A Date?

It's You


“Omo a baby.” said a little girl as she called one sister to the front door. They took the baby and checked the place to see if the person who left the baby was still there.

“Poor baby.” they said as they took him in.


Hyoyeon got ready and waited for Eunhyuk to arrive.

“Will the others come as well?” Hyoyeon said as she buckled up and Eunhyuk drove off. “They have other plans.” he answered as he drove off.

When they arrived the children were happy to see them. And they distributed the gifts. After that they got to know that a baby was left.

“What kind of mother would leave her own son?” Eunhyuk said. “Same as mine.” Hyoyeon butted.

“I’m sure they have their own reason.” said the nun. “Can I adopt the baby?” asked Hyoyeon.

“Why would you do that?” asked Eunhyuk. “I don’t know since he’s still a baby he can grow up to have a real mom.” she stated.

“Are you sure about that? You’re by yourself, are you sure you can take care of him? You’ll be a single mother.”

“I saved enough money and I have work so he can survive with me.”

“But can you take care of him? You’ll be busy with work. Think about it first dear.”

They talked for a while and Hyoyeon can’t seem to persuade sister to let her adopt the baby. All she wants is for the baby to grow up with a mom to know. She wanted him to know how it feels to have someone there; she doesn’t want him to feel what she felt and what the others felt.

After some time they left and they were walking at the park.

“Do you want to have your own family now?” asked Eunhyuk. Hyoyeon looked at him and laughed. “Is it funny?”

“No it’s just that it hasn’t crossed my mind. All I’m thinking about is that I want to help that baby. I want him to grow up with parents.”

“Then why don’t we look for someone who can adopt him.” he suggested. “You know anyone? I don’t cause you know where I’ve been.” she answered.

“Maybe my parents know someone. I’ll ask them and then I’ll tell you.”

“Sure that would be great.” she said with a smile.

“Want to grab something to eat?” Eunhyuk shyly asked.

“Sure if it would be your treat.” she said with matching aegyo.

They went to a café to have coffee and snacks.

“How about you? Are you planning on having your own family?” she suddenly asked. Eunhyuk almost spilled his drink good thing he was able to gulp it down.

“I’m still young. I still want to do a lot of things while I’m still single.” he joked. Hyoyeon laughed with him. “But you know what? I really want to adopt that baby.” she said.

Eunhyuk looked up at her and he saw that she was really serious. “Then would you want us to take care of the baby?” he said but he meant it as a joke but Hyoyeon seemed to take it seriously. She was about to answer when someone interrupted them.

“Oppa.” said a girl as she approached Eunhyuk and hugged him. Hyoyeon was just looking at them and Eunhyuk was taken aback.

“Oppa I’ve missed you.” she said as she continued to hug him. Eunhyuk tried his best to get away from the girl. Hyoyeon sensed that Eunhyuk doesn’t want to be with the girl so she cleared loud enough for the girl to hear.

The girl and Eunhyuk looked to her direction. “Excuse me but you’re in a public place. If you want to cuddle do it in a more private place.” she said with a bit of annoyance in her voice. She really hates people who show too much PDA.

“Then may I borrow him?” the girl asked as she looked at Hyoyeon.  “It’s his choice but I doubt he’ll go with you.” she said with a smirk. Eunyuk tried his best to contain in his laughter. He never saw this side of Hyoyeon yet and he was actually amused so he decided to .

“Sorry but you’re interrupting me and my girlfriend.” Eunhyuk suddenly butted in. Hyoyeon’s eyes widened and she was about to retort but Eunhyuk went over her and placed his arms over her shoulders.

“You replaced me with someone like her.” she said obviously annoyed. She looked at Hyoyeon with a hint of disgust. Hyoyeon wasn’t the girly type and she wears minimal make-up unlike the girl. She still looked presentable but with loads of make-up on her face.

“Who wouldn’t replace someone like you? Look at your face and isn’t your clothes a little bit revealing.” she obviously sounded annoyed already and Eunhyuk can sense the tense atmosphere so he took Hyoyeon’s hand and intertwined with his.

“I’m sorry but we have to go.” he said as he dragged Hyoyeo with him. When they got out Hyoyeon took her hand away from his.

“Sorry.” was the first thing Eunhyuk said. “It’s alright never thought you liked those kind of girls.” she said, she was calmer now.

“Well I actually met her at a club and I never thought I’d see her again. Besides all I did was flirt with her never thought she would fall for my good looks.” he said.

Hyoyeon scoffed. “Don’t be so sure about your looks.” “Why are you jealous? That’s why you talked back to her?” he teased.

“Don’t be so full of yourself I did that because I thought you wanted to get away from her. You can go back if you want.” she said as she walked ahead of him.

Eunhyuk followed her. “Hey! Slow down. Don’t tell me you were affected?” Hyoyeon didn’t bother to answer. “Okay okay. Thanks.” he said as he caught up with her.

They enjoyed the rest of the day just strolling around. They would sometimes tease each other. This was actually the first time they went out with just the two of them.

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parkhyojin169 #1
Wow wow wow
Chapter 31: Sooo good~ :D I hope you'll update soon!
im doohyo shipper :D
so, of course i love all their skinship here..
but, there are less skinship bout them.. :'(
i wish hyo is not jonnie sis..
please dont make hyo junghye's daughter, jebal!!!
update more :))
sugarsong #4
oh!my. just like my heart broken.
Don't teel me that kid is hyukjae and gyuri's child.
please update ASAP.
Thank you.
hey guys! I hope you can read this... anyway thank you for the comments it makes my day and it gives me inspiration.... I'm currently working on the next chapter :p it's nice to know that you guys are still reading this... once again thank you :)
b2stie #6
whoa. i havent been updated with this fic. its been long. xD But lets see, dont tell me hyoyeon is junhye's daughter. T.T OMG. SHE KISSED EUNHYUK but on the cheek. xD Poor dujun, i kinda have a feeling that hyoyeon will be his sister. o.O Didnt eunhyuk had a kid with gyuri? OMG! Ahhhh!
._. I hope the commenters below are wrong. I really hope it isn't her baby. I wouldn't know what to think.
plzz dont let Ha Eun be Hyuk's and Gyuri's daughter D:
that'd break Hyo's heart T.T
update soon ^^
tthnguyen #9
I guess Gyuri's child is Ha Eun right??
Update Soon!! Can't wait to find out what would happen!! ^^
sugarsong #10
please update.
I'm still waiting for your update.