awkward boy is awkward

Catching Feelings
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jongin doesn’t remember how it happened but he managed to obtain kyungsoo’s phone number in his contact list. he’s staring at it the next morning, first class being english and he was dying of boredom. there wasn’t anything new that their english teacher is teaching, just a recap of last week’s lesson but jongin slept through that but that’s beside the point. the point is though, he has kyungsoo’s phone number and he’s just staring at it.

should i say good morning or what omg how do you befriend this type of human???? jongin exits the contact app, deciding that hovering his finger over the message button and not tapping it will get him no where anyway so he opens tumblr. because he’s curious, he checks kyungsoo’s blog.

oh he reblogged new posts wow nice hah this is weird i have dksoo’s number and im stalking his blog. jongin scrolls through kyungsoo’s blog, smiling at the picture of cute dogs he’s reblogged. then a single gif of a penguin waddling then tumbling down and jongin laughs quietly to himself because it sort of resembles kyungsoo. then there’s a text post which everyone reblogs if they find it relatable, being shy and having a resting face is the worst combination because i look like a disinterested but in reality i really want to socialize but i just don’t know how to initiate conversation with strangers and also this is just my face, and jongin cooes because that is so sad but he also feels the same but he just really at socializing so it doesn’t matter and then jongin notices the tags kyungsoo had put and he cooes again because #same #have mercy on me pls #ppl at skul. jongin needs to protect this little boy (even though kyungsoo is a year older).

the hours seemed to pass by extremely long because jongin wakes up from a nap he didn’t even remember happening, drool oozing from the corner of his lip so he wipes it before anyone else sees. there’s a puddle of drool however on his shakespeare book and he’s probably going to have to go back on that page later on. unsure of what to do, he just closes it.

the class was already packing up and leaving and he didn’t even take notes. sehun probably did this in their class, i’ll just bother him then. he stands up, making his way to the next class when a girl stops him by the door. he couldn’t recall where he’d seen her before but there’s something familiar about her. she was looking at him with determination it was making jongin nervous.

“i’m… sorry uh, can i help you?” jongin asks.

“can you meet me during lunch in front of the dance practice room?” the girl requests, ­commands actually, there was a tone of order in her voice and jongin feels no choice but to accommodate her request. he nods and starts to walk away, unable to shake the feeling that he’s heard that voice somewhere.

“see ya!” the girl’s probably waving and jongin ponders on looking back and giving her a small wave but he was thinking about the idea for so long he exceeded the non-existent time limit to wave back and now it’d just be too awkward. you’re such a jongin oh my god.



when lunch came around, it wouldn’t be a lie to say that jongin forgot about what the girl wanted from him. he dozed off in all his classes, needless to say he dozed that information away too. it only recollects in his brain when he’s sitting in the cafeteria with chanyeol and kris while tuning them out as the two giants bicker about something stupid.

“oi, what’s got you in a twist?” chanyeol’s voice snaps him out of his daze.

“he probably read some sad gay and now he can’t stop thinking about it.” kris laughs at his own joke and jongin whacks his arm.

“no, and shut up you read gay more than i do.”

“ah, and the cat’s out of the bag. first step to reaching the enlightenment of being a total gay is to admit you associate yourself with gay .” the smug look on kris’ face made jongin want to scratch his eyes out.

“no, i just. i feel like im supposed to be doing something right now i just can’t remember…” jongin ruffles his hair in thought, trying to rack his brain for answers.

“getting laid—“

“shut up.”

“or rejecting every person’s confession of love like you always do like every day of the week.” chanyeol says, putting in his two cents.

“it’s not every day, and i always feel like crap after wards so it’s not something to brag about.” jongin pouts, sipping his milk.

he gets startled when his phone buzzes, fishing it out when he manages to keep his hard intact again.

[txt] Baekhyun
12:11 pm

nini every1 at the table ?/??

[txt] Jongin
12:12 pm

kris nd yeolo     y?

[txt] Baekhyun
12:13 pm

okkk sum1 is joinin us its my special baby

“baek hyung is bringing someone today!” jongin announces for the heck of it, sipping on his milk again. he’s still trying to rack his brain for that thing he needs to do but he just can’t remember it. he drops his forehead on the table hoping that some answer would come. nothing happens except baekhyun complaining as he sits down rings in his ears. when he looks up, big eyes are staring at him in curiosity and jongin internally squawks. OH MY FRICKEN ITS DKSOO

“guys, remember kyungsoo? he’s my precious little baby please take care of him.” baekhyun introduces, hugging kyungsoo who was sitting in between baekhyun and chanyeol. he looks mildly aware of everything, big eyes darting from every single person on the table.

“how come you’ve never brought him before he could’ve been hanging with us!”

“well, it took a lot of convincing to be honest i’ve been asking him a bunch of times but he’s such a shy turtle. for some reason today he magically said yes like im still so surprised he’s here!” baekhyun talks animatedly, he was bouncing in his seat showcasing his excitement. jongin looks at kyungsoo who was blushing shyly and jongin smiles.

“have you forgotten my presence already? i’m right here you know.” kyungsoo elbows baekhyun, “stop talking like i’m not here.”

“did i say shy turtle? i meant a snapping turtle.”

jongin was grinning widely now and he’s pretty sure kris or chanyeol’s noticed it already but he couldn’t help himself. kyungsoo joining them for lunch would mean he’d be able to get closer to him, maybe. he’d have to work on how to talk to the latter but this is one step closer to a friendship with kyungsoo and maybe he’s just a bit too happy about that.

“oh yeah, what the is yoon ah doing in front of the dance room?” baekhyun asks, repugnance seeping in his voice. and it clicks.

“ah ! gotta run oh my god wow this is--” jongin’s scurrying out of his seat, rushing out the cafeteria with a i’ll be right back quick! and he’s dashing to the dance practice room. he feels really bad for forgetting but then baekhyun’s voice rings in his head and he suddenly remembers the name and he’s slowing down. yoon ah? oh my gosh she made fun of kyungsoo i can’t believe--this is an outrage.

“jonginnie?” well this changes everything. what does this evil lady want from me?

“yes.” jongin answers dryly. he can’t help it, those who on kyungsoo is considered bad to jongin after that incident by the lockers.

“i thought you weren’t going to come. i’ve been waiting for a long time you know.” there was annoyance in her tone and jongin resists rolling his eyes.

“i’m here, what is it?” he really wants to leave because the girl is just rude and jongin feels a bit disrespected.

“go on a date with me. i’ve already planned where we’re going so you don’t have to worry about picking a place—“

“oh my god what—i’m sorry, what do you mean—uhm, i don’t… really know you…” who the heck is this girl she scares me oh my god—that’s like the 78th time i said that—this is crazy oh my goodness

“that’s why it’s called a date nini!” he scrunches his nose in distaste because only those who are close with him has the privilege of calling him that nickname. he doesn’t appreciate it coming from and with how she’s forcing him to follow her plan is just making him miserable. this is going to become such a traumatic experience for me…

“i… i appreciate the offer, but i’m going to have to decline… i’m busy and—“

“we can reschedule!” this woman.

“n-no, uhm… i’m sorry but i can’t.”

“why not? are you dating someone?!” as shameful as it sounds, kyungsoo’s face flashes in jongin’s mind before he even has time to register it happened. i am the definition of a creep, i can’t tell which one of us is worse—me or yoon ah?

“no, i’m not.” he says rather disappointingly, he wants to catapult himself on a wall for even thinking that.

“then why won’t you go on a date with me? i like you!” yoon ah grabs his arm, pushing herself against him and jongin’s nose scrunches from the strong reek of her perfume. jongin has nothing against flower fragrances but yoon ah seemed to have downed the whole bottle of perfume on her it’s making jongin very light headed.

“u-uh… i’m really sorry yoon ah, but I just don’t feel that way about you.” jongin pries her arm off with difficulty, he’s concerned that her perfume might have rubbed on his uniform and he’s afraid he’d smell like her. he really doesn’t want to get teased by his friends about getting laid again, he wouldn’t want to cause misunderstandings. regarding to whom, it is a confidential matter.

thankfully, the bell rings and jongin is free.

“what a waste, you’re really going to regret this nini. i’ll ask again, so don’t worry!”

or not.

jongin sighs and walks away, returning back to class. he fishes out his phone and his eyes widens at the message notification he never expected. heart beating fast against his rib cage, he slides the notification open as he runs up the stairs.

[txt] Kyungsoo
1:01 pm

hey, you didn’t come back. you okay?

KYUNGSOO TEXTED ME OH MY GOODNESS. jongin almost drops his phone down the stairs as he scrambles to reply back. he hopes kyungsoo doesn’t question how he types because after many years of wrongly using the internet, he finds it too late to go back to being grammatically correct and having his spelling errors checked. 

[txt] Jongin
1:06 pm

omg yes i am so good

[txt] Jongin
1:06 pm

i mEAN yes i am ok omg

[txt] K

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Chapter 3: ahahahahahaha xD Jongin is such a weirdo I love it!!!!! xD
Chapter 3: jongin is so cuuute ! I hope we can see ksoo's feelings too ! can't wait >.<
ingle_pringle #3
Chapter 3: jongin is so funny at the end with sehun, i think both of them are catching feelings lmao
Ktokikat #4
Chapter 3: made me laugh lots :D jongin is soooo cute! >~< can't wait till next chapter :)
conniemar #5
Chapter 3: Im so glad you posted. You write so well, especially the awkward Jongin mamy relate, too. Please update soon (when you can).
Chapter 2: Jongin is too cute omg.
Chapter 2: omg Jonginnie soooo cute :3
Chapter 2: omg jongin is so dorky i love it
Chapter 1: This is adorable :3
I luv it <3
Chapter 1: I effin love this! :D