Chapter 7

Please, I'm a survivor
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Vernon? Jieun and Vernon? Me and Vernon? Just how many people did she hook up with pretending to me me??? My image of Jieun has now completely changed, she was always that wall flower that hides behind her wordy books but who knew secretly she was a player. I put that thought at the back of my head as I went to my room, Tiffany already had a facemask on and is now lightly snoring. Great, now I can't wake her up or else I'm dead. Since she had taken most of the space on my bed I decided to go up to the balcony instead and sleep in the sofa outside...

I woke up to my alarm blaring in my ear. My usual routine continued as I wore my uniform, did my make up and hair. Tiffany is still sleeping so I left a note saying goodbye. Most likely she was going to go back to Austrailia before I come back from school. I'm really upset that I won't even get to talk to her about anything. Downstairs, Irene had already made breakfast for us despite there being servants around. 'I'm just returning for you letting me stay in your house' I heard her say to mother. They have gotten close in just one night. I came downstairs with a fake smile on my face and grabbed a banana.

"Hurry, the driver's out." I said as Irene got up and bowed at mother before following me. "You okay?"

"All I know is that I have to get over it and move on." She replied.

"It's really brave of you to keep your head high."

"It was your speech that helped me." I smiled feeling proud. School has arrived and as usual, people have surrounded the car. We squeesed our way through as someone pushed Irene onto the car.

"What was Taehyun doing with you on that day?" The girl shouted at her. "He's mine!" I stayed where I am. This wasn't up to be to intrude on their bussiness, Irene is strong enough to handle her own haters. The girl then slapped Irene. I gasped. Should I do something? Just then Taehyun came in between and gave the girl  the dirtiest look I've ever seen. He then grabbed Irene by the wrist and pulled her close. I smiled and fangirled. This was absolutely like a drama that I would definitely watch. I looked over to Jungkook as we had an awkward eye contact. I still want to know what him and Jiyong oppa talked about but if he says stay away from him, I will. I then got a text. 

'Beware of the flower boy sis!- Jieun'

I looked over to Jungkook again and he was still looking over to me. But this time, it wasn't awkward. What is it with him? Does he know Jieun?


Everyone hurried to class and guess what I have? Maths, with Jungkook. Apparently, the swap between him and Joshua was only for that lesson. I smiled as he sat next to me but he just stared at me with cold eyes. As Mr Jung lectured the class about keeping quiet whilst he's talking, I quickly did all the maths problems and finished it. it was a piece of cake. From the corner of my eye I could see Jungkook trying to make sense of what I was doing.

"Can't do simple differenciation?" I attempted to make a joke but he seemed offended instead.

"I'm not a smartass like you." He stated. "And if you're going to ask, no I don't want any help."

"What did I just say Jeon?" Mr Jung asked.

"Whatever it is, I don't care Jung." He fired as the whole class laughed. Mr Jung kept quiet and sighed as everyone continued with their bussiness.

"I have a question." I looked over to Jungkook.

"If this is about me and your brother then the answer is no."

"I was just wondering if you know someone called Kwon Jieun." His face changed for a split second from annoyed to scared. Why did he look scared?

"No, who's that?" He asked.

"You really don't know her?" I pressed on.

"What drug are you on?" He asked changing the subject. 

"Cocane." I joked. He laughed just as the bell rang for the second lesson.

"Kwon, can I talk to you for a minute?" Mr Jung asked as I nodded. "I'm wondering if you could tutor Jeon. You're new yet you're already my star student and he is, well, difficult."

"Sure," I said unwillingly. Jiyong oppa told me to stay away from him though! I whined in my head.


Another attactment from Jieun came. 'Because you're my idol.- Jieun'

"Are you trying to hurt my sister?" Jiyong oppa asked. This is their conversation!

"Sorry? Why would I want to hurt Jisung" Jungkook asked.

"By sister, I don't mean her." 

"I don't know what you're talking about." Jungkook said.

"I'm not an idiot. It's obvious that your memories are back Jungkook." Jiyong oppa revieled as I gasped. Jungkook had lost his memories? Did he know Jieun then? How did he lose his memories? Who is he trying to hurt?

"Look I don't know if I had known you or Jisung before my accident but I'm desperetly trying to live my life as it is. You're just confusing me. I get snippets of my life but they aren't back." Jungkook pleaded with a poker face on. 

"I think we both know that you didn't get amnesia from a car accident like you were told." Jiyong oppa stated. "I don't know weather you have got your memory back or not but just so you know, if you do anything to Jisung, I'll be your worst enemy." And the clip ended.

I've decided, I need to find out about Jungkook before he lost his memories. I guess tutoring him isn't bad at all.


The video with Jiyong oppa and Jungkook ended leaving me with confusion. Could Jungkook have been one of Jieun's ex? Did she pretend to be me with him as well? Wait. Jieun's has been in Austrailia her whole life and if Jungkook was ever there, I would have known him. Then, how does Jiyong oppa know him?

"Excuse me?" A voice said from behind. I turned around t

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exox_pix #1
Chapter 19: Hi!! I stumbled across your story and i really like it. But i have noticed that the last time you have updated was more than a year back and was wondering if you gave up this story...if not when are you going to update?
Chapter 19: Whoa, whoa, whoa!!!!

Her parents knew about Jieun being committed into a psyche ward, they knew she was mentally unstable but never bothered to tell her?! That is all sorts of cray-cray.
Jungkook has no ill will towards the main character -- nah he's not nefarious, like her (the reader), he just wants to solve mystery.

**warning constructive criticism ahead**

Okay....uhm I have a wee bit of a problem with your use of POV words - you constantly switch between saying "you" when narrating for the actions of the main character, and then when writing her thoughts you automatically put "I" into the paragraph. That makes it a bit hard to keep up with the action and the thought process.

To edit this confusion - when stating her inner thoughts in the paragraph, Italicized her thoughts.
...Or you can replace the "you"s with "she" to make the third-person narration clear.
Puiibaekkie #3
Chapter 19: How an interesting story

Can u please update the next chapter pleaseee
IneedUBts #4
Chapter 19: Authorr-nimm Update pleasee ASAP Huhu This mestery is seriously killing Mehh T-T But i love it anyway.
Chapter 19: So like, apparently everyone but jisung know the truth.. I'm so curious!
kookssi #6
Chapter 19: an update! thankyou! another mystery gotta be solve!?!
aashameri #7
Chapter 19: What a mystery! Please update ASAP!!!
kateun #8
Chapter 19: oh my god really
kateun #9
Chapter 16: im so confused . like so confused I have no idea what just happened ..