The Surprising Moment

∞ The Bodyguard ∞
Chapter Six
The Suprising Moment
“Do you want some sugar?” Sungjong asked as he held out a jar of sugar.
“Naw,” I told him as I shook my head. “Why are we here? Shouldn’t we be going back to the company?”
“I wanted to treat you out and don’t worry we’ll be back in time,” Sungjong told me. “This is just me thanking you.”
“I was just doing my job,” I pointed out because saving Sungjong wasn’t a big deal. I was just doing what they were paying me to do.
“No,” Sungjong said after he took a sip of his coffee. “Our first bodyguard was just using us to gain a promotion.”
I bit my lip because that is exactly what I was doing and I was surprised that Joon hadn’t told them. Maybe it would be best if I didn’t say anything because by the time I finish my little punishment Infinite’s case would hopefully be solved.
“The other bodyguard took photos of us while we were shirtless and sold them to the fans,” Sungjong said in-between gritted teeth. “Our third bodyguard yelled at us too much and made Dongwoo cried and well our fourth guard well we took care of him.”
That explained why Infinite had been so guarded from the moment I started this job.
“Took care of him?” I asked raising an eyebrow.
“That’s a story for another time,” Sungjong smiled then he looked at me as if he was taking me in once again. “The only person we can really trust is Joon-Hyung he has been guarding us since this whole accident happen. Anyways that's why we haven’t been so nice to you and I’m sorry for that. We shouldn’t have judged you but as you can see from our past experiences we had no choice. I honestly thought you were going to quit the first day I’m glad you didn’t.”
“I eh thank you I guess.”
“Just stay strong nuna and I’m sure my hyungs will start behaving well soon. They are just angry that our promotions are cut short and we have to be babysat twenty-four seven,” Sungjong told me with a smile.
I couldn’t help but smile back. At least, I had one person on my side that didn’t think I was an idiot. Now that I was on good terms with Sungjong and he was sitting in front of me there were some questions I wanted to ask.
“So,” I looked up at him as I tapped the hot mug with my ring finger. “Did you see the man that tried to break into your house?”
I looked up Sungjong who was now frowning at me but he didn’t yell nor did he get up and leave. Instead, he let a sigh as he ran a hand through his hair then looked up at me.
“Why do you want to know?” he asked as he stared into my eyes.
“Because if I’m going to protect you, then I need to know what I’m up against,” I told him confident.
Sungjong let out another sigh then looked up at me. “I don’t think anyone broke in.”
‘What?” I looked at him with wide eyes.
Sungjong frown then began to talk. “I don’t think anyone broke in,” he repeated himself. “That day Sungyeol wasn’t feeling very well so we left him in the dorm by himself. Two hours later we received a call saying that someone has broken into the house. We honestly thought that someone had killed Sungyeol to keep us shut from talking but when the police arrived there was nothing. Sungyeol had locked himself in the closet with a knife but the masked man that he told everyone about didn’t even exist.”
“What?” I looked at him still confused. “The information I was given said that the criminal broke into the house that's why you needed two bodyguards.”
“That’s what the official report said but I don’t think anyone broke in. None of our stuff was taken or even went through. The windows were still locked and by the way, it would be impossible to climb through one considering that we don’t live on the ground floor. Oh also the front door was locked and the double bolt was untouched too.”
“So,” I paused. “Sungyeol lied.”
“He hasn’t been feeling well,” Sungjong admitted to me. “Seeing something as horrible as someone dying in a cruel manner is enough to make anyone go crazy. You saw him yesterday in the dance studio so you can kind of understand where he is at...”
“But you seem to be coping well,” I pointed out.
Sungjong frowned. “Everyone has their own way of coping. Some are better than others.”
I wanted to push more on the matter but right then my phone began to buzz in my pocket.
“Hold on,” I told Sungjong as I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone.
“Joon?” I said to myself as I saw the caller ID.
“Hello,” I said as I placed the phone to my ear.
“Where are you?” Joon blurted into the phone.
“Oh with Sungjong we are in,” I paused looking around the cafe. “I don’t really remember the name bu-”
“Sungjong should have been in the practice room half an hour ago!” Joon screamed.
“WHAT!” I shouted looking down at my old wrist watch. “It’s only eleven fifteen Sungjong has ano-”
“Didn’t you get my text! Infinite has another schedule so he needs to be back earlier. Oh and don’t say that the radio show got out late because I’ve called them. You know better to take Sungjong out by yourself!”
“I eh sorry sir,” I told him my voice full of panic.
“Just get back here!” Joon snapped at me as he hung up the phone.
“What’s going on?” Sungjong looked at me.
“We have to go,” I told him standing up.
“Why?” Sungjong gave me a confused look.
“You’re late and I’m about to get fired.”
“I’m sure everything will be fine,” Sungjong told me as we walked down the hallway towards the practice room.
"Easy for you to say you aren't hated by Joon,” I pointed out my stomach in knots.
Sungjong shook his head in agreement, "You're right you're probably going to get fired soon. You can work at the circus now or maybe you can be a gym teacher?”
“Stop it you’re making it worst,” I snapped in his direction but Sungjong took my warning as a joke and started to laugh.
I frown in his direction causing him to laugh even louder.
“Maybe I should have just left you behind with those thugs,” I scoffed as we turned the corner.
“I’m just kidding Yenny,” Sungjong playfully shoved my shoulder. “If they didn’t fire you after your crazy moment yesterday then they’re not going to fire you now.”
“Oh yeah,” I frown as I try to push away the thoughts of my mess up.
“The hyungs wished they recorded it,” Sungjong confessed.
“I bet they did,” I scoffed.
“Hey don’t worry too much. I’ll vow for you,” Sungjong promise as we reached Infinite’s practice room. “They won’t fire you so don’t get too worked up.”
“I hope,” I said more to myself as Sungjong open the door.
As we stepped inside, I was immediately hit with the smell of B.O and dirty underwear.
“Gross,” I said to myself as I covered my nose.
“You’ll get use to it,” Sungjong said as he tossed his bag to the side where the other members stuff were.
“LEE SUNGJONG!” a voice screamed making us jump.
Sunggyu and Woohyun walked forward both wearing workout clothes. Woohyun’s bangs were placed in a ponytail making him look like a little kid while Sunggyu’s face was covered in sweat and I swear he was the one causing the odor in the dance studio.  The rest of the room was empty and I couldn’t help but wonder where the rest of the members were.
“Oh hyungs,” Sungjong said nonchalantly.
“Don’t oh hyungs us!” Sunggyu snapped at the youngest.
“You were supposed to be a here an hour ago and I saw you were shopping too!” Woohyun pointed out.
“What are you stalking us? Seriously Hyung’s I didn’t know I was that interesting,” Sungjong smirked.
“This little brat-“
“What’s the big deal it’s not like this dance isn’t engraved into my head already,” Sungjong stood there with his hands folded as he yelled back at the older members. I was thankful that I wasn’t on his bad side.
“And you!” Sunggyu looked at me.
. I knew I should have left sooner.
“You’re his guard, not his best friend!” Sunggyu yelled at me as his small eyes became even smaller.
“I didn-”
“Don’t yell at Yenny!” Sungjong defended me.
“Lee Sungjong you better go change before I released photos of you shirtless,” Woohyun snapped Sungjong.
Sungjong face dropped then his eyes formed slits. “I can and I will make your life hell.”
Woohyun face dropped and for a second it looked like he was scared but then Sunggyu spoke up.
“Go change Sungjong and Yenny next time you better make sure he is on time.”
“Go before I post the photos of the time Sungyeol drew all over face with a maker,” Sunggyu threaten Sungjong.
Sungjong frown then looked up at me. “Bye Yenny.”
“Bye Sungjong!” I said with a smile than I bowed towards the angry boys and quickly exited the room before they could yell at me.
I will never ever get on Sungjong’s bad side as long as I live. That kid is seriously scary I guess he had to be growing up with six men.
“Yenny!” a voice screamed behind me. I turn my head to see Sungyeol running after me. His hair was placed in a small bun and his handsome face was covered in sweat. He was wearing a long white tee shirt that contained random holes. I wasn’t sure if it was supposed to be that way or if it was from the years of wearing it. He was wearing a pair of blue jeans that made me wonder how he could or why he would dance in them.
“Are you going to yell at me?” I asked him when he reached me. “Because I think Woohyun and Sunggyu already beat you to the punch.”
“What no,” Sungyeol said with a confused face. “Joon wants to talk to you.”
“Oh,” my face felt cold as my heart started to beat faster.
“He’s at the cafe next door it seems to be an emergency,” Sungyeol added.
“So yeah you should get going,” Sungyeol told me as he ran a hand through his hair and gave me a small smile.
I turn around ready to go meet my fate, after all, I was going to get fired. There was no other explanation why I had to meet Joon so urgently.
“Hey,” Sungyeol called after me.
“Yes?” I asked as I looked back at him.
“Are know okay?” Sungyeol asked and I could actually see the concern on his face.
What was this?
They all hated me well except for Sungjong so why was he acting like this.
“Yes,” I said a flashed him a fake smile.
“Don’t be so harsh on yourself because it will get better.” Then he pumped his fist in the air and screamed. “Fighting Yenny.”
Then Sungyeol left me there slightly confused and scared. What was that? Why did he care how I was feeling? I push away my thoughts of confusion and started to walk through the hallway.
I could hear Joons words in my mind telling me that I was fired. I could hear the chief telling me that I was a failure and disgrace to the police force.
My mind started to become numb because this is the only way I could hear such cruel words. I needed to become numb to everything so I wouldn’t get hurt.
But as much as I tried to become numb to cover up the worries and pain I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of heartache.
After all, my dream of becoming a detective on the special team was soon disappearing.
Dreams don’t come true not when you’re me.
It only took me ten minutes to reach the small cafe that was located right next to the entertainment company. The small cafe was full of people who were unaware of my downfall.
I open the door causing the bell to ring but the sound was lost in the busy crowd.
My eyes scanned the crowd till they landed on Joon, who was sitting at a round table in the back of the restaurant. His hair was perfectly styled as if he was some sort of model. The sleeve on his black button up shirt was rolled up showing off his perfectly toned arms.
I took a deep breath trying to calm my crazy mind.
I’ve been fired before and I’ve been yelled at so I can handle this.
I can handle this.
I pushed through the crowd ignoring the smell of coffee and pastries. I hadn’t eaten lunch yet and my stomach was angrily growling at me.
“Joon,” I called his name when I finally reached him. He looked up from his black tablet and frowned.
“Listen,” I told him taking a deep breath. “I realize I was late bring Sungjong back and I also took him out shopping without your permission but I-”
Joon suddenly stood up causing me to take a step backward.
“I hope you're at least good at this,” Joon smirked then suddenly he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him.
I let out a gasp as I looked up at Joon. His dark brown eyes stared into mine as he leaned forward causing me to close my eyes tightly.
Suddenly I felt my heart drop into a roller coaster.
Then I felt something soft touch my lips and the scuff of his beard rubbing against my cheeks. The innocent kiss turned into a rough one as if he was trying to fight for dominance. I lost myself in the kiss and I forgot who I was or why I was even there.
All that matter was his lips on mine and his hands on my cheeks.
My name is Park Yenny and I’m kissing my partner.

Happy Valentine’s Day!
I’m not sure if it’s Valentine’s Day where you live but if it is then Happy V day.
I’m sorry this is such a short chapter but I think it’s full of a lot of important information. Plus the ending defiantly goes with today’s holiday. Even though I didn’t plan it out that way.
By the way I’m really sorry for not posting yesterday. As I had written yesterday I left my charger at home and I couldn’t update but I hope you will forgive me. Anyways I really hope you liked this chapter.
Ps. PLEASE don’t be afraid of writing comments. I LOVE comments!
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looshyhooshy #1
Chapter 15: heyyy..
welcome back!!
Chapter 12: OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG~~~~~~~~~~~~!
Chapter 12: Now it is a great day!
enchanting crack....
Chapter 10: Missed ur writing to pieces!!
so very happy to come across another great story and i'm a er for bodyguarding...and infinite.
i like ur version of their idol life(sure looks like them) and especially their characters.
gyurain #5
Chapter 10: She's so screwed...
Astro12boy #6
Oh my god!! I can't believe he kissed her! I can't wait till the next chapter!
Rainbowfather1 #7
Thank you for posting this story. I'm really enjoying it!!
I can't believe those fangirls were so mean!!
Kylie1234 #8
I love this story! It's so well written and I love the OC.
looshyhooshy #9
Still waiting for you dear ..
Hope that your lack of updates isn't because something bad has happened!