The Business Trip

∞ The Bodyguard ∞


Chapter 15
“I’m not sure if I’m doing the right thing anymore,” I confessed to the glass wall. “A part of me wants to run around trying to figure out Mother's case while the other side of me wants the past stay in the past. I know that she wasn’t crazy but the evidence is stack against her and even Dad believes she's crazy.”
I let out a sigh I closed my eyes. “It’s just I love my Mother but is it too late to solve this crime? If I go for it then I could lose everything. I could lose my promotion and whatever I had built in the last couple of years. It would all be gone for a case that isn’t even open anymore.”
I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts. “Grandparents what should I do?”
I looked into the small box that contained both of my grandparent's ashes and family photos. Right in the center was a photo of me. I was almost nine, squished between my grandparents giving a toothy grin.
They were my grandparents but they had acted more like parents.
After she had left my grandparents took me in so my Father cou-
A soft vibration hit the side of my leg taking me away from my thoughts. I pulled out my cellphone to a single text message from
From Orange:
Don’t be late
I rolled my eyes as I placed the phone back in my pocket.
If I could I would be running to my bed right so I could avoid what was going to happen in the next couple of days.
I let out a sound of disgust as Joon’s words replayed in my mind.
“We need to up the surveillance on Infinite so we need you to move into the dorm. Don’t worry you'll be getting your own room.”
I scoffed as if getting my room will make up for those smelly boys! Joon...he also lived there too.
I whined as I stomped my feet against the floor thinking about last night. He should have just left me on my doorstep after telling me those words but no. He had to take me there so I would make a fool of myself.
“Where are we?” I asked Joon once I got out of the car. Joon left his headlights on so I could see that we were now standing in a grassy field.
I suddenly had a feeling that I was about to get murdered. I mean why else would he bring me to an empty grassy field in the middle of the night if he didn’t plan on killing me.
“Ready,” Joon shut the door with a loud bang.
“Ready for what?” I took a step back as my face started to feel unnaturally cold.
Joon took something out of his coat pocket and it took me a couple of seconds to comprehend what exactly he was holding.
“OH, MY GOD!” I fell to the ground grabbing ahold of my head. “DON’T KILL ME!”
I should I have known that Joon would be the one who would murder me! I’m not exactly on his nice list, am I?
“What are you doing,” Joon asked above me.
I slowly looked up to see Joon frowning in my direction still holding onto the gun.
“A-Are you,” I cleared my voice, “going to kill me?”
Joon gave me a blank look and once again fear rushed throughout my body.
Joon must be working for someone! The chief? My old coworker? The guy I cut off yesterday?
Maybe not.
I don’t know why but he’s going to kill me. Did the members of Infinite pay him to get rid of me?
Then suddenly Joon started to laugh and to be honest that was way more terrifying than the gun in his hand.
“What?” I snapped at him standing up from the ground. “Why is your gun out and... why are you laughing?!”
“Because only you would think of something that crazy,” Joon laughed as he patted my head.
If I could shoot you I would right now.
Then as if Joon realized what he was doing his face pulled back into an unemotional expression.
“I’m here to teach you how to shoot,” Joon told me as he opens the back car door to pull out a brown box that contained balls, cans, an old pair of shoes, and a paper bag full of something random.
“But I know how to shoot! I actually was the best shooter in my class,” I told him proudly.
“It’s a lot different out in the field and it’s not like you've spent years out there either,” Joon added.
“I’ve done enough field work,” I retorted.
Joon cocked an eyebrow. “I read your report Yenny before you joined the team.”
“Oh yeah,” I replied my heart dropping.
“You were the best in your class at the academy and you even passed the police exam in one go with a perfect grade at that but the minute you were out in the field for the first time you froze.”
My heart started to beat rapidly again. “Yes, everyone knows about my mess up at that event. I didn't mean to hit that idiot I mean chaebol.”
Joon shook his head. “I’m not talking about that incident I’m talking about the robbery in Yongin. The robber who was holding hostages and you..."
I felt as if the air was slowly escaping from my lungs but I couldn't show him that his comment bothered me.
“You read the report the suspect got away,” I told him drily.
“After you failed to shoot the suspect who was armed at the time,” Joon added.
My heart dropped again. “T-That wasn’t in the report.”
“Just because it wasn’t in the report doesn’t mean it disappears from your life,” Joon added.
I frowned not knowing what to say because I couldn’t argue against the truth. It wasn’t like I did something bad it was just embarrassing. First time out of the gate and I failed to make an arrest or shoot my gun which should have been used.
The minute I was ready to shoot I realized that this wasn’t a paper target this was a human being. He had a mother that had given birth to him and raised him and now I was going to end it all. It just sounded so wrong so I hesitated and he got away. Luckily the hostages, although scared, were fine.
“If I’m going to have you as a partner I need to trust that you'll have my back. For that to happen I need you to know how to shoot properly,” Joon told me as he opens the back trunk to bring out a blue folded table.
“Then why are we shooting at night it’s not like I can see anything,” I told him as he placed the table a couple of feet in front of the car.
“The headlights will give you enough light for right now,” Joon told me as he started to place the random items from the box onto the table. “Plus, I need to see how you shoot in poor conditions.”
“Oh,” I nodded my head as if it made perfect sense to why he dragged me all the way out here.
“Here,” Joon handed me the gun that felt warm to the touch. The gun felt natural in hand from all the years of practicing with one.
“Now I want you to shoot one of the cans,” Joon told me as he opens the driver side door.
“Which one,” I asked looking at the three alumina cans that were shining from the headlights.
“Any of them,” Joon replied.
I nodded as I unlocked the safety switch then held the gun up in the air with my two hands. I moved the gun towards the first can and for a second I couldn’t understand why Joon was making me do something so simple.
Anyone with proper gun class can shoot a can off a table.
I took a deep breath and let my finger slide closer to the trigger that was itching to be pulled. Maybe for once, I can prove to Joon that I’m good at something.
I took a deep breath then my finger hovered over the trigger be-
I let out a scream as I took a step backward almost dropping the gun.
I look to Joon who was smirking as he started to turn down the radio.
“What was that for,” I snapped grabbing ahold of my pounding heart.
Joon shrugged. “I wanted to see how you would do with a little distraction.”
“Why? I did fine,” I added proudly but then my smile dropped when I saw that none of the cans or objects were knocked down.
“Also, your form is all wrong,” Joon added walking towards me.
I scoffed, “What are you talking about? My form follows the standers that were set for all police officers.”
“That’s the point,” Joon told me. “You’re too stiff and your footwork is off too.”
“No, it is- “
I gasped as I felt Joon’s chest against my back as his arms wrap themselves around my body.
“What,” I took a deep breath. “What are you doing?”
Instead of answering me Joon’s hands grabbed ahold of mine bringing the gun up to eye level.
“Your legs don’t need to be so close together,” Joon told me as he kicked one of my foot to move over.
“Also, don’t close one of your eyes that only works for the movies,” Joon added. “Now look at the object and take a deep breath.”
My heart was beating so quickly that I didn’t even think I could.
“Yenny you hear me, right?” Joon called.
“Yeah um breathe,” I muttered.
“You need to keep the focus on your target any discretions can cost you your life. Just take a deep breath and focus and pretty soon you will find that the bullet will fly from your hands to- “
The can on the right side of the table flew off and landed on the ground soundlessly.
“To the target,” Joon fished as he lowered the gun.
Joon unwrapped himself from my body as the gun fell to my side heavier than before.
“Yenny,” Joon asked stepping to my side. “Are you okay.”
No, I’m dead!
Then Joon started to laugh causing me to look up at him from my confused state. “W-Why are you laughing?” I sputtered out.
“You’re blushing,” Joon pointed in my direction. “You must like me or something.”
“WHAT NO!” I shouted shaking my head back and forth.
“It's okay I like you too,” Joon added.
I almost fell to the ground in shock.
“W-What did you say?” I sputtered out praying that my face wasn’t beat red.
Seconds passed by as Joon just stared at me with one of his familiar unemotional expression.
Then suddenly Joon’s mouth lifted into what I could assume was a smile.
“I’m just joking,” Joon added as he crossed his arms.
“Of course!” I shouted a little too loud. “I mean why would you like me!”
“I know right,” Joon added. “I mean look at you.”
“Yeah totally,” I lied shaking my head as I let out an unnatural laugh.
Maybe I should just shoot myself.
“Wait,” Joon paused as he scanned my face. “You thought I was serious?”
“NO!” I shouted and I knew by now my face was bright red.
“You did,” Joon said then he let out a loud laugh. “You thought I liked you.”
At this moment shooting Joon seemed like a better idea.
It wasn’t that I like Joon like that it was just that I hadn’t had a man give me a back hug before. I had a boyfriend in college but the only thing we did was kiss and hold hands. Most of the time was spent me helping him with his homework and by me helping him I mean I was doing most of it. I took me a year to realize that I was being played.
“Well get over your schoolgirl crush on me and get back to work,” Joon snapped.
The next time I shot a can I imagine it was Joon’s face and this time I didn’t miss. If only I could so the same to my mother's murd-
I let out a sigh as I pulled my cell phone from my pocket to see that Hana was calling me again.
“What do you want,” I answered the phone.
“Are you really not coming home tonight,” my sister asked and I swear I could hear one of Infinite's songs playing in the background.
“No, I have a business trip to go on for this new job,” I added.
Hana scoffed and for a minute I thought she was going to ask for money but what she said next shocked me.
“It’s just we haven’t hanged out since I got here and you're always tired.”
“I eh,” I paused because honestly, I had no plans of hanging out with her. It wasn’t as if we’ve been close growing up. She was more like a second cousin than a half-sister.
“ Infinite is coming on next got to go!”
Ah, and there is the Hana that I have grown to known.
Wait Infinite.
I looked down at the little clock on my phone that was ticking away.
I’m going to be late.
“Grampa and Grandmother, I’m going to make you proud!”
Then I grab my bags on the floor and took off running towards those seven smelly boys.


Joon was right the beauty of the apartment complex had slowly disappeared. Of course, I was in rush so I didn’t have time to stand there and gawk.
I stood in front of their door just staring at the door knob as if it was loaded gun. I wasn’t sure if I was strong enough to help look over these boys and then there was also that incident with Joon. Gosh, why am I blushing and act like a little school girl?
“You know the door knob won’t bite,” a voice said from next to me.
I looked up from my thoughts to see Joon staring down at me.
I cleared my voice. “I eh know that.”
Joon arm brushed against mind sending chills down my spine in embarrassment as he opens the front door.
The entry way that once contained piles of dirty shoes was now cleanly organized.
“What happen,” I asked as Joon closed the door.
“What are you talking about?” Joon replied as he took off his black shoes.
“I mean it’s clean,” I explained.
Joon paused looking around the little entry way as if he had just realized this.
“Oh, the maid must have come today,” he shrugged.
I nodded my head semi-happy that I was going to be living inside of a clean apartment instead of the dumpster I saw on my first day.
By the time, I slid my brown loafers off and placed them onto an empty spot on the shelf Joon had already left me.
I could already hear someone talking loudly and the smells of what I could only assume was breakfast.
Yenny you can do this.
Yes, you can do this!
I took a deep breath and walked straight into the monster's den.
The living room that was once full of dirty clothes and leftover food was now neatly clean. The living room now looked like it was straight out of a home décor magazine. Dongwoo sat on the couch reading a book as his feet laid on top of Woohyun’s lap who was playing a game on his phone. I was about to say hello but my words were cut off from the screaming.
“But Hyorin!” Sunggyu pleaded he as he walked out of the hallway following the stylist. Hyorin was wearing one of her normal dresses that was way too short on the bottom. Her hair was placed into a high ponytail that swung back and forth with each step she took. In her hands were two black tote bags that were filled with who know what.
“Hyorin,” Sunggyu grab her arm causing the stylist to stop in her tracks. “Can I please have it!”
“No, it’s limited edition!” Hyorin shouted as she pushed Sunggyu’s hands off of her.
“I said I'll buy it,” Sunggyu replied as he stomped his feet. “Come on they don’t even sell it in the stores anymore.”
“NO!” Hyorin snapped. “Now leave me alone before I stab you!”
“Come on,” Sunggyu pouted. “It makes my eyes look alive!”
“Nope!” Hyorin replied as she started to walk away from the leader.
“Yenny?” she replied as her eyes scanned me up and down.
I suddenly had a feeling that I was about to get hit.
“This is my last day working with infinite. I hope I never see you again,” Hyorin said in a sweet voice as she held out her pale hand.
“Eh, thanks?” I said as I reached for her hand but she had already pulled it away.
“Good luck,” she replied with enough venom that it felt like a curse word.
Then she shoved my suitcase to the side sending it to the ground with a large bang.
“Hyorin!” Sunggyu jumped over my suitcase to chase after the stylist.
“Seriously,” I mumbled as I lean over to grab my stuff.
“Don’t worry that's how she says I love you,” a voice called from next to me.
I looked up to see Sungjong’s standing next to me wearing baggy sweatpants and a striped tee shirt.
“Sungjong,” I gasped as Sungjong took my bag from my hand.
“Don’t worry it will get easier,” Sungjong smiled.
I couldn’t help but laugh at his words. “Sure, it will.”
“Seriously!” a voice screamed as the front door to the dorm slammed shut.
Seconds later Sunggyu walked into the living room wearing an angry expression.
“YOU!” he shouted pointing a finger in my direction.
“Hello,” I replied as I bowed.
“This is your fault!” Sunggyu snapped at me with his nose crinkled in anger. “You better stay out of my way!”
“I eh- “
But Sunggyu was already stomping down the hallway mumbling something under his breath.
“What is that all about?” I pointed in Sunggyu's direction.
“Eyeliner,” Sungjong answered simply.
I turn around and looked at him confused. “What do you mean eyeliner?
“Don’t even ask,” Sungjong sighed as he shook his head.
“Yenny!” a voice called as a door leading to the kitchen open.
“Oh- “
My words were cut off as the member hugged me tightly almost sending me to the ground.
“Myungsoo!” Sungjong called pulling the member off me.
“Hi Myungsoo,” I squeaked praying that my face wasn’t bright red.
The good-looking member was wearing all black yet he still looked full of color. His black greasy hair went every which way but he still looked like he stepped straight out of a magazine cover.
“We were worried about you!” Myungsoo scolded me. “We thought you fell into a hole or maybe you kidnapped someone...”
“Me? Kidnapping someone?” I asked raising an eyebrow.
“Well we all know you would be the last person to get kidnapped and it makes more sense for you to do the kidnapping,” Myungsoo told me. “So, what happen to you?”
“Eh no- “
“Yenny,” Joon called me down the hallway. “Let me show you your room.”
Suddenly Woohyun mumbled something under his breath that sounded like a few curse words.
“Come on,” Joon called.
“Yenny tell us where you were,” Myungsoo added shaking my hand.
“I can’t I got to go!” I shouted picking up my bag and running down the hallway to join Joon.
“Yenny,” Sungjong called after me but I ignored him.
I entered the small bedroom to see Joon staring out the window.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
Joon turn his head and gave me a blank expression as if he was lost in thoughts.
“Joon,” I took a step forward.
“Oh, yes Yenny,” he shook his head. “This is your bedroom and the bathroom is next door. I’m sorry but it’s shared by everyone.”
“My bedroom,” I looked around the small room that only contained a small bed with white sheets, a book shelf full of books and random CDs, and a desk. Right next to the bed was another door that I could only guess was a small closet.
“How long am I going to be staying here?” I asked Joon because I hadn’t really told Hana when I was going to be home.
“I’m not sure,” Joon confessed. “Until their company feels safe with Infinite staying with just one guard instead of two. So, it might be for a week or until their court date in August.”
If I had to wait until the court date then I would be stuck here for 26 days. I didn’t even think I would be able to live here for a day yet alone almost a month.
“Are you okay? It looks like you are about to pass out,” Joon pointed out.
I nodded my head but I really felt like screaming.
“Oh okay,” Joon nodded his head. “Well, I guess I’ll leave you to unpack.”
I nodded my head as I tossed my old suitcase onto the bed.
“Oh, and Yenny,” Joon called from the doorway.
“Yes,” I answered him.
He paused as if he was thinking about something. “Be careful around Sunggyu and Woohyun they are bit angry with you.”
“W-With me?” I sputtered out. “Why are they angry with me?”
“Because of what you may have seen at the show has caused us to go on lock down. The members of Infinite can’t leave the dorm and also this room well it was Woohyun’s. We had to move him out to make room for you.”
My face dropped.
“WHAT?!” I snapped causing Joon to send me an annoyed look.
“I don’t want Woohyun’s room,” I said my throat starting to feel tight.
“Why do you want to sleep with me?” Joon laughed.
My face had to be bright red now.
“NO!” I shouted crossing my arms. “Plus, it’s not my fault that they can’t leave the dorm!”
Even as I said this I knew I was lying to myself and to Joon. If I didn’t freak out over it then I wouldn’t be having to spend almost a month with these smelly boys. I also wouldn’t be giving the members another reason to hate me. I knew they barely had time off and now they're on lockdown! More importantly, I took Woohyun’s bed, the member that had been pranking me since the moment I got here.
Yes, Yenny this is a fantastic way to start living here.


“Yenny are you ,” a voice called from the doorway.
“If I was then why would the door be wide open,” I answered as I closed the closet door that was full of my pant suits.
“Just checking,” Hoya said as he entered the room. “None of us lived with a girl before that wasn't related to us.”
“Well if it makes you feel better I have never lived with a bunch of idols before,” I told him with a smile on my face.
Sooo you have lived with guys before,” Hoya smirked as he winked one of his eyes.
“WHAT! NO!” I shouted shaking my head back and forth.
“Woah calm down,” Hoya said as he placed his hands in front of him. “I wasn’t calling you promiscuous or anything like that.”
“Is that why you are here to tell me I’m not promiscuous?” I asked as I placed a photo of my Mother and me on the nightstand.
“No I wanted to see if you wanted to help with dinner,” Hoya asked as he leans against the doorframe.
“But I can’t cook,” I confessed.
“Neither can I but it’s my day to cook,” Hoya told me. “Plus it would be fun to have you around.”
“Me? Fun?” I looked at him shocked because the word fun was never used with my name. Trustworthy yes. Hardworking yes and a bit strange yes but never fun.
“Yes, I’m talking about you unless you are Yenny's evil twin then you should tell me so I can escape first. Let’s face it I’m way too pretty to die first!” Hoya exclaimed.
“What?” I raised an eyebrow in his direction.
“I’ve been watching too much soap operas,” Hoya confessed. “But are you coming or not?”
I could just hang out in my room all day, after all, I needed to focus on my mother’s case. Also, I was planning on calling the shrink again and asking if he had any more tapes but then again Hoya was offering me his friendship. A friendship that could help make my stay become more bearable.
“Oh by the way you should call me Hoya Oppa,” he told me as he led me down the hallway.
“Oppa?” I looked at him with wide eyes. “Yeah, I’m older than you right? So, call me Oppa!”
“Oh, eh okay...O-Oppa?”
The word felt thick and unnatural but it tasted sweet.


When Hoya asked me to help him with cooking I thought it meant we would do it together.
“Where is Hoya?” a voice called from the doorway. I looked up to see Joon walking into the kitchen towards the fridge.
“He got a call from his Mom,” I told Joon even though he had been talking to her for an hour while I've been working. I couldn’t be angry with him since he seemed so excited when he received the phone call.
“Ah I see they are putting you to work,” Joon added as he leaned against the counter.
“It’s the least I can do,” I told him as I sliced my knife into a carrot. “You can call it a peace offering if you w-OUCH!”
I dropped the knife as my finger throbbed painfully. Bright red liquid ran down my finger onto the white floor.
“YENNY!” Joon yelled as he dropped his drink onto the counter.
“I’m fin- “
Joon grabbed my finger bring it close to his face so he could examine the little cut.
“I’m-I-I’m fine,” I sputtered out trying to pull away from Joon but he had a death grip on me.
“You need a band-aid,” Joon said as he grabbed a dish cloth and proceeded to wrap it around my bleeding finger.
‘No, I’m fine,” I shouted shaking my head as Joon open one of the drawers. He pulled out a small little red bag that I could only assume was the first aid kit.
“It doesn’t even hurt and I’m sure it will stop bleeding,” I explained slightly embarrassed that Joon was acting like this.
Joon ped the bag and pulled out a Band-Aid and a small tube of something.
“Here,” Joon said as he unwrapped the towel from my finger. I couldn’t help but flinch when the chilly air hit the womb.
“I can do it myse- “
“Don’t worry about it,” Joon mumbled as he uncapped the tube. He squeezed antibacterial onto his finger.
“Let me know if I'm hurting,” Joon told me as he grabbed ahold of my hand.
“I’m sure it won’t. I actually have a high intolerance to p-OUCH!”
I swear I could hear Joon smirking as he rubbed the cream onto my finger.
Why was he doing this?
With Joon this close to my face I could clearly see all the things I missed. Under his right eye was a half inch scar that clearly from a deep womb.
That when I realized I knew nothing about Joon. He was my partner for the last month but I couldn’t even tell you how he likes his coffee.
“Done,” Joon said as his hands let go of my finger.
I looked down at my finger that was bandaged in a purple Band-Aid that had bright yellow spots. A weird combination if you ask me.
“Next time be careful,” Joon told me as he took a step away finally giving me room to breathe.
I wanted to say thank you but instead, my mouth and brain must have been possessed because I suddenly said. “How do you like your coffee.”
Joon who clearly was not expecting this response gave me a quizzical look as he raises up his eyebrows.
“I mean eh,” I ranted. “I mean eh- “
“I hate coffee,” Joon answered me. “I rather have tea. Green or Chai tea if you have to know the specifics.”
I stood there in shock. Did Joon just answer a strange and totally unprofessional question? I’m just hearing things wrong he probably yelled at me or called me an idiot.
“Why,” he smirked. “Are you trying to ask me out on a date?”
Oh, my.
Is it starting to get hot in here?
My mouth open wide as a gawk at my partner.
“No WHAT?! NO?!?!” I spouted out as I shook my head like I was having a fit.
“Yenny are you…. what are you doing?” a voice called behind me.
I turn around to see that Sungjong and Hoya looking at me like I was crazy.
“We weren’t doing anything I mean I wasn’t doing anything!”
Sungjong looked at me with one eyebrow cocked as he smiled widely. It was as if he was saying “Sureee
“I got to go!” I shouted as I quickly took off the apron.
“Wait we still have to finish cooking lunch!” Hoya shouted as I ran out of the kitchen.
I’m such an idiot!
Just because some guy puts a band-aid on your finger it doesn’t mean he has a crush on you. I mean look at yourself Yenny! You haven’t had a boyfriend since college and that didn’t even end out in your favor. Actually, that ended horribly.
Now you look like one of those fangirls who scream Oppa even when they are older than their dongsaeng.
This is a perfect way to start the day!
Unfortunately, for me, God must have wanted me to fail again because suddenly I felt myself falling to the living room floor.
“Ouch!” a voice screamed from next to me.
I knew who it was because of course, he would be the one I tripped over.
“Sorry Woohyun,” I apologized as I sat up.
Woohyun just rolled his eyes in my direction as he leans against the couch with an Xbox controller.
“You better have not cost me my game,” Woohyun snapped in my direction.
“Game?” I frown as I looked up to the TV to see that Woohyun was playing the new Revenge series.
“Is that the new one?” I asked with a smile because I grew up playing all the different volumes. Video games were easy for me while making friends with the label “child whose Mother was murdered" was impossible.
I could see Woohyun pause as if he didn’t hear me right so I repeated my question again.
“Is that the new Revenge series?”
“Oh, um yeah,” Woohyun said slowly as if he was speaking Korean for the first time.
“Sweet can I play? I know how to get to the next level and we could tag team it if you have another controller,” I offered with a smile.
Maybe I can use this as a peace offering
“I don’t like teaching newbies?” Woohyun paused the game to look at me.
“I play,” I told him.
“You? You play?” he sputtered out.
“Yeah I played the Revenge series growing up but I’m not nearly as good at them as I am at Warcraft or League of Legends.”
“You play video games?” Woohyun asked me slowly once again.
“Yeah,” I shrugged. “So, can I play.”
For the first time Woohyun smiled and no it wasn’t one of those fake smiles that he gives to journalist after they ask a highly personal and unprofessional question. It also wasn’t the type of smile he gives to his fans no I wouldn’t expect one of those smiles either but he was still smiling in my direction. For once I felt as if Woohyun didn’t hate me.
Woohyun nodded. “Su- “
“Woo,” a voice called from the couch.
Woohyun face dropped as Sunggyu shot him a glare.
“No just leave me alone,” Woohyun snapped as he turns his attention back to the TV.
“Yenny,” Sungjong came skipping out of the hallway.
My face dropped. “Nothing happen!” I stood up to my feet.
“Come with me,” Sungjong grabbed my hand to lead me down the hallway.
“I was going to go for a walk!” I shouted as Sungjong literally dragged me down the dark hallway.
Surprisingly the young member was strong and I knew by the fire in his eyes that I shouldn’t mess around with him.
Sungjong open a door and pulled me inside, once we were both inside he slammed the door shut. The room contained three beds all shoved together making the room look a lot smaller than it actually was. There was a desk in the corner of the room that was filled with piles of books and papers. The walls were bare except for a couple of whiteboards that were full of dates and times. Sungjong sat down on a bed that was partially covered with clothes that were hanging from a rod above the bed. He pushed some of the clothes away with a disgusted look on his face.
“Is..this your room?” I asked.
“Yeah,” Sungjong answered simply. “I have to share it with Sunggyu and Woohyun.”
“And how is that?”
“Don’t distract me,” Sungjong answered with a smirk. “So, do you like Joon?”
I must have swallowed on my spit because the next thing I knew I was coughing.
“So, you do,” Sungjong smirked.
“N-No,” I sputtered out.
Sungjong gave me an all-knowing look. “Really?”
“Yes really!” I told him. “Joon would never like me and plus I’m his partner.”
Sungjong started me up and down.
“You swear,” Sungjong added. “You better not be lying to me.”
I shook my head no frantically. “No way.”
Sungjong scrunched his face together as if he was trying to read my mind then he let out a sigh and said, “If you say so.”
“I don't lie,” I pointed out crossing my arms.
Sungjong raised an eyebrow looking at me with an all-knowing look.
"Well, I try not to lie!"
"Good to know," Sungjong nodded his head.
“So,” Sungjong smiled in my direction. “Do you want to get back at Sunggyu and Woohyun?”
“Come on Noona I’ll show you what we do for fun,” Sungjong laughed as he stood up from his tiny bed.


“He won’t take it,” I told Sungjong as we stood in the kitchen crowd over a cup of green tea.
“Yes, he will,” Sungjong argued as he pours some more black liquid into the cup.
“How do you know?” I asked.
“Because he’s an idiot,” Sungjong smirked as he capped the bottle and placed it back onto the shelf.
“I don’t know,” I sighed.
“Didn’t our stunt work with Sunggyu,” Sungjong smiled.
I couldn’t help but laugh as I shook my head.
The oldest still hadn’t noticed nor had he woken up to realize that half his face was covered in whip cream. I still couldn’t believe how deep of a sleeper Sunggyu was to not notice the cold cream on his face.
Sungjong had somehow talked me into pranking the members but it wasn’t as if it took him long to convince me. They had been pulling stunts on me for weeks and the thoughts of getting them back just seemed like a perfect idea.
Woohyun was the only one left and I’m sure he would love his green tea with a bucket full of soy sauce.
“It’s too dark,” I pointed out.
“We will just say it’s full of ginseng or a healthy vitamin mix,” Sungjong suggested.
I nodded my head but a single thought ran through my mind.
“How are we going to get him to drink it?” ask Sungjong.
“Watch and see,” he smirked.
“Sungyeol!” Sungjong shouted from his spot.
Seconds later Sungyeol entered the kitchen with his headphones hanging from his neck.
“What’s up Jongie?” Sungyeol asked as he entered the kitchen.
“Can you give this Woohyun?” Sungjong asked sweetly. “He has been complaining I mean saying that he’s under the weather.”
“What is it?” Sungyeol frowned looking at the mixture.
“Ginseng and green tea it’s really healthy for you,” I added.
Sungyeol shook his head as look at the mixture. “It looks pretty dark.”
“Just deliver it!” Sungjong shouted pointing to the door leading to the living room where our victim I mean Woohyun was.
“Why can’t you?” Sungyeol snapped at Sungjong.
“Because,” Sungjong paused. “Because Yenny is on her period!”
Sungyeol face grew pale as he looked at us with wide eyes. It was as if I had just told him that I was growing another head.
“I EH UM okay!” Sungyeol stumbled with his words.
Then he turns around and quickly walked out of the kitchen. As soon as he was gone I hit Sungjong’s shoulder.
Sungjong shrugged. “It work, didn’t it?”
“Yeah but still…”
“Come on let’s see our work paying off,” Sungjong smirked.
I nodded my head then we headed out of the kitchen towards the living room.
Sungyeol was now standing in front of Woohyun holding out the mug of poison.
“Come on Yenny,” Sungjong sighed as we quickly walked towards the hallway.
“Who made this?” Woohyun asked as he grabbed the mug.
, our prank is about to go down the drain. The minute Woohyun finds out that we made the tea it’s over.
“Oh, it was Sun- “
“OW MY PERIOD!” I shouted causing Sungyeol’s face to almost combust.
“Just drink it!” Sungyeol snapped.
Sungjong and I stood in the doorway of the hallway waiting for the first taste. I just wanted to see the look on his face when that horrib-
Suddenly without warning Woohyun took a sip of the tea. His face turn pale and I swear I saw steam coming out of his ears.
The tea that was in Woohyun’s mouth was now running down Sungyeol’s face.
I bit my lips trying to hold in my laughter.
“EWWW!” Sungyeol shouted whipping the spit off his face.
“SALTY!” Woohyun shouted. “WHY IS IT SO SALTY!”
Then suddenly another screamed echoed off the walls.
“WHAT THE HELL!” the voice screamed.
I knew I should have held everything in but you couldn’t blame me for laughing. I laugh so hard that Woohyun turn his evil gaze towards us.
“Run!” Sungjong shouted grabbing my hand.
“SUNGJONG!” I heard Woohyun scream as we entered Sungjong’s room.
“!” Sungjong whispered. “Hide!”
“Where?” I sputtered out looking at the room that clearly had no good hiding spots.
“What are you guys doing?” Hoya asked as he entered the room.
“We are about to get murdered!” Sungjong shouted jumping on his bed to hide in the clothes that were hanging over his bed.
Before Hoya could open his mouth Woohyun and Sunggyu ran into the room. Woohyun's once light blue tee shirt was now covered in Sungjong's and mine (disgusting) homemade tea. While Sunggyu was another laughing matter because his whole face was covered in white cream. Even his hair had chunks of it.
“What happen to you two?” Hoya laughed with wide eyes.
“YOU TWO!” Sunggyu shouted his eyes becoming nonexistence and his face turning red.
“We didn’t do anything,” Sungjong shouted back but he soon lost all his nerve when he saw Sunggyu’s angry face.
“You are so grounded!” Sunggyu shouted at Sungjong then he turn his attention towards me.
“You are fi-“
“They were with me the entire day,” Hoya suddenly said.
“WHAT?” Woohyun snapped. “I just saw them!”
“We were getting a glass of water,” Sungjong lied then he nudged me.
“Yeah, we were,” but my voice was shaky.
“I was just teaching Yenny a dance,” Hoya looked at the both of us unsurely then turns his attention to his hyungs. “They were with me all day so it has to be someone else.”
“And who would that be?” Woohyun retorted crossing his arms.
“I don’t know someone named Lee Sungy- “
“LEE SUNGYEOL!” Woohyun screamed running out the door closely followed by Sunggyu.
I let out a sigh as I fell to the floor.
“Thank you,” I looked up at Hoya.
Hoya smiled as he shook his head. “Don’t thank me yet.”
“What- “
“Come on get up I’m bored and I want to see if you can actually dance!” Hoya told me as he offered me his hand.
“But I eh- “
“I wanna see this too!” Sungjong shouted from his bed. “Let’s do a Apink song!”
“No, I mean it I can’t dan- “
But before I knew it I was on my feet and at that moment I knew I had made a huge mistake.
Is it too late to run away or quit?


“Yenny you better be careful Apink fans will come kill you if they see you butchering their song like this?” Hoya said laughing. “You’re like a stick in the mud!”
“I’m okay!” I shouted as I tried to figure out the complicated dance move to Apink's No No No.
“You look like Kwangsoo from running man!” Sungjong laughed from his bed.
“No, I do not,” I shouted as I moved my hips back and forth.
“Is Yenny having a seizer?” a voice asked from the doorway.
Myungsoo stood there with a confused look on his face holding a black laptop.
“It’s called dancing,” I pointed out.
Myungsoo eyes grew wide. “Yenny I think it’s time for you to retire!”
“But I almost got it,” I argued as I moved my arms in the air. “I will show you guys that I can do th-Ahh!”
Myungsoo’s hand wrapped around my arm as he pulled me towards Sunggyu’s bed.
“W-What are you doing!?” I sputtered out as I was pushed onto the bed.
“Have you checked out the new season of sword art online?” Myungsoo asked as he slid onto the bed next to me.
“Eh yes I mean not all of it,” I told him as my face was turning red. I mean what girl wouldn’t be freaking out right now? I take that back what human wouldn’t be freaking out right now!
“Come on Sungjong let’s go before we get anime germs all over us,” Hoya said as he grabbed Sungjong’s arm.
“I’m already running,” Sungjong smirked then he turn to me. “Good luck in that black hole!”
“Should we start at the beginning,” Myungsoo asked as he brought up the episodes on his computer.
I nodded my head.
“Ah I should have brought food,” Myungsoo sighed as he clicked on the first episode.
“Aren't we going to be eating, soon aren’t we?” I asked looking at the clock. “Wasn’t Hoya cooking dinner?”
Myungsoo laughed. “Hoya cook?”
I looked up at him confused, “I just cut up a bunch of vegetables for him.”
Myungsoo shook his head. “Hoya can’t cook but we can’t tell him that because he’ll become moody. So, we just let him cook then he’ll either get frustrated and give up or burn all the food.”
“But we won’t get to eat!” I shouted grabbing ahold of my stomach.
“We already ordered take out,” Myungsoo laughed.
“Thank god,” I whispered as I pushed a pillow behind my back.
The anime started to play on the screen and Myungsoo turn his attention back to the screen.
It was weird because when I first met Myungsoo I thought he was cold. I mean meeting someone that handsome is intimidating. In reality, Myungsoo seemed like the nicest one out of the group. While watching the anime, Myungsoo’s face seem to have less power over me. Instead of seeing a handsome boy I saw Myungsoo the goofy, weird, and full of smiles kid. Suddenly I felt as if we had become friends or maybe I was reading too much into this?
We had watched five episodes when we heard a soft knock on the door.
“FOOD!” I shouted standing up from the bed.
“Come on we are going to find out who death gun is!” Myungsoo called after me as he paused the anime.
“What are you guys doing?” Sungyeol asked pointing to the both of us.
“Watching anime,” Myungsoo answered simply.
Sungyeol laughed shaking his head. “Losers! Hey, aren’t you supposed to be watching over us Yenny?”
Before I could speak up Myungsoo yelled, “Hey leave her alone!”
“Whatever,” Sungyeol scoffed.
“Did you just come here to yell at me?” I asked Sungyeol.
Sungyeol shook his head no. “Food is here but,” he paused looking at me. “Yenny can I talk to you.”
“You better kill her,” Myungsoo said as he closed his laptop.
“No, I just need to speak to her,” Sungyeol said as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“You’re weird,” Myungsoo pointed out as he stood up from his bed.
“YAH!” Sungyeol shouted raising his hand above his head to hit Myungsoo.
Instead of flinching Myungsoo just raised an eyebrow then he turns to look at me. “Yenny we will finish this later.”
I nodded my head.
“Don’t be mean to her,” Myungsoo snapped at Sungyeol. “Or else I will use a death note.”
Then with that little tidbit, Myungsoo left the room.
“So, what do you need,” I asked Sungyeol who clearly looked nervous about something.
Did he know about Sungjong and mine prank?
So, what did he need to talk to me about?
“So,” Sungyeol said for the fifth time since Myungsoo left.
“What do you need Sungyeol,” I asked him.
He mumbled something under his breath.
“What is that?” I leaned in.
“Doyouwannagooutonadate?” he mumbled as he looked at the ground.
“Sungyeol is something wrong? If something is wrong then I need to know so I can properly you protect,” I told him.
Sungyeol took a deep breath then looked up from the ground. “Yenny do you want to go get coffee with me?”
I looked at Sungyeol slightly confused because the last time I saw him he acted as if he wanted nothing to do with me.
“But we're on lockdown,” I answered simply. “Sungyeol if you want I can go get you coffee. Is that what you want?”
Sungyeol face was slowly turning red. “No, you don’t understand.”
I couldn’t understand why he was acting this way. “Sung- “
“Yenny,” Joon’s voice called urgently.
I turn to look in the doorway to see Joon standing there putting on his leather jacket.
His face was pale.
Why was it pale?
I could feel my stomach drop as I felt that something was wrong.
"Sungyeol give us a moment," Joon asked.
Sungyeol shrugged then he walked defeated out of the room.
“Have you seen Dongwoo?” Joon asked me quickly.
“Dongwoo?” I raised an eyebrow.
The last time I had seen the rapper was earlier in the day when I first entered the apartment.
“I haven’t seen him for hours,” I confessed and that sentence alone seemed to make Joon freeze.
“Yenny keep an eye on the boys I’ll be right back,” Joon told me then he started to walk down the hallway.
“Wait,” I called after my partner as I ran after him.
“What is happening?” I asked as I followed Joon into the living room where most of the members were sitting eating dinner together.
“I can’t find him,” Joon confessed as he reached the entry way.
“You don’t think he went outside?” I asked Joon the fear creeping in my voice.
“I don’t know,” Joon paused as he placed on his shoes. “But he’s not in the house and the only option is outside.”
“But they knew the rules,” I added. “There is no way Dongwoo would leave knowing the rules.”
Joon shook his head. “I don’t know but right now we have to look for him but I can’t leave the rest of the boys alone. So, watch over them and I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
I nodded my head. “Call me if anything happens okay.”
“Same for you,” Joon open the door. “Whatever you do don’t take your eyes off of them.”
“I promise,” I told Joon.
Then just like that Joon left me with those six crazy boys.
A single name crossed my mind. “Dongwoo.”
I hadn’t spent a great deal of time with the member but I still felt on edge with him missing. I hadn’t really spoken to Dongwoo before but he always seemed nice and full of energy.
More importantly, I couldn’t see him outside by himself without protection. What if something happens to him?
Since the news article came out all of Infinite was a target, not just Dongwoo.
My stomach dropped as I thought about the things I did today from cooking with Hoya, playing pranks with Sungjong, and lastly watching animes with Myungsoo.
I stepped into the living room to see the members sitting on the couch eating a bowl of something bright red.
“Hey, where did Joon go?” Sungjong asked as he pushed the bowl away from him.
“Uh, he went to the store? Yeah, the store,” I told him.
Why did it suddenly feel hot in here?
“Are you sure?” Sunggyu said giving me a questionable look.
I swallowed hard praying that I could hold it all together. “Yeah um yes!”
Sunggyu looked me up and down with a questionable look as if he could see right through my lie.
“You lost Dongwoo didn’t you!” Sunggyu snapped as he tossed down his chopsticks.
“Wha- “
“It’s your entire fault!” Sungjong shouted tears falling from his cheeks.
“How could you!” Woohyun yelled. “You were supposed to protect us!”
“Yenny!” a voice called breaking me out of my daydreams.
“Oh yes,” I could see Sunggyu's confused face looking up at me. “Are you okay?”
“Yes, I’m fine,” I said as my voice cracked.
Sunggyu rolled his eyes and mumble something under his breath.
“Can you go get Dongwoo,” Hoya asked in-between shoving his face full of food.
Was I supposed to tell them that Dongwoo left the dorm?
I could already see the chaos that would erupt if I told them that we had already lost a member.
I’m pretty sure I didn’t want to get murder.
“Yeah sure,” I said as I ran down the hallway.
I’m pretty sure the members didn’t notice how skittish I was, after all, there was food in front of their faces. The one thing I came to known about the members is that the minute there is food in front of them the world seems to disappear.
I open the door leading to Dongwoo’s bedroom. The room would have been large if it wasn’t for the four beds that took up most of the space. The beds were all unmade and most of them had random junk piled on the sheets.
Then there was the gross smell of B.O and maybe a dead animal.
I let out a defeated sigh as I sat down on one of the beds that were covered in clothes.
What if Joon doesn’t find him?
Oh god, what are we going to tell his parents? They trusted us with his care and now he’s de- “
I stood up from the bed as the weird sound echoed through the room.
“Hello,” I called out.
This place wasn't haunted...right?
The sound rang out again causing my heart to jump into my throat.
I wanted to scream for help but my voice had decided to stop working.
“Is someone there?” I asked looking around the room.
It sounded close almost as if it was coming from somewhere inside the room.
The closet.
Was there someone or something in the closet? Could these boys have some sort of wild anima-
Maybe I should go get someone?
Sungjong? He was the only one in a group that didn’t scream when a bug flew by.
If I asked him for help it would only alert the others and they would realize that Dongwoo was missing.
I jumped back in surprise once again as I grabbed ahold of my heart.
This is something I should figure out by myself even if I might get killed by some ghoul in their closet.
Gun. I wish I had my gun!
I can do this! I’ve taken martial art classes my whole life and not only that I was on the top of my class. I know how to disarm and take down anyone (at least I think so).
I gathered all the courage I could muster then I took a step forward. Then another one and another one till I was standing right in front of the closet door shaking in fear.
It could be a machine or maybe someone left their phone in the closet but I knew those two options made no sense whatsoever.
Whatever you do don’t scream and act like a wimp!
I took a deep breath and gather all the courage and energy I had then I open the door without any hesitation.
I wanted to scream.
No, not in fear but in joy.
He was lying on the ground in a tight ball surrounded by his stuffed animals as he snored away.
I fell to my knees as if all my worries were out of me.
“Dongwoo,” I called for the rapper shaking his shoulder.
Dongwoo open one of his eyes then closed it tightly. “One more minute.”
“Wake up,” I called for him.
“No!” Dongwoo moaned.
“YAH!” I shouted as I smacked the rappers’ arm roughly.
Dongwoo sat up wide eyes with drool still dripping from his chin. “I wasn’t sleeping!”
“Have you been sleeping in here the whole time,” I asked the member.
“Well, what time is it?” Dongwoo asked rubbing his eyes.
“It’s dinner time,” I told him.
“Then yeah, I guess so,” Dongwoo told me.
“You have no idea how worried I have been,” I confessed.
Dongwoo gave me a confused look. “Me? Why are you worried about me?”
“When we couldn’t find you, we thought you might have left the dorm,” I confessed.
Then Dongwoo did something I didn’t expect he started to cry and not one of those silent types where you don’t want anyone to know you're crying. No Dongwoo full out sobbing into his hands like one of his dogs just died.
“I eh Dongwoo,” I sputtered out.
“I just,” Dongwoo looked up at me with red eyes and snot coming in and out of his nose. “M-M-Miss them!”
He let out another wail as he covered his face with his hands.
What am I supposed to do! The academy taught me the correct way to disarm a gunman but they never said anything about crying idols.
“There there,” I patted his arm feeling completely untrained.
“It’s just my Mom,” he told me as he wiped the snot away.
My heart dropped at the word.
“W-What about her?” I tried to make my voice sound as natural as possible but it was shaky and I’m sure if Dongwoo wasn’t crying he would have noticed my nervous state.
“Before the murder, I hadn’t seen my family for weeks because we were getting ready for our comeback,” Dongwoo told me.
I nodded my head listening to his words.
“Then the murder happens and we had to say something to the police because it was the right thing to do…you know,” Dongwoo said as he squeezed a stuffed animal in his lap. “Then we had the comeback and we were so busy that it was almost unbearable. In that mindset, you barely have time to eat let alone think.”
“I remember,” I nodded my head. “I thought that one strong gust of wind could cause an early death.”
Dongwoo nodded his head in agreement. “But now that our promotions are over I thought I would have time to see my family but now…”
Dongwoo let out another wail using a stuffed animal to wipe away the tears.
“Now we are on lockdown,” I finished for him.
He nodded his head as tears splattered down his cheeks. I finally understood why he was crying so hard it wasn’t because he was scared it was because he was homesick.
Something that was all too familiar but for me I could never go home.
“My Mom called last week because she wanted me to come home and help out at the restaurant. I had to lie to her and say I was busy with the other members but I know she knew I was lying to her. I want to tell her about the incident but I can’t and i-it’s so frustrating! I’m not supposed to lie to my parents or become a burden. Now with everything going on, I feel like a disappointment to them because I can’t help them nor can I tell them the truth! The worst thing is I know my Mom has been having problems with his hands and I can’t help but think that she’s in pain and I’m stuck in here.”
My heart felt heavy as tears started to run down my cheeks. The older member always seemed happy without a care in a world. If only I had known that Dongwoo had these worries earlier than I could have helped in some way.
“Dongwoo,” I cleared my voice looking at the member. “It’s not your fault.”
Dongwoo shook his head back and forth.
“Listen!” I shouted grabbing ahold of the member's face. “You are not a burden to your parents. Most children out there are living off their parents and not even trying to make a step into the real world. Also, this case will come to pass and your mother will understand the sacrifices that you made for her safety. I know asking the seven of you to harbor this secret is a big deal but once Kim Donghyun is put away then you can go back to your life.”
Dongwoo nodded his head. “I know that we are going to save future victims but right now I just miss my Mother. Yenny don’t you miss your Mother too?”
My heart dropped as the words replay in my mind.
My Mother.
“Eh,” I frowned as my cheeks began to burn bright red.
Besides Joon, I hadn’t told any of the members about my past and more importantly about my mom. I never liked telling anyone about my mother. There were always two reactions when I told them one they look at me with pity or two they treated me differently as if I was made of paper.
Joon was the exception to this and I couldn’t understand why.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to pry or anything like it’s just that you don’t really talk about anything that’s not work-related,” Dongwoo rumbled on. “I hope that I didn’t offend yo- “
“Dongwoo,” I raised my hand up. “The thing is my Mother passed away when I was six.”
Dongwoo eyes grew wide as he let out a shaky breath.
“I’m sorry!” he shouted his voice was raw and shaky.
“It’s ok- “
My words were cut off as Dongwoo’s arms wrapped around my body and pulled me into a tight hug.
Dongwoo smelt like a mixture of sour b.o and lavender and for a second I wonder if he had stolen a girl's body wash.
“Dongwoo,” I called for the rapper but he wouldn’t let me go.
“Yenny that is so horrible,” he cried.
I patted the rappers back. “Dongwoo it’s okay.”
“No, it’s not!” he sobbed into my shoulder. “Here I am crying because I miss my Mom while you can never see your Mother again!”
My stomach did backflips and my throat started to feel as if someone was grabbing it. There were times where I would forget that I was motherless then there were times like right now where I was reminded so hard that it felt as if I was getting hit by a truck.
“I bet your Mom was amazing since you are such a strong woman,” Dongwoo told me.
“It’s okay,” Dongwoo told me. “Whenever you feel lonely you have me and the rest of Infinite. They always make me feel better and if that doesn't work you can always borrow some of my stuff animals!”
Maybe reminding Dongwoo that most of the members hated me wouldn’t be a clever idea.
“I’m sorry for not becoming closer to you it’s just Sunggyu to- “
The door to closet suddenly swung open sending light into the room.
“Ah!” Dongwoo shouted as he fell backward into the closet wall. I squinted in the direction of the door to see Sungyeol standing there.
Sungyeol looked us up and down then the corner of his mouth twitched as if he was trying to frown.
“Oh Sung- “
The small room was consumed in darkness as the door slammed shut leaving the emotional Dongwoo by my side.
“What’s his problem,” Dongwoo asked in the dark.
“I have no clue,” I answered because honestly from the last couple weeks Sungyeol was acting more and more crazy.

Sunggyu: YAH Morgan didn’t you tell them that you would post weekly.
Me: Well I know bu-
Woohyun: Give her a break she was busy watching fancam’s of me.
Me: Well n-
Sungyeol: You Wish
Myungsoo: Were you watching anime?
Me: Well n-
Dongwoo: Did you get trapped under a pile of stuff animals.
Me: Uh nope.
Hoya: Spend all day watching my dance videos?
Sungjong: Please don’t tell me you were doing that.
Dongwoo: Did you get stuck in a bathroom stall for two hours then eventually finding out that the door was unlocked the whole time?
Dongwoo: Not like that happened to me or anything…
Me: *Clears throat* I wanna apologized for not posting this last week since this chapter took me a while to edit. As you can see it’s wicked long! But I still hope you guys enjoy it! Next week (I hope) I will post the next chapter
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looshyhooshy #1
Chapter 15: heyyy..
welcome back!!
Chapter 12: OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG~~~~~~~~~~~~!
Chapter 12: Now it is a great day!
enchanting crack....
Chapter 10: Missed ur writing to pieces!!
so very happy to come across another great story and i'm a er for bodyguarding...and infinite.
i like ur version of their idol life(sure looks like them) and especially their characters.
gyurain #5
Chapter 10: She's so screwed...
Astro12boy #6
Oh my god!! I can't believe he kissed her! I can't wait till the next chapter!
Rainbowfather1 #7
Thank you for posting this story. I'm really enjoying it!!
I can't believe those fangirls were so mean!!
Kylie1234 #8
I love this story! It's so well written and I love the OC.
looshyhooshy #9
Still waiting for you dear ..
Hope that your lack of updates isn't because something bad has happened!