Lost Soul (2/2)

Morning Star

Lost Soul (2/2)


Joshua felt rather disturbed when he left Jeonghan this morning so he went straight to see Wonwoo. The young devil always had an idea and good advice when he could not think clearly. He sat in living room reading some old books while the other did his work. He was experimenting something in his basement. The Lucifer did not mind as long as it did not kill majority of humans or angels then it should be ok. 

Strangely today he had an urge to check on the boy at work for no reason. He thought about the date they met Ren, it was odd and dodgy. The incubus was always a trouble maker and so far he did keep that reputation too well especially when he was around Jeonghan. While he was letting his mind wander, suddenly a water glass on the table he reached to just drop on the floor shattered. He could sense something...very wrong.

"Wonwoo!" He called his follower out of sudden.

"Yes my lord"

"I need to check on Jeonghan" He typed down short message to Jeonghan but it was not read. 

"Yes sir" 

"Can you see where Ren is?" He put on his jacket hurriedly. "If you see him...Confine him to his place or do whatever you want" He commanded firmly before getting on the car. He drove to the office, his eyes glanced for returned message from the long hair boy but there was none. The office was not far but traffic was jammed today...he cussed out, flicking his fingers left and right stopping those cars from changing lanes so he could go faster. He could destroy or flipped them on the road but that would cause worse traffic jam so no he could not afford that now. 

He parked his car in front where they did not allow to park but he was in a hurry. He could pay the fine later. Joshua kept asking for Jeonghan whom no one seemed to know where he was. Only that he was seen 20 minutes ago walking out...to be precise…dragging out by the chief. 

"Oh hell" 

"Joshua shi!!!" Mingyu ran approaching the other panting. "Oh god I have been looking for you" He remembered the last word Jeonghan requested him to do…find Joshua. If Jeonghan thought this man could help him then he believed him.

"Where is he??" Mingyu did not need the name to know who Joshua was looking for.

"Seungcheol took him to his apartment" He told Joshua.

"" He cursed out angrily. "How could you let him??" He almost yelled but only how he acted now startled the young junior who stood frozen in his place like he saw a monster unleashed in front of him.

“Get me there now" He commanded. Mingyu never saw Joshua acted this way like he was wearing the sinister expression and it was terrifying. His eyes were burning coal ready to burn someone into bits. The junior detective used his shaky hands quickly sent message for supports and drove Joshua there as fast as he possibly could. He felt it was his responsibility for what happened as Seungcheol obviously used him as an excuse to drag Jeonghan away from the office.

"Stay here"

"But you can't fight Seungcheol alone!"

"Trust me, I can" The Lucifer grinned. He was not here for a fight, he was here to kill. 

When he pushed the button on elevator and it opened on 10th floor. He did not expect to see his beautiful one collapsed in his arms like this. He was bleeding, cut, bruised and a piece of blood stained broken glass was dropped by his side. He could feel warm blood on his hand where he held the boy.

"Jeonghan..." He was a devil, using his power on a human would not be good but it had to be done. “Stay with me” He repeated that word again and again trying to wake him up but he would not…no he could not. He had to heal Jeonghan before it was too late…waiting for ambulance would be too late. 

He pressed his hand on the largest wound stopping the blood first. He was a bit shock because his healing ability did not fully work on Jeonghan…impossible. He kept his hand on a little longer, at least it sealed the stab wound stopping blood from pouring out. His skin was as pale as white paper and it was cold…too cold in his arms, his breathing was shallowing as if he could not breathe in. His eyes scanned for other injuries or fractures but he saw none so far, he decided to scoop the boy up in his arms and went down to Mingyu. 

He had seen human deaths in hell but he could not stand seeing Jeonghan hurt, he hated this. He hated to think of what Jeonghan faced earlier in that room…how scared he would be, how hurt he would be when those wounds were from the man he used to love. 

"The ambulance is on the way" He held the boy tightly to his chest. Jeonghan was breathing softly, he could feel the other soul but it was weak.

"They are coming" He placed right his hand on pale cheek it gently waiting patiently in the lobby. He scanned through those scratches on his beautiful face down to red hand prints on his neck. This was way too much…why hurting Jeonghan who was innocent and had nothing to do with this? He was nearly killed. Joshua was extremely upset and he would strike back at them how they deserved.

Only 5 minutes the team came with Jihoon and Seokmin who were distressed to see their friend unconscious and seriously injured in Joshua arms. The paramedic rushed and brought Jeonghan to the nearest hospital as soon as they could. Jihoon who decided to stay, saw Joshua sitting quietly in the lobby but were afraid to even get closed to this Joshua who was different and frightful.

Joshua hands were stained with fresh human blood. He sat still looking at them. He was in the state which he almost could not control himself. He closed his eyes and breathed, his brown eyes would probably be as red as the blood on his hands. His skin was itching and burning, he was ready to burn down this whole world if no one stopped him. 

"My lord" A deep voice called out. It snapped him from his darkest thoughts.

"Yes" He closed his eyes unmoving but listened.

"Your human is safe now" Wonwoo sat down by his side. He knew his master was generally kind but not when he was upset or hatred involved. Especially, this was Jeonghan the human he loved dearly. "You saved him" Joshua had his eyes shut tight with thoughts. 

"Ren...did you get him?"

"Yes I badly injured the human to get him" That made Joshua smiled. "Where are they?"

"The basement"

"You are quite mean I have to admit" 

"Thank you for the compliment master" He breathed out slowly before opened his eyes which were now back to dark brown, he glanced at Mingyu who had an eye glued on his follower. 

"That boy...he likes you"

"He likes your human" Wonwoo said flatly but the Lucifer shook his head refusing. 

"I can read mind remember?" He stood up and walked to the restroom where he could lock himself away, he also wanted to give the opportunity for the two to know each other. Joshua let cold water ran through his hands washed away stench of crimson blood. He stared darkly at his now clean hands but when he gazed up at the mirror, it was cracked where he looked. He was usually able to control his demonic self rather well but this time he could not...even the stone water sink was broken by his grip.

The knock on the door woke him up again with a low voice calling his name. It was Wonwoo so he opened the door.

"I can drive you to hospital" He said while Mingyu was standing nervously. "Your car at the police station has been taken care of" Wonwoo pointed at Jihoon to let his master knew who helped.

"And him?"

"He is ok, just too scared to talk to you" He commented with a smile. "Are you ok?" He asked worriedly. He knew it was impossible to stop the Lucifer if he himself could not do so.

"Yeah..." He replied tiredly brushing auburn bang off his face.

Joshua went straight to hospital...a second time that Jeonghan was admitted to the place. This time it was worse. He wanted to go back and killed the possessed man but Jeonghan would be upset if he did so he would better stay until his pretty boy woke up. He sat next to bed unmoving the whole night watching Jeonghan soft and slow breathing. The black monitor showed green steady line of his heart beat...he was safe. Joshua kept reminding himself that so he could focus, at least he could stop his thoughts for a while.

The next morning Jeonghan was awake, but much disoriented. He was on high dose of pain killer and other drugs. He opened his eyes to look at Joshua, his pale lips curl into small tired smile he could give. His cold hand was now held closed to the other beating heart.

"You are safe" He kissed soft hand a few times while sitting there.

"You came....thank you" Jeonghan remembered thinking of Joshua when he was cornered in that room. He did pray for someone to help him and he wish it would be Joshua who would come and save him.

“I will always come to you” His thumb rubbed slowly on the back of soft hand. Jeonghan did not reply, his eyes were closing again. "I will go and talk to Seungcheol"
"No…too dangerous" It was nothing like Jeonghan experienced at all. Seungcheol he saw was a mad man who forced him and was about to kill him. His neck still had purple bruises printed on it. If he was not quick enough to hit the man then he would be dead by now.



“I believe you and I think I know how to fix him”

“But...I don't want you to get hurt" Joshua smiled softly knowing that the boy cared for him. That was enough for him to go on with his miserable life. But talked about dealing with possessed soul then he was an expert on that. He was a second ruler of hell so who would not listen to him. They had to obey if he told them too. 

"I won't be hurt" He saw the big brown eyes brighten up by his confirmation. He bent down pecking on pale lips softly. "I promise" Jeonghan blinked before he closed his eyes with smile on his lips.

Joshua sat down a bit more thinking of how he should deal with Seungcheol. Truth to be told, the real Seungcheol did nothing wrong…those cheatings, those harsh words or hates toward the beautiful boy was from the demon possession. His real self was caged inside, could not come out and it would be locked away if the evil did not leave the body. He could chase the evil out easily but he was not sure about the result. Seungcheol might die from it, he might survive but became half death or he might be totally alright. He was not as good as his father so he could not guarantee the outcome. 

But most of all, he was worried that Jeonghan would go back to Seungcheol. What if the man wanted his beautiful boy back? He would become just a stranger again like before? He could not predict the results because they were humans and humans were difficult to predict.

“I love you” Jeonghan would not hear the confession now but he did anyway. He kissed soft lips again before walked out to Seokmin who was waiting outside. He would be looking after his friend along with Jihoon while he was away. They hesitated to give Joshua a keycard to Seungcheol room because what the man did to his friend was brutal. They did not want to risk Joshua life or anyone life.

"I will be fine"

"But you saw what he did to Jeonghan"

"I did" He confirmed coldly. 

"You still want to go? Shouldn't you wait for police to deal with this?" Seokmin tried to argue but Joshua did not seem to listen.

"Police can't deal with him but I think I can" They looked at each other with lots of thoughts. But if the man was this confident, he might have his way to deal with it.

"If you said so" Jihoon defeated. He knew even he warned the other would not do what he asked. Instead he would send ambulance and a few officers for standby in case something bad happened again.



When Joshua arrived at the condo, he went straight up to the room number printed on the keycard. He already ordered Wonwoo to lock the man up in his room so he could not escape anywhere. He opened the door using keycard in his hand and unlocked the bind by his blood. It was quiet from outside but when he walked in, the screaming and growling could be heard from bedroom on his right. He saw drops and traces of dried blood on the floor to the door...must be from Jeonghan since yesterday. 

He opened the bedroom door and Seungcheol was there on his bed with a broken mirror in his hand. The room looked bad enough from the rip and the torn of wallpaper. Bloody hand prints were on wherever the man touched and his hands had long slit and bleeding. His face was stained by his own fresh blood...Jeonghan must have hit him with something but the more he thought about the incident, the more it pissed him off. Seungcheol was only locked here for a day and he caused this much damage. Joshua could not imagine how it would be if he stayed with Jeonghan alone too long. The pretty boy would be killed.

“Wow this is a piece of work” Joshua said to the man in the room who was beaten up.

"Who are you?" His blood shot eyes stared darkly at the visitor.

"Oh I thought we already know each other Seungcheol shi" Joshua sat down calmly on the ripped armchair. He was just a meter away from the range of attack. He saw a devil mark on the bare chest where his shirt was ripped. “Ok maybe not in this handsome human form but you should at least remember me”

“Joshua…” He said softly. This was the real Seungcheol not the possessed one but it was there only for a split second.

“Aha! That’s right” Seungcheol went quiet, seemed like he was thinking. “Why did you hurt Jeonghan like that?” The Lucifer wanted a confirmation from this possessed man whether the order was from Ren or someone else.

“Jeonghan…I want” 

“You already have Jeonghan but you are stupid enough to cheat on him”

“No…master said I can do more, I can do whatever I want with that boy” Alright now, this was not Seungcheol just an idiotic devil in human form.

“My beautiful master” …Ren…right he would deal with the incubus later but why that incubus had to hurt Jeonghan, it did not make senses.

“I can help you”

“You can’t help me” The devil laughed loudly. “You can’t help him” 

“If I can chase you off from his body then I can save him right?” Joshua talked to himself. He was thinking too of how not to kill this man. It was much easier to take lives than to save one.

"I want that boy…that boy…" He growled again...deep voice sounded different now as he was possessed. Joshua made the face hearing that, no one could touch his beautiful boy especially this devil. He flicked his finger before a piece of broken mirror in strong hand went flying hitting the floor shattered. Disarmed first.

"This isn't fun"

"That boy is mine" Seungcheol his bloody finger enjoying the pain.

"Tsk...He is not a thing"

“I want his beautiful soul” The man looked dreamy and delusive. "His soul..."

"Why do you want HIS soul?? There are others"

"Master wants" Whatever he had been saying was a total madness and bull but this was something.

"Why?" He asked again wanting to know the answer.

"He wants the prince back" It was all about him after all but they did not need to hurt Jeonghan to do that.

"You mean me??" The Lucifer laughed. Yes, he was that damn prince. This human form must be too civilized but it served his purposes rather well.


"Yes me" Joshua smiled coldly. "Someone who can shut you up and send you back to hell" He chuckled while talking. His pupils were now crimson and when he cracked his neck a pair of pointed bones extended their way out from his skull. They projected two pitch-black and strong horns like burning blades curved and bent...sharp tips pointed toward the back. 

"Surprised?" He chuckled. "What should I do with you?" His long finger nails tapped on his lips. He flicked his fingers thinking but it caused a spark every time he did...silencing the demon.

"But…low rank stupid devil like you doesn’t deserve my help" He smirked daring the other.

Seungcheol hesitated when he saw a flare of red fury eyes staring back at him. Those crimson eyes were not belonged to any devils but the prince himself. Joshua remained his signature smile wishing the devil would realize who he was talking to but what to expect from a fool. Seungcheol made an attempt and launched to him, Joshua moved swiftly keeping his eyes on the mad man. He only glanced at the possessed human who literally went flying by unknown force back hitting wall hard. A few ribs were probably fractured because he was now struggling to breath and could not stand up for another fight.

“If you kill me, you kill the human too” 

“Just shut up, will you?” The broken mirror went flying slicing past his right arm. Seungcheol winced and stopped talking, he glanced back painfully and this was the human. This was the same old jealous ex-boyfriend…what a confusion. Lucifer sighed deeply to himself, it was better to finish this fast or he would not be able to stop himself any further.

He slowly approached the abused man on the floor. "It's surprising you don't know me...I’m quite famous in hell" The Lucifer stepped closely while his hand went on the neck grabbing hard until the older man choked. Seungcheol was choking blood and slowly losing his breath.

“I am the prince of hell...Lucifer you may know my name” Joshua gleamed and purposely pressed harder on the man throat. He could hear the crack and snap…humans were fragile but this man deserved much more pain than what he had done to Jeonghan. 

"Your master is Ren isn’t he?” Joshua lifted him up higher of the ground. “I will personal deal with him later” Seungcheol eyes went wide in shocked and frightened. 


“Of course I am” His crimson eyes were smiling emotionlessly. His sharp curly horns were out on the top of his head…his demon form, not very pleasant. His hands were burning flame touching on human skin as if it was directly on fire and that made the demon howled in pain. 

“Go back where you belong...” He said before the other man shook violently. His eyes rolled back until only white showing before he dropped on the floor with a loud thud unconscious. Joshua bent down poking him a little making sure the human was breathing. The red mark on his chest was fading and disappeared.

"I succeed on not killing this human!" He smoothen his jacket proudly. Joshua was back in his human form smiling brightly at his work.

“I got to call 911? Yes I should” The Lucifer talked to himself and looked for house phone which was on the wall by the kitchen. He dialed 911 right away and mentioned detail he saw before sneaked out from the room quietly. He came down waiting in the lobby while the officers ran up to the condominium with the paramedic team. 

“Thank you for your help” Mingyu bowed lowly.

“How is Jeonghan?”

“He is sleeping”


“You will stay with him?” 

“I can't now but I will be back tonight” The gentle man went out without any scratches making Mingyu wondered. He then saw his senior condition who came down with the paramedic, his body was covered by blood and purple bruises. His arm and hands had deep slices, he had a cervical collar on blocking his neck in place. Comparing to Joshua, it was a total different…what did he actually do?

“He hurt himself badly when I walked in” Joshua commented when he saw what Mingyu thought. “I would recommend him to a psychiatrist” He said firmly before walked out calling a cab and went back to Wonwoo house. He had another business to finish. 

Right after he walked in the living room, he heard a piercing scream so he stepped down to the basement. His follower had fun torturing human but the scream was from the incubus not the man. Ren cried his heart out when he saw Baekho was stabbed on his shoulder. That sword could kill the devil but Wonwoo used it on the human instead. 

"Look who is here"

"Lucifer" He called the other name with tear in his red eyes. Ren never cried but now he did.

"Your plan was ruined unfortunately" He said while sitting down on sofa opposite to the two bodies chained up the wall. "He isn't dead yet?" 

"Let him go"

"Ren you are an incubus...you shouldn't love" Ren went quiet this time. This would probably be the first time he punished the devil. He either killed them or let them leave, one way or another but Ren…he was like a friend so killing was not an option. Besides, his father was a part of this evil plan so blamed all to the incubus seemed a bit unreasonable but he needed to learn his lesson. 

"No please don't hurt him anymore" He tried to reach and helped the strong man who opened his eyes tiredly. His arm was blood soaked as well as his torso. The Lucifer turned to look at his follower who was wiping the blade clean, did not care whether the incubus would beg or do anything. Nothing ever affected him.

"Jeonghan was stabbed on his back" Joshua stood up. He bent down looking at Ren who was quite beaten up as well. "I know I can just..." He plunged his long nails in where the organ was supposed to be...incubus had no beating heart of course but the fire on his skin and the sharp stab were horrendous. Ren already closed his eyes accepting the death punishment but he abruptly pulled his hand out, thick darkening blood dropped on grey concrete floor as he walked away. "I won't kill you" His voice was flat.

"You are begging for this human?" He asked again. Joshua stopped and bent down looking at Baekho who was rarely conscious. 

“Please you can kill me, just let him live” Ren was sobbing hard. He just did what he was ordered and his lover should not face the consequence for him. Baekho was just a human.

"You don't have a heart Ren but this human does" Joshua glared dangerously at the incubus. His blackish blood soaked nails were slowly slitting on broad chest causing deep burning scars. 

"Nooo....no please Lucifer" He begged. His wrists had severe cuts from iron chains hanging from the brick wall.

"Jeonghan is...my life" He dug his crawls deeper this time causing the incubus to scream...he screamed for his lover who was tortured mercilessly. 

Joshua did not care...he refused to listen to the scream and the begging. He only had one thought in mind...his mind was full of the beautiful boy he loved. He was thinking about Jeonghan who laid lifeless in his arms bleeding and bruised...hurt and frighten. His crawls sank in human fresh slowly...warm red liquid seeping, drop by drop dripping down on his chest.

"I...am...so..s..sorry" He sobbed and pleaded and begged just to make Joshua stopped. "Please stop...please" 

Joshua let his mind wandered. He then thought of the beautiful but exhausted smile he gave before he left the hospital...I don't want you to get hurt. Then Joshua stared at Baekho bruised face, this poor human would protect the incubus with his dear life. 

Lucifer pulled himself away and sat down on the sofa watching the two. They were couple and it was obvious that Ren loved this human and he could also sacrifice his immortal life for him. Joshua understood how that felt now more than anyone, it was one of the reasons why he stopped.

He was not so cruel like his father and he knew very well himself. His father said he was too weak but his mother thought differently. It was good to be who he was…that was what his mother said since he was young. This time, he expected whether he killed incubus or not, it did not matter. His father would not stop trying so he had to find his own way to deal with this.

“I can kill you” The deep voice commented. He did not care even a little for this devil, he was only faithful to his lord. He did not understand why love was so hard, why love if it made them suffered. Maybe because he never found the one yet. Unlike his master who was madly in love with an Adonis-like human, a boy with a gift. He was once told by Joshua that it was worth the risk but he still did not understand. It was like when he attracted to that young detective, a boy whom he only met twice and talked once yesterday. He might be able to understand the relationship then. The devil hoped.

“Then kill me” Ren pleaded. His eyes were fixed on the bruised face of his human lover. 

“That’s not going to happen” The Lucifer commanded. He did not have plan to kill Ren, death was an easy way but living was hard. He stood up and talked to his follower who nodded understanding. The man cut the chain loose from the human but let the incubus stayed in the dark basement while he moved the strong man to the room upstairs. 

“What are you doing to him???” 

“He will be fine” That did not sound well to the incubus at all. “He will live, until Jeonghan is awake” He said before leaving. The sentence made Ren cried even harder.

Joshua took his time changing his clothes and cleaning himself before he left the house. It was very late already but he sneaked in to Jeonghan room anyway. He needed to make sure the boy was safe and resting. He sat down by the bedside, looking at the pale face gleaming under the moonlight. It would be impossible to leave Jeonghan and stopped loving him but what if his ex-lover was now back. What would Jeonghan do? 



Joshua woke up in the morning when the light was . He opened his eyes sleepily and saw two figures came in. The doctor and a nurse came in to check on Jeonghan but he was still asleep. They observed on the monitor which showed normal heart rate and stable blood pressure. They walked out with the notice to Joshua to let them know when their patient woke up. Jeonghan stirred awake after 15 minutes past, he opened and shut his eyes when facing the sudden light on the ceiling. 

“Hey cutie”

“Josh…” He replied softly. “You are back” 

“Yes I am” He brushed long messy hair off pretty face. Jeonghan tried to sit up but his entire body was sore and hurt.

“Wait...I will help you” He supported the boy up and put pillow behind his back. Jeonghan looked around before looked at his hands. He touched where it hurt but his back was alright, no wound? He remembered he was stabbed quite deep.

"How long did I sleep?"

"Almost 2 days" He handed a glass of water and the boy took it for a small sip. His head was arching, he legs were sore and he did not feel like moving much yet. 

"I will call the doctor in"


"Yes?" He was about to ask something but stopped.

"Umm, nothing" Joshua ruffled long hair tenderly. 

"I will be right back" 

Joshua called for the doctor and he left home for a change. Replaced by Jihoon who hugged Jeonghan right after he walked in. He complained like his usual self but there were lots of love in them that Jeonghan could see. Mingyu came in a little later with a giant bouquet of mixed flowers. He was sad and fear for Jeonghan but he was safe now. That was all it mattered.

They did not tell Jeonghan about his ex-boyfriend yet, actually he was in the other ward Joshua suggested him to be. It was better for him to be treated by psychiatrist. Their friends thought so too but this was kept secret from everyone outside. They would never know about the incident.

Maybe an hour or so, Joshua came back with new clothes. He looked more refresh ready for the day and Jeonghan now sat up straight watching TV from his bed. He had new bandages on his hands, his face and his legs. 

"Good morning cutie"

"Good morning" 

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm alright just hurt" He smiled softly and a little sadly. He could not erase what Seungcheol did to him. It was a big wound in his heart and mind, he still remembered strong hands on his neck and those hateful words threatening to kill him. 

"You are ok now" He rubbed the other back slowly and gently. 

"You saved me again" He looked at Joshua tender eyes. "But I never return you any favor" 

"I do it for you, I don't need anything back" He thought of yesterday when the one he loved laid unconscious in his arms, so much blood...he almost did not make it.

"You aren't hurt anywhere are you?" His wound hands suddenly grabbed Joshua’s hand checking for an injury which he saw none so he smiled out in relief. That was surprising and touching at the same time. 

“I am ok…but Seungcheol” Joshua stopped then continued with the explanation. “He was badly hurt but ok now, he is in the other ward" Jeonghan touched his bandaged hand painfully thinking about those cold brown eyes and hot breathe on his neck telling him how much he wanted to take his life. 

"Jeonghan..." He touched the boy shoulder and he instantly flinched away. "Everything is ok now" He pale cheek gently. This memory would never been healed.

"When can I go home?"

"As soon as the doctor allows" He explained. Jeonghan frowned slightly though but looking at his condition now, staying at hospital would be better. 



"I thought I saw you in my dream" At least he thought it was a dream. He could feel a fainted brush on his lips and warm hands on his hands holding them. It was a dream right? He touched his lips thinking.

"I did kiss you if that's what you want to ask" He commented with a smile that made the boy turned the other way hiding his face.

"Why?" The devil did not reply. He had an answer but it stuck by the tip of his tongue and he could not say it out as much as he wanted to. He turned back looking at Joshua with questions shown through those brown eyes, but did not say or ask anything more. Instead, Jeonghan went quieter for the rest of the day, pretending he did not even ask.



Almost a week passed, the doctor allowed Jeonghan to go back home but under his friends' care. He was more than happy to be out from that square white room. It was too similar to where he used to being caged. Besides, he missed drawing. He also knew Seungcheol was still unconscious, it had been 5 days already and it worried him. He did not pay a visit to his ex-boyfriend yet because he knew he was not ready.  

"Jeonghan" A soothing voice called from living room. Joshua was being his usual self-teasing around whenever he could but he was always here to help. Jeonghan remembered what he was told and he would never ask again. He would just think it was his delusion and it never happened.


"Sit down for a second"


"I need your suggestion"

"My suggestion?" He asked doubtfully. 

"Yes" He nodded. "And it is very important"


"Ren...he is the cause of all these messes" Yes beautiful Ren who his ex-boyfriend wanted. "What should I do with him?"

"What do you mean?" Jeonghan asked. "You are not planning to kill him or revenge him, are you?"

"Umm...no" He wanted to kill the incubus. That was his initial plan but as Jeonghan refused so other alternatives would be used.

“Forgive him” Jeonghan said softly before stood up finding his drawing tools. He did not put much thought in his answer but there was no need in revenging for something which could not be fixed. 


"Yes" He turned facing Joshua serious face. 

"Are you ok?" 

"Yes of course" Joshua saw a little sadness in this pair of eyes even he could not read his mind but he knew. Was it because he did not give a clear answer that day? Was it something else? Jeonghan continued with his finding before he was stopped by strong arms around his body holding him tight. 

"Please tell me what is wrong?" Jeonghan stood still. Should he ask again? Say it out loud? Or let it passed like it never happened?

"Nothing is wrong" His soft voice replied but Joshua knew better. He let go off his arms before cupping lovely face in his hands. Jeonghan looked more than confused.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"No you saved my life, how is that wrong?" He smiled but did not look up. His face was tilted up and suddenly his lips were sealed by the other soft ones.

"I did kiss you" He reconfirmed again tighten his hug. 

"Why?" I loved you that was why. He did not reply again just embraced the boy in his arm. Jeonghan did not know whether he should be sad or happy...the kiss was nice but not knowing the answer was frustrating.

"I will tell you when the time comes" That was his answer...yes he wanted to buy time until he was sure this boy loved him back or was willing to be with a demon like himself. He wanted to make sure that Jeonghan was sure of himself too...because being with the Lucifer was not something fun, it was more lethal than a human could handle. 

"I understand" Sweet voice replied. 



After Jeonghan went to bed, he was out to Wonwoo house. He knew what would be the worst punishment to the devil. He walked straight to Baekho who sat quietly at the door to the basement. The human really loved Ren, he had to admit.

"Stand up, let's have a talk"

"Why do you have to lock him down there?"

"It would be better if I just kill him instead?" The Lucifer asked coldly.


"Alright then talk?"


"You never know what your lover has done don't you?" Joshua asked. He was very patient today.


"I will tell you the whole truth today and you can decide what to do with him" He knew Baekho was Ren's only boyfriend...meaning someone he was serious with and stayed with. He explained to Baekho about how his lover killed both officers, broke the boy heart by stealing Seungcheol away and eventually tried to kill Jeonghan.

"He tried to kill the only man I ever love" That pissed him off the most. His eyes were his usual crimson red staring right at the human.

"I...I didn't know"

"Now you know"

"I am sorry"

"He is ok now" 

"That beautiful boy right?" Joshua nodded. 

"What are you planning to do to us?" He asked. He knew hurting the prince's lover was forbidden, death sentence was the punishment. 

“I know my father is a part of this silly plan” The Lucifer avoided answering that question. “He sent Ren to do the job” Joshua could only sigh. He knew how stubborn his father was, that gene also ran through his vein. He was happy here on earth, he found the one and he did not want to go back yet...whatever his father tried to do or say, he would not follow.

“I will separate you two for a while” A while for demon was very long. “Seungkwan will send you to your house tonight”

“Can I see him before?”

“You prefer seeing him tonight and never saw him again for the rest of your life?” Baekho shook his head. “Then do what I said”

Seungkwan stood with Wonwoo listening attentively. They were waiting for an order…the human would be sent back home safely, unharmed but Ren destiny was still uncertain. The prince had not yet decided what to do with the incubus. Seungkwan left with Baekho bringing him home which was a bit out of town, he was instructed to keep quiet and no conversation allowed. 

“How about Ren?”

“I will bring him back to hell” The Lucifer answered. Wonwoo was surprised to hear the decision but did not argue. They took Ren out from the basement directly to hell where all of them belonged. Everyone was happy to see the prince back home. Joshua pulled the incubus along to the largest chamber to who he did not want to meet the most.


“You are back”

“Just today”

“Hmm why so short?”

“I’m not here to have conversation with you father”

“Are you back here to see the one I chose for you?” Joshua rolled his eyes an instant. 

“No” He replied firmly. “Would you please stop asking me non sense questions?”

“Sure” His father smiled eyeing the incubus bruised face. His son was sure mad this time or he would never lay a hand one anyone.

“You sent him to kill my bride?” He asked angrily. The Satan was surprised to hear the word “bride” from his son. He was glad hearing that but he guessed the incubus went overboard about bringing his son back.

“I don’t care if he hurt that human but the boy is someone I love” Ren could only kneel quietly on the cold black stones floor. 

“I will punish him for hurting your bride” The Satan smiled coldly at the incubus. He also knew the devil had a human lover who he protected. “The human memory about you shall be erased” After he heard that he collapsed tiredly on the cold floor and cried. The incubus looked up sadly thinking of his lover who would forget about him and his existence…forever. He would rather die than living.

“For you, my son…you love a human?”


“A boy?”

“Yes” He observed his father expression as well but it was very difficult sometimes as his father always had that tender smile plastered on his face even when he was upset.

“Is he that beautiful?” The Satan asked curiously. He never thought his son would fall for a human in the first place and also a boy, what a surprise. 

“The word beautiful is not enough to describe him” His father was pleased with his son answer but that also came with an expectation.

“You will bring him back soon?” He had no plan on doing that. 

“No” Joshua replied firmly. “I don’t want to tell mother about this so how about I give you an offer” The Satan looked skeptical because his son was very smart and quite a tricky one just like himself. 

“Tell me and I will consider”

“You shall not interfere with our relationship and I will bring him here when it is his time” The Satan understood the deal well. It was quite a reasonable but he wanted his son back earlier. 

“He doesn’t know what you are yet does he?” The Lucifer shook his head. “Did you mark him yet?” His father asked grumpily. “I guess it is another no”

“Too many questions!” He replied.

“When are you planning to tell him?”

“I have no idea” The Lucifer did not have an idea nor plan on doing all that.

“How long do I have to wait?”

“You have forever father” He smiled, did not scare of the Satan at all. The man in black thought again, if he did something harshly to the boy then his son would forever hate him and being rebel he was now. Besides, telling his wife would make things worse. Everyone knew how scary his wife could become. 


“Alright, I shall take my leave” He smiled at his father then turned his face to the incubus again, the blonde hair boy sat down on the floor sobbing painfully. He still could not regain his energy back from what he heard earlier. He wished Joshua would kill him but the Lucifer had different idea, death was too easy. Ren should learn his lesson, and this was how he wanted to be.



While Joshua was away, Jeonghan decided to visit the older boy at the hospital. It had been 10 days since he was in but Seungcheol was still unconscious. He did not know yet what Joshua did to stop the man but those injuries were drastic. The doctor told him that the man had broken ribs and he was choking his own blood when he came in. The physical injuries were largely healed but mentally they were not sure because the man did not wake up since.

Jeonghan walked in the tiny white room again and sat on the chair by the bed. He looked at a pale Seungcheol who was much thinner and ill. He was too scared to even touch his ex-boyfriend hand so he sat there watching quietly. Jihoon was on the sofa reading as he knew his friend could not deal with this himself. He needed time to heal as well.

“He will be awake sooner or later Jeonghan” Jihoon said. He was not very good with comfort words.

“I know” 

“We are here over an hour now, I think we should leave”

“Yes I think so too” The long hair boy put the flowers by the table and left. Jihoon dropped by to the chief patting his hand lightly telling him to wake up soon. He wished to see his friend woke up too but he could only pray and wait.

Both of them went back home, did not want to talk further about their friend condition. Jihoon was worried a lot for Jeonghan because he was effected the most. Since the incident he was quieter and seemed like he would shut himself out from this world again. It was worse now that Joshua was away to the unknown place he did not tell them about. He only said he had business to take care of and it was somewhere far away from where they lived so it would take a couple days. Jihoon only believed half of the story Joshua told but he did not argue as this man had been helping and protecting his long hair friend ever since they knew each other. 

He also thought these two had developed this special relationship toward each other since the first time they met, the chemistry was there although both refused to acknowledge it. But Joshua had a lots of secret lying within just how he was until now there were things they did not know about, things he desperately wished no one would ever know just like how he dealt with Seungcheol. He said he only talked to the man but how come their chief came out badly injured while he had no single scratch. 

“Hey Jeonghannie”


“You and Joshua” Jihoon asked while helping his friend cutting vegetables.

“We are friends”

“But he likes you though” The small pink hair boy commented. 

“He does?”

“My personal opinion” He smiled at Jeonghan who looked at the pan in his hand. 

“Maybe he is nice to everyone” Jihoon wanted to argue his friend because he witnessed the whole scenario on the date. His friend would never see that despair expression Joshua had when he looked at unconscious boy in his arms. How much love he had but never been spoken, How much care he had for his friend…Jihoon saw all that.

“Life is short you know? If you want to say anything to him just say it” 

“What should I tell him?”

“That you like him” The smaller boy handed the plate of cut veggies to his friend. Jeonghan took it and put it in the hot pan.

“What if he reject me?”

“He never rejects you” The long hair boy stirred the food on the pan, thinking. He thought about what Joshua told him, when the time came and he would explain. 

“You won’t tell him, will you?”

“I will wait” 

“Ok” Jihoon sat down at the stool watching his friend cooked. “Tell me when you need my help” He commented. Normally he would not care but this was Jeonghan, he was like a brother and a very good friend to him so he cared. 




Joshua came back a few days later, he seemed too happy but rather than that it was the same. He would drop by every morning and stayed until Jeonghan went to bed but never mentioned or asked about Seungcheol, like he knew already. 



“What did you do to Seungcheol?” He choked his blood when he went to the hospital. Jeonghan remembered well what the doctor said.

“I just talked to him and made him understand” That sounded easy which was all lies because Jeonghan did not know what Joshua was so telling him that his boyfriend was possessed by an evil would be out of story. 

“Just that?”

“Yes just that” Joshua left out the rest and smiled. 

“But doctor said he was brutally beaten up”

“Do I look like someone who could beat your ex-boyfriend up?” Jeonghan tilted his head thinking…right Joshua would never beat anyone. He was slim and gentle. 

“No” Jeonghan nodded to himself while concluding his doubts. Joshua would never hurt anyone and there was no reason this tender man would hurt Seungcheol so it must be someone or something else. Suddenly, the gentle man moved closer…a bit too close until he shifted himself away.

“So?” His smiling foxy-like eyes looked right in big brown orbs. “You still doubt me?” The pretty boy looked straight at TV which was not on…this was a little too close.

“I’m sorry”

“No need, I’m not mad and I understand how you feel” He poked soft cheek teasingly.

“You saved him”

“Well….let see” He tapped his index finger on his lower lip. “I guess I did” The devil chuckled at the word “saved”, he guessed he did save that poor man soul from being locked up forever but Seungcheol was saved or not that they had to wait until he woke up.

“You really don’t want anything in return?”

“I do” 

“What do you want?” Joshua grinned hearing the offer. He could tease Jeonghan forever about this or even demand something from the boy.

“Whatever I want?” He shifted himself closing the gap between them now his hand was on slim waist.


“Seungcheol is in hospital, all your friends are probably at work…so…just you and me” Those words made Jeonghan tensed up slightly. Joshua moved closer to his ears while he shut his eyes tight. His nose touched silky brown hair lightly. “I won’t do anything to you little bunny” Joshua chuckled softly and moved away leaving the pretty boy blushing bright red.

“But you said…”

“Yes to be honest, that is tempting but no I won’t do anything like that” Jeonghan finally breathed out. “Or you want??”

“No” Joshua laughed out at how fast the pretty boy rejected. He moved away again arms folding to himself while looking at Jeonghan. How much he wanted to be able to reach into Jeonghan mind…to know, to see and to experience what he saw or dream of. 

“I’m serious now…in exchange of me saving him, I want to be by your side”

“But you are already by my side”

“I mean someone you can rely on” Jeonghan looked at him curiously like no one had asked him this. This was strange feeling and it showed through those big brown eyes. He thought of those soft kisses on his lips, they lingered on his mind and never seemed to go away. 


“Because you make me happy” and I love you, again he did not say the part out. He knew he should not say any of that but it was the truth. Jeonghan deserved to hear that, he deserved to know that he was loved. The big brown eyes were soften and he smiled softly to himself. Before he turned facing Joshua and his red lips curled into wide bright smile. His eyes were smiling too and it was the definition of dreamy, artistic and lovable...the promising smile he gave, that smile was only for him. 









This chapter is really long!!! I made it ^^

Jeonghan was saved from Seungcheol...whewww~~

I hope you enjoy reading!

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Chapter 2: This seems interesting ?✨
chagunseunghyun #2
I loved the story and I am so happy that there's a sequel. Nice work author-nim. Uhm, do you have a poster for this?
jeonghae #3
Chapter 24: owhhh it getting more exciting!!
rihann #4
Chapter 24: Can't wait for the sequel...
heemenashi #5
Chapter 24: wow sequel ~~~~ cant wait >< fighting!
Yeollie0803 #6
Nice description <3 can't wait to read the rest!
Ceresme90 #7
Chapter 24: Omg you are the best i was waiting for the happiely every after stoy but this plot is killing love your writting always have such twices ans truns which keeps me hooked to it till the end
FrainZL #8
Chapter 24: Wow sequel..I'm glad you've updated..fighting author nim ;)
classca #9
Chapter 24: Oh shoot! Now there's an angel Prince too!!!
Hwangnn #10
Chapter 24: Oh!!!it's interesting!!I'm curious who is the angel!Please update soon .Thank you :)