

Sungjong took in a deep breath and exhaled with much vigor.  He spun his body round and round and fell to the ground, laying in the grass.  His older hyung, Sunggyu, laid down next to him and hugged his waist.

"Isn't today such a beautiful day, Myungie hyung?"

The younger said to Myungsoo who was currently standing, looking down at the two on the ground.

"I don't see what's so beautiful about it...."

Sunggyu rolled his eyes and dug his nose into Sungjong's hair.

"You are so.... depressing, Myungsoo."

"I'm just stating the truth."

Myungsoo sat down, criss-crossed, and faced his two friends.

"Remember what you said to Sungyeol one time? He got so sad, Woohyun kept giving you murderous glares."

Myungsoo ignored Sunggyu's look of shame and shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm just stating the facts. We are so tiny in this universes, how can we ever be anything more?"

Sunggyu and Sungjong shrugged their shoulders.

"You need a boyfriend or a girlfriend, Myungie. Someone you can love and take your mind off this whole.... diminutive thing and universe being so large."

Sunggyu nodded and agreed with Sungjong.

"Yeah! We'll set you up on blind dates!"

Myungsoo shuddered at the memories of a blind date one time.  Supposedly, she thought he was cute, so Sungjong decided to help out and set up a date up for him.  Unfortunately, it didn't work out because she cried and Myungsoo hates when girls cry and it was just a huge mess.

"Oh god, no. Please. Never again, Sungjong."

Sungjong looked appalled, "I'm just trying to help you, hyung!"

"Noooooo! No more help! You might accidentally set me up with some crazy psycho who wants to kill me!"

"That was one fricken time, Myungie! Get over it!"

"Uhhh, guys...."

"What?!" Myungsoo and Sungjong shouted at their hyung.

"Nevermind, but Sungjong, we have to get going."

Sungjong stared blankly at his hyung for a few minutes, until the gears finally started to turn for him.

"Wow... I completely forgot. We should hurry then. Byeeeee Myungie hyung!"

"Oh okay.... thanks for leaving me here alone, guys...."

"Hehehe. You and your friends are funny."

Myungsoo turned around and was faced with a girl about his height, just a little bit shorter.  Her hair was dyed an orangey-red and was slightly curled.  Her shirt was striped black and white and hung loosely around her shoulders and body.  She had on one of those gothic lolita skirts, but she pulled it off well.  She was wearing those knee-high converse. 

In her hair, she wore a headband with a giant bow on it.  Around her neck, she wore a crown-shaped necklace and on her right and left index and pinky fingers, she sported angel wings, an owl, a crown, and an infinite sign rings respectively.

All in all, it made her seem cute and stylish, but spunky.

Myungsoo couldn't help, but to stare at her in awe.

"Am I that good-looking? Ahaha~"

Myungsoo kept quiet and just stared out into the open area.

"Your friends are really.... something."


"Nice day, huh?"

"Sure... I suppose."

The girl broke out in a smile and held out her hand.

"The name's Sakurai Yuuka."



"That's nice..."

Myungsoo moved his hand to shake hers.  Yuuka frowned and folded her arms after they finished shaking hands.  She could easily talk to people and they usually talked to her, but this Myungsoo guy just wasn't talkative.

"Not much of a talker, are ya? Well, geez...."


Yuuka stuck her tongue out playfully and gave a signature 'peace' sign.

"Naaaaah, don't worry about it. I'll get you to open up to me and have you fall in love with me."

Myungsoo felt like he was hit by a ton of bricks.

"What did you say?"

"I said I'll get you to open up to me."

Myungsoo blinked and coughed nervously.

"Alright... we'll see about that."

"I'm very persistent."

Yuuka grinned and waved goodbye to Myungsoo.  He stared blankly at the spot that was previously occupied and shrugged his shoulders.

"Weirdos. I meet them everyday, what can I do."


The next few weeks, Myungsoo finally learned what Yuuka meant by 'very persistent'.  She had showed up at his house, unannounced.  The only reason Myungsoo even let her into his house was because she showed up at 6AM, banging on the front door. and then she just walked right in.

She looked around his house and smiled at how homely it felt, despite Myungsoo's personality.  Yuuka sat down on the couch.  She patted the seat next to her, signalling for Myungsoo to come over and sit next to her.

"Great, some weirdo's at my house. Oh joy."

Yuuka blinked innocently at Myungsoo.

"Why are you talking about yourself like that? Ahahaha~ Just kidding, I know it's me. It's how I am and I can't do anything about that."

"Hah! You hypocrite! Then I shouldn't have to change myself."

Yuuka shrugged, "To be honest, I don't really think you're all that.... depressing. You probably say stuff like that because you're truly lonely and you don't know how to act and you push people away. But have no fear! I'm here to help you!"

Myungsoo facepalmed.

"Alright, fine. If it'll get you to leave me alone, then fine. I'll open up to you."

Surprisingly, he told her everything about himself.  He talked about his family and his school life.  He talked about what he wanted to be when he grew up and about his friends.

However, one question did stump him.

"What is the real reason you are so depressing?"

Yuuka didn't really expect an answer out of him, but it surprised her when he did.

"I'm afraid."

She waited for him to continue talking. When he didn't, she took his hand in hers and it seemed to comfort Myungsoo.

"I'm afraid that... I'm just a puny insect in the world. I'm useless. I'm not important or needed. It kind of hurts..."



Yuuka stared intently at Myungsoo and he stared back at her, waiting for a reaction.  He, however, got a laugh to the face.

"Bahahahaha~ Myungsoo! That is waaaaaay too funny!"

He blinked, confused.

"What are you laughing at?! I'm being serious here." He folded his arms and waited for her to finish laughing.

"I'm sorry, really, I am. It's just you're so stupid and pathetic. It doesn't matter if you're feeling that way, as long as you're surrounded by people who care enough to be around you. You're obviously important."

Myungsoo kept his head down, not looking at Yuuka.

"I'm trying to help you, you're important to me because... because I.... like you."

Did he hear that correctly? That Yuuka likes him?

"Yuuka.... is it true?"

She could only nod her head at this point.  She kept blushing and turning her head to look at anything that wasn't Myungsoo.

Myungsoo smiled and stood up, pulling Yuuka up with him.

"Why don't we go get coffee, my treat."

"Sure. Does that mean you'll stop being depressing?"

"If you'll stop banging on my door so early in the morning."

"That's okay. I'm going to sleep over from time to time, so no need to bang on your door."

"Uggggh...." Myungsoo groaned, while Yuuka giggled and skipped on ahead.


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Geez, M get over your depression and emoness, that's not a word but LOL Yuuka basically forced her way into his life LMAO she LOL'ed when he opened up tsk tsk love her. Gyujong at the BEGINNING!? OMG WAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH LOL *SPAZZ* I love it, thanks for writing this for me, Fishale! I appreciate it a lot. Made my day and my day started three hours ago LOL
I'm waiting patiently, this is the first step, Fishale LOL