairs while reading the magazine. Waiting for Sungyeol to pick her up. She missed her home, she missed her parents, she missed her cat, she missed everyone especially Sunggyu. She was hoping that Sunggyu could pick her up but Sungyeol said he was busy with their next comeback.

"Hey noona!" Sungyeol greeted her from the back. 

Kyuwan was shocked and accidentally fell the magazine on the floor. "Oh my gosh. You scared me!" he slapped his arm and picked up the magazine. Sungyeol laughed and made himself comfort sitting beside her. "Someone has been popular now" she said, looking at Infinite photos in the magazine.

"Yeah, Sunggyu hyung and I went to the audition and bothof us are accepted and Sunggyu hyung is the leader" he explained.

"Aigooo, my dongsaeng has grown up. Your face is so manly in here. I guess I fell in love with you" she laughed, teasing him. "Can I be your girlfriend?"

"Eeeeuww noona. Aren't you a lesbian?" Sungyeol laughed.


After she yelled, she was ready to chase Sungyeol in the airport. Sungyeol quickly stood up and ran to save his life from Kyuwan. He ran so fast that Kyuwan couldn't even chased him. She finally gave up because it was hard for her to run with the high heels and her luggage. So she dicided to just walk while searching for Sungyeol. When she walked, she didn't look in front so she bumped into someone. Without looking who she bumped into, she said "Sorry"

"It's okay" the guy said.

She looked up and it was Sunggyu who she bumped into. A smile occured on her face. "Sunggyu. What are you doing here? Sungyeol said that you are busy for the next comeback"

"He said that? Oh actually we raced together to see who found you first and I guessed he won. You ran after him right?" Sunggyu explained.

Kyuwan nodded and looked at Sunggyu up and down. "Woahh, your outfit is very pretty and your eyes have become smaller" she laughed.

"Thank you and I assumed the second one as a compliment" he said and smiled. "Finally you came back"

"Yeah, I'm back. I promised you. That's why I didn't say goodbye back then" she smiled.

"May I ask you something?" Sunggyu asked.

"What is it?"

"Are you still available?" 

Kyuwan smiled and nodded. "I'm still single. You?"

"I'm single too" he answered it. Without a gap, Sunggyu put his hand on Kyuwan's neck and kissed her on her lips in the public.

After they kissed, Kyuwan was shocked so do Sunggyu. "What was that?" she asked.

"I guess that means we need to fill the empty pages with lot of us" he smiled. Kyuwan smiled to him back. Not believing that she finally got Sunggyu as his boyfriend and soon as his husband. "Come let's go home. Your parents are waiting for you" Sunggyu smiled and took Kyuwan's luggage. "Let's go", he said, letting Kyuwan to linked his arm.

"I guess today is my happiest day" Kyuwan said while walking.

"Me too" Sunggyu responded.

"And me too" Sungyeol hugged them from the back. He appeared out of nowhere. "It's nice to see you both get back together"


Without Sunggyu and Kyuwan knowing, it was actually Sungyeol's plan to make them bumped into each other in the airport.




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longest one-shot everrrrrrrrrrrr. good job