Chapter 2

The Colour of LOVE


My working hour are over. I think I did the best for today.I’ve only been working in here is about a couple of weeks. Baekhyun that helps me to be able to work in here, that’s why I don’t want to dissapoint him. Cafe where I work is owned by Chanyeol, Baekhyun’s boyfriend. Baekhyun work in here too, as the head coordinator.

I changed my uniform to my clothe in locker room. I washed my face in the bathroom. When I step my feet, I met Hyoyeon, my senior. I smiled to her.

“Oh yeah, Kyungsoo, It seems there is some boy asked and looked for you.” Said Hyeoyeon turned around and went to the bathroom.

“Hm? Are you sure?” I chuckled take it as a joke. I just took it like a joke, because I just work in here, I’m a new worker. I’m working at the back, so there are no costumers who know me.

“Yeah. I’m sure, boy. I think he already went home.” Hyoyeon Speaked from the bathroom.

I don’t know who is he and he wants from me. I hummed while I back at locker room to took my bag. I walked outside and met Baekhyun, “Baek, want to go home together?”

“I’m afraid I can’t do that, Kyung. I still have a work in here, and Chanyeol would take me home.” Baekhyun said while he hold his papers work.

“Yaeah it’s okay. Then see you tomorrow!” I waved my hand to Baekhyun.

I went outside while I put my bag to my shoulder. I walked. Suddenly there was a boy much taller than me, and have skin a little  bit darker than I am, and he blocked my way. I confused with what he did. He looked at me, his gaze so—nervous I think. I didn’t mind iit and took any other way to pass him.

Not a long time he called my name, “Kyungsoo?”

I turned to him and said, “Yeah? Can I help you?”

The boy came to me, “Can I take you home?”

I smiled at the tip of my lips, “You don’t have to, my home is near from here.Just need to take bus.” I started to walked.

He followed beside me, “if that so, I change my question. Do you want to go together? Rumahku juga dekat dari sini.”

I chuckled, “Yeah, if you say so, let’s get the bus together.”

 We went together until arrived at the bus stop. We waiting for the next bus. We keep talked. When I saw his face, it’s kinda I have a feeling for him. He looks so intersting. I think. The next bus just arrive, then we walked in the bus. The bus not so crowd, so we can sit. We sat at back of the bus. He offered to changed our phone number. And I thought it’s okay, because we started to know each other.

Then, we get down at the next bus stop. I’m not so much hope that he’s driving me home because he took the initiative to drive me home. We go through a few blocks and finally arrived in front of my house.

“Yap, I think this is the end of our—conversation today?” I suggested.

“Hm. I don’t think so, we already have each other number. So why this is gonna the end?” He said with his smile in his face.

I chuckled, “Okay. Be careful on your way, tell me if you get safely at home.”

“I will.” He walked backward for while, then he went home.

I came in. Smiled. I took of my shoes, and went to the kitchen to drink a glass of water. While I hold the glass, I thought of that boy.

Then I heard my mom voice, “Why my son looked so happy today? Is that something special?”

“Mom, you suprised me!” I sat and placed my bag beside me. My mom took the other side to sat.  “So why are you happy?” Mom asked again the same question.

“Nothing happened, mom. No such a special event.” I said

“I don’t think so.” Mom joked. She came closer to me, then tried to read my face.

“It’s for sure mom.” I stand up then get back to my room. I better took that step, before mom can read my face!

I’m living with my mom. My dad just went, don’t know where he went. It’s kind like he runned away from us, because he can’t provides us with money or with love. I hate him, but I can’t hate him for real because he’s my father, my biological father.

We live just the of us, sometimes I felt so sad because I have to looked my mom work very hard to provides everything. I couldn’t stand to see my mom so tired. I decided to stufy very hard, so I got the full schoolarship, then it can reduce her burden. And I looked for an additional money with working part-time job.

I cleaned up myself in the bathroom, and I saw my mom watched TV. I feel so tired then I just straight back to my room. Then I rest my body in my bed, and looked at my phone. There is messaged  from Jongin.

Hey, I’m home. Just got back safely :)

I smiled to the text that I received. Then I replied.

It’s good. So go get some rest.

When I put back my phone on the table, there is vibrated in my phone.

Can we meet again? Tomorrow?

I replied.

It’s sounds good. We can meet after my shift over.

Then I sleep.


In the next day, Jongin was waiting for kyungsoo in front of the cafe. They already made a promise meet up. Jongin went outside, then kyungsoo came out with a litte run.

“Did you wait too long? I’m sorry.” Kyungsoo said

“Ah, It’s nothing. Just about a couple of minutes.” Jongin answered.

“So what are we gonna do now? You dressed so well.” Kyungsoo laughed.

“I’m usually dressed like this if i want to go out with someone that interest.”



Okay! si this is another chapter. I just got so excited, because there are new subcribers for this story! I'm so happy so Just got an idea ahha.. anyway thanks for trust me to subcribe this story, and I will work hard to write another chapter.

Yeah, Kaisoo will be on a date! but I just make a different chapter so another chapter you will know, that they will have a date, not an officially date! 

what do you think about my story? please comment, I want to know what you think, and I already fix chpater 1. 

I'm in my holiday right now! not doing anything, just stay at home.

I want to introduce myself to all of you! it's date okay? I'll let you show my picture in the next chapter. no matter what you gonna say, but I'll show you myself. 

Thanks for reading my story, and please please please don't be silent reader. just comment anything! 

thank you for the subcriber. again. I'm so excited!! (Sorry for the long author's note)


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