Thank You I Love You

Miss Universe and Her True Love

"Thank you~ We love you~! You are our bright and shining stars. Our talented beauties of the world. The daughters of song. Miss World Stars, we love you~ From the moon and back~! I love you~!"

Tears of happiness were falling softly from our faces. My sisters and I all joined in a group hug as we listened and sang along with our fans. I held onto Nevaeh's and Deja's hand as we cried and smiled at the same time. The twinkling lights of the millions of fans shined bright like little stars as they sang in harmony together.

"Thank you~ I love you~! Thank you~ We love you~ Thank you~ I love you~!"

It was so beautiful... to see so much happiness and joy from our beloved and cherished fans. We said many Thank You's to our fans and we bowed deeply one last time for them. These moments are so precious to us, especially to our hearts. Our fans and the world always seem to fill our hearts with love and happiness.


"Thanks everyone for coming out tonight!" I was the last one to speak as I waved. I was smiling uncontrollably because I was also laughing so hard. My sisters and I were completely drenched with water. Our different bright colored tops, high-waisted shorts, and especially our long, thick hair were soaked and completely wet. We were all out of breath from the ious water fight with 2PM. The beastly idols were smiling and laughing like young boys beside us. They too, were soaked and shivering from the cold and from excitement.

Earlier at the end of the concert, the water fight had commenced with fierce competitiveness and wholesome excitement. My sisters and I were firing at 2PM with water bottles and water guns. There were tons of water balloons and water was splashing everywhere. Everyone was laughing and dancing out of excitement and fun while we danced and sang along with our fans to the music. The lights were colorful and bright with life as we danced and tried to get each other soaked with water. Chansung had caught me from behind and he twirled and lifted me up in the air. As I looked up at Chansung laughing my lungs out, he looked deeply into my eyes. There was the love that I saw before in his gaze and out of pure happiness, I jumped in his arms and hugged him as he spun us around. The happy cries of joy from the fans shook the entire music stadium dome. All the fans were jumping, dancing, and singing along with us to the extremely upbeat, pop music. Fun excitement and water was everywhere in the air. The fans excited cheering and happiness combined with the music and the water in the air, it was like a world that I would never leave from.

I was absentmindedly holding hands with Chansung, gazing out to the dancing and happy fans. I could feel the warmth of his hand. Then, Chansung playfully danced with me and we both laughed together. Suddenly, I hear my sister's familiar voice behind me. I almost panicked inside, worried that my sisters would come up and tease me that they were right; that I truly did like Chansung. And the last thing I wanted tonight was for my sisters to embarrass me when he's standing right here next to me.

"Oh, Kaelonni~! Chansung!" Nevaeh called behind us.

"KAELONNI!" We turned around and next think Chansung and I knew, my 5 sisters and the rest of 2PM were coming at us with two big buckets of water. As we were both showered with water, Chansung and I looked in surprise and laughed. As all of us laughed together, Chansung and I both winked and smiled as we then had the same idea. We both took big and full water guns and charged right after them. Chansung got all s and I got all my sisters soaked. Chansung and I then walked together to the front of the stage and we threw beach balls and sprayed water at the hundreds of fans in the stage pit.

"Wow..." Chansung nodded his head, impressed. "You surprise me a lot... For a girl, you sure know how to throw."

I glanced up at him as I served a beach ball to the second level of fans in the music stadium. I smirked playfully at him. "My sisters and I did a ton of sports when we were in high school. Besides making music, and dancing and singing everyday, we'd play soccer, tennis, volleyball, even football back then. Basically we can play any sport out there." I made a cool and playful face as I threw a ball unintentionally hard at Chansung. But as expected, he caught it one-handed with ease.

"I know, I could tell..." Chansung smirked teasingly as threw the ball back at me softly which made me frown a little. He laughed again at my expression which made me a little upset, but when he gazed at me with those big brown eyes, my annoyance with him at the moment never seemed to existed anymore.

"You're amazing... at everything you do." Chansung said as he threw more beach balls to the screaming fans who wanted to touch him.

"Thank you..." I paused as I stared at him overwhelmed shock. I thought for a moment. "...Chansung Oppa~" I smiled at the word. That term always made me blush.

"Kaelonni...?" Chansung almost stumbled forward. I quickly caught his hand. He wouldn't have fallen off completely like I did earlier because we were a few feet away from the edge of the stage, but he held on tightly to my hand. His face showed surprised amusement. "Bienae~" he spoke cooly.

"Pabo~!" I sing sang to him as I pushed him lightly away.

He had an open mouth smile as his face grew red. He covered his mouth with his hand.

"Why are you laughing? Just because I called you 'Oppa'?" I said a little embarrassed now. "You're a couple years older so I used the term right... It is weird coming from me?"

Chansung shook his head while keeping our unbreakable gaze connected. "Of course not... It's super cute only when you say it." He and I were both still dripping wet from the last surprise water attack. His face had water beads and wiped then away while laughing. Then, as he eye smiled at me, he said the most poetic and perfect words that I've ever heard in my whole life. "To me, Kaelonni, you're the most beautiful girl in the world. And when you called me 'Oppa', it made you even more special and perfect to me than you already are."

Even through the high cheers of the fans and the booming bass of the upbeat music and even without speaking to the mics taped to our faces, I was still able to hear and treasure his sweet and warm voice. My heart grew warmer and brighter as I stared at him shock. Chansung smirked and shook his head widely like a shaggy dog, water shaking off everywhere and dripping from his light brown hair. I then smiled at how funny he looked. Chansung looked at me again and his soft smile widened brighter as he laughed. We both started laughing while I twisted the water out of my super thick, now heavy, long brown hair. I closed my eyes and wiped away water. Then I bent my head down and flipped my hair and brushed it out through my fingers. My white tank top with our iconic Miss World Stars logo on it and my white high waisted shorts clung to my body and were soaked through with water. As I looked up at him, Chansung's eyes and mouth were wide open.

I flipped my hair and I smiled softly, "Chansung? Are you okay?"

He met my surprise gaze and he quickly nodded his head and laughed it off. I quickly saw Chansung's deep blush. And of course the fans had saw, AND filmed everything. To make it even more fun and just to , I put my arms around his neck and as he looked at me in surprise and almost excitedly, I took an open water bottle from Nichkhun who was passing by and dumped it over Chansung's head.
I laughed uncontrollably while watching him smile and laugh. He looked at me and in a playful manner, he pretended to be mad at me and so he picked me up and twirled me again. When he finally put me down, Chansung wiped water from his face... Shook more water from his brown hair... And then took off his shirt... 
I was smiling and waving at the fans before my eyes grew wide in surprised as I saw his perfectly tone and muscular body: chiseled arms and chest, perfect 8-pack, toned and muscular back. The fans of course, had a huge uproar from Chansung. He cooly waved and smiled at them and I hid my shy and embarrassed smile.

His voice then broke my dream-like, dazed moment. "Kaelonni... Earlier when both our group members attacked us with water, we beat them back super well. We make a pretty good team, huh?"

I tried will all my spirit to focus on his face then his muscular arms and his perfect abs. Chansung snickered cutely and I looked away in embarrassment.

"Really? Us?" I said, a little surprised. A bright smile naturally appeared on my face as I looked up at Chansung. I would always get lost in Chansung's eyes. "Yeah, I guess we do." I couldn't stop my smile, especially now that Chansung never wanted to break our special eye contact. I could never stop smiling. My fans had always called me, The Angelic Goddess. I guess it was because of me always being happy and smiling all the time. It was like an honor to know that my fans always and would forever care about my happiness. Before I even know it myself, my fans would always try anything to make me smile, and my heart would light up with joy. But right now, when I'm with Chansung, my eyes would twinkle bright whenever I see him. And my smile would always come deeper from my heart.

Chansung was perfect though. He was always smiling too, always laughing. He was strong and super intelligent. One the many things that I loved about him was his smile and that cute dimple. A couple of the many cute charms of Prince Chansung. But ever since we met each other's gaze earlier before the concert began, his eyes would look deep into my soul, as if he were dreaming in them like I did when I looked into his eyes. Chansung's perfect, bright smile got even bigger every time I smiled or when we gazed at each other.

"Maybe..." he looked down at his feet, glanced at the dancing and singing fans, then finally at me. Chansung smiled softly. "We could... perform together in the future? You know, perform with each other, again? Just you... and me...?" He said in an almost shy tone. He spoke while putting his shirt back on, a slight pause of disappointment heard all over the millions of fans.

"What...?" I managed to say over my shock.

God I'm stupid. He's gonna think I didn't care or bother to listen... It's kinda his fault though... I can't help that his eyes are so dreamy...

Chansung chuckled softly, seeing my surprise. My eyes lit back up again. "Perform together? Well, duh of course~ We'll have the same fun that we had tonight... maybe even more." My smiled remained bright as Chansung's expression lit up with excitement and a little shock.

Even above the fans high cheering though, earlier I could've sworn Chansung was almost asking me out on a date. My heart was racing faster now. It was growing warmer as Chansung started walking slowly towards me.

Suddenly, as we kept gazing at one another, I had realized that my heart began to sing and grow warm and bright. As Chansung got closer to me, I could hear his heart sing too. As we both entered our magical world of gazing into each other's souls, the lights glimmered and shone down upon us and the music turned to a slow, but beautiful melody. The fans cheering had slowed and quieted. 
The twinkling lights of the fans were like a billion stars in the distance. My sisters and the rest of 2PM's members had also seemed to be stopped in time too for a moment. The romantic and heavenly atmosphere was bright and comforting. Everything was peaceful and almost magicial.

Chansung was looking down at me and his dark brown eyes never stopped sparkling. He smiled softly when I looked up at him, our faces and bodies only centimeters apart. He then took both of my hands and held them tightly but softly in his own. Then, as Chansung had never broken our gaze or a special new bond we had created naturally, I could feel his heart beat when he placed my hand over his chest. I gasped suddenly as Chansung then pulled me towards him and wrapped his strong arms around me.

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