Tender Love


In a world of constant change, who's going to tell us what's wrong and right?


Tender Love


Pairing : baekyeon

Genre : romance, angst, slight fluff, comfort, canon au

Time flies by so fast during algid winter nights and comatose summer mornings, sometimes lingering here and there, other times just running like a goof from their nemesis. It’s hard to keep track of it as flashing lights and silent mutters keep the eyes shut from seeing what’s really beyond things. While she feels as if her life is more exposed with every passing minute, Taeyeon finds small gestures and text messages to expand the seconds by decades or on the contrary, making them speed up so fast she loses focus of her daily routines. Yet these transient moments grab her forward, pushing to the last limits until she can’t cope with the pressure anymore and starts longing for comfort just by taking a gander at the two syllables on the telephone screen, so close to her tender heart.


I would also like to add that I tried my best to present how I imagine the idols WOULD feel in their position as celebrities, in a rather melancholic way (+Byun's optimism) but by no means I believe this is how they actually view their lifestyle. While taking into consideration their public image and what they’ve so far shown us of their personalities, I tried to create two characters closest to my own interpretations of them as people. I know I’m somewhat stating out the obvious but it feels right to clear this, especially since it is a non-au fanfiction. Basically, I like to think this is how went down between them, lol.

Also, I’m really new to writing in English and being self-taught has its disadvantages, so please either ignore my mistakes or inform me about them and I’ll correct them. I’m not perfect, but in order to be better a girl has to try. :)

(btw I'm probably gonna make another cover photo or at least a better one for the foreword)






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coke-lover #1
Chapter 1: Great writing and story!