

Prompt: sunggyu a 42 years old man, fallin love with24 yo woohyun.. Apparently their love story works smoothly .. a fluff please? Thank you❤

Name: Nam Woohyun, DOB: February 8thAge: 24, Occupation: 3rd Grade teacher

Aquarius: Often called geniuses, Aquarias grasp highly technical subjects with ease, and keep their focus firmly on tomorrow. Aquarius’ role is to break down established structures and replace what has been swept away with something better. Aquarius have their inherent rebellious streak: They must challenge the status quo.

Woohyun believed in many things. Some would call them ‘superstitions,’ others ‘outright myths.’ But Woohyun believed in them anyway, like destiny, aliens, ghosts, horoscopes, etc. So it’s not too hard to imagine his recent fascination with psychology, which some old science fanatics deem to be a pseudo-science. But to Woohyun, all of it was as real as the ghost in his closet (the maintenance guy said it was just the water heater, but water heaters don’t moan).

Unfortunately, psychology was only a hobby of his. It’s unfortunate because he would be making much more money as a psychologist than he currently was making as an elementary school teacher. However, he did make some extra money on the weekends by participating in experiments at the University nearby. And at one of those experiments was were he met him for the first time.

Name: Kim Sunggyu, DOB: April 28, Age: 42, Occupational: Research Psychologist

TaurusA Taurus is incredibly practical, reliable, and steadfast. They also have a strong conservative streak. Passive resistance is a Bull’s specialty. In terms of lifestyle, Taurus like to stay home and surround themselves with all kinds of comforts. Their  focus is on the here and now, with the added role of preserving what was created yesterday, and crave social approval.

He was overseeing a psychology students’ experiment that Woohyun was participating in, a simple experiment on memory, one that Woohyun had done several times before. And although he had done it several times before, and visited the campus even more times, this was the first time Woohyun had ever seen the doctor. And he looked bored, yawning as his student was delivering the instructions. Woohyun smiled. It was obvious. He was new to the school, and probably new to overseeing graduate students. Woohyun laughed to himself and his amateur analysis of the man. And that’s when the old man lifted his head and their gaze met for the first time.

Gazes, they weren’t supposed to feel like that. They weren’t supposed to send a tingling sensation coursing through his body and make the small hairs on his arms and neck stand on its end. But it did. And the only word running through Woohyun’s mind was ‘fate.’

However fate comes in all forms. Not all fateful meetings end with love. They could be fated to be enemies or friends, maybe even rivals. They were fated to be something. But fate is tricky like that. It takes awhile to figure it out. Woohyun doubted that they were supposed to be lovers though. They weren’t supposed to be a good match. Not only their signs clashed, but their ages did as well. There seemed to be too many obstacles in their path.

Aquarius and TaurusBecause both of you are fixed signs, neither of you is likely to make a concerted effort to resolve conflicts that crop up. Both of you learned early in life that you can win arguments by employing your steely resolve. This inevitably leads to an impasse. If one or both of you has compatible earthor waterplanets in your individual charts there could be flexibility on at least on one side. Let’s hope so! Otherwise, you both are going to have to try very hard to abandon your stubbornness.


Tauri remain physically attractive well into old age.

And Sunggyu fulfilled that aspect of that sign very well. Woohyun was attracted, dragged into his pull. And perhaps the feelings were mutual. Or at least Sunggyu didn’t take his eyes off of Woohyun while he was completing the experiment.

When it was over, the professor came up to Woohyun. “You,” he began looking at Woohyun in astonishment. “Are you a genius? You performed exceptionally well.” 

“Well,” Woohyun said with an embarrassed chuckle. He had been caught. “I’ve done this before. And I might have learned a trick or two to help me memorize some of the words. Like clustering them.” 

Sunggyu stared at him blankly and then broke out into a laugh. “Well, there’s always an outlier,” he said after coming down from laughing. “Thank you for ruining my student’s experiment.”

Woohyun grinned. “Anytime.”

And Woohyun did, or at least he tried. Half of the fun of taking the experiments was to guess at what the study really was. And Sunggyu, as the recent hire who had to oversee most of the experiments, was more than willing to divulge the answer to Woohyun. Well, that was a part of the required post-test regiment after each experiment, but the conversations they would have weren’t. They would talk about the semantics of the experiment, how the other participants performed. 

After one experiment, during which the graduate student was being peculiarly chatty, Woohyun came out of the room and Sunggyu watched him come out with an amused smile on his face. “She was trying to seduce you,” he explained.

“Well, she failed,” Woohyun retorted. 

“I can see that,” Sunggyu added and jotted a few things down into his notebook. “So…was she not your type?” he asked, barely looking up from the notebook. 

Woohyun chuckled. “You could say that.” He paused and waited for Sunggyu to raise his head and shoot him his usual curious glare before continuing, “And it was really obvious. She was being too sweet, and I’ve done an experiment with her before. She’s normally kind of standoffish.”

Sunggyu laughed. “You’re going to mess it up for her.”

On the inside Woohyun was incredibly pleased, but he tried to mask it as best he could, acting cool. He shrugged. “There’s always an outlier.” 

“True,” Sunggyu agreed with a nod. “And at least we know why.” 

Woohyun leaned in closer and spoke in a teasing voice, “Or do you?” He then left the professor behind, pondering the implications of that statement. And after awhile, he could hear Sunggyu softly laughing behind him.


“Do you…want to come to this conference with me?” Sunggyu suddenly asked after an experiment one day. “I mean,” he cleared his throat. “It’s being held on campus, and it’s open to the public. Or you could not spend your weekend listening to boring lectures about cognition and do whatever kids these days do?”

Woohyun scoffed. Kid…he gritted his teeth. “No, I’d like to come,” he replied.

“Alright then. Here’s the flyer,” Sunggyu said and handed a yellow flyer to Woohyun.

Woohyun took it and smiled. “Save me a seat,” he commanded before leaving.

Surprisingly, Sunggyu did save Woohyun a seat, right next to him. But even though he had a seat, Woohyun felt out of place. Several people had notebooks or laptops to take notes on the lectures. Open up to the public my . There barely seemed to be a layperson in the room, except for the old man in the corner. He seemed to be there for the free cookies and refreshments that came with these kinds of things. 

And then Sunggyu stood up. Woohyun’s eyes widened. Don’t leave me. He didn’t. Sunggyu walked up to the front of the room. He then began introducing the first speaker. It became clear that Sunggyu was running the panel and had to introduce every single one of the papers. It was strange. Woohyun was finally seeing him as being more than just the bored advisor for his students’ experiments. He was a scholar, and an important one judging by the fact that he was running the panel.

And by the fact that after the session, Sunggyu was bombarded by several of his colleagues. However, only after stomaching a few seconds of small talk, Sunggyu stretched his neck, looking for someone. Their gazes met again. “Oh, I brought a student along with me,” Woohyun heard the other speak loudly. “If you excuse me, I have some things to discuss with him.” He then broke his way out of the crowd and walked up to Woohyun, greeting him with a small smile.

“Ah!” Woohyun exclaimed, nodding knowingly. “So that’s why you invited me. To get you out of schmoozing.” He shot the other an accusing glare before softening it into a smile.

“Not entirely,” Sunggyu argued, leading Woohyun to the refreshment table.

Woohyun fixed his eyes on the other and cocked his head. “But partially,” he countered.

“Yes,” Sunggyu quickly gave in. Then he pointed to the spread on the table. “These are free, you know. Don’t you kids thrive on free food?”

Woohyun stopped himself from grabbing five cookies. He turned to the other and pouted. “I’m not a kid,” he declared. “I’m an adult with a grown-up job. I take care of kids!” Screw it. He took a cookie and took a large bite out of it. “I’m not like one of your students,” he fought back, crumbs spilling out of his mouth.

Sunggyu smiled at him. “No, you’re not.”

“Then why else did you invite me?” Woohyun asked.

The professor took a long sip from his coffee, before answering, “I like talking to you. You have an interesting perspective on things.”

“What am I? Just one of your test subjects that you like to observe?” Woohyun joked.

Sunggyu shrugged. “I’m a psychologist. I observe people. It’s my job.” He then leaned in closer and spoke in a low voice, “Now what did you think about the second paper.”

Woohyun chuckled, slightly ashamed. “To be honest, it put me to sleep,” he admitted. “The person has a very monotone voice.”

Sunggyu nodded and enthusiastically pointed at him. “Right!”

When the sessions were over for the day, it was dinnertime. And as a thank you for giving him an excuse to escape making small talk with the other psychologists, Sunggyu offered to buy Woohyun dinner, which Woohyun readily accepted because he had nothing more in his fridge than a maybe an egg and some vegetables on the verge of expiring. Besides, he was a ‘kid.’ If he didn’t monopolize on free food, he was an idiot.

But nothing was ever truly free. And this meal came at the price of Woohyun’s curiousity. “I was wondering,” Woohyun began as he was pushing his food around on the plate. This place was fancier than the usual family restaurants that he frequented. “Why didn’t you bring your students with you?”

“They were there,” Sunggyu quickly answered. “Some of them even presented.”

Woohyun dropped his spoon and placed his hands in his lap. “Oh…”

“It’s just nice to get away from academia sometimes,” Sunggyu explained. “If I were to ask them about a paper, they’d give a well thought out reply with critiques and praises about the study, which they probably didn’t honestly care about, but because I asked them, they pretend to care. But it’s not like that with you.” He paused. Woohyun raised an eyebrow, silently begging him to continue. “You’re not trying to impress me, and you’re honest.”

“The study with the building blocks and three year-olds was stupid,” Woohyun declared loudly with a cheeky grin. If the other wanted honesty, he was more than willing to give it.

“Yes it was!” Sunggyu agreed again as if he was dying to say it himself. “Of course, they are going to build something. And they reached too far.”

“And the lady looked like a frog,” Woohyun added.

Sunggyu shook his head. “I’m surprised that she didn’t hop up to the podium.”

The two of them laughed together for awhile. Once it abated Woohyun leaned over the table. “You know which one I thought was interesting?” he asked.

Sunggyu slightly leaned over the table as well. “The one with the puppy?”

“Well, yea,” Woohyun admitted with a small chuckle. Then he rest his chin in his hand and finally revealed it, “But also the one that claimed to make people fall in love just by asking 36 questions.”

Sunggyu closed his eyes, shaking his head while laughing in disbelief. “Those types of studies are the reason why some people think that psychology is a pseudo-science.” He paused, chewing his lower lip in thought. “But…”

“But?” Woohyun urged the other to continue.

“I can see why it works,” Sunggyu confessed, leaning back into his chair. “You put everything out in the open from the beginning.”

“What about the end?” Woohyun inquired. Sunggyu cocked his head in confusion. “When they have to look at each other for four minutes?” 

“Ah!” Sunggyu exclaimed. “I can’t imagine doing that.”

“Have you ever tried?” Woohyun challenged.

“No,” Sunggyu responded with a scoff. He then looked at the other with wide eyes. “Have you?!”

Woohyun laughed at the other’s reaction. “No,” he confessed. “But I’d like to.” He spoke carefully, and when he ended, he slowly lifted his gaze to meet Sunggyu’s. The air between them seemed to be tense.

Too tense for Sunggyu. He looked away first. “You’re ridiculous.”

After the dinner, they exchanged phone numbers. Woohyun felt a bit weird. Other than his parents, Sunggyu was the oldest person in his contacts list. But they had a lot in common, surprisingly. He had asked for the number because Sunggyu had gotten tickets to watch the national soccer team play, and who he was supposed to go with couldn’t anymore. His friend couldn’t find a babysitter for the evening. Problems that Woohyun couldn’t imagine having yet. With Sunggyu, Woohyun sometimes felt incredibly young, but mostly, it felt comfortable. They had a lot in common, not just their love for soccer. The conversation naturally flowed, and although Woohyun was significantly younger, Sunggyu was good-natured and didn’t mind the younger ribbing and teasing him. Actually it seemed to be quite the opposite. He might’ve even enjoyed it. 

Aquarius and Taurus: We are only studying Sun signs here. If the Aquarius has lots of Capricorn planets in his horoscope (which is possible since Venus, the Moon, Mercury and even Mars could be close to the Sun at any given time), you will find this relationship far easier than I have described. Something drew you two together, so have a look at your full horoscopes to get the entire picture.

It had been four months since they had begun hanging out, outside of experiments and the conference. And they had done a lot. They had gone to movies, eaten meals together, and they even went shopping once when Woohyun needed to pick out a gift for his father and claimed that no one understood an old man’s wants more than an other old man, which earned him a sharp slap on the head, but Sunggyu came anyways. They had done a lot, but there were some things that they still haven’t done. Woohyun was itching to do them. Sunggyu was starting to sense that and began distancing himself away from the young man. And when Woohyun was starting to think that this was the extent of their shared fate together, Sunggyu suddenly called him, inviting him to a conference that was out of town. He claimed that he didn’t do well in uncomfortable situations and needed something that would put him at ease. He needed Woohyun. Sunggyu quickly undercut that compliment by saying all of his graduate students were too busy to attend. Woohyun still agreed to go anyways. He still had an interest in psychology and maybe he could learn something more (and perhaps just a small bit of him wanted to see Sunggyu deliver his lecture. Woohyun had seen Sunggyu through his most recent experiment and was curious to see it come to fruition). 

At the conference, Woohyun pretended to be Sunggyu’s assistant, which also gave him the excuse to never leave the other’s side. And then he got to watch Sunggyu present, which was a bit surreal, seeing him so serious when Woohyun was used to the old man joking like a child and lazing around. Also that was when Woohyun realized that the other meant when he said that he needed someone to put him at ease. Although Sunggyu could be loud and extroverted, he became almost shy when he was presenting. Which was understandable. He was putting himself and his work up for immediate criticism which he had politely respond to lest he’d be seen as arrogant. Whenever his voice started to quiver or he began to break a sweat, Sunggyu would look for Woohyun in the audience, who was attentively listening and would give him an encouraging smile. Sunggyu would then get the strength to continue. 

Woohyun found it all ironic. Things between them couldn’t be more tense, but Woohyun still could manage to put the other at ease during stressful situations. What did it mean? Woohyun hoped that it meant the tension would soon snap, and they’d finally give in. But it seemed like he was hoping foolishly, until that evening.

They returned to the hotel room that they were sharing that night. Sunggyu was still in his suit, laying on his stomach in one of the two beds. They had gotten champagne to celebrate the professor’s successful presentation, but it didn’t appear like Sunggyu was enjoying it. He just laid in the bed, tipping the flute in his hands instead of drinking the wine.

“I’ve never really liked this stuff,” he finally confessed with a pout. “Too bubbly.”

Woohyun sipped out of his own glass as he sat down on the other bed. “Then why’d you buy it?” he asked.

Sunggyu shrugged. “It felt more celebratory then just getting a beer.” He then finally took a sip and immediately grimaced.

“Here,” Woohyun said as he got up, walked over to Sunggyu, and took the flute away from his hands. Woohyun took a swig from it before setting it on the nightstand. Sunggyu looked up at him confused. “I’ll go get you some beer,” he announced as he slipped back on his shoes, preparing to leave. But then he stopped. Sunggyu was practically cackling, almost drunkenly so even though he only had a sip. Woohyun tilted his head.

“They think you’re a gold digger,” Sunggyu explained. 

“Who are they?”

“People. Family, friends, some of my students.”

“Why didn’t somebody tell me?” Woohyun asked in mock disbelief. “I should be taking more advantage of my sugar daddy.”

Sunggyu immediately winced. “Please…please don’t call me that.”


“No sugar daddy,” Sunggyu grumbled. “No daddy or Appa or old man…ahjussi…”

Woohyun looked at the other blankly for a few seconds. “Then what am I supposed to call you? Hyung?” he asked. At the last suggestion, a small smile spread across the elder’s face. And somehow that made Woohyun feel frustrated. He’s not the only one with complaints. “I don’t like it when you call me ‘kid,’” Woohyun declared.

Sunggyu lifted his head. “Why?”

“Probably for the same reason you hate being called ‘old man.’”

They stared at each other. Woohyun could feel the tension tightening again. Fibers of the thread were being to fray and snap from the stress. Sunggyu looked away first again. “We can’t,” he muttered. Then he shot a quick glance at the other. “Can we?”

“I don’t know,” Woohyun honestly confessed. That answer seemed to depress the other. Sunggyu laid down fully on the bed again. “How about we try those questions, hyung? The 36?” Woohyun suggested.

“Right,” Sunggyu said with a grunt, sitting up on the bed. “Might knock some sense into our heads.” Woohyun began to grin. He had been chomping at the bit to conduct this experiment, especially with Sunggyu. “But first things first…get the beer.”

25. Make 3 true “we” statements each.

Sunggyu: We’re in this hotel room drinking beer.

Woohyun: Hyung!

Sunggyu: Your turn. Go.

Woohyun: We’re both sitting on the same bed.

Sunggyu: When did that happen? (pauses) We’re attracted to each other.

Woohyun: We want this.

Sunggyu: But we’re not sure that it’s a good idea.

Woohyun: I thought it said to make true ‘we’ statements.

Sunggyu: Fine…I’m not sure. But we shouldn’t be compatible.

Woohyun: But we…we get along really well?

Sunggyu: We do.

If they learned anything from this little ‘experiment’ it was that this truly did knock some sense into their head. The both of them had to be in denial. They were beyond just simply liking each other or being attracted. It was evident in their answers. Although their answers didn’t match each other’s at times, they would talked about it until they reached a compromise. They did it naturally without thinking twice about it. And it wasn’t like pulling teeth. It was more of a gentle act of giving and taking.

Then it was finally time for the final part, gazing at each other for 4 minutes. Which Woohyun on many occasions tried to get the other to do several times. He was more curious to know what it felt like, and now that he was unabashedly staring at Sunggyu for a lengthy amount of time, it wasn’t as awkward as he thought it was. Nor did the time move slowly either, like he feared it would. But he couldn’t put his finger on the feeling though. It was a mixture between fascination, anxiety, feeling defenseless and in control all at the same time. 

Sunggyu, on the other hand, appeared to be spending most of his time thinking. The creases on his forehead deepened. His eyes carefully scanned the younger’s face. But then all of the sudden, the creases smoothed out and his eyes still on Woohyun’s lips. The tension melted away. “F**k it,” he cursed, leaned over, and kissed Woohyun.

Nam Woohyun: age 30, currently unemployed

Kim Sunggyu: age 48, still a research psychologist

Woohyun suddenly plopped onto the coffee table, in front of the arm chair that Sunggyu was currently sitting in and reading a newspaper. They were living together and had been for some years. However, were things still okay between them? Woohyun began pondering that as he stared at the other. Sunggyu sensing the other’s presence looked up, matching the other’s gaze. After awhile the old man wiped his face. “What? Do I have something on my face?” he asked but Woohyun only shrugged in response. Sunggyu then sighed and looked back down at his newspaper. “You’re weird” 

Woohyun frowned and looked down at his watch. “1 minute and 30 seconds,” he announced. “You only lasted 1 minute and 30 seconds! What’s happening to us, hyung?”

Sunggyu laughed, realizing what the other was trying to do. “That’s a pretty good record actually,” he countered.

“It’s no 4 minutes,” Woohyun grumbled back.

Sunggyu looked clearly amused by Woohyun’s disgruntled expression. “We already fell in love,” he remarked.

“But are we still in love?” the younger challenged.

Sunggyu then placed his newspaper aside and gestured at the other to come over. Woohyun did, squeezing into the arm chair, conforming his body to the others and putting his arm around him. Sunggyu raised his arm and began patted his head. “What do you think?” he asked gently.

“You know, there’s a lot of reasons why we shouldn’t work out,” Woohyun looked up at the other.

“But there’s always an outlier,” Sunggyu replied.

“Yea,” Woohyun agreed and rest his head back down on Sunggyu’s shoulder. But then he jolted up straight. “Oh ! Myungsoo!”

Name: Kim Myungsoo, DOB: March 8thAge: 7, Occupation: child of Kim Sunggyu and Nam Woohyun

“I can’t believe I almost forgot to pick him up from school!”


A/N: I took all the horoscope information from this website (hence the hyperlinks sorry!): http://www.astrologyzone.com

also the experiment is real. Here are the 36 questions: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/11/fashion/no-37-big-wedding-or-small.html

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703 streak #1
Chapter 20: ❤️❤️❤️
703 streak #2
Chapter 15: Funny
703 streak #3
Chapter 9: I like this one
703 streak #4
Chapter 4: Awww…
Chapter 1: This is great.. Loved reading this
Chapter 20: Read everything. Some of it I had read on AO3. Really nice stories. Love it. Thank you for these amazing stories.
Chapter 17: Ooh i love this one. I've read it once 2 years ago and i've been searching since to read it back. Your another story, 'Things Get Better' gave me the familiar warm fuzzy feeling. I should've known you wrote both stories. I'm glad I decided to read your older stories. Amazing! Thank you so much for writing this. I love WooGyu. There something magical and spark about this genre. I might like it best after fantasy genre! WooGyu. Love love love.
Chapter 8: Love them! <3 <3 <3
Chapter 17: OMG! there is something-like-a-plot like this one on tumblr but is Idol!verse hahaha
Seriously Nam XD