The mother and the creep

The Green Planet

(Small A/N at the end)

I saw the car of my mother staying infront of our house and knew that this won't be easy nor enjoyable. I grabbed the strips of my bag tighter and walked towards the front door. I didn't even grabbed my keys yet as the door got ripped open. I looked up and saw my mother with a wide grin plastered on her face. I groaned secretly but forced a smile on my face. "Mom."

"Jisoo! I'm so glad to see you! I've wondered when you'll call me over but Jin and Hakyeon already explained everything to me."

"They did?"

"Yeah. I know how stressfull everything is when you have school and all the other guys around you,not knowing who'll be the one." she sighed,"Don't worry,Mom's here. I'll answer every questions you have! Be it children or guys-"

"Okay,okay. Why don't you let her come into the house and put her bag down? I bet she's exhausted from school,right Jisoo?" Hakyeon stepped in and pulled our mother back into the house. I smiled at him gratefully and walked in to change my outdoor shoes into my comfy slippers.

I took my bag with me,"I'll change my clothes and wash up before dinner. I'll be right back!" I yelled and ran up the stairs into my room,only to find a guy sitting on my bed.

I stopped in the middle of everything and was a taken a back. How comes that there was a stranger in my room?

I heard food steps behind me and turned around only to see my mother behind me. She placed her perfectly manicured hand on my shoulder and shot me a smile. "Who's that?" I asked her and the guy on my bed turned around after hearing my voice. He walked over to me and greeted me with a sly smirk. My first thought: I do not like that guy at all nor do I want to have him around me.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I've heard a lot about you and you just look as beautiful as your mother. My name is Kim Jongin and I work at your fathers company. Your mother thought it would be nice if we'd meet so she took me with her today for dinner. I think you could call it a blind date?"

Every word sounded wrong. He made me cringe,something was wrong about him but I couldn't really point out what it was.

"Sooo? Do you feel anything? Any tension? Some kind of warmth,cold or whatsoever?" my mother asked but I felt nothing.

"No,nothing." I stated coldly.

My mother sighed,obviously disappointed. "And I thought you'd made a good match together. I'm sorry Jongin that I called you over for nothing. But you can stay for dinner if you want."

"Of course but only if Jisoo has nothing against it? Maybe we could try to be friends?"

"Friends? That sounds amazing! What do you think Jisoo? Doesn't that sounds amazing?" both of them looked at me and I felt the pressure hovering in the air. "Ehh,I'll go to wash up?" I said with hesistation and pointed at my school uniform.

"Ehm,yes of course. Come on Jongin,we'll wait for her in the dining room. You have to taste my sons cooking skills! He's a chef-" I closed the door behind them. Great. Now my mother tried to match me with some guy from my fathers company? That's the first time I'm really gratefull that I have this tattoo otherwise ... I shuddered. I didn't want to think about the possibilitis.


"Oh my god Jin! This is so delicious,not as good as the food my personal chef's making me at home but,not bad!" our mother took another spoonfull of the dessert Jin made. And I knew that he made a big effort for all the food today. I just want to stuff that mouth of hers with her expensive hair extensions so that she wouldn't be able to talk such bullsh** like that.

I glanced over at Jin,he looked as calm as ever. His typical pokerface. But I knew that he was boiling with anger inside,it was like the silence before the storm.

Hakyeon coughed,I looked at him surprised.

We have to get rid of her! Another sentence like that and Jin's going to explode! he mouthed. I understood what he meant,we had to pull everything we had before something's going to happen.

I placed my spoon down and looked at her,"Mom,do you want to see m tattoo? I bet you're already curious how it looks like."

"Ohh! Of course,of course. Shall we go into the living room then?"

"Yes,that would be better than here at the table." I placed my napkin on the table beside my plate and straightened my skirt as I went up from my chair. I waited for my mother to walk ahead and followed her.

I closed the door behind us. "Show me! I want to know which element you are. Maybe you're the same as me,water! Ouh,that'd be so amazing!!" she sqwealed and I just smiled awkwardly at her.

I started to unbotten my blouse but she stopped me. "What are you doing? You don't need to get out of our clothes for me my dear."

"Believe me,I have to." I reassured her and slipped the blouse off my shoulders. And because I was wearing a simple bra underneath,I just turned around and showed her my back. She gasped. "Omo,are you serious? On your back? Since when and why is it still so red? Is something wrong with you?" she bomabarded me with questions.

"No Mother,nothings wrong with me. I already asked the school nurse today and she told me that everything's fine with me and I don't have to worry at all. I'm not the only one whose tattoo appeared on another body part besides the arms or legs. It's rare but it happens and the reddened skin around my tattoo? That'll dissappear by tomorrow. I only need to apply some ointment and I'm fine."

"If you say so. But Jisoo,I can't really figure out which element you are. I haven't seen something like that before,silver ink?"

"I'm air." -that's what they're saying.

"Ahh. Okay. Then-" she rummared in her small purse and pulled something out. A white envelope. "that's for you. Every girls in our family gets it. I got it from my mother and now,I'll give it to you."

I took it from her and glanced inside. Money. And not just a bit pocket money,no. That was some big bundle!

"Eeeh,mother? Why-"

"Sh,sh. Don't ask. Just take it. You'll need it in the future. Trust me,I know what I'm talking about." she patted my shoulder in a weird manner and walked out of the room.

I looked at the envelope in my hands,not really having a clue what I should do with such a big amount of money,but okay,why not? I shrugged and put my blouse back on. I quickly closed the buttons and placed the envelope in the cupboard near me.


"Oh,it's already late! I think it's time for me to go back home,don't you think so Jongin?"

"Yes,we should head back home. I still have work left and if it gets any later I might oversleep tomorrow and I can't let that happen Mrs Ok."

"Oho,Jongin you are such an hard working man. It's a shame that you two didn't clicked with each other. I bet you'd make a wonderful son-in-law!" she chuckled and I just sighed. I really hoped that they'd return back home soon. I don't think that I'd be able to withstand the urge to throw them out myself any longer,honenstly.

"Mother,I'm glad that you were able to visit us even though that you have such a busy schedule. And Mr Kim,it was a pleasure to meet you." Jin got up from his chair and offered Jongin,or how he called him- Mr Kim,his hand whom the latter gladly took and wished him well. Jin showed,as always when he meets others beside Hakyeon and me,his pokerface to Jongin and our mother.

"Me too. It was nice to meet you," he looked at me, "Ecspecially you,Miss Jisoo. I hope we'll meet again."

I didn't knew why but that Jongin guy gave me the creeps. I shuddered slightly and faked a smile. "Yeah,it was nice to meet you and I hope you'll get home safe mother."

We walked them to the door and our mother hugged each of us with a stiff body. It was always like this,so ... forced.

"Do you think,ehm,that father's going to visit us too? Or should we come-"

"No. I don't think that's possible." she cut me off, "Your father's in charge of our company and you know just as well as I do,that he can't leave the office just to congratulate you for your eh- whatever that is on your back. I'm not even sure which element you belong to. I'll ask him when he's free and text you the date,alright?" she barked at me. I knew it,that it was almost impossible to meet him. Sure,there were still my other fathers but that's not the same. I knew that he loved me,it was just difficult for him to show me because of his job. He was the CEO afterall ... what else should I expect?

"Ok. Thanks." I bit my lip and she nodded. "Then,take care." and with that both of them,Jongin and her,left. It felt as if a burden was lifted off of my shoulders and I was able to breathe freely again. It was always like that,when ever she came for a visit,the house felt different. Stuffed.

I sighed and closed the door behind them. I throwed my arms in the air and cheered loudly,"She's gooone!"

Hakyeon chuckled and ruffled through my hair,"Idiot."

"Come on you two. We need to clean that mess,the faster we are the earlier you can go and do what ever you want to do." and there he was ruining my small victory moment.

"Whyyy? I don't want to,can't you two clean and I'll go any take a bubble bath?" I whined and tried to act cute. But it was no use,Jin wouldn't budge one bit. "No. We're cleaning all together. Hakyeon,you'll help Jisoo to wash the dishes and I'll clean the dining room. Now."

"Okay,okay. No need to yell at us."

"Oh,I didn't even yelled yet. And now hurry up or do you want to see me get mad,huh?!"

Hakyeon sighed in defeat,"No,we don't want to see you mad. Come one Jisoo," he pulled me with him into the kitchen and stopped when I was infront of the sink,which was already filled with dirty dishes. Why couldn't we just put everything into the washer?!

But it was no use. Jin had always the last word regarding cleaning,cooking or groceries. So in the end,Hakyeon and I were standing infront of the sink,my hands in some rubber gloves and he held a towel in his.

We finished the chores in no time and cleaned the kitchen afterwards too.

"Okay,then I'll go and wash up. You two should do the same,we all need to head out early tomorrow and I don't want to drive you to school again Jisoo."

"Alright alright. You don't need to do that because I'll be up early tomorrow,don't worry. Good night then." I hurried up into my room as I wished them both a good night. Hakyeon did the same but Jin on the other side,went back into the kitchen again.

"So~ What do we have here?" he muttered to himself as he opened the fridge and checked what he could prepare for your lunch box tomorrow. He grabbed some eggs,vegetables and rice. He'd prepare an fast but delicious meal for you. "I should get a award for all the things I'm always doing for the both of them .." Jin cracked the eggs open in a small bowl and started to whisk them.


I've prepared a lunch box for you,it's in the fridge! Don't forget to take a bottle of water with you. Jin~

As I read Jins note I grinned,he did it again. Even though I told him I could just buy me lunch at school,he always made those lunch boxes himself. Maybe it was his pride as a chef? I didn't know.

I opened the fridge,took the said lunch box out and placed it into my bag. And because he was right,I grabbed one of the water bottles too. It'd be cheaper this way,to bring your lunch and drink with you to school.

I took a glance at the clock and gasped,I was almost too late again! I was lucky that I already ate something for breakfast,otherwise I'd be late again and would've missed my train. So I rushed over to the wardrobe,slipped into my outdoor shoes,grabbed my blazer and locked the door behind me. From this point on,I had no other choice than to run to the train station. But I'd rather get a bit sweaty than miss my train again!

As I runned down the streets I counted how many blocks were left,calculated how many minutes I'd take until I'd reach the train station and I panicked. I had only five minutes left 'til the train would arrive and I'd take at least 7 minutes if I'd continued to run at this speed! So I had no other choice than to sprint,hadn't I? The good thing's,I'm in the track and field club at my school so it wasn't much of a problem,to run such a distance in time.

I panted as I stopped at the station,the sweat dripped down at the sides of my face and the hair in my neck was wet. But I did it in time! The train stopped infront of me and I went on,the door closed behind me and I slumped against them. The sweat didn't stop to flow and my face was just hot,and probably red. It was always red when ever I'd do some exercising. It bothered me in the past often but I got used to it by now.

I opened the water bottle and took a few big gulps to wet my dry throat. I groaned and laid my head back,against the cold wall of the train. It would take at least 20 minutes until I'd reach the station near the school grounds,so I looked around for an empty seat. To my luck,the train was rather empty so I took the next empty spot near me,took a handkerchief and wiped the sweat away. I decided that I'd wash my face when I'd reached the school,I couldn't stand the toilets on the train.

The movements of the train made me feel sleepy and my eye lids started to feel heavy. But I couldn't fall asleep now,the chances were more than high that I'd miss my stop. So I took out my head phones,plugged them into my cellphone and started to listen to my favorite songs.

The time flew by and the train stopped at my station,I went off and walked towards my school. My phone buzzed and as I saw who sent me a message,my lips curled up into a smile. Bomi,she asked when I'd be at school. I sent a quick A few minutes and turned it on mute. I didn't wanted to risk that it'd suddendly buzz in the middle of Mrs Parks lesson. I was on good terms with her and I didn't wanted to rsik that ...

But now that I think about it,I had club activities today. That meant school 'til the evening because of the track and field club. My sport clothes are clean,so I had nothing to worry about and a bit exercise wouldn't be that bad either.

"Jisoo! I missed you so much!" Bomi screamed and throwed herself at me. I catched her and chuckled. "It weren't even 24 hours since we've met the last time! How comes that you miss me already,huh?"

She pouted and looked up to me,"Can't I miss my bestest friend?"

"Is bestest even a word?"

"I don't know and I don't care. But tell me,how was it yesterday?"

"Uggh,don't even ask. I'm glad that that day's over and I'm standing here alive infront of you."

"That bad?"

I nodded and rolled my eyes,"I don't even know with what I should start. First off,she tried to set me off with some guy who works at the company of my father. He was really weird. I don't know,you could consider him as handsome but he just gave me the creeps. Uwah,I'm glad that I don't have to see him again!" I shuddered and she let go of me. She linked arms with me and we started to walk towards class room.

"That doesn't sound that good. Did at least something good happen?"

"Sort of,she gave me a present. But wait no,you can't call it a present either. Money. She handed me money over in a white envelope. She told me it's for the future and bliblablub."

"Okay,but at least you can use it. Do you already know what you want to do with it?"

"Yeah,I'll save it. I'll go to the bank with Jin today or tomorrow."

"Whatever,just do what you think it's right. Okay and now another thing," she glanced at me from the side, "Did you hear that Eunji met one of her partners? It spread like a wild fire,everyone's talking about."

"Have you seen him already?"

"No," she declined,"But he isn't from our school. He's from college and not any college,no. He's from one of the top three."

My eyes widened,"What?!"

She nodded,"Yep,I reacted the same way as you did as my mother told me about it yesterday. You know that my parents and Eunjis parents are good friends so ..."

"Oh my god. Do you know his name?"

"Park Chanyeol. Yes,that Park Chanyeol." I stopped walking and so did she. I looked at her with widened eyes,she nodded as if she could read my mind. I still couldn't believe it,I mean everyone knew him. He was one of the top students in our country and he was sort of famous. And now Eunji,our Eunji linked with him. That was .. unbelievebal,almost.

"That's .... woah."

"I know. They met through a concidience in a coffee shop near his college. That's so friggin weird because,it's so common?" we walked in our class room and my eyes shot towards Eunji. I couldn't believe that she linked with someone like Chanyeol. I mean no offense and such but that's just so weird.

The first thing that got my attention was her tattoo at her wrist,she was wearing a short sleeved blouse so everyone was able to take a good look at her wrists. Her tattoo was colored in a bright red,so she had the element fire. A big smile was plastered on her face,she didn't even looked at the girls who squirmed around her,needy for any kind of information about her and Chanyeol but she only had eyes for the cellphone in her hands. I heard a small ping and her eyes started to shine,a small glint of red in them.

Bomi nudged me,"Probably from her boyfriend."

"I bet,but I'm happy for her because she met him."

"Yeah,I wish I'd meet mine too."

"You will and he'll be amazing,just like you."

"Naww,stop being so cheesy!" she slapped me playfully and I laughed. We walked towards my seat,she sat on my table and I plopped on my chair. A sigh left my lips,I was tired. My body felt heavy and I wished I could take a nap.

"I made something for you," Bomi said and took something out of her bag. It was a small paper bag. I took it from her and opened it curious,my eyes widened. "Stop that,your eyes look as if they'd pop out any minute. I made them yesterday and remembered how you told me that you liked them so much,so I took some with me for you. I hope they're tasty."

"Oh my god Bomi! They look delicious! Can I eat one?"

"Yeah,that's why I gave them to you. You lost so much weight the past few months and I thought that it wouldn't be that wrong if you'd get them."

"Y-yah! I'm not that skinny. I could lost a few more pounds more-" *slap* "Owww! What was that for?!"

"Stop saying that! You can't loose any more weight! You are already too skinny and since you started the track and field club a few months ago,you even lost more. I'm worried Jisoo. And now say 'ahhh' !" she took one of the chocolate-marshmallow-brownies she made and stuffed them in my mouth.

Maybe she was right,but I just couldn't see that I lost any weight! I munched those tasty brownies and smiled at her,"Don't worry. If I eat a bunch of these,and I'll gain enough weight again! They are so tasty I could take a bath in them."

"Eww,don't do it. I don't think it would be that nice and appealing to look at." she shuddered at the thought of me laying in a bathtub filled with brownies.

I laughed,"You know how I meant that,idiot!"

The door opened and Mrs Park walked in,a big smile plastered on her face. She placed her bag on the table and greeted us friendly,"Good morning girls!"

"Good morning Mrs Park~"

"I think that some of you already heard the good news but just in case; One of your classmates found her first partner! Isn't that amazing? Park Eunji,I gratulate you with all my heart and I hope that you and all the other girls will meet the rest of your partners too." she had such a bright smile that everyone could see how honest she was. "And if that isn't a good start for a day,then I don't know either!"

Whoop whoop,next chapter!

Oh,and just in case:

The process when two,at example Eunji and Chanyeol,meet and they are 'made' for each other ( I hope I don't confuse anybody and if so don't be scared to ask questions!) and then they link automatically with each other at the first sight. It's just a small click in their minds. A tattoo,identical to the the girls tattoo,appears on the guys body,just at the exact same spot like the girl ones. And they feel this specail bond they have with each other,it's just magical. I'll explain it further in the following chapters.

Oh man,I really hope I don't confuse anyone. I'm not that good at explaining things and english isn't even my first language,whopsi. So if there are any grammar mistakes,my bad and sorry.

have a nice day/night


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Chapter 6: I really like your story! Good luck in therapy and feel better :)
Chapter 5: Gdi I love Young Jae so much ahdksla
ILoveKDramas1 #3
Chapter 5: Yeay she found her mate is the whole Got7 her mates...I would love that!
Chapter 5: Eeeeeep, she matches with Youngjae! I'm squealing like a crazed fan girl lol
Chapter 5: Ahhh yeah 1 down... wht is it 6 more to go!! Whoop whoop
nerry55 #6
Chapter 4: I cannot wait till she her partners!! I really wonder what's up with her mom and why she is so stiff around her own children. Thank you for updating!!!
Scarlet_Flower #7
Chapter 4: Loved this update great job! :D
Scarlet_Flower #8
Chapter 3: I'm a new reader and this story is awesome! :D
Chapter 3: Haha she was worrying for nothing ^-^
Chapter 1: Ooh, this is interesting. ^^ I love it. I'll wait for your next update!