Chapter Two

every cloud has a silver lining
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his words and everything about him saying "every cloud has a silver lining" because his written journal about the theatre department didn't make it to the final run for the local newspaper and Luhan accidentally mixed his favorite white shirt into his colored clothes basket. 

"Since when did you actually feel kind enough to do my laundry for me?" Baekhyun grumbles he picks up the white that has become a mixture of black, blue, and red. 

"Was feeling generous," he shrugs.

See, if Luhan was a proper human being, he will apologize once he knows he s up but "Luhan" and "proper human being" don't necessary go well with one another.

"You stress me out; I swear I'm growing white hair because of you."

"Hey don't put it all on me; Sehun is a big part of your fast aging phase too."

Luhan doesn't say sorry; he only tries to make things better. "Actions are better than words" is one of Luhan strong life morals. Baekhyun had praised and admired him for believing such thing before Luhan nonchalantly added, "that's why I like to have with everyone that I'm interested in."     

"How about I treat you to dinner tonight? Old style barbecue with just me and you. Like old time," Luhan pulls Baekhyun in a tight side hug and Baekhyun whines at the closeness. Luhan is being all sappy and disgusting again. 

"I'm not having with you though," Baekhyun indicates with a loose grin.

"See Baekhyun, somewhere in your pathetic imagination, you always tell yourself that one day I might be
 just slightly into you." 

Baekhyun slaps the side of Luhan's head, "you owe me a shirt!"
"Yeah yeah," Luhan mumbles before walking to the door. "Come on, you tiny ball, we don't have all night."

Luhan always gives ing weird and disturbing nicknames so Baekhyun snaps back in disapproving tone before he rushes out of the door too.

So nothing good really happened that day but at least he can look forward to some good grill pork bellies. 


It's a rather a awesome sight when he sees Taeyeon is sitting at one of the tables with one of her friends.

She seems different with her friend, a lot more laid back and loose. Baekhyun suddenly wonders why she had acted so differently around him; so controlled and persistent. 

"Luhan," a girl in dark red hair, who sits next to Taeyeon, calls out to Luhan and Taeyeon looks up before waving at Luhan with a bright smile. 

"You know them?" Baekhyun frowns in confusion as he glances Luhan from the side. 

"Of course," he smiles with his teeth and all as he waves back at the girls with way too much enthusiasm. He looks ugly like that. "I use to help them carry some of the music equipments to the stage all the times."

See here's the thing about Luhan, he is way too ing nice and everyone likes him. Baekhyun likes to believes it's only the mask that he's wearing because only Baekhyun truly knows how malicious that er is. 
Taeyeon's smile immediately drops when her eyes drag to Baekhyun and the light smile on Baekhyun's face promptly dissolves away too. 

"Come and sit with us," the girl with the red hair suggests and before Taeyeon can even disapprove, Luhan already drops on the chair in front of them. 

With a low sigh, Baekhyun follows right after while being very aware of Taeyeon's stern eyes on him the whole time. 

"So here we are again," Baekhyun tries with a quite chuckle and Taeyeon's expression speaks something of 'don't even bother.' 

"You two met before?" Luhan looks at them with curious eyes before he feeds himself a piece of the meats from the grill. 

Baekhyun concludes that when Jongdae had told Baekhyun about Taeyeon, Luhan was probably too busy focusing on the soccer match on TV. 

He ponders on what he should tell to Luhan. 

"No. We never met. He's nobody," Taeyeon holds firm and the tight smile on her lips hold so much superiority, Baekhyun had never thought such attitude can be so attractive. 

"For now I guess," he sighs teasingly, not leaving Taeyeon's gaze. "I'm trying to ask her out her a date."

"We both know that's not what you are truly seeking for," Taeyeon shoots back.

"So we have met before?" With a brow raised, he knows he gets her at where he wanted. 

She doesn't speak, only fixing her glare on him as if she is threatening to not speak another word.

"I'm so confused," Luhan glances back and forth between them. "Are you guys ually frustrated with each other or something?"

The red hair girl covered her laughter with her hand from that statement. 

Baekhyun kind of wants to throw a laugh too but his chance isn't given when he's suddenly being pulled by Taeyeon out of door.

Taeyeon drags him to the corner and when she is sure that no one was around, she turns to face him. She doesn't look pissed; just confused.

"What are you doing?" There's this hint of exhaustion lingering around her thin tone and Baekhyun is questioning his action all of the sudden. Did he take things too far?


"From which aspect did I somehow give you an idea that I might want to sleep with you?" She throws her hands up but her voice is really quiet. Maybe only now that Baekhyun has recognize the softness in her voice. How each word ends with a quiet breath. It's like unravelling a new side of Taeyeon; seeing something more than the girl who had punched him damn good in the face. But Taeyeon isn't that loose to let people peel of the layers that easily. "I'm not looking for this kind of relationship. Maybe you are, but I'm just not."

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ohbaektae #1
Update please ㅠㅠ
yasmin98 #2
Chapter 2: Please update this story authornimmm
patriciasj97 #3
Please update this story soon... Please..
Chapter 1: are you sure this is the first chapter bc istg this chap only already had so much more meaning than half of the fanfics out there omg. i love it woohoo up to read chapter 2!
I really enjoyed your first fic, so I was definitely not disappointed with this one. The storyline is really interesting and I really love your writing style ^_^ HAHAH I love how the exo members all equally piss Baek off :P Looking forward to the next chapter!!
ohbaektae #7
Chapter 2: omygod this story is really interesting and great!! ♡
looking forward for the next chap!! :D
Yassoshi24 #8
I like it !
hunhanmyonlyaffship #9
Chapter 1: Interesting, I like how BaekYeon confront with each other *sparks* XD. Keep up with this great story Authornim!