This Pain Is Unbearable


Never knowing what love is , she was alone. She always wonder how it felt like to be loved, how it feels like to be hug. How it feels like to be kissed by the only person you love. How it feels like to have butterflies in your tummy and how it feels like to blush. But one thing that she doesn't know is that, love can always break your heart. It can always bring you sadness , stress, and pain that you never felt before. Sure, it does feel great at the same time, but the pain are physically and mentally breaking you down into pieces. The man that you gave eveyrhting to, the man that you love with all your heart, the man that you have all your hopes in, the man that can only bring happiness to you, and can bring you a smile. The man that can take you to heaven and bring you back. But also can take you down to hell or down to a place that you never want to go is the man that you love with all your heart. You give them everything, you give them your whle heart but you always question yourself , "where do i stand? Who am i to you? What place am I in your life? Can you please just give me a place in your heart?"


" You're the only one I love."

       " I love you only "

             " Don't you know how much you're hurting me?"

                      " I'm sorry for hurting you, I never want it to be like this, all I ever wanted was you in my life. And no one else.."

                              " If only you were her with me, I wouldn't be hurting like this"

                                     " Why is this world so cruel to us?"




Hello there ! How are you doing today? Thank you for dropping by, this will be a new story written by me. Please subscribe and comment below :) Chapters will be updated every 2 or 3 days since i have work and school is starting soon. Goodbye Lovelies!!



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