Chapter 9

Please, I'm a survivor
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"I don't really know what to say," I started facing the sorrowful yet calm stares. "Um... she was my first friend in South Korea and have always stood by my side since then. I really admire her for her courage and determination towards everything she believes in. Uh.." I couldn't speak anymore as tears coulded my eyes. Jiyong oppa pulled me back and hugged me whilst detective Kim took my place.

"Bae Irene has lost many before losing her own life. To pay my respect, I promise to find her killer and sentence him to prison." He announced before leaving the funeral. I looked over to Jungkook who smiled at me whilst hugging Taehyung. Taehyung had been even more upset than I was. He hadn't known about the messages or about Taemin's revenge. I guess he feels guilty and stupid that he couldn't protect the girl he loves. I nodded in acceptance. I don't know what is wrong with me. For the past couple of days, I've seen him in a different light. It probably just because I sympathise him. My phone vibrated in my jeans.

'R.I.P Irene. I'll miss her- Jieun'

Could Taemin be Jieun? They are obviously linked somehow. Both blackmails started on the same day, and he seemed to know something. I still need to look at the pictures I took of the folder. It's insane though, how could Jieun have been admited to the asylum in Seoul on the day she was dead in Austrailia? Nothing makes sense! Jiyong oppa nudged me taking me apart from my thoughts.

"Remember, don't talk to the Jeon guy. You came back home with him today." 

"Well, he did open the door for me when I was locked." I tried to argue, of course I would never actually go against anything he says. However, I felt the need to tell him that Jungkook isn't a bed person like he thinks. I don't even know how Jiyong oppa even knows him. 

"Fine you can talk to him, he may be nice and full of charms but don't ever let him ruin your life and future." What?

"You're talking as if I love him." I laughed but his held on to his poker face. Funny, it felt kind of weird saying that. Jiyong oppa then headed towards detective Kim. I walked over to Taehyung and awkwardly patted him in the back. I'm really bad with situations like this. The rest of BTS gave me weird looks as I rolled my eyes giving up on trying. 

"Sorry." I said. Shockingly, Taehyung hugged me! I stayed frozen for a second before hugging him back. He must have been very upset. After we broke our hug, Jungkook pulled me back and kept me next to him. 

"Wanna go clubbing?" Namjoon suggested. "It's a great way to release stress and sadness."

"Aren't you guys a bit too young?" I asked.

"Have you forgotten who we are?" Yoongi asked.

"Oh right, rich, arrogant, jerks." I jokingly stated.

"You fit right in." Jungkook retorted as I scoffed.

"I'm nothing like to guys, I never made people into targets and have everyone bully them!"

"I bet my life that you were one of those typical bullies in Austrailia." Hoseok stated.

"You're exactly like us." Jimin added.

"Well, I have but never to the extent that they move schools or kill themselves. You guys are on another level." I retorted.

"Are we going or not?" Namjoon asked louder.

"Yeah, lets go." Seokjin said.

"You guys go ahead, I'm gonna stay out tonight." Taehyung said.

"I ain't going with you guys," I stated.

"He wasn't inviting you anyway." Seokjin sarcastically snapped as I rolled my eyes.

"Why do you always roll your eyes?" Jimin asked.


"I'm not gonna go either, too tired." Jungkook said.

"What? Why?" Yoongi asked.

"I told you, I'm too tired."

"We'll see you three on Monday then." Hoseok said as the five of them left.

"I'm going home." Taehyung stated befor leaving.

"I should too." I walked over to the counter and took a piece of black forest cake on a tissue paper and grabbed my bag. Jungkook walked up to me.

"I'll walk you." Jungkook said.

"Thought you were tired." I joked.

"I am."

"Then why bother walking me home?" 

"Why not

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exox_pix #1
Chapter 19: Hi!! I stumbled across your story and i really like it. But i have noticed that the last time you have updated was more than a year back and was wondering if you gave up this story...if not when are you going to update?
Chapter 19: Whoa, whoa, whoa!!!!

Her parents knew about Jieun being committed into a psyche ward, they knew she was mentally unstable but never bothered to tell her?! That is all sorts of cray-cray.
Jungkook has no ill will towards the main character -- nah he's not nefarious, like her (the reader), he just wants to solve mystery.

**warning constructive criticism ahead**

Okay....uhm I have a wee bit of a problem with your use of POV words - you constantly switch between saying "you" when narrating for the actions of the main character, and then when writing her thoughts you automatically put "I" into the paragraph. That makes it a bit hard to keep up with the action and the thought process.

To edit this confusion - when stating her inner thoughts in the paragraph, Italicized her thoughts.
...Or you can replace the "you"s with "she" to make the third-person narration clear.
Puiibaekkie #3
Chapter 19: How an interesting story

Can u please update the next chapter pleaseee
IneedUBts #4
Chapter 19: Authorr-nimm Update pleasee ASAP Huhu This mestery is seriously killing Mehh T-T But i love it anyway.
Chapter 19: So like, apparently everyone but jisung know the truth.. I'm so curious!
kookssi #6
Chapter 19: an update! thankyou! another mystery gotta be solve!?!
aashameri #7
Chapter 19: What a mystery! Please update ASAP!!!
kateun #8
Chapter 19: oh my god really
kateun #9
Chapter 16: im so confused . like so confused I have no idea what just happened ..