We Will Meet Again

Miss Universe and Her True Love

At the 5 Star Plaza Hotel, as I laid on the soft, cream queen bed, I replayed all the past events that happened tonight. 
The music stadium dome that was crowded with a million fans of America, then there was me performing like I've never performed ever in my life with my gorgeous and talented sisters, then me almost falling off a stage platform and almost embarrassing myself and Miss World Stars in front of the whole world... And then, the boy from my dreams, and now the love of my life catching me from the air and basically saving me... I smiled at the thought of the young man from my dreams and once, my close friend.


The memory of Chansung holding me close to him and confessing his love to me while our hearts sang in perfect harmony together made my heart flutter with joy. That was the moment where I realized that I may have found the love of my life.

A few hours before coming to the Plaza Hotel, Miss World Stars and 2PM were celebrating together at how successful and amazing our first American World Tour Concert was. There was good food, lots of music all around, and a ton of staff members from all departments like makeup, costume, and cameras, who we're grateful to for making this concert amazing and beautiful. When we performed a romantic and lovely ballad with 2PM before our finale performance, the handsome idol singers with their professional maturity but bright smiles were a huge part into making our first debut tour absolutely perfect. There was a huge cake and we all took a group photo. Once uploaded on our personal profile pages, thousands of likes, comments, shares, reposts, and retweets appeared in seconds as always. After eating cake, laughing, and chatting, Chansung came over and stood before me as he held a photographer's camera in his hands.

"Hey." Chansung had a playful, child-like smile on his face. "Can I take a photo of you please?"

I raised an eyebrow and smirked playfully. "Sure. What's it for?"

As soon as we made eye contact again, when Chansung gazed at me with those sparkling brown eyes. His eyes still carried that deep loving feeling there. 
"Well..." Chansung spoke as he readied his camera. He skillfully positioned the seeing lens in front of his right eye. His playful smile soon turned into a professional and focused expression. "I was given this new camera to capture the beauty of everything. Only the most beautiful of things..." Chansung bashfully glanced up at me. "And so," his smile brightened as he kept looking at me, "I want you, to be in the first photo I take," he put the camera up to his eye again, "with this camera."

My heart began to pound again, but now, it was no longer surprising. I couldn't help but laugh out of pure happiness. It made my heart glow to know how much Chansung cares about me. It was all so new to experience this wonderful feeling of joy, to know someone that adores you.
Back then before anyone made their debut, Miss World Stars popularity began rising. Along with our beloved best friends of Girls Generation, many other young and talented artists wanted to compete with us and SNSD. However, when there was competition and sometimes battles among the music and entertainment companies and their talented, future artists and artists groups, new friendships had began when the Kpop Kingdom had united together; SMEnterainment, YG, and JYPEntertainment. Chansung and I became good friends. But as years passed from ours and everyone's debuts in the three famous music companies, and as our individual groups popularity became world known, Chansung and I had grown even closer. 
And now that we've reunited again, on this very special day, through everyone's hardwork back in the trainee days, I was living my dream that many people long and wish to do in their lives. And I was also with Chansung, who had held me and confessed that he truly loved me and had never stopped thinking of me. It had became a precious memory that I held in my heart. A memory I would never let go of forever.

In the moment I was laughing, Chansung had swiftly snapped the photo. As he was looking at the photo on his camera screen, his smile grew wider and brighter. I felt my cheeks burn red as my smile had quickly vanished from shock. "Wait! You caught me off guard. Ugh, I look so ugly off guard in pictures... Does it look bad?"

Chansung simply shook his head. "You look so happy in this... Wow...This is so perfect..." He spoke in complete awe and amazement.

After a moment, my heart then gave in from his dorky cuteness. I looked lovingly at him. "You're a pabo."

Chansung gave me the cutest blow kiss face and I laughed at how silly he was.
I don't think I could ever be upset with Chansung. It's all because Chansung had always made my smile and heart brighten even more. My bright smile returned to see him so excited about this picture of me. When Chansung held out his camera and showed me, I just saw me, with my open mouth smile and my bright eyes cheerfully closed. There was nothing really special about myself in the photo, I had thought. But as I saw Chansung's excitement about that one simple picture, I could feel that his heart was beating fast and hard in his chest.

"What do you think?" Chansung asked me as he lowered his camera and stared into my eyes. "I think it turned out beautifully. You look so happy, even though you always are all the time. Since you're already known as the most beautiful girl in the world, I think it'd be nice to capture the memories tonight." Chansung laughed at his own cute and playful comment. "You know, once we part ways again after the concert, this will be a perfect memory for when my heart is crazily missing you to death." 
My heart ached for him so bad. Without a word, as Chansung and I gazed at each other deeply, our hearts warm and bright, we both immediately hugged tightly. "Chansung... Thank you so much... for everything tonight." I whispered as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Happy tears sting at my eyes, the whole excitement of the concert overwhelming me. Miss World Stars had successfully made our American debut, and our tour is just starting off from here on. But I couldn't have done it without my sisters, 2PM, our loving fans, and of course, Chansung... Chansung softly pressed his lips against my forehead and closed his eyes.
"If only..." he spoke softly, "We could stay like this for a moment longer."

"My heart doesn't want to let you go yet, either." I laughed cheerfully.

Chansung truly was the love of my life. He made me happier than I already was with my life and career. The boy from my dreams holding me in his strong arms. Back when we were on the gigantic stage in front of cameras and a million fans, I could never forget those words Chansung had spoken as he held me close to his body. Chansung's warm and kind heart had sung along in harmony with my own heart, and the song our hearts had sung together would last forever.

"Aww, you guys!" Lela and Yuki said together. "Smile~"

Chansung and I slowly tore our gazes away from each other. Although, our smiles still remained for each other. As we both looked at the many cameras, Chansung had his hand behind my back and he held me close to him. I wrapped my arms around his torso and as we smiled bigger and wider, a ton of brilliantly bright flashes snapped in a few seconds. We all laughed as 2PM started teasing Chansung and he pushed them playfully away.
Then, when me and Chansung posed for another picture, he picked my up in the bridal-style and I was laughing uncontrollably from embarrassment.

When Chansung gently set me back down, I immediately went over to Nevaeh.
"Aww..." Nevaeh said as she showed us the photo on a photographer camera. "You guys are so cute together. It's crazy..."

"You guys are seriously goals!" Deja's eyes were bright and twinkling with excitement as she tugged on my arm. "A match made from heaven!"

"You guys, enough." I sighed and smiled softly at everyone gazing at us, side by side with each other. I lower my voice. "We're not even in a relationship."

Chansung spoke up as a playful smile appeared on his handsome face. "We're taking everything at a slow pace."

Everyone was basically crying from laughing so hard. I hid behind my hands in shock and embarrassment. Without realizing I ran back into Chansung's embrace and as he rested his head on mine, I gasped. I looked up at him, our gaze connecting once again. Chansung began to lean closer down and in a moment I understood why. Just kiss me already... My heart whispered. I want to remember this moment forever...
I slowly closed my eyes, feeling the suspense moment of waiting for the warm touch of his lips. Then suddenly in the blink of an eye, the loud excitement of the celebration party filled the air again. That anticipating moment was gone before I even knew it. The guilt weighed heavily but looking at Chansung's bright and cheerful face made my heart glow even warmer. Before I could remember what happened next, Chansung and I were laughing joyfully with my sisters and 2PM while being crushed and smothered in the huge group hug. After more hugs and photos, as 2PM were about to leave, Chansung gave me one last hug.

I heaved a sigh of bliss. It seems that on this amazing and special night that I've been held in Chansung's arms and feeling even more connected with him than before. Just being this close to Chansung made my heart glow with love and excitement. Burying my face into his chest, feeling the warmth and beat of his heart against my cheek, and just being wrapped in his arms made me feel like the happiest girl in the world.

I looked over Chansung's shoulder and I spotted Deja and Junho talking and laughing by the doorway. I quickly saw the new love in both of their eyes. Junho had his bright and perfect eye-smile, and his sparkling white teeth were shining. I saw the tips of his ears turn red. He was shy. I glanced over at Deja and she was smiling brighter and wider out of happiness as her bright and big eyes gazed lovingly and adoringly at Junho. They both hugged and had their phones out, probably getting each other's digits. I couldn't help but squeal inside from excitement. They like each other so much and it was way too cute and sad to see them part ways... Just like Chansung and me...

"Good bye, Chansung." I had spoken in Korean. "I'll miss you a lot. Hopefully in the future we'll meet again." Tears of joy and sorrow silently fell as my heart was growing brighter and warmer.

Chansung had smiled as he held me tighter, "Don't worry, we will definitely see each other again one day. I promise..." Chansung slowly but softly broke our hug. He spoke in the most perfect English I had ever heard in my life, "I love you." And with those words he took my hand and kissed it. My tears disappeared as my smile brightened from pure joy and love. 
His lips were warm and soft and I wished deep down I could feel Chansung's lips with mine. But just like Chansung said. One day, we will meet again. And when that day comes, my heart will be waiting just for him.

As our gaze and our bond connected again, we hugged once more. I looked up at him. I could feel his strong heart beating fast in his chest underneath my touch. We both smiled brightly at each other. I laughed softly before speaking Korean to him again. My eyes whispered lovingly along with my words. "I love you too."

Perfect Shay and the rest of my always smiling and beautiful sisters were still laughing and talking about the performance. We had taken many pictures and we were all pretty tired out and basically exhausted. But with one last cheers for a great performance, our group hug and laughter and tears from happiness became another memory that I would always treasure with all my heart.


I opened my eyes and I saw Deja and Nevaeh laying on either side me. I was so deep and focused on my memories that I must've dozed a little bit. Lela, Yuki, and Shay were sitting on the other bed beside ours and were smiling and talking secretly to each other. I was confused. My sisters were hiding something from me.

"Oh sorry," Nevaeh leaned an arm under her head, "we didn't mean to wake you."

"No, it's okay." I said as I rubbed my eyes. I quickly check my phone. It was 2:30 AM. I sighed as I stretched. I smiled sheepishly at my sisters. "What's-" I yawned, "going on...?" I could barely keep my eyes open but I just laid the in between my sisters.

"Hey, dude, is your ankle okay?" Nevaeh asked me as she pointed down at my ankle. I did an effortless leg stretch laying down and saw the small white bandage around my right ankle. I moved my ankle and winced from the sudden shock of pain. I nodded nonetheless but Nevaeh and Deja didn't buy it for one second.

"Kaelonni... we love you to death... but you can never fool us!" Deja said as she laughed. "Haven't I said before that you overwork yourself too hard!"

"You don't listen, do you?" Nevaeh smirked as she thought of trying to scold me. I raised an eyebrow at her before shrugging.

"Thank god you didn't fall of the stage completely." Lela's eyes were wide in worry. "You nearly scared us to death!"

"Alright, give Kaelonni a break," Nevaeh spoke before she yawned, "We're just glad that you're safe from any harm." Nevaeh smiled and closed her eyes as she cuddled closer to me, a childhood habit whenever she gets cold while she sleeps.

I smiled softly at the rest of my sisters. The unconditional love, support, leadership, and care from my lifelong best friends always filled my heart with even more love. "Bienae~"

"Don't try to act all innocent and cute!" Yuki playfully snapped. "It scared not only us, but the entire world and your fans, you know! One moment you were performing gorgeously and beautifully with us, like the superstars we were born to be. Then all of sudden we turn around and you were flying in the air, about to dive head first off the stage!"

I laughed at that while also feeling a little guilty for making my sisters worry about me so much. "It's not like I wanted or intended to fall or make an gone worry... I just..." I lowered my voice as I slowly looked up at the ceiling, replaying the terrifying seconds of my life that could've ended my career for good.

Shay was the only one who was always beaming with her radiant happiness. She came over and sat on the bed and delicately placed a hand over mine. "You were just happily living your dream like you're supposed to, like your heart always wanted in your entire life."

I smiled gratefully at Shay. She closed her eyes and sighed before looking around at my sisters and then to me. 
"We're just happy that he caught and saved you just in time. You two are so perfect for each other. Out there on stage it was like you both were in a different world. When we were having the greatest time with 2PM and the fans, we saw so much love and happiness between you both."

I sat up quickly as my eyes widened. "Wait... what's happening? What in the world are you all saying?!"

Nevaeh partially opened her tired eyes, yawned, then smirked playfully at me, "We as your beloved sisters..." She yawned while speaking, "have known all along who you were always thinking about and how you would always smile and daydream when his name is mentioned..." she yawned again, "even once... And of course the entire world knows that you, and Chansung... Are in love."

"And from what happened tonight," Shay's smile grew brighter, "We saw that you two were just meant to be with each other!"

"It's fate, I'm telling you!" Deja squealed excitedly.

After I moment, all I could do was laugh. "That's crazy. Chansung and I..." I paused for a moment, "We're just close friends. We hadn't seen each other for a while, and we just bonded... and connected again from the live concert performance. That's all there is to it."

"Don't diss on fate!" Deja snapped which made me laugh.

As my sisters exchanged bright smiles at each other and playful glances at me, I simply closed my eyes and laid back down without saying another word. Even Nevaeh woke back up after Lela shook her and exchanged a playful look at her. When I opened my eyes again my 5 sisters had moved closer around and peered at me. I was so surprised to see them so interested in the business between Chansung and me. Understanding that they won't give up on this, I heave an exasperated sigh as I sit back up. After a few seconds as my sisters kept their bright and sparkling gazes on me, I then suddenly laugh from joy and embarrassment when I thought of Chansung. We all fell on top of the other while laughing happily together.

"You are in love!" Nevaeh cried as she laughed and laid on top of me.

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe it." Shay giggled. "One of our maknae's is growing up!"

"Kaelonni!" My sisters all wrapped their arms around me and hugged me tightly. We all were full if smiles and laughing happily together. I love my sisters so much. My heart was filled with everlasting happiness from all the love I was receiving today; from my sisters, my friends, my fans, the world, and Chansung. I don't think I couldn't ever be happier right now.

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