
Unlikely Pair

Mrs Lee, How did I get a C? I studied really hard for that maths test!” came a voice from the maths department. Standing outside the door of the staffroom was none other than Son Naeun. The top female student in the whole school and the only person stopping her from being the top student is Kim Kai, the handsome all rounder for the school. He is good at everything from sports to studies. Do not misunderstand, he is not above her in rank. It just happens that they are equal in terms of grades for most of their classes. That's just one of the reasons and might be the biggest of why she does not like him. She could write a whole book about why she is not his biggest fan from his arrogance to his aura but that's beside the point.


Naeun, I understand that you're upset so I prepared something for you to boost up your Math grade.” Mrs Lee replied. She looked at the young girl and thought of how much she reminded her of herself back when she was an eighteen year old. The only difference was that Naeun does not allow herself time to relax with friends or to be a normal teenager in general. “Just make sure to come to the principals office after school. Now I have a class so I need to go but I'll see you after school.” And with that she walked passed Naeun and headed to her classroom. There was nothing else Naeun could do other then go to the rest of her classes so she did just that, waiting for the end of the day to come.


The final bell rang signalling the end of the day, Naeun stood up from her seat then swiftly made her way to the principals office dodging the traffic in the hallway by going via the staircase. When she arrived at the office, she sat down across from Mrs Lee. Expecting her to start talking, Naeun just sat there in her seat while looking at her. When she didn't say a word, she gave her a questioning look to which Mrs Lee spoke up to.

We are just waiting for someone to show up.” she says.

Who? Why are we waiting on them?” Naeun replies.

You will see. I will explain the situation once he arrives.” Mrs Lee answers. The answer left Naeun thinking.


After ten minutes, she stood up and turned to leave when the door opened revealing Kim Kai. The moment their eyes met, they engaged in a mental battle of who would look away first. “So you finally decided to show up Mr Kim?” Mrs Lee asked.

I got held up by a teacher. ” He explained still not looking away from Naeun. Mrs Lee stared at the two students and decided to tell them the plan.

I'll just get straight to the point in why we are here. You both are extremely smart however you are both have a weak subject. Coincidently, this happens to be the strength of the other person. So we have made a plan that you two can study together and help each other achieve your wanted grade and everyone will be happy.” She explained with a smile on her face. This caught the attention of both students as their heads turned in unison towards her.

I am not working with this arrogant jock! I would rather try and teach a seal to speak Korean then work with him.” Was the reply that she got from Naeun.

It's not like I would want to work with you either, you anti-social nerd!” He directed at Naeun.

I do not need his/her help! I will do well on my own and beat him/her!” They yelled in unison before both stomping to the door and leaving in opposite directions.



Weeks passed and they were both struggling to understand anything but they both had too much pride to ask the other for help after what they said. At lunch their eyes had met by chance. Kai then nodded in the direction of the exit so she walked that way with him following behind. Meeting in the hallway, he led her to an English classroom where he sat on the teachers desk.

So, I know what I said a few weeks ago but I really need your help in science. I'll do whatever you want, just please help me.” He spoke. This caused her eyebrows to raise.

And I should agree because?” She asked.

Because you need my help anyway so if we do this then we can both do better and well why would you turn down an offer to be with me for a couple of hours every day?” He replied with a smirk. It was quiet for a few minutes until Naeun spoke.

Fine. Meet me in the Library after school. Don't be late or else you can teach yourself.” She answered before walking away.



Since that day, the two had study sessions after school in the library and sometimes at each others house. They both improved their grades and the friendship between the two grew. They would often go have lunch together or just sit and talk. One Tuesday afternoon, the two were at his house relaxing before studying.

I have my last science test this coming Friday. Its about everything we learned this year. Do you think I can pass?” He asked while staring at her.

Of course you can! I was your teacher after all.” She replied with a cheeky smile. “My last Math test is on Friday too. They said something about ending the term with a big bang. I can't deal with all these numbers and formulas running through my head.”He laughed at her. To think that they were rivals in school almost six months ago and now they were really close friends. They learned so much about each other like that Kai was actually more shy then he let everyone believe.

How are we going to know what results we get?” He asked.

Do you even pay attention to the teacher? We get an email three weeks later.” She explained. “Oh and just a heads up, I'm coming over when I see an email.” She warned.

Well, lets hope we do well.” He sighed. They then went to his room to get their books and start studying. Friday came along and both came out of their classrooms with worried expressions. They shook the thought of possibly failing out of their head and decided not to think about it any more.




Three weeks later, the two teenagers sat on the floor across from each other on their own laptops in Kai's room. “Three, Two, One” They said before both opening the email. A silence followed before they both looked up with a smile on each of their faces before they stood up and started screaming and dancing.

I PASSED!!! EAT THAT MR KIM!” Naeun screamed. Kai was also in a similar state, cursing a teacher that told him he was going to fail. Caught up in the moment, Naeun jumped into Kai's arms and kissed him causing Kai to freeze and stare at her. Still not realising what she did, Naeun pulled away but just moved on to give him a tight hug. A few minutes passed and Naeun finally realised that Kai was frozen and that she kissed him.


Uh...That...Umm...Sorry. I was just so caught up in the moment and that just kind of happened but if you liked it then I'm happy. But I'm not saying that you should like it or that I like you or anything but...” Silence “..I think I'm just going to go.” She blushed and turned to go and pack up her things but before she could take three steps away, a hand wrapped around hers and pulled her back. She turned and landed in Kai's arms and felt a pair of lips on her own. Quickly returning the kiss, she wrapped her arms around his neck while his went around her waist. Their passionate kiss lasted awhile before they both pulled away gasping for air. Kai's hand came up and tilted her head so they were looking at each other and smiled at her.


I never thought that the anti-social nerd would jump me.” He smirked.

I never thought the school's most arrogant jock would kiss the anti-social nerd” She countered.

I never thought I would ask the anti-social nerd out.” He chuckled and leaned closer to her face.

What are you talking about? You didn’t ask me out?” She replied confused.

Well then will you, the anti-social nerd go out with me the arrogant jock?” he whispered on her lips.

Well I'm going to have to thin-” He cut her off with another passionate kiss. He slowly led her backwards until they fell on his bed. They pulled apart and started laughing.

I'm sorry, what were you saying?” He leaned on his arms smirking down at her.

We both know you're not really sorry but yes, I will go out with you Kim Kai” She rolled her eyes and giggle before he swooped down and connected their lips for the third time in the past ten minutes.


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koala_panda #1
Chapter 1: So sweet... Hope u will make Kaieun story again
Chapter 1: How cute
asyilasa #3
Chapter 1: Kyaahhhh this is sooo sweeet xD more kaieun pls!