
Your Head, My Shoulder
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After that somewhat awkward and sleepy meeting with that cute guy on the train, Mingyu has been pretty conflicted. On one hand he is a little awe struck because he swears he’s never seen someone so amazing, but he also said that about instant noodles and that didn’t end too well after eating only that for a month. But on the flip side he is also kind of disappointed in himself because he literally knows nothing about this guy and that he’s well- a guy. That was also something to be brought to his attention.


Mingyu’s not gay and he’s never had romantic feelings for another guy, if that’s what this even is, but he does know of that “magical” moment you experience that people talk about when you’re in love. Mingyu really wants to love and be loved. He hopes this is love.


Determined to find this mystery guy, Mingyu takes the train home every day in hopes to find a familiar black haired male. Despite telling him “I’ll see you tomorrow”, he wasn’t there the next day and Mingyu was, in some way, a bit disappointed. But, of course he knows they’re practically adults and everyone has their own lives and things change all the time so he has no choice then to just accept it. He even denies the offers to be driven home in a comfortable car by Seungcheol because he just needs to find this guy.


On Monday he has no luck. The most eventful thing that happened on that ride was when some random old guy with an oil stain on his shirt sat next to him and tried to hit on him, forcing him to get off three stops early and walk the rest of the way home. It was hot and humid and by the time he got home he was drenched in sweat. He took a cold shower and went straight to bed with wet hair and the air conditioner on. He woke up as sick as a dog, but that didn’t stop him from making this, whatever this was, happen.


If he thought Monday was bad, well Tuesday was an utter failure. Mingyu had to blow his nose about every five minutes and was literally almost thrown out of his biology lecture by a very old, very annoyed professor. But no, he wouldn’t give up yet because he just couldn’t get the image of that guy sleeping on his shoulder out of his mind. Why couldn’t he remember things as well as that for his upcoming statistics exam?


The train ride home on Tuesday was thankfully better than Monday’s but still no luck on finding mystery boy. Lame or not, Mingyu decided that was a suitable name for now (hoping that he’d actually find out his real name one day hopefully soon).


After a good night’s sleep, Mingyu was definitely feeling a lot better on Wednesday, only left with a scratchy throat. He was starting to lose some hope in finding his new mystery love, but wouldn’t give up so easily. He’d give it until the end of the week to call it hopeless because this could really turn into something. Hopefully. Mingyu really wants to love and be loved.


Of course, Mingyu knows he’s young and has time to figure out his life, but in the back of his head there is always this fear: what if no one will ever love you back? Sure he’s been in relationships, but never something real. He wants more than just a few cheap dates with annoying girls at expensive restaurants. Ironic.


He wants someone he can just lay in bed with and cuddle with and watch old classic Abbot and Costello movies with and not care that he’s honestly super lame and just watch with him and laugh with him and share sweet smiles with and-


It’s him.


Mingyu’s not even on the train right now, but right in front of him is mystery train boy, mixing his coffee herbal-citrus tea and bent over a fat pre-cal text book. His round, thin framed glasses slide down his face, but he doesn’t even notice for just a few seconds and keeps reading until quickly pulling them back up obviously flustered, hoping no one had seen. Mingyu laughs because well, he just couldn’t not laugh at something so adorable. He was definitely in love or whatever this was.


Without coming up with a game plan first, Mingyu takes the chance that he might not get again and walks straight to mystery boy’s table. He doesn’t even have time to feel dumb.


Time seems to slow down as mystery boy raises his glasses up his small nose bridge again and looks up at Mingyu, but Mingyu still can’t process just how dumb he is. Just how is he supposed to make this guy fall in love with him on first sight now?


“U-um, may I help you?” The guy stutters a little and Mingyu is too blind to see the obvious nervousness in his voice that is totally unnecessary. Mingyu just gapes for a few more seconds because- oh my god he’s actually seeing this guy in person again and he’s like literally perfect and everything Mingyu didn’t know he wanted, didn’t know he needed. All common sense in Mingyu is internally and just about externally cringing because this isn’t some chick flick, but damn does Mingyu seem like one of those love struck teens falling for the school quarterback.


“Um-” The other starts again, guessing Mingyu had zoned out (which he had), but Mingyu cuts him off quickly.


“Do you want to go on a date with me?” He asks without even freakin’ noticing how dumb and somewhat creepy he sounds until about a millisecond after finishing his sentence. “I mean,” he needs to explain himself right now because he might be ruining his first and only chance. “thatwasreallycreepyididn’tmeanitlikethatcanwestartover?” he tries, b

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Chapter 3: This was small but precious. Thank you so much!
Bubbaboo #2
Chapter 3: tHIS IS SO CUTE I'M -
ajexastxsvt #4
Chapter 3: So cuteeee! Sequel pleaseee!
shineelogy #5
Chapter 3: this is so adorable omg please make a sequel!
didkyungsoo #6
Chapter 3: cute kim mingyu♡♡♡this was so cute authornim sequel plssss im waiting!
frostbite214 #7
Chapter 3: Chapter 2: ADORABLE!!!!
Youngjaeswifey #8
Chapter 3: PLEASE CONTINUE THIS IS SUCH A ADORABLE STORY!!♡♡ also I would love to read your other fanfic♡♡♡
Chapter 3: Dies because of diebetes
reiyohiru #10
Chapter 3: ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡